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The Roshigan and Sheeragan were on point!!


Geo Rockmann

Unrelated but you guys should react to I'm a spider so what or movies like the DCAMU movies

Isaiah Cox

Unrelated to the reaction but where do they give updates on when they stream? I feel like someone got me addicted to cocaine and then swiftly took away my supply lol.


all three of ya should check out sweet home, the uncanny encounter, vincezo, and alive all of them are extremely good and are on netflix check it out when you get the chance. p.s i love ya content

Isaiah Cox

Man I want to watch dexter but I’ll wait until this final season is over I don’t want to waste my time just for it to have another bad ending.

Janet Daurity

Dexter wasn't smiling, he was grimacing and on the verge of tears. I also feel he might not be right. Harrison is a teenager, didn't know what to do with the knowledge of Ethan's plan, and instead of being a snitch, he did this. We'll see.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yooooo I've been right about like everything(check my comments on previous episodes!) What's really funny is when the cop said "I thought you were after the mac story" molly said something like "Well sometimes it starts off as one thing and becomes another" That is totally foreshadowing that she's going to be helping the cop find those missing girls which is going to lead to them catching Kurt(unless Dexter kills him, they're still gonna figure out that Kurt is killing those girls either way) but that's gonna reveal to Molly that Kurt's son really IS dead. She's going to start looking into that and is going to become a danger to Dexter. They're going back to formula. There's always a killer that Dexter is up against and is the season's main villain and there's always someone perilously close to discovering that dexter is a serial killer. It's gonna be Molly for sure. Also another thing, this season seems to be really focusing on patterns, especially a killer's MO(harrison using the same method that his mother's killer made even down to the fact that the trinity killer cut open his mother's femoral artery just like he cut open ethan's and used a straight razor), so Kurt's MO is influenced by him not being able to put his son on the right path. He offers those girls a chance to better themselves and get ahead in life and if they don't take it, he kills them.


The Dark Passenger references the desire to kill, not the seeing a lost loved one.


I’m having this issue where when i try to put the video in full screen (landscape) it closes the video and doesn’t play-


Dexter should probably be more careful around Molly Park. 1 picture of him on her blog would expose him so fucking quick


Ousama ranking reaction please!

Stephen Bourgeois

Stop calling that man Kurt. His name is Patrick Star.


another good episode of dexters laboratory but im suffering from netflix syndrome having to wait a week for the next episode every week

Jaime Ruiz

Did his son kill the fat kid and pretend like he was gonna go on a rampage…. That way it’s justified. Dude probably cut the artery.