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Can't wait to see Jack turn up hopefully lol. Hes clearly a problem




Jonatan Tercero

This the show that replaces Mushoko … :( was hoping for a different anime

FreshxEli Tv

Roshi 😂😭 you dropping Hawkeye episodes literally has people stuck with the hisoka face 🤣 the one he gave chrollo


Thank you! So glad you guys are on this. Got an unrelated question though (sorry): would we get a Spidey review from you all? Maybe? Just cause you were all so hype!


Lupa bro I need some carmax 😳

Teyon Alexander

Kate's hero name is constantly changing I feel. She hasn't really settled on just one yet I think. She's been everything from Weapon Woman to Taskmistress to Hawkette and back.

Teyon Alexander

Also, a bag of money knows EVERY place. Just sayin', Kate. Also Also: In the comics, Jack was one of the people who trained Hawkeye. Obviously, that's not the case in the MCU though.


The dog is important he's apart of the comics I know his name but I wont spoil. Glad your reacting to this


Kate in comics is also just called Hawkeye


episode 3 and on are amazing your gonna be so hyped


Are we not getting toradora?

Hakeem Williams

react to super crooks on netflix please


^super crooks was surprisingly decent. But they said it before that the ronin suit and sword were buried under the avengers compound after Thanos attacked.


You guys didn’t realize that jack heard her talk when she was in the suit


@Lupa Maya (the character who showed up at the end of the episode) is fully deaf. She was just feeling the vibrations of the music. Clint is pretty close to deaf, but can still use a hearing aid to hear. So hard of hearing makes sense for him. EDIT: Just learned that Alaqua Cox (who plays Maya), is a deaf actress. So that's dope.


She is fully deaf that’s why she was touching the speakers to feel the vibration because she can’t hear the music

Delinda Arts

hawkeye was definitely the sleeper hit of the marvel shows. so damn good


Quick question: Anyone know if they're gonna release Hawkeye every tuesday (2 episodes per week), or just all at once this week once the last episode airs tomorrow?


Attack on titan s4p2 trailer 2 reaction


Prob all at once. Roshi trying to upload as many as he can before they go away for the holidays according to his last post.


Don’t remember the movie but my guess he kept the Ronin suit when he came back to the compound, switched to time travel suit, and finally went back to an Hawkeye suit. But that means some folks in Damage Control are corrupt and illegally selling tech and artefacts from battles.


This is kind of spoiler because they would have that whole information later.


Anime brought me here, and I know some hardcore animeist are not too happy with some show selections, but personally I love the diversity of series and movies here. It’s a fun show to end the year on and I’m excited for what comes next on this channel for 2022.


Nobody notice that on the back of Hawkeye's fireman jacket it said f.o.n.y (phoney)?


i read it F.D.N.Y i assumed fire dept of new york but i did have the phoney thought


Bro Kate wasn’t even typing full words when she was texting Lol wtf😂


would love to see a separate video of Roshi and Lupa discussing the new Spider-Man movie, considering you guys are big fans of the Raimi trilogy and the villains as a whole


Not sure if you guys saw but aot s4 part 2 trailer 2, jujutsu kaisen 0 movie and chainsaw man trailer 2 dropped


Jack fighting with the Soul Calibur LMAO Just so you guys know: 1) The Ronin stuff was found in the rubble of the Avengers compound during endgame, so his stuff was just lost in all that mess, but then recovered by people in power. 2) He's holding onto the suit because he said he wants it for "insurance" just until the Tracksuit Mafia stuff is finished. 3) This character at the end is holding the speakers to listen to the vibrations, she is completely deaf otherwise.

Wiggly Gecko

Hey there awesome reaction. It would be rly nice if you could check out the anime Ranking of Kings. Its airing this season and its rly unique and the animation is stunning. No anime reactor is watching the show right now even tought its rly good. Its propably my anime of the year and I know that many other people would love it if they would know that it exist. I hope you have a great week and stay healthy! :D


The track suit mafia and the woman in the end (Echo, who is a Hawkeye villain in the comics) are both linked to Kingpin who is linked to Daredevil in the comics


Hawkeye needing a hearing aid is probably the most realistic thing we're ever going to see in the MCU

Kenneth O'Connor

Is jacks comic book villain name swordsman?

Lily Rose

deaf isn't an offensive term lupa, deaf people actually refer to themselves as 'deafies'.


There’s a couple of d-list heroes and villains in the cast. Wonder if Lupa will catch them.


I deleted my comment, but I wanted to ask about that as well so I looked a bit into it. Apparently, the term that you shouldn't use is "hearing-impaired" because it puts too much emphasis on what they can't do. Given that explanation, I think that one's understandable. Most, if not all of us would probably feel like shit if we keep getting reminded that we can't do certain things. At least that's how I understand it. Other sites state that the majority don't have a problem with "deaf" and/or "hard of hearing" regardless so I'm gonna go asshole mode and assume whoever started this is just virtue signaling by "solving" a problem that isn't a big deal to feel good about themselves instead of, you know, actually doing something that benefits "deaf" or "hard of hearing" folks. Similarly to how some Americans want to refer to us Latin Americans as "latinx" instead of "latinos", I assume.


Kate Bishop hero name is kinda Hawkeye... sometimes. They also do some stupid fuckery by making her name Lady Hawkeye or whatever but really she's just a Hawkeye


woah man anime of the year? Beating Vivy, To Your Eternity, Jujutsu Kaisen, ReZero S2 Part 2 etc??? I don't know bro.


"Does that work?" regarding the buzzer. As someone who lived in New York City, specifically Manhattan, that totally does work in apartments without doormen. If the Fedex or UPS care about not leaving your package outside the will ring every buzzer multiple times, and they wont stop... essentially annoying you into submission. Same for non-app food delivery.


Yes i believe. Which makes him referring to Hawkeye as "Archer" later on really funny

Baron Salt

A lot of the 'in plain sight' things black widow and hawkeye do is actually realistic. People genuinely overlook people that wears clothes like they do, especially in public. If you aren't in their face they pretty much focus on whatever is eye catching.

None None

If you have to add something to her name to differentiate the two Hawkeyes, she prefers "The Better Hawkeye" or "The Real Hawkeye".


the girl feeling the speaker her name is "Echo" in the Comics and she Supposed to be a "DareD**IL" Villain in the Comics too

Ellis Gandy

wow lol I can't believe Marvel is really trying to bring all of their characters into the MCU. Nice, we'll see what happens


Lupa is so sweet fr for worrying about using an offensive term aww. Apparently "deaf" isn't offensive though!


lupa im pretty sure they got the suit from an avengers compund because they said thats where they got the sword from


anyone know the schedule for Hawkeye drops?


Lol Lupa, "deaf" is a medical term. It's not slang or some kind of slur. Kind of you to be considerate but that walk back was so random it made me laugh.


had to replay the intro for sheera's opening


i’m so excited for how marvel is bringing out the young avengers one by one


AYOO That's my boy Clayton English I didn't know he was in this Thats LIT!!!!


He can't destroy the suit cuz as far the tracksuit mafia knows Kate is the only person connected to it. He has to make them believe it's not her


Lupa:"I don't know if what I said was appropriate" Me: They can't hear you anyway LOL you're good

Kyle Miles

whole contender for the soul caliber. im fucking dead.