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Sorry I had to take this down earlier, had an editing error



the one time we get a good english dub and mfs like you act like this smh


I’m gonna preface this by saying I prefer the sub for this show. Funny thing about this comment is that, outside of one degenerate who claimed he wasn’t gonna watch these reactions because it was subbed, every other person I saw advocating for the dub was super nice about it and they inevitably got attacked by sub elitists anyway. It was always “you should watch the dub it’s actually amazing” followed by people like you calling them fake fans or saying they were crying. I honestly don’t get how you think they were in the wrong for expressing an opinion.


lets goo

Creepy Killer

Oh so thats what happened lol i swear i thought i was seeing things welp time to dive into another reaction also on behalf of actual ASS CLASS fans i apologize for those fake fans behavior in the 1st episode comments.


not two minutes in, and roshi got me choking on my drink with the R. Kelly lyrics. This is why this patreon is the height of entertainment, hands down.


I'm dead😭Not the "his mind is telling him no"

Jordan Odle

Lupa keep hitting Roshi every intro just for that opening joke

The Pebble

Need some Death Note level plotting to take this man down xD


Remember kids, "No means no." This is your ASS CLASS PSA for the week!


You know what Put some tnt with pknk pellet under the class and he is done Tnt expode with blast wave at around mach 20 the pellet would go higher than that. But he if can accelerate to mach 20 in under a second Take them kids with you We dont negotiate with terrorist You small eyed yellow bastard


A oddish diglette x)


Karma: I've always wanted to try to kill a teacher Roshi: mmmm I like him lmaoo


this show is so great top tier

Ethan Rover

Y'all should watch danganronpa

Jay rellim

"edit me out" lmaoooo


nah it would be much better if they played it on stream


R Kelly was musical genius “sniffs”


friendly reminder is nagisa is a man lol


I was really looking forward to watching these reacts unfortunately you guys are watching the terrible sub so this will be a pass for me.

Eugen Iorgulescu

Funny dude. The original voice acting is far superior for most anime. Assassination Classroom is not an exception.


dub aint even that good tho lol give it a rest


Every show they watch is in its original language because not every show have good voice actors. And you saying that just shows you lack the intelligence to just read. If you don't watch anime in its original language then you just don't deserve to be here.