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One episode this week, three next week to make up for the missing one!


Elena John

Shiro said "you’re already caught in my genjutsu"

mitch anderson

long as 7 and 8 are together


No problemo, thanks for the reaction! I also recommend you to watch Kuroko no Basket and Saiki K, both great animes.

Sephorah Elambo

Honestly that’s even better!!

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 16:07:19 What the fuck do the kids mean "You always play dirty?" These dumb fucks are acting like Assassination is some honorable thing like, their goal is to kill this man, not have an epic Dragon Ball fight with him; Also during their epic failed attempt they literally showed Koro all the embarassing blackmail footage to mind fuck him, like how is that any different/not dirty compared to what hood man is doing? Idiotic.
2022-01-23 16:07:19 What the fuck do the kids mean "You always play dirty?" These dumb fucks are acting like Assassination is some honorable thing like, their goal is to kill this man, not have an epic Dragon Ball fight with him; Also during their epic failed attempt they literally showed Koro all the embarassing blackmail footage to mind fuck him, like how is that any different/not dirty compared to what hood man is doing? Idiotic.
2022-01-23 16:07:19 What the fuck do the kids mean "You always play dirty?" These dumb fucks are acting like Assassination is some honorable thing like, their goal is to kill this man, not have an epic Dragon Ball fight with him; Also during their epic failed attempt they literally showed Koro all the embarassing blackmail footage to mind fuck him, like how is that any different/not dirty compared to what hood man is doing? Idiotic.
2022-01-22 02:17:39 What the fuck do the kids mean "You always play dirty?" These dumb fucks are acting like Assassination is some honorable thing like, their goal is to kill this man, not have an epic Dragon Ball fight with him; Also during their epic failed attempt they literally showed Koro all the embarassing blackmail footage to mind fuck him, like how is that any different/not dirty compared to what hood man is doing? Idiotic.

What the fuck do the kids mean "You always play dirty?" These dumb fucks are acting like Assassination is some honorable thing like, their goal is to kill this man, not have an epic Dragon Ball fight with him; Also during their epic failed attempt they literally showed Koro all the embarassing blackmail footage to mind fuck him, like how is that any different/not dirty compared to what hood man is doing? Idiotic.

Jazmyne Mattucci

Who gonna be the one to tell Roshi n them that these kids in MIDDLE SCHOOL?

Jdogzero Silverblade

as someone who has finished the show them getting made at the kids not letting the others kill him annoys me as well as makes me laugh at how pointless their worry is XD

Cuban Macaw

I mean I think it's pretty obvious at this point that koro isn't gonna be killed unless he wants to be with all his Bullshit and he could have pulled absolute defense blowning everyone up anyway also showing blackmail footage is different from literally torturing a child


No roshi he trying to kill koro there’s a difference 🤣 he not saving no world


Class E probably: “If we let Kuro-sensei blow up the earth we won’t have to grow up and get jobs”


By the way don't take the show too seriously. It's more a comedy that focus on character development through the teacher-student relationship. The ''saving the planet plot'' is kind of like an excuse for Koro-sensei to teach them (event though he is serious about it lol) and for the story to advance. Enjoy the ride until the end, you won't regret it!


It's because they take the show too seriously when it's more a comedy that focus on character development through the teacher-student relationship lmao but I can't blame them, the ''saving the planet plot'' was the premise of the show after all

Khalib clark

I wish I can dislike the videos

Ivan Uribe

Naw they doing it for the money, someone else kills him they take the prize. E class lucks out.

Jeremiah Wagner

I mean come on bro. They know that. Yeah d you were told the fate of the world was hanging in the balance of middle school kids you wouldn’t feel a way about that?


They're Middle school 3rd years. In USA this would mean 1st year high school students (9th grade)

Jeremiah Wagner

They’ve been enjoying it. They can take it as serious as they want. Koro blowing up the planet sounds pretty serious to me


But if you think about it he might be responsible for creating stuff like koro so who says the next one he makes doesn’t destroy earth

MC zsn

koro slander will not be tolerated!!

MC zsn

Saying KILL HIM will not be tolerated!!! lol


cant wait for y’all to continue and then everything will click 😭


yo, you guys gotta remember, if anyone else kills koro, none of the students get the reward money so they have no reason to follow along besides the fact that if they fail to kill him, he will blow up the world. But even then, if they let someone kill him it'll mean that everything they have done up to that point was wasted and it would also be a bad way to say goodbye to their teacher. Cause they do still see him as their teacher and they want to be the ones to kill him so that everything that he has done for them and everything that they learned isn't in vain.

Random Guy

I think the biggest reason why itona fails is because he's a pure intelligence type character. If the tentacles was with karma who has the the talent, both mentally and phsyically who has a knack for fighting koro probably would have been over.


Damn, yall acting like these kids are in it to save the world, they want that 30 mil. They're not about to let the Grand Wizard of the KKK take that away from them.

Davon Thomas

Roshi justice would save the world


It's okay, we'll get backstory soon enough

Mirz Mirz

I will say there r def moments that my suspension of belief wears thin cuz the tone shifts in this show r crazy😭😭

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 02:36:41 Again, morons out here think cussing and insulting means I'm mad, I'm just a natural born asshole you twats lmao
2024-02-09 02:36:41 Again, morons out here think cussing and insulting means I'm mad, I'm just a natural born asshole you twats lmao
2024-02-09 02:36:41 Again, morons out here think cussing and insulting means I'm mad, I'm just a natural born asshole you twats lmao
2022-01-22 06:18:26 Again, morons out here think cussing and insulting means I'm mad, I'm just a natural born asshole you twats lmao

Again, morons out here think cussing and insulting means I'm mad, I'm just a natural born asshole you twats lmao


If Arc Systems ever made a Shonen Jump fighting game, that would have to be KoroSensei's Astral Finish that he pulled on Itona.

Geo Rockmann

I'm surprised that they still think of korosensei as the villain

The Master Here come the drums (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 16:07:15 Class E is the new ultimate despair!!
2022-01-23 16:07:15 Class E is the new ultimate despair!!
2022-01-23 16:07:15 Class E is the new ultimate despair!!
2022-01-22 13:47:26 Class E is the new ultimate despair!!

Class E is the new ultimate despair!!


Y’all are taking it a little to serious and missing the overall theme of the show, which is the students that are cut off and shunned by society finding there place in the world, plus they middle schoolers and if somebody else kills them they won’t get that 30 mil lmao


Tenshi’s my son

Earphone Jack

I can’t wait for them to continue watching this season so they’ll finally understand what’s really going on lol. This show is really not about saving the world. Also I can’t wait for them to react to the next episode because it has one of, if not, the funniest scene in the entire series!


I’m kinda with Roshi on this one. It feels like they’ll never kill Koro and I’m starting to get bored and not care. Mostly due to the fact that we still know little to nothing about him and the kids are preventing anybody from getting the job done. Money or not he’s gonna blow up the earth so what good is a good teacher when your dead?

Jay Voorhees

Doesn’t even make sense just comment your opinion and move on or stop paying and move on, fuck is a dislike button gonna do?. “We got a bunch of dislikes let’s start reacting to these shows the way they want us to or the dislikes will keep coming on a platform they’re paying for🤨🤔🤦🏾‍♂️”

Devin B

I mean that's great and all but if it's between saving the world and getting money I would say forget the money cause you can't use money if you're dead.

Devin B

Maybe it's cause he was introduced as the person who blew up part of the moon and is threatening to blow up Earth.

Geo Rockmann

After a whole season it should be more than obvious that koro sensei isn't a bad guy

David Emerson

These questions will be answered. Also I will just say not everyone in the class share the same motives.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

It's not that they see Koro as a bad guy Roshi and crew just like to keep an objective outlook on plots and they are mostly joking tbh, they're quite aware there's a plot forming.

Justin Neason

It's just their opinion of the show, relax lol. I felt the same way at this point in the show, I agree it gets better but I was really close to skipping some episodes because of how long it was taking to get to the real story

Tyson T

Comments like this are so annoying. Why do you feel the need to highlight what the show is actually about? They’ll figure it out when they watch it. It’s just unnecessary.


Deadass. I'd say lowkey but it's highkey spoiler-y lol even if it's 'obvious' that's not what the show is about it makes it obvious when it feels the need to. They'll find out. jeez


Interesting. Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I only watch reactions to shows that I've already legally watched. If this is really your first time watching Assassination Classroom, I can understand why you'd feel this way. Just keep watching.

Earphone Jack

Comments like both of y’all’s annoying because y’all act like I actually spoiled something when I really didn’t. I made the comment based off of the comments that were made by them in the video because they’re so focused on the “saving the world aspect” when it’s really not about that. That’s literally all I said. It was vague and didn’t go into anything about what’s to come. So calm down and save comments like these for people who actually decide to spoil. 😒😒😒


why do u feel the need to correct them? let them enjoy it in peace... they don't need hints or your 2cents on the future of a show you've already seen

Earphone Jack

I wasn’t even correcting them nor giving them hints. I gave a vague statement. And I will continue to give my 2cents on a show if I want to. Just like everyone else in this comment section is doing. The real question is why do YOU feel the need to tell others what to say in their comments if they aren’t spoiling or being rude? Let people comment in peace.


'This show is really not about saving the world.' 'Vague statement' mhm keep tellin yaself clown


If the show is not about saving the world, just let them believe that it is about a group of kids saving the world for now, then whatever comes after they will know what the show is really about. It's not like they already learn the show's message and still hellbent on "saving the world" trope 😁


Well excuse me sir for having an opinion. Just curious what makes my takes so garbage and why are you set on trying to make me your enemy by replying to my comments specifically and all I see is weak attempts at insults?


You're not supposed to use Que tips in your ears btw. it can push the wax deeper in and actually damage them.


That’s enough for you to feel insulted dawg? 😂


You're not supposed to push them into the actual canal for that reason, it's fine to use them to clean the wax around as long as you don't push it in.


Honestly if I were one of the students I wouldn't even be genuinely trying to take that man out at this point. I would put on the facade so the Ministry and everybody else would still think I'm in on it, but it's pretty clear that he genuinely cares about them at his core. I would just think the "destroying-the-Earth" thing was bullshit at that point, and he's using it as a teaching tactic. Even if he did end up destroying it- I wouldn't really care, still had a great last school year at a trash ass school because of him, I trust his judgement if he thinks the Earth deserves destroying.


why tf would you comment some shit like this...? like at this point of the show it IS about saving the world, you only know it's not bc you know how it ends