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Wow the whole paradigm just shifted in the blink of an eye, we couldn't even be excited about that win. Terrible. Next season is gonna be wild!



Holy shit complete overhaul of the app at least on iPhone. It looks clean. But aye I’m excited to watch these 👀

Cori Williams

Attacking your opponents injury when they decided to participate with that injury isn't dirty at all other then miguel yanking his shoulder after the point he didnt do anything wrong


Same with android, now if only they'll let you adjust the video quality

Isaiah Cox

Lmao patreon looks and works so much better now


Cant wait for diaz redemption arc


its crazy how good this show is an ok movie from the 80s made one of the the best tv show in 2018. fun fact is that will smith is one of the producers of it


“ get that demon out of there “ lmfaoo this had me crying

Quinton Campbell

Sheera Sensei ,Johnny didn't teach them the attitude they're displaying. Those kids are drunk with power they've only ever seen mean popular kids have.


It's a combination of the two. Johnny pounded in lessons like "no mercy" and the kids applied it in a negative way due to their experiences.

Kai Kage

are you thinking about watching GGO alternative seeing that you have seen the whole of SAO


This episode was proof that Cobra Kai never changes and Daniel was right to be worried that it came back.


The yellow car is not only the one that Daniel waxed on, waxed off. Mr. Miyagi gave it to him for his birthday.

Mal ?

this is why miguel is the best karate kid verse character. His arc is just fucking beautiful. A shallow shy loser whos a good kid but goes down a dark path. cobra kai is just an amazing show man its fantastic. just think this all started 30 years ago! and this beef is still going lol, amazing show man


YESSSIR! NO MERCY! Fuck Robby all my niggas hate Robby. And i don't remember what happened between Sam and her old friend, i doubt they'll become friends after how badly Sam treated her compared to her other "friends".

William Zavala

The next seasons reference the second movie more if you guys never seen it.

Quinton Campbell

But iyk about season 2, he sees the faults in HIS teachings. Season 1 was He taught them how not to be weak BUT he didn't teach them how not to be bullies.

Ky Williams

Only dirty thing he did fr was pull on his shoulder between points.. hitting someone’s weak spot in a fight isn’t cheating


wast not a dirty fight


its not cheating but since the injury came from a dirty hit, it didnt feel right. especially to johnny who had the exact same scenario play out and this time, his son is on the receiving end


I mean he’s right. They do it all the time in ufc.


I mean I kinda agree with this though lol I mean are you not supposed to exploit an exposed weak point on your opponent if they agreed to still participate with that weak point still being exposed ? That’s just dumb as fuck if you don’t. That’s why you try not to make it too noticeable that you are injured in the first place

JunpeiFES .

Season two will be good!! You will like it more! Cannot wait for the finale again! Lol then the 3rd season just hype it up for season 4.

Zen Reacts

man yall really out here makin fun of Queen now now wtf?

Zen Reacts

If its an open tournament you dont have to be affiliated with a shcool to enter

Erich Bomke

The show only gets better and better too. This show shouldnt be as good as it is. (chef kisses fingers gesture)




2 episodes a week, season 4 should be starting right as they finish. I cant wait for the season 3 reactions!

Nate Douville

I hope you guys rewatch Karate Kid 1 - 3 before starting Season 2


yeah crazy to believe a under 18 event isn't the ufc and their not being comissioned no reason to act like a animal/


yes he did he said strike hard no mercy

J. J.

You guys definitely need to re-watch movies 1-3 before the next 2 seasons and especially before season 4.


Just wanna throw this out there, at no point do I believe Miguel became a bad guy. He's not a bad guy, he's a pissed off teenager. And had the final fight been against literally anyone else, it would not have been an issue. Hawk absolutely was a dickhead though


It wasn’t even really a dirty fight from Miguel, If your opponent has a weak point why would you not exploit it. Only dirty thing he did was pull in between rounds and got flagged for it.

Joel Braaten

Miguel did nothing wrong. It's a fight. You target your opponent's weaknesses or areas they're injured. It's like that in every combat sport. You take every advantage you can to win.

rickie woodson

so glad you on that double drop. next monday is going to be FIRE!

Joel Braaten

Also, as for the drama and beef. They are teenagers! I can't be mad at anyone. Everyone gets upset over stupid shit, especially when it involves girls lmao.


I'm still team cobra kai after this episode, fuck miyagi-do.

Joel Braaten

I can't wait until the season 2 reactions!


Even the arm yank is a fair strategy. It a minor penalty of 1 point at the max and you make the injury worse increasing the odds of winning.


Good luck on season 2 all I’m saying ✌🏼


Those who actually played sports will understand this. Obviously, it sucks that Robby got messed up cause of a dirty play, it shouldn't have happened and Hawk got disqualified for it. As far as Miguel goes, it is not your job to coddle his opponent. He saw a weakness and exploited it. Ask Lebron if people cared that his shooting hand was messed up, Ask Brady if the defensive tackled him any lighter because is shoulder is bruised. Roshi don't g soft, I know you understand.


what Miguel said to Sam was cringy asf😭


The thing that made me mad is that people forget that Johnny was also a two time champion


Those who actually played sports will understand this. Obviously, it sucks that Robby got messed up cause of a dirty play, it shouldn't have happened and Hawk got disqualified for it, RIGHTFULLY. As far as Miguel goes, it is not your job to coddle to your opponent. He saw a weakness and exploited it. Ask Lebron if people cared that his shooting hand was messed up, Ask Brady if the defensive tackled him any lighter because is shoulder is bruised. Roshi don't g soft, I know you understand.

Anthony Natividad

On that last point when Miguel caught Robbys leg because of the way they were positioned there was no other viable option for him to strike him to get the point. So it was either strike or let him go and get countered and lose.


I mean he didn't have to yank his injured arm between matches.


Agree with you there. That's why he got the warning.


If u think like that then u have no honor or sportsmanship and deserve to get jumped after the fight


Obviously the main issue is the yanking thing which really deserved more than a warning

Denisknight A

cant wait for next season


this man is the demon. yes and no xD


What would you have recommended? Disqualification? Every sport on TV has a warning system, Tech for basketball, Warning for football. I think it was a fair call.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Man, yall don't even know what youre in for with season 2. It's over the top in the best way. This show has no right being as good as it is.

Devin B

The warning was fair but the arm yanking was definitely dishonorable. Him going for the arm during the match was fair game but it was unnecessary to yank it in-between points.

Devin B

Johnny basically told them to not take shit from anyone and that's exactly what these kids are doing. His whole philosophy is about not showing mercy and they did exactly that so like Daniel said there are no bad students, there are only bad teachers.

Devin B

I actually didn't mind that spin off, it would be cool if they watched it.

Devin B

Yeah that's how Daniel first got into it cause Miyagi dojo wasn't an official one.


And in that we agree Devin! The win was a little dishonorable. My whole point was against those saying it was a dirty win. It's like if a player pushed another one in the back during a game, that momentary aggression and laps of judgment shouldn't cause you to call the whole game into question.

Devin B

Miguel was being an asshole but technically he didn't do anything illegal. The arm yanking was definitely unnecessary and what he did can be seen as dishonorable but Miguel didn't force Robbie to fight. If anything this makes Cobra Kai look bad as a whole cause you have Hawk giving Robbie the shoulder injury to make it easier for Miguel to win even though that wasn't the intention. Anyone could interpret the situation as Cobra Kai doing whatever it takes to win.

Faiz Khan

this man said Ong-Bak l'm dead

Devin B

I definitely agree with that cause that's why they have the foul/warning system in sports. Things like that are going to happen so they give out warnings depending on the degree of action. There are teams that would purposely foul or get a warning and it's a legit strategy. You can say that it's unfair or dishonorable but it's definitely not a dirty win.

rickie woodson

time for that season one binge

Zen Reacts

Yeah invitationals are typically where you have to be from a school thats part of that tournament circuit to be able to enter

Matthew Osteen

yall really rooting for Robby over Miguel. Nah fam Team Miguel all the way!!


I’d say rewatch the karate kid 1-3 cuz they will be making a lot of references to those movies through the show


y’all need to watch the karate kid 2 and 3 before watching season 2 and especially before S3 or S4

Mr. Toastman

This nigga Kreese was so evil, it made the next season so funny

Erich Bomke

I was going to suggest this as well but it looks like they have enough comments covering it. If you haven't seen 2 or 3, probably 75% of the references in Season 3 would go over your head.


the karate tournament makes no sense. Under 18, no body gear at all. male and female are competing against each other?

JunpeiFES .

Well to Lupa comment was not because of real life, maybe he remembered the Johnny said in the meeeting Kreese was dead and then to suddenly appear, it was a shock to all of us.

Champion Bescos

Miguel is the homeboy for life. I’m surprised Yoshi isn’t taking his side in this.


If you think like that then you’ll never win anything Bc in the end..Nobody cares abt you only themselves


Miguel has a pure heart you’ll see later that he’s the nicest of them all, just may be irrational sometimes


“They need to have a conversation” you’ll be thinking that a lot for this show lmao. Still love it

AzureSiegfried (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-29 23:09:48 Miguel >>>>>>>>> Robby
2021-10-26 02:09:02 Miguel >>>>>>>>> Robby

Miguel >>>>>>>>> Robby


@gmoney thats all perspective, going easy on your opponet and purposly not targeting a weakspot is not only dishonorable(taking pity) but also exposing weakness. Because then your opponet would KNOW you arent going to go for the weak spot. Like people said, it sucks what Hawk did and its inexcusable. Robby participating was his own decision(granted the wrong one imo, never go out on an injury) and when you make the decision you make it knowing what is going to happen.


I like how they call Daniel former champion but didn't say shit to Johnny when he was also a champion prior to Daniel iirc lmao.


Yup. Guy from a school near me played basketball with only one arm. He was pretty decent, but you’re insane if you think I didn’t drive to his weak side every time


Lmao mr miyagi didn’t teach my mans the healing hands technique


yeah, the first movie was okay, the second and third movie holy fuck they are bad

Devin Witt

Lupa nailed it on the head calling Kreese a demon. I thought Johnny was having a drunken dream/hallucination too.


say what you want i will always love miguel


it is an ok move as it not some thing ill go out of the way to watch but if its on tv ok ill watch it




yall needa react to the 1st movie before the next season ittl help sm

Robert Solis

not dirty and watch movies again to understand refrences

Devin B

Lol Daniel really rubbed his hands just to call the medic. I'm pretty sure everyone thought he was gonna do what Miyagi did but Daniel don't got time for that.


Team Miguel all day, him and Hawk are my favorite characters.


Spoiler Watch them hate what Robby does to Miguel at the end of season 2.


Not all of us, I’ve always liked Miguel the most.


yeah the last two movies might be a little hard to watch but they are important to the next seasons


One thing I love about Cobra kai is that it only gets better and better!


The one time roshi tears up the camera is out of focus? Quite the coincidence


Now that they’ve done the Kreese reveal, I gotta post this. This ad was filmed at my kids dojo (unfortunately during COVID so he had already stopped and didn’t get to meet him). https://www.facebook.com/AxsomMartialArts/videos/composite-guys-sensei-kreese-and-the-house-of-the-bull-moose/333215174654359/


Naw man fuck Robby


Just noticed, Miguel was struggling not to smile when he was setting up the crane kick.

Moisty Justice

the hate for robby is so unreasonable. Ya'll big trippin


These niggas are real soft if they think Miguel fought dirty. Either that, or y’all have never played a sport at a truly competitive level


Lol they definitely will these niggas flip on a dime. Miguel is the homie


Always. Sorry to tell you there are more a lot more Miguel fans out there


Same here but the way he was talking immediately made me realize that mf was really there

Lord Winters

What he did during the fight was fine. But attacking someone between the points. That wasn't just dirty, Cobra kai should have lost at that point. Hawk just got DQ'ed for doing the same thing in his match


Yea the arm pull was a dick move. I get Robbie was trying to be a good sport, but why didn’t he use his good arm? He wasn’t helping anyone up with the messed up arm


Me actually thinking Lupa knows something once when he was defending that Capoeira moves saying it belongs to Karate...and 1 second later I was like wait a minute wtf you talking about :D


You can just say you condone objectively trash behavior and go 🙄

Random Guy

You know what sucks? They seem to worship LaRusso as this holy legendary champion when Johnny was already a 2-time champion and then a 2nd place before LaRusso became one. They always mention champion when referring to LaRusso, but not Johnny.


Also from season 2 and forward, "How are half those people not in prison or juvie yet?"


Nah, it's just that on unfortunately the toxic part of the fandom is overrepresented in the Miguel apologist side.


that man sounded like Thanos at the end lmaooo.

Nate Douville

I thought Johnny was only a 1 time champ going for his second title when he lost to Danny and when Danny beat Mike he became the 1st 2 time champ. I could be wrong but thats what I thought it was.


Maybe because the guy’s an asshole and kind of a bum in their current times before he became a sensei?


It probably has to do with Daniel being a major sponsor of the event every single year.


I said what I said you niggas pressed over an opinion and younger generation please my guy don’t get the name fucked up you lol


I said what


New patreon update clean

Mikaele Rosecrans

Bruh the fact that the writing are making douchebags nice and nice to douchbag sucks cuz there coulda been good shit but can’t wait for theme to see the past of Kreese


He was helping him up with the good arm. Miguel went out of his way to pull his bad arm.


Daniel congratulates Johnny, "DON'T BE PETTY!" lol what?


So you call yanking your opponent's injured shoulder when was trying to lend a hand to pick you up and kicking him while his back was turned when going to his , is not fighting dirty? RIIIIGGGHTTT. SMH


Exactly, like what's with all the Robby hate? I don't get it


who says you can't go into a karate tournament with Boxing, Capoeira, and Muay Thai? As long as you don't use illegal moves, it would be greatly beneficial probably.

Adrian Valiente

The writers went OD on making Miguel the bad guy I don't think that realistically he would've pulled his arm like that. I don't care about aiming the weak spot in the final point, itd be silly not to.


I feel bad for the kid. In a way, the kid is just a victim of the writers using him as a plot device to create drama for the show, and it's for that reason that I don't care for him and would much rather he just ends up in juvie and stays there until the end of the show. The actor seems to be doing well for himself, so he doesn't need this show anymore anyways.


I think Miguel was originally slated to be just as bad if not worst than Hawk while Robbie was going to be the LaRusso stand-in, but the amount of love for Miguel by viewers helped flip things around for him, and slowly reduced Robbie into a plot device, and I'm grateful for that. Miguel is simply the more interesting character. He's a good, intelligent and driven child that, in the process of learning how to defend himself against bullies, begins to struggle not to lose the kind person he is. While Robbie is a bit more cliché. He's a delinquent, with a troubled upbringing, learning how to balance his life with the help of a mentor.


I never saw 2 or 3 and barely remember 1, but the show goes out of its way to make sure we understand the references anyways. I would still recommend watching the the second and third movies. Although honestly, I feel like I know Karate Kid 2 and 3 better than 1 just from watching seasons 2 and 3 of Cobra Kai.


Woah robby wasn't really even shitty at all lol he was on some fuck shit yeah but he was never really a bad person. Also nah I didn't root for cobra kai once because I didn't forget what johnny and cobra kai was


I dont blame Miguel at all. At a party, been drinking, and your girl who hasn't contacted you all day even though you've practically spammed her, shows up with another dude in hand. Can't justify hitting a girl but it was clearly accidental and not intentional. #TeamMiguel

Tyrese Marshall

Miyagi-Do K. Fuck Miyagi-Do fr. Cobra Kai I fuck with everyone there

Moisty Justice

these die hard Cobra Kai fans really acting like Kreese

Thetrillest Khi

That’s not dirty,, exploiting a weakness of an opponent is what your supposed to do in anything, if they have an issue they shouldn’t be fighting and if they do they shouldn’t be mad if they lose because of it

Thetrillest Khi

and it was miguel first time getting drunk as a child so you should understand his reaction

Moisty Justice

its the arm pull during rounds thats wrong and know one gets an excuse because its the first time being drunk. He did what he did during a match and was sober, if he was so right in the win why would Johnny act the way he did after?

Random Guy

Because of what happened miguel joins tekken 6

Jaime Ruiz

Cobra Kai is legit so good. Wish the sequel trilogy of Star Wars had this level of writing.


For real. literally everything that happens furthers the story, the development of the characters, and is entertaining. nothing is wasted


Robby had multiple chances to drop out due to injury. Miguel using that to his advantage was fair play to me. What hawk did and him pulling on his arm after the round was done, now that's dirty.

Jaime Ruiz

26:56-27:12 is such a great shot. Miguel kneeling in front of his Master. Very star wars haha. Also I'm surprised Roshi wasn't saying a Wins a Win haha. That's my boy Miggy. Numbah ONE

Jaime Ruiz

He was never really a bad person??? What??? Did you forget all the stealing it's implied he did before?

Jaime Ruiz

Add to that how Sam didnt mention he was her BF. Sam worse character in series.

Jaime Ruiz

Crazy how Roshi in everything else would be like Yeah fuck his arm, but because he's Johnny's kid he sees it differently.

Jaime Ruiz

Also Miguel is a mirror for exactly what Johnny is currently teaching. EAGLE FANG BABY

Lily Rose

when are y'all gonna drop season 2


Miguel pulling Robby arm was crazy I don’t think he would do that but exploiting a weakness are y’all serious🤔

T.E. Stroud

Freddy Mercury just turned in his grave 😩 what kind of music now, Lupa?

The Brooklynite

I just binged all 3 seasons this passed week. I also just binged your season 1 reactions. Can’t wait to see ya react to the next 2 phenomenal seasons. Also can’t wait for season 4 at the end of December. Can’t believe how late I was to this series. So dope.


Cuz robbys his kid and Johnny went through something similar back in his days. However, the only dirty thing in this episode was when Hawk kicked Robby when it was in between rounds. And Miguel for pulling that injured arm when Robby extended an hand for him. However, during the match, aiming for an opponent's injury isn't dirty. And clearly it wasn't against the rules or else they woulda called it out. Robby had multiple chances to drop out but he wanted to fight. Him having his arm exploited during the match is not dirty whatsoever. It might seem dishonorable but there is no rule against it. Robby going into the fight with a broken arm is more disrespectful tbh. Its almost as if hes saying he wants to try winning even not at his 100%. Like man you injured, just take the 2nd place and call it a day well done. And come back next year stronger and better.

Lamaree Jackson

Why do all of y’all come at them so hard with the hindsight clarity? They’re reacting to the episode currently on and you guys are all like “how can you disagree this character?!?!” Because they do some nice shit three seasons from now. Like don’t be mad at Vegeta for attacking Earth, he becomes a “good guy” in eighty episodes 🙃 in the comments of every show.

J. J.

Fanboys are ridiculous. Let these guys enjoy the story as it's told, you're supposed to see a tonality change in the characters, that's the way it's written.


Oh man, are you guys in for a ride with Season 2. This series just gets better with every season/episode. Just you wait

Alrick Campbell

Y'all So blurry i started reaching for my glasses and i already got em on.

Anas Ghadfi

Im watching it for the first time along with them and I can say theres nothing dirty about the win. the way he twisted his wrist before that was dirty for sure but the actual KO victory was entirely fair. Coming from Judo and Mma competition background, you cant let the opponent figure out your injury, especially when theres things like qualification for the nationals or prize money on the line.

Buff Boy Jay

the yellow car was daniels first car given by his sensei