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Daida earned some points this episode



Another one?? Thank you

Roy Sinoux

3 rok episodes this week? blessed


For anyone confused about the schedule, Roshi told the discord today that there will be only 1 NGNL this week and 3 next week to make up for it. They saw episode 4 and couldn't wait to watch episode 5 of RoK. Also Harley will be 1 today, 1 tomorrow. Uploads will be late tomorrow due to them being busy. Join discord to keep yourself updated.


Daida really had me conflicted. I hated him one episode, respected him the next.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Thank Daida for being a normal person with common sense if a bit late. Demonic Ritual drink made of my father's blood? Hard pass, I would've been out the moment my dad's corpse got put in a meat grinder.

Son Gokhan

They know he owns this mirror why do they let him have it


Im not sure if you guys know but Kage is actually still a child


Y'all hear Daida. I just hear Eren. Lmao


I feel like they showed Daida everything as a test of character. Like for the viewers because other than that it was pointless. This is really the first episode we see his character. This show's misdirection is great.

Antonio Williams

This series is nothing but nuance, plays and misdirects. The next few episodes are going to be WILD!

Shirley B

Since Domas lost his right arm, kinda feels symbolic, like he’d never be a king’s right hand man.


Honestly kinda happy you did Ep 4 & 5 together!!


The same person also voices Meliodas (Seven Deadly), Kenma (Haikyuu), Todoroki (My Hero) and a bunch of other awesome characters


that was the hand that he thought he killed boji with that why he did not want it


3 eps we eating

Smash Bran'Discootch

They do a really good job of going into why he is the way he is and any time they do that with a character you can't help but empathize with them. All of the characters on this show are really really good.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So like this is still basically a Medieval society. Imagine having to invent a blender just to serve a kid his dad.


7:45 "It is I, King of the Dead!"


It most definitely was a character test. In a lot of fictional stories, Kings ( even good Kings ) do extremely fucked up things in secret ( with some inner circle most the time ) in the pursuit of power that have you question if they're a good person ( Like the fucked up King plot that happened in the live action Maleficent movie and the many weird things that went on in the King Arthur legends, etc. ) Right now, King Bosse looks like this great guy but I'm betting he's done some horrible things in the background too, especially with Mirror being part of this Royal drama even before Bojji and Deida were born.


Daida still workin with negative points though


A big thing I've noticed on this show. All the characters love eachother. They're one big happy family, but they're being torn apart because of these royal traditions that's taking a toll on their personal loyalties toward eachother and everyone is being forced to pick sides ( leading to betrayals that break their own hearts ) while there's shady outside forces making all this worse for everyone. I'm pretty sure King Bosse had to do something messed up to gain his own kingdom in the first place ( that involves Mirror ) and now that he died, the Mirror is taking action to have her debt be paid for aiding King Bosse in the past and it's tearing everyone apart since most of the adult characters were here during the beginnings of King Bosse's kingdom.


all the characters are so nuanced w complex motivations which is what makes it so great


Well he's a little boy who hasn't grown up yet so I ain't shocked.


This show has got me crying right off the bat.

I-Jah Armstrong

I am not even complaining ranking of kings is great


So Boji really is cursed. And no wonder he is so small, the perfect curse for a Giant would be to make them tiny.


Bro wtf is this boji should’ve died like 3 times 😭


I love how this show handles the first impressions you get from its characters. It likes to flip those initial impressions on their heads in a way that helps to reveal the depth of its characters.


Idk if yall missed it but the queen said she had a feeling that she will never see Boji AND Daida again at the end of Episode 3. Boji is “gone.” Now what will happen to daida?


Next up, drop NGNL and RoK 4x/week lol


Well remember that bojji is still a giant. He probably has a natural high defense and endurance when compared to humans.


awh lawd i really wanna watch this along with y'all but this is just too juicy. Im going ahead and coming back. Appreciate the reactions guys


Domas is literally Jaime Lannister


Yes you can keep watching this !! It would be amazing if you guys would catch up to the weekly airing


I did this after their episode two reaction. I couldn't wait and binged it in a night. It's too good


doesn't really make it ok though...


Not sure if it was said but Kage's voice actor is Ayumu Murase, Hinata's voice actor from Haikyuu!! (also Joe from Parasyte)


I don't think I've seen an anime that had me this in my feelings.


they really wanted him to drink his fathers goop hell naw

Peacefinder Simply

but doesn't do it in a bs way that makes little sense, its backs up the characters well from what we have seen, we just see one side is all. A show can so twists left and right, doesn't mean it makes sense and is good.

RavinFox .

I was so fascinated by this episode(let alone the show) the first time I saw it that I'm only just NOW realizing how incredibly fucked up the whole process was lol This show shifts between whimsical and dark at the drop of a hat/crown.


Daida sounds like Eren. do they have the same VA?


Glad to see you guys fall under the spell of RoK, it was so hard to not binge all available episodes in one sitting (I managed to stretch to three sessions). Next Tuesday can’t come soon enough.

rickie woodson

WOW crazy theory. what if the mirror bitch is boji's mom? she was sitting right next to the king in the flashback so had to be his kid or bride. i would say maybe a vizier but so far i havent seen any of the servants SIT next to a throne in the show. could be totally wrong but she's super small like boji and would explain why she is involved with the kingdom

rickie woodson

cursed and power taken? looks like one of my predictions is going to come true. break the curse and get his power back and boji has a literally grow up and glow up to be a real giant

rickie woodson

sam wise vs jamie lannister. instant clap

rickie woodson

i thought they just threw her whole body into the mirror dimension but they seperated her soul from her body, put the soul in the mirror and put the body on ice? the sorcery here is MAD extra lol gotta love ritual magic lol


Bro. Eren be wildin no matter where he goes lmao

Onyekachi Nkenke

But in the first episode they showed Boji’s mom and she was a giant. And i’m pretty sure the tiny throne beside the King was for Hiling


Oh damn I can hear it now. Now I think he's even cuter. Great.

Leanne Stephenson

There's a few well known VA's in this show- off the top of my head you have Daida- same VA as Eren, Kenma and Todorki Kage-is Hinata from Haikyuu and Luck from Black Clover And the guy fighting at the end for Boji is Deku's VA


You don't need to "think" he did it. You can play back and see for yourself.

Brandon Rodgers

Daida really out here helping the homunculus in the flask

Otter Mane

I like how both brothers went down a spiral staircase in this episode.

Alex cleveland

Im cool with 3 eps per week for RoKs 😂🤩

Hana keiser

this show and Rascal does not dream really play with Cliches and stereotypes well.


It's only two a week. Next week, we'll only be getting 1 episode of Ousama because we got an extra one this week.


He cut off his right hand, so he can't be Daida's right hand man :)

David Emerson

I love how they casually reveal that bojii was actually born a giant.


cant wait to see more guys


Was 2xNGNL a one time deal for last week?


Episode 12 is a recap only in the beginning. And definitely do NOT skip the intro - that intro is ART.



Nick Perez

How tf does Sheera predict everything


Proud of Lupa for predicting Bojji's curse. Nice W




Oh damn took me 5 episodes to realize that is Eren's VA on his brother.


"Drink Hellscream, claim your destiny." This entire thing between Daida and the mirror felt so much like the Warlords of Draenor cinematic.

Reckless Company

is the ranking out of a 100 or is the number higher cuz the brother is in 90th but his dad was in 7th so i was just wondering


ahh so thats why boji despite being the son of giants is so small and weak. He must of been cursed since birth probably by that mirror. His father died of a curse as well hence the demon thing and the mirror is ordering around some ocult looking mofos. The flashback was weird AF tho was this like a demon that helped his father become king in the first place or some arch enemy his father imprisoned and as a result got cursed.

Steven Fechter

yeah i dont get it at all. maybe i missed something but how many kings are there? is there more than just daida and his brother? and where are they? if they all control their own lands, why do daida and boji and benji or whatever his dads name is all live together?


So because he was born under a star, that cursed him? Or did someone place a curse on him through the star the night he was born? I just remember them mentioning a star earlier in the first episode, which is why he couldn't grow.