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The betrayal!



Daddy yes




Get Racheled


This is not said in episode 2 to my knowledge. (original message was deleted)

Benjamin Moore

this is one heck of a samurai jack episode


In the king's first appearance it was said that he was the 7th place king i believe

Sunshine Hall

Wasn't he first place? Or was he first place in strength,cuz they said he was the strongest.


I know someone that should be burnin in hell, Domas is trash


"This is not Made in Abyss" End of the Episode: Great Chasm into the Abyss

Damian B

I think Domas had poisoned the meat and the kunai knocked it away so that little man wouldn't eat it which why the foxes died. I'm not sure but that was my take away at least


Bebin was preventing Boji from eating the meat that Domas poisoned.

Ryan Hill

Domas poisoned the meat and BeBin/Kage through kunai to stop Boji from eating the poisoned meat, at least I think so.

Papa Souls

yo money says the kunai weren't poisoned and that the meat was already poisoned, my man Bepin doing his all to protect Boiji.


So Domas was basically saying that he had no choice but to follow the orders of the new king, he was foreshadowing his assassination.


Bruh... it was the MEAT that was poisoned. You think an assassin would just miss like that?


All my homies hate Domas.


Literally none of these characters are one-dimensional, they all have complex backgrounds that determine their behavior and their redemption.

Peacefinder Simply

thats what was said, unless kage was also mistaken which is possible, but kage did say the meat was poisoned and its not the kunai knives.

rickie woodson

i read ahead to see what the show was about and just reading the characterss bios i got major spoilers. but not on stuff like the queen having healing powers or her actually caring about boji but i found out about the mirror?? wiki peeps are so odd with what they put and dont put lol. even with the mirror i just know its evil not who/what is in it, again odd. i do wonder what will happen to boji on his pokemon journey. will he learn new skills like in that fairy tale "the four skillful brothers" and if he is a slow grower and will have a magical glow up? like at the end of the series does he hit puberty and become a whole giant like his dad or something? im hoping not but he gets some magical skills/powers


God damn I love watching you guys trying to figure out all these motivations. I think the simplicity of the animation style itself does some mental jujitsu on your mind, lulling you into thinking the story and characters are also simple, even when you know it’s not.

rickie woodson

so daida must not have paid attention in class. mom said its pandora's box. thats all i need to know. DONT OPEN IT


What if whoever threw the kunai was trying to stop boji from eating the meat that couldve already been poisoned??🤯🤯


OH SHIT only now i realise that Kaiba Voice Actor is the same of EREN YEAGER


Nevermind i am serving myself the self-clappage. Just watched the 5th ep lol

The Pebble

Yes, voice actors usually work on more than one show or movie in their careers, lmao.

The Pebble

Kinda blows my mind there are at least 90 known kings, like how much land is in this world? You must be able to just throw rocks to all the neighboring kingdoms.

Brandon Rodgers

We need a Boji & Komi anime


Maybe don't read this before watching this episode. So for the Daida scene at the end: Pandora's box is a Greek myth about Pandora opening a jar that contains death, sickness, and other unnamed evils into the world. She hastens to close it to prevent any more ill escaping, but as she does, she doesn't realise that there is only one thing left in the jar, Hope. So in releasing all these evils, she unknowingly left Hope locked away. So at the end, Daida was told that that was Pandora's box. He opened it, releasing a cloud of darkness. And the last thing that jumped out was Boji, who the voice called his 'last hope'. I don't know the significance of it yet, but thought it was an interesting thing to note


I mean, it's the freaking wiki. A lot of wikis have spoilers warnings, from there, it's our own fault if we continue.

Jaime Ruiz

Did one of the two with Bojji try and poison him and the kunai saved Bojji? He was saying would you do what you were ordered to regardless of it being right or wrong?


Anyone else see a resemblance between Jamie Lannister and Dormas?


Bro this was the most impressive one i've seen him do


maybe the meat was poisonous from the beginning and bebin protected boiji, at least that's my thought


Lol Lupa called the betrayal before Sheera did.


Wait... I thought it was obvious (after the betrayal) that the meat was already poisoned... Bebin saved him by getting the meat out of Bojji's hands right before he took a bite. Meaning he knew it was poisoned or that Domas was no good Well that's my take on it anyway

Chef MellowD

Aye he did poke him hella hard


called it yall dumb AF tho lmao