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Decided to give yall this a day early since rest of the week is basically Stone Ocean lol

SSSSS tier episode!!!



When dude said "wake me up when September ends, thats Metallica right?." Than Lupa looks at screen like 😐. Me: 🤣😂🤣😂 I feel your pain man. Lol (love both bands TBH.)






Love y’all 🔥🔥🔥🙏








Gets if tiktok immediately


I actually love you guys lol


Much love 🤩🤩

Tyrese Marshall

Can we not go into season 3 with the Cobra Kai comments pls


To this day it’s still Fuck Robby Keene for me.


y’all the best



Facundo Brouwer de Koning

I like how this episode is the ultimate message about fights on school , DONT HAVE SCHOOL FIGHTS OR ELSE SOMETHING REALLY BAD IS GONNA HAPPEN ONE DAY .


I'm definitely gonna be here for months to come.. but that's actually nice for those who didn't want to pay for another month, just to get the finale! Respect 👏


Words cannot explain how quick I clicked this notification 😅


you guys just made my day


A lot of people complained that the school fight was unrealistic when the episode was released, but actually something like that did occur in a school in my local area a few months before the episode premiered, early in 2019. A huge brawl started in the cafeteria, spilled out into the hall, and it took 20 minutes for the police to arrive. Administrators and security guards were injured. It was insane.


You guys are so dope with all the drops, best reaction patreon by far

Jay rellim

im so ready for this and especially ready for stone ocean the rest of the week


bro is roshi sippin on bust???


Same at me and Lupas High School, a teacher leaped from the top of the bleachers and got elbowed in the eye and was bleeding, girls got tossed up against a fence and tased, losing belly rings lol. Our school was nuts our principal used to literally put kids in headlocks

Jay rellim

this dude roshi over here singing system of a down and calling it metallica lmao


Right on my break 🙏🏿


Bro I will literally get on my knees now

Mozart Waddell

Roshi, Sheera, Lupa 😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you This is my second all time favorite episode in any series from 2020 and 2021. The inner struggle in Miguel mind to follow Johnny's creed and terror in Robbie's eyes when he realized he turned against his sensei guiding principles to never use Miyagi-Do in an offensive and aggressive manner. This series did an amazing job in capturing the sheer chaos and terror of an all out school brawl. Sure you have onlookers and everyone's here for the sudden reprieve from the stress of the school day but in the end there's real consequences. I grew up in the south side of Chicago and fights or sometimes jumpings between gangs at my high school were way worse than depicted in this episode. People got shot. People died.


nobody doing it like yall


Y’all the goat’s

Deshawn Smith

i don't watch jojo's but now i think is a good time to start

Ayman Gebrail

Early gurren today too 👀


Yall goated for the early upload frfr

Erich Bomke

Episode 10 : How To Get Every Prediction Wrong


f Robbie all my homies hate Robbie


Let’s go

Adrian Valiente

I am devastated, Miguel is such a good boy :'(


Robbie is a goon, how do you do something like that and sprint off like this is 3rd grade bro?? All the homies hate robbie


Roshi at the end thinking it was miguel calling johnnys phone 💀💀

Adrian Valiente

lmao this intro with metallica, i need to know this origin story


Miguel must have had some crazy plantain

Kid Richye 2.0

Miguel beat Robby fodder ass he was the better fighter and had a good moral ground

Kid Richye 2.0

Been waiting for y'all reaction

Lily Rose

react to OZARK



Kid Richye 2.0

Cobra Kai did something Star Wars could never

Erick Tejada

Thank u Roshi, now the cheeks!


I swear this episode just gives me flashbacks to high school when fights and brawls would happen lmao

Rex Perez

This episode is crazy asf. These writers playing with our emotions.


I get that this is a TV series but please somebody in that school has to be fired. We got ECW/Mortal Kombat in the halls and it took damn near 15 minutes for a single faculty to notice

Mozart Waddell

I haven't watched yet but just looking at the thumbnail I noticed their three signature wtf gestures. Sheera's in awe stare 😯, Roshi begging hands 👐🙆, and Lupa clenched teeth 😬 Just seeing this let me know early this is gonna be one hell of a reaction.


I mean hawk was kind of right he showed mercy and Robbie ended up kicking him over the banister cuz of it

Brian Conner

Cobra Kai Never Die

sotonye ogan

Nah this episode was a whole "who want smoke?" video. These writers are on crack😭😭. Now Sheera can stop gassing up Robby every minute now though that nigga is trash ong.


Lol that sort of shit tends to happen especially in public schools. Matter a fact eome fights they don't even notice

Isaiah Cox


Mozart Waddell

Now you running Robbie all because you refused to hold that L I don't even wanna hear from Robbie defenders. This man witnessed Miguel lower his guard and transition to a neutral stance. Robbie seen it all and said all right BET

Erich Bomke

Because Robby had the intention of harm and purposely kicked him over the rail...oof...that jail sentence would be HEAVY!

Devin B

I give credit to Miguel for coming to his senses at the last minute but him and everyone else was getting caught up in the drama and letting it affect them as they fought. It was trash what Robbie did to him in the end but these are teenagers that don't have any way to express their feelings except through karate. Obviously no one was in their right mind when they were fighting so I can't blame anyone too much, except Tori cause she started everything and was wilding out.

Mozart Waddell

The saddest realization from this episode isn't the fact Miguel got the bane treatment but it's the last time we'll see Aisha 😢

Mozart Waddell

Agreed. Tori was acting in complete malice and knowingly tried to maim Sam.


I’ll pay some money to watch season 3 rn ngl

Geo Rockmann

Aint no way sheera hasnt watched or at least heard what happened before. She mentioned the stairs hella early and even emphasized that she did not like them when miguel and robby were there but not when sam and tori were there. She also immediatly mentioned the rail when we cut back to miguel and robby. Like she seemed more concerned about the rail and stairs simply being there than about tori literally using a spiked knuckle. Maybe I'm wrongfully accusing her but her sheeragan just seems hella sus at times

Ophelia Pane

This was the reaction I was waiting for, extremely satisfying good shit.

Quinton Campbell

I tear up at the miguel fall every time lol

Jay rellim

she mentioned the stairs in the first place bc of sam and tori as soon as the fight started going up the stairs (ok like 6 seconds after in case you wanna get technical). and she emphasized it bc robbie almost got kicked off the stairs (if the person behind didnt grab him). i feel like youre reading way too into it lol esp bc she's hella wrong sometime and is ok w/ that


From this point forward, there's not much controversy between whose right and whose wrong.

Adrian Valiente

I knew Lupa was gonna point out the leg, I'm her crying for Miguel and he trying to make me laugh


Awesome, thanks guys! Knew you would all love this ep. Onto season 3! You guys will catch up to the rest of us pretty quick


Had to come support Team Fuck Robbie...Fuck Robbie...A'ight I'm going back to sleep.

J. J.

Thanks to you all for getting this up fast and the 3 episodes a week. A+ channel

Quinton Campbell

NOW that season 2 is done...IF DANIEL HAD JUST MINDED HIS FUCKING BUSINESS AND SOLD CARS NUN OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED. Kreese wouldn't have came back if Miguel just beat plane ol Robby UNREPRESENTED instead of Robby of Miyagi-Do Karate. And if Kreese did return, there would be no "war" if Miyagi dojo stays closed. Say whatever you want about accountability on both sides, but Johnny literally said it "I'm just trying to run a business" Daniel probably would've had a problem with Johnny teaching karate whether it was under Cobra Kai or any other name.

Quinton Campbell

Agreed!! who tf gets triggered over "I'm sorry" and kicks a guy over a rail!? Robby does 👎


I am so happy you guys finally got the season 2 finale. This is one of the best finales I have ever seen. The fight choreography and one shots were awesome in this episode. Miiiigueelllll!!


Roshi watching You: Do not fuck this bitch up in her place of work. 🙅‍♂️ Roshi watching Cobra Kai: Do fuck this bitch up in her place of work.🙆‍♂️

Ted Cali

Underrated and understated moment: the ending was the first time in this series that we saw Martin Kove do the signature Kreese move with his gi (both hands on the neck). Held off on it while he was trying to convince Johnny he had changed, only pulling it out when he fully revealed himself. Ugh, it’s so fucking good. That man is a whole ass cartoon villain and I love him with all of my heart. Go off, you insane evil bastard.

jesse almonte

It's wild how good these writers are. Like this is a show about Rival karate men, it shouldn't be THIS good

JunpeiFES .

Lets gooooooooo!!!!!


Miyagi hate fighting. Someone always get hurt.

Smash Bran'Discootch

That is EXACTLY the emotional journey we were waiting for. The stages of: "Ohhhhh, beef is brewing" to "THIS IS RAWWWW!" to "Aw man, I'm not having fun anymore" to "AAAAAAHHHH NOOOOOO!" to "My heart is breaking." Tory and Sam are both trash for completely different reasons. Sam stringing along Robbie and Miguel and acting like all the bad shit is happening TO her like she didn't have a hand in it and Tory taking shit WAAAYY too far and literally committing assault and attempted murder. I dont like either one of them but at LEAST sam's bullshit is just normal teenage bullshit. Tory needs to do some hard time in lockup and sam needs to get over herself.

Mozart Waddell

Quick question what is Roshi and Sheera drinking? Is that coconut water?

Lena Kielk

You guys reacted exactly how i thought you would to Miguel falling. Can't wait for season 3 !

Mozart Waddell

I mean I get Daniel's anger because that's his daughter who's passed out over a man's home. He's not married or with a significant other so that's an extra red flag. Props for Johnny for wanting to do what Daniel wouldn't. Yeahhhh Lupa bringing up Florida stand your ground law for a concerned parent


Demetri only won because of plot armor. Hawk would not lose if not for plot.



Mozart Waddell

Hallway Hellscape goes hardddd

Omar Bautista

Miguel had that coming. You see the way he broke that railing. Super uncalled for


Roshi dropping System of a Down


I bet ya if Johnny told Cobra Kai even more dirty and readily moves, and taught them to show no mercy, they would of never lost

Deeqa Ali

Epic episode loved all your reactions hahah 'Nahh not the leg', the commentary was SSS tier for this episode (Y)

JunpeiFES .

Bro, now i have to wait until episode 6 season 3 lol

rickie woodson

ooooh EARLY!!!!!!!!!!! going to cook my mac and cheese and be right back! in my opinion after rewatching this show with you: season 1 is the better SEASON but this ep is the best finale of all the seasons so far. i used to say season 2 was my fave but nah, yall changed my mind and taught me to love johnny more instead of just focusing on the teens. thanks for the eye opener


The amount of character development everyone gets between seasons 1 through 3 have been amazing.

The Pebble

Nah you guys get off Lupa's back; You don't need proof Lupa, I see the Metallica lover in your eyes, that's all I need.


Lmao Roshi got me heated with that fake fan Metallica nonsense. It’s cool to like the shirt design but if them random ass hardcore fans catch you slipping… Lupa might help them beat the stuffing out of you lmfao

Mozart Waddell

Headphone warning at 24:37

Mozart Waddell

Robby would've probably gotten away with it to if it wasn't for Sam loudass mouth calling him out causing everyone to look up


God I hate Sam. Disintegrate please.


Roshi's Metallica Card is immediately revoked, lol


So since y’all finished S2 and Lupa is going out of town will S3 still come next week?


I love Sam. Her character is over hated imo and her actions are justifiable

Lily Rose

what is that semen-like liquid that roshi and sheera are drinking? looks yummy


this nigga stingray is a walking felony


yeah my daughter at a grown mans house no nigga telling me to calm tf down

rickie woodson

even i know thats not metallica and thats saying a LOT since i dont any of that stuff........glad im in on the inside joke with the shirts lol SO RAD

Delinda Arts

S3 is a rollercoaster in itself with all the character arcs. cant wait to revisit it!!!


So what would be your answer for how your son just chilling at that same upset grown mans house? Lol y’all be ready to confront every problem with emotion so quick

Mozart Waddell

Now I can finish up their Arcane episode 8 and 9 reaction. Going be a fun night.


this frl reminded me of avatar the last airbender book 2 specifically the finale where azula= tory, zuko= robby, katara= sam and aang= Miguel crazy show man


Loved the S2 finale!! great reaction! can't wait for S3!


Yall's reaction perfectly encapsulated my experience. 10 outta 10


Y’all really blessed us early with this one 😭🔥


This shit didn’t need to happen, but it happened the episode.

Mozart Waddell

I'm so mad we didn't get the "I eat ass face" famous line from Roshi/Lupa in reference to Robbie looking down at the crowd after kicking Miguel over the rail. Wasted opportunity 😤😞


Metallica Reaction when?

Justin Neason

Daniel definitely was wrong for comin bro's door like that.. But also if my kids in your house and idk wtf is goin on because they weren't answering ALL NIGHT, you DIDN'T contact me AND you tell me to calm down and shut the door with my child still in there? I'm sorry but Imma overreact.

Jaime Ruiz

IT IS ALL SAM'S FAULT. Jesus christ she is a horrible person; the actress is just doing her job though haha. "that's for taking advantage of Sam" Robby to Miguel and he respond by saying "I would never." Robby asks another question "Then why'd it happen?" and finally Miguel says "She doesn't love you; she loves me!" All he's doing is telling him what he believes to be the truth. Sam kissed him and still he says "I'm sorry" and well you saw how Robby got mad. He didn't see what happened at the party and so he assumed that it wasn't Sam's fault.


To be honest. I blame Robby but I also blame Tory, Sam, Miguel himself, and their respective dojos for what happened to Miguel.

Damion Middleton

I'm convinced the Writers of this Show has to be friends with Oda at some point, cause boyyyyyyyyy! Lol


Kreese be playing palpatine levels of scheming


This is an S tier reaction haha can't wait for season 3


Lmao Sheera is such a mom. She’s out hear mad & annoyed that no ones stopping the fight, then you got Roshi & Lupa cracking up & having seizures next to her😂

Jaime Ruiz

What if... one day Johnny will thank Kreese for taking Cobra Kai back. I'm sure there's going to be some actual consequences down the line. Some kind of sacrifice...


That tiny little kids fighting have me laugh every time I watch this episode


Sam is the actual villain that people thought Danny was in the Karate Kid movies

Erich Bomke

This show shouldn't be as good as it is. So much love to the writers!


how you gonna blame daniel, for being mad his underaged daughter was drinking so much she had to be brought to someone elses house. Her mom literally said make good choices and she got zooted. That's all on sam don't blame daniel for acting like a parent. If johnny let daniel inside the worst that probably would have happened is that he scolded sam in front of them

Cleven Anthony

Your forgetting the part where Daniel didn’t show Johnny that kind of respect and keep his son living w him a secret


In this case personally speaking i'd said the direct pivotal point of this was sam kissing Miguel. Cause that got tory heated and that girl is crazy which led to that whole fight.


i'm not gonna lie it's lowkey fun seeing everybody get so mad over/defensive of sam, robby, tory ect


Oh you wanna bust in my house okay let me introduce my besto friend “tool meet Daniel, Daniel meet god”


Miguel and Hawk in the same class, bell rings, Miguel sprints to go to find Tori and Sam yet hawk materialized there already


Next we4k can't come soon enough! Can't stand Stingray, that man is sus!


Coming up on Chanel 5 news Insane karate expert named Yaboyroshi “air’d that bitch out” on old war veteran and karate master along with his class of ten.


Yo when the fuck is season 3 LMAOOO this show has no business being this good god dayum

Anthony Natividad

Thought I was gonna have to wait till next Monday let’s go!!!!

Champion Bescos

Miguel is the homie. Most relatable guy for me, and also the least cartoonish of the kid characters. This episode made me wanna punch a wall, but it was also my favorite episode of the season.

George Jackson

Sam was right it is all her fault. Even with Daniel and Johnny rivalry, this could have been avoided if she would have told Miguel why she couldn't tell her dad about their relationship in S1. Instead she chose to hide it (not very well at that with him hearing her tell her mom that he is just a guy at school on the computer) which lead Miguel down this path. Yup Sam this is all your fault girl.

Ellis Gandy

wow, when Daniel had Robbie at his house but didn't say anything to Jonnie, ya'll were all over him haha its clear now that you guys are team Jonnie. That's ok, it is called "Cobra Kai" after all, writers did their jobs well. Good reactions though ya'll, this was a game changer of a season. Looking forward to the next season with you guys!


yo, as a fellow west indian (trinidadian here), stew beef is not a jamaican thing, it's a west indian thing. put some respect on the rest of the carribean yall cmon


YESSSS I've been waiting for this! Season 3 let's go!

Daniel Gonzalez

What and here I was about to got to sleep fuck that its funny how much a telenovella this show has become pass the popcorn please

Mal ?

this is why cobra kai is just the best show on netflix. the writing is just on another level. hawk going from a depressed outcast to a literal karate sith lord lmao. miguel struggling between the light and dark. johhny and daniels beef just never getting resolved, almost as if they're meant to always be rivals. the show is just incredible!


For some reason I got this weird feeling that Sheera doesn't like those stairs.

Random Guy

Sam could have just walked away. But no.. she had to fight Tory.


S fucking tier reaction from you guys! Looking forward to S3 next week.


lmao at y'all blaming Sam and Daniel for this, when it was the Cobra Kai mentality that caused this, plus Johnny's lack of parenting skills.


Early? I appreciate this ((((;

haywood banks

... it went too far, over a kick to the face and stealing a girl neither of them even ended up with

Cleven Anthony

Miguel could have finished Robby but it’s cobra kais fault ? Pretty dishonorable of Robby to kick him over the railing after he lowered his aggression and let him go. Cobra Kai might have no mercy but the miyagi do students were the ones acting that way to a degree

JunpeiFES .

To make it fun, you all should watch the last episode of season 3 on December 19 lol


Yeah Tori is crazy and overreacted. Also, Miguel just heard her call out Sam on the PA system so he should have known what was happenning and why Robbie was pushing Tori. The all out brawl wouldn't have happened if he didn't overreact as no one else joined until he tackled Robbie. This episode was full of overreactions from Danny, Tori, Miguel and Robbie and probably more. The most sane one in the series seems to Mrs Larusso.


The part that frustrates me the most in this episode is that moment in the elevator. The look on Johnny's face is screaming "This is all my fault". But you look at Daniel and the way he keeps sneaking glances Johnny's way and all I can here is "This is all Johnny's fault". That's just my interpretation of the scene though. There is fault to be found everywhere and that's what makes this episode especially so good. Can't wait to see you guys dive into S3!

Justin Neason

Another detail about this that I missed, Robbie accused Miguel of taking advantage of Sam and I was like wtf did that come from. I didn't think about the fact that Robbie thinks Miguel only kissed her because she was drunk, which from his perspective is fkd up


haven't watch one reaction channel that says daniel is not in the wrong


I hope to try is Mike Barnes Daughter she’s just as crazy as he is

Sheraya san

This episode was the culmination is showing how Daniel and Johnny allowed their petty drama to cross over to these kids

Sheraya san

Y’all do realize that Johnny is a dead beat who has never been involved in his child’s life right? It’s not the same as daniel and sam. Daniel takes care of his kids




Naaah, i feel you but if my daughter didn't text me for a whole night after going out i would be on edge as well. I dont give a fuck if we just bonded. My daughter in yo house after not texting me for 24 hours we have problem bro.


A lot of people are saying that they would have a problem with their daughter being at Johnny's house and I would be too. But Daniel did the same thing with not telling Johnny about Robby being at his house because Daniel saw him with Kreese. They both did the wrong thing by not telling each other at first. They both act just alike and they both are hypocrites. That's why they can't along. Daniel should have told Johnny about Robby living there and Johnny should have told Daniel about Sam.


Ayee it was great watching yall react to this episode been waiting for this since season 1. However yall mfs are bugging Daniel was more then in the right, you don't block the door and stop someone from seeing there child that has been missing all night tf. It is not the same as robby, hell he hasn't had nothing to do with robby for 16 years and that was his choice, if he had then he would have known what was happening with hi son, you can't blame the mom for johnny not putting any effort in at all. There are plenty of split parents that hate each other but still make sure to take care of there kid. Also robby let his anger get the best of him which is what caused that accident which consideringthey were in the middle of a fight makes sense but still. However it would have never even gotten that far if not for Miguel. Twice robby tried to stop tory and sam from fighting and both times Miguel chose to start fighting him instead of helping break it up, he escalated the entire situation.


Jonny just has to call the police lmao


I'm with Roshi, let's burn the whole thing let's gooo

Brandon Rodgers

Sheera went full mom mode when she saw them stairs


Well, put yourself in Robby's position. If your girlfriend's ex boyfriend tackles you out of nowhere while you were trying to stop the fight as well cause he assumed you pushed his new girl, especially after you find out your girl cheated on you with him, you'd be pretty pissed too. Then as you two are fighting, he talks shit to you saying "Like that move, learned it from your dad", after knowing you have issues with your Dad and "She doesn't love you. she loves me" which is true but still. What I'm trying to say is if all that happened to you, then you most likely going to be like oh hell no I'm seeing red at this point. He kissed your girl, attacked you even though both of you are trying to stop the fight, then he say something about your Dad then says your girl loves him, you're going to fuck him up cause he done poked the bear. But Robby was in the wrong for kicking Miguel off the the rail after he said sorry but it was too late cause Robby was already enraged at that point and if it wasn't for Sam kissing Miguel, and Tory starting the fight, then none of it would've happened. Plus Robby's intention was to just kick Miguel but not off the rail because you can clearly on his face afterwards he didn't mean to.


I'm glad you can see the awesome writing here. Can't believe you made me laugh at Miguel's leg being twisted up. You guys are sad lol. Looking forward to season 3!

deonte johnson

you guys are going to like season 3 for sure

Leandro Da Silva

Miguel showed mercy, it got him fucked up and I’m 100% positive Kreese is gonna try and bitch at him for that


Are you guys posting season 3 tonight?


Sheera saying they overeacting while Lupa screaming his heart out :D

Jalon R

I agree with Sheera, the problem with Sam is that she's too friendly. She ends up liking and dating every boy that she spends a lot of time with. Problematic.

CJ Dennis

Y'all screams nearly blew out the microphone 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Tory is insane my g. Batshit crazy. If you got beef with Sam, have beef. Don't hop on the intercom and say you gon fuck her up. That's school shooter type shit.


The only problem I had with this episode is that it's not as simple as just blaming robby or just blaming the rivalry. Everyone played some kind of part in what happened to miguel. Miguel not getting his feelings together, tory being crazy, the rivalry at it's base and then and they essentially had the heat of battle going on. When he fell I was like what the fuck did y'all think was gonna happen? You got kids throwing roundhouses, punches, tossing and throwing like someone is gonna get seriously injured if not killed.


sheera missed the whole point with what roshi was saying about kreese lol

Lamaree Jackson

Just noticing all the orange/red and blue when everyone was getting ready to fight. Robbie was wearing the Sasuke colors and Miguel wearing MC orange. We were warned about the dark side turn.

Azzy V

That teacher got folded and the other teacher said helll nahhhhh