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This is gonna be hype! next week will start the double drops on AC!



I always advocate for people to watch both the sub and dub of all animes, if possible. I understand that it may seem like a waste of time to most, but by watching both the sub and dub, you get get more of a layered view of each character and also the story. It's interesting to see what information or character moments get changed between dubs. Also, watching an episode twice allows you to pick on things that you may have missed the first time. But maybe its just a me thing, lol. I have to watch a lot of anime dub first anyway nowadays due to my dad being too blind to see the subs, and being a sub-truther at heart I always have to go back and watch everything in subs anyway.

Arkan Matlub

Bro can masterbate you at mach 20


If you don’t think this is immature there’s no hope for you lmao.


Shoulda at least tried the dub. I get having a preference but it seems weird not even giving it a shot considering how many ppl advocate for it. Especially when no one is actually giving any reasons outside of “sub is always better”. I feel like ppl should know by now that making broad generalizations whether they be about race, gender, religion, or something as trivial as anime language is pretty stupid. Again if you watch the dub and don’t like it go for it but so many ppl don’t give it a shot but still call it bad because “dub is always worse”. You miss out on a lot thinking like that.


I'm just now starting their reaction on this and I'm so glad the rest of it is in sub, thanks for the heads up 😅


the only reason i dont like dub is cause i dont like hearing cringe in my own language it feels odd even if the dub VAs are good just certain lines give me the ick in english 💀💀


That’s big fax but ppl write off dub as if that pertains to every show. A lot of the time it’s cringe but sometimes, like in this, yakuza babysitter, and the obvious ones like bebop and fmab it’s fuckin awesome. Just not a fan of generalizations. Always see for yourself.

Michael H

This. 100% this. Reading cringe is a lot more palatable than hearing it, no matter how well it’s delivered.

Michael H

I don’t mind a lot of dub, but the only time I would ever recommend it is with shows like Prison School, where the English slang used and the delivery of the lines really add to the comedy. Even with FMAB, one of the best dubs out there, the sub is probably better if I’m being objective.


Impossible to be objective it’s all opinion based but I get what you mean. My whole thing is most ppl don’t even give it a chance. What you said about slang and delivery is 100% accurate but the only way to know is to watch it. And most ppl don’t even try. Btw I think fmab dub is slightly better but it’s a masterpiece in either language so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mirz Mirz

Lets fuckin goooooo, yall gonna love this one

Lafu Sa

Man just when I was telling myself I need to save money and stop some subscriptions. Ig you guys staying on the payroll. Some OFs gotta go then.


ASS CLASS!? OH THIS 'BOUT TO BE LIT LIT. Strap in and prepare for Comedy, Action, and Sadness.

Joshua Burns

Oh it’s “Ass Class” 🤣 term coined by Roshi himself


Between how the show opened, to the actual intro, my initial reaction was... "What the f#%! am I watching?!" So glad y'all are watching this! Ready to relive this gem with you guys!


please no, Koro-sensei's voice is iconic

Jalen Holmes

Amazing anime guys. Hope you enjoy!

Tierra Gipson

I’m positive you guys will love this show in either sub or dub, BUT some episodes are WAY more intense in dub 😆


The opening is sung by the voice actors by the way!


ass class is really enjoyable in the beginning, but when it picks up towards the end of the first season, IT PICKS UP


this will be great. ive been dying to rewatch this. thank you


please watch it in the dub, the sub is good but the comedy hits way better in dub


ehhh, while i agree that its really good by anime dub standards, i feel that some voices dont fit for me. I just really don't like koro-sensei's voice in the eng dub, idk why, i just dont


This is one of the few anime where I don't mind which dub you watch it in! It's great in both sub and dub.

mekhi smith

Yeah guys please switch it to the dub version


watch it in the dub. it’s better even tho i usually prefer sub

James Ancester

seconding this, the original VA's did such an amazing job that the dub just didn't capture, especially Koro-sensei


They named him Koro-sensei which is a combo of the word "korosenai" (meaning un-killable), and sensei...

James Ancester

Tentacle powers: Always OP

john segun doe

Please watch this in dub the actor who plays the dub teacher is fuckin hilarious


Not Sheera saying the girl was playing with those tentacles lmaoo


Nagisa's pronouns are He/Him but the confusion will be addressed later lmao


Just wanted to be pedantic. Roshi mentioned him being gone 10 seconds to get the nameplates. But if you notice, he actually got back as soon as the students were saying "he's gone?" So he was literally gone less than a second to go through and do all of that. All things considered, Mach 20 is a bit over 15000 mph


More Western VA's need more attention. Sub's are great, but discounting Sonny Strait is unacceptable. He was Joker in Fire Force...he stay voicing top tier characters!


This show got me through freshman and sophomore year of high school lol everyone else was watching MHA at the time me and my friends was on this and durarara


This show got me through like one of the toughest times in Senior year. Probably one of my most favorite watches because it held so much emotional value 😭


This show got me through my final year of secondary school lmao


This is what I’m talking about, bringing back those good old school anime. I’m going to enjoy this one.


No. Roshi has already said they will never watch Dub's of shows as he want to watch in original language show that it was made, which real wise people always do.


The Dub for this anime was very bad lmao I don't know why everyone recommending it


Nagisa is the most ever made trap character that shouldn't be a trap. They even draw hips on this character, I just quit trying to figure out if boy or girl. Nagisa is only a TRAP!

Ashanti Patmon

I been waiting for this one since you announced it


i recommend you watch the dub, dub is od af


so many people recommending the dub (which I think sucks) seem to forget koro Sensei is voiced by lelouch and is so much better than dub.


the sub is fine. it would be a god experience to watch it.


Sub is ok, guys. Hope you continue watching in Sub.

TimmSchmimm (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:50:05 What is with the people wanting the dubbed version. I can imagine it was released on netflix with the dub and many watched it dubbed because of that but man sub > dub
2021-10-02 11:58:02 What is with the people wanting the dubbed version. I can imagine it was released on netflix with the dub and many watched it dubbed because of that but man sub > dub

What is with the people wanting the dubbed version. I can imagine it was released on netflix with the dub and many watched it dubbed because of that but man sub > dub


omg yes!!! i love this show

Jake White

@Thamor you’re being a clown cause they’ve watched dubs before lmao. Including Gurren Lagann right now

Calvin Delaney

I dunno i think they are Equal. So many people watched it in Dub because Funimation advertised the Dub so heavily as a big selling point to pay for Funimation now.


This is gonna be so much fun 2 seasons of 24eps each 😭 hyped


Korosensei's voice actor is the same as Lelouch's

None None

This was one of Shonen Jump's first major blowout hits of the 2010s. You can absolutely tell that a lot of the big series that followed it took notes. Promised Neverland and MHA, in particular, have a lot of this series's DNA (although they ran with VERY different elements of it).


PLEASE NEVER WATCH THE DUB, ONLY SUB THANKS (The dub is okay, but it's better to watch the sub when it's your first time then the dub is the second watch so that you don't miss any joke/vibe/sounds/etc. that cannot be captured by the dub (every voice over translation in life has limitations))


nahhh better watch dub only on a rewatch but not for the first time



Deeqa Ali

Love this show, so hype

Devin B

I wouldn't say the same vibes cause Talentless Nana is more hardcore imo.


Definitely stick to the sub, the dub is okay but I kinda fear that people will stop watching if it is dub since a lot of us watched the sub.


I watched AC in both sub and dub. Sub voices suit them more, in my opinion. Sub, please. Maybe dub when you want to rewatch it.


OMG YASSSSSS u guys do all my fav shows I swear

Earphone Jack

I watched AC in dub. But I don’t mind the sub.

Jake White

Damn I actually do enjoy the sub too, but I’m kinda hoping you guys switch and watch it in dub now cause watching all these sub elitists cry over people just suggesting the dub is almost equally as entertaining as your actual reactions lol


Take a shot everytime Sheera says "ew".


alright sub elitist, if they do a poll then it is what it is. I'll be voting dub :)


i want everyone who's sees this message in chat to know that derick ako is probably a weeb and not to take his replies seriously :)

derick ako

We are all weebs cus we love anime, the dub for this show is just not as good as the sub and that's a fact


no, no thats not a fact. You literally just called yourself a weeb

Jake White

Here we go, the sub elitists are here to cry about other people’s preferences again smh

Jake White

@derick ako, and green is just not as good of a color as blue. And 6 is just not as good of a number as 8, and that’s a fact. See how dumb it sounds trying to make your opinion into a statement of objective fact?

derick ako

A weeb is just someone who really likes anime lol that's not much of an insult I don't really care. And the majority agrees with me cus my replies saying no are getting more likes than the actual comments themselves

Jake White

And? Lmao that still doesn’t make it a fact, bud. The majority of people could agree that the ground is made of spaghetti and they’d still be wrong 🤷‍♂️ it’s still just your opinion and you’re acting like a child to even suggest otherwise

derick ako

The "fact" thing and the "majority thing" are two separate arguments. I was saying most of the viewers agree so even if a poll was to be taken sub would most likely win

Jake White

Polls were never even mentioned on this comment thread so idk what’s that gotta do with your obfuscation of the words ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’ but alright lol. Since that’s the case, why are you crying and replying on every single person’s comment suggesting the dub instead of just letting them voice their opinions and then lose in the poll (if there ever is to be one)?

derick ako

The poll argument was just a hypothetical situation to help my argument I thought that was clear but I guess not. Also how is simply saying "no" crying? And how is me replying stopping them from voicing their opinions? They are free to comment whatever they want the same way I'm free to, it's not like their comments delete after I reply to them lmao


Pay attention to Lupa-sans eyes this whole series

Daniel Gonzalez

Ill just say since Japan has actual schools for VA and generations of talent that they definitely have a larger talent pool to draw from to voice anime whereas on the dub side its pretty much a bunch of the same voices in every show so objectively I'd say subs are usually always gonna be better tho I count a few exceptions

Jake White

You say that like subs don’t also use pretty much the same voices in most shows. Popular voice actors get a lot of roles. Happens in both industries. Yuki Kaji, Kenjiro Tsuda, Takehito Koyasu, etc. There are almost just as many recurring voice actors across series in Japanese subs as there are in English dubs.


The dub is okay, but it's better to watch the sub when it's your first time then the dub is the second watch so that you don't miss any joke/vibe/sounds/etc. that cannot be captured by the dub (every voice over translation in life has limitations)


I just can't imagine how they can reproduce Korosensei weird laugh and sounds hahahaha


Exactly, sub for the first watch and dub for a rewatch


The dub isn't that bad, it's great. It's just that voice offer translation has its limitations (not just for animes, it includes everything from movies to asian drama to video games, etc.). Therefore, for this kind of anime and especially japanese humor it's better in sub for the first watch.


I mean, those tentacles though hahahaha




thats one of the few animes I saw in (german) dub.. liked it. now maybe I like the sub too. I am used to the dub voices


@derrick ako We get it you don't like the dub. Acting like a snobby 15 yr old commenting under every suggestion smh. U really on some Fatherless behavior lol.


Honestly the dub for sensei's voice as well as many other characters is much better in my opinion, maybe make a poll unless you prefer to watch this version, it's entirely up to you guys, also maybe watch like the beginning of the first ep in dub on your own time to see if you'd like it anyways


This show is absolute fire. I can't wait for you guys to watch it all. Its so good, wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil anything.


Literally one of the best Anime Sensei's ya'll gonna love this


for the love of god i hope yall stick to sub


Way too happy that you guys are watching this series, learned alot from it.


nagisa is a boy. theres a reason to his appearance but its a spoiler. his look is intentional


sub for sure kuro sensei VA is so good same VA as lelouch


Please don’t watch the dub

Roxy Rezerina

please stick to sub, the dub va's arent bad by any means, if anything it's one of the better dubbed series, but the sub voice actors are incredible and irreplacable .

Earphone Jack

Nagisa is a boy. You’ll find out why his hair is styled like that as you continue watching.


Dub please


hyped to watch this one with you guys

derick ako

It's 15 year old behavior but you chose to respond lol what does that make you? I have a strong opinion about this topic and i'm expressing it there's nothing immature about it


Why tf would people want Dub for this show.. the sub voice actors are perfect for the characters, never seen a reaction with Dub for this


To each their own homie, dub go hard on this one tho, I could watch either and not be bothered


I never seen the sub he really sounds like a girl idk why tho. I don't mind the sub as whole but that's the only part that gets me. Dub is good as well I don't mind either or for this show Update: I'm leaning towards the dub lol

Jonatan Tercero

Dub ??? Nooo :((( literally koro senseis voice actor in the sub is spot on with the character.

Jonatan Tercero

Sub is 100 times better . With koro sensies voice alone 💯 but hey guys , if Roshi and them want to watch dub , screw it . It’s their choice . They wanna enjoy the show.


This is definitely one of those anime sets up the series as a whole lol. The explosion at the end always gets people LMAO


Its been a minute since I've watched this, but I really hope they dont clown on too many of the incoming moments. Its got some dumb parts, but overall it was an emotional, and surprisingly deep show that left very little questions unanswered by the end


as others have said the dub for the teacher is 11/10


Same. People out here acting like American VA's are trash and can't compete with their Japanese counterparts. This shouldn't even matter at the end of day.


Chris Ryan (fellow Texan) does a bang-up job as Karasuma. People can like what they like and that's great but discounting American VA's like him and Sonny...like come on. So that means since I'm training to be VA, (who speaks English) what I do is automatically going to be trash? FOH. VA's have great people on both sides of the world!


Sup supremacists are dumb af, cleary havent heard Yuri Lowenthal, Steve Blum or Max Mittelman in action


imo its not always about individual va's (ofc thats a factor too) but personally i believe shows should be watched in the original language as intended. japanese va isnt automatically better than eng va. i watched 99% of animes in japanese (the only dubs i watched were the stuff when i was like 10 such as dbz, yugioh, pokemon, etc). I usually enjoy the japanese as it sounds more fluent and more precise. im not saying this for every show but most shows are better adapted with the language they were intended. i would not watch avatar the last airbender in japanese nor would i watch squid game in english or japanese. but ofc everyone's entitled to their own opinion and its not like i never watched dub anime b4 but my thing is to watch everything in their og languages


Dub sucks, the emotion just isnt there, they're just mimicking what the original VA did and it comes out as corny. Not saying the english VA's aren't good, just not good in anime.


I mean in my experience I prefer to watch things in they're native language, they just seem better suited for the role they were picked for. The only English dubs I've like so far are Yoko Taro's video games, like Drakengard and Nier; Drakengard 3 probably has the best English dubs I've ever heard. I tried to watch an American movie in Japanese dubs one time because I was using Netflix on a vpn, gotta say listening to Will Smith be voiced over by a Japanese person for five minutes was the single most cringe worthy thing I've experienced.


BTW i dunno if you guys noticed but korosensei has the same voice actors as of Matsumoto fro VIVY!

peachu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:28:53 no
2023-11-27 06:28:53 no
2021-10-03 01:00:48 no


I Am Gojo

Its funny that people want dub just so Koro's va will be different, Why would they change from sub to dub just because of 1 character? Waste

Estelle Hana

I don't get why people still beg for dub when they should've known that these trio like to watch anime/shows in their native language. It'd be understandable if the ones demanding for dub are new viewers, but if you've been watching these guys for a long time, then why.....? Just let them enjoy the anime the way they like please. Anyways, good reaction as always! I can't wait for more AC reactions~

Jake White

Take that advice yourself, chief. You’re the one super mega butthurt about people having different opinions than you and going around responding to them with the same copy paste 6 year old retort lol. Y’all sub elitists are entertainingly goofy to watch freak out


Dont listen to these people. KEEP IT SUBBED

rickie woodson

too bad deadly class was only one season. well there are the comics

Jake White

I never even said whether I preferred the dub, chump. I’m just here to enjoy watching you sub elitist crybabies that can’t accept the idea that others have different opinions, be the goofy children that you are lol


No there is a second season that completes the anime

soul keeper

yes I love the dub. plus I feel like they really gave it an A plus job at expressing the characters rolls👌🏾

john segun doe

Hey Roshi Plz do a poll on Dub or Sub


One of my favorite anime. Top tier. I hope they watch the live-action movie too.


Keep it subbed please. The dub is ok but personally I hated Nagisa’s voice dubbed. Felt like he was constantly talking with his nose pinched


Not liking one over the other is subjective. Even the worst animes can have great performances. Say what you will about MHA, but to say Patrick Seitz had NO emotion for Endeavor's Prominence Burn? VA's for dubs WILL have respect put on their name.


Let your opinions drown in purgatory. Comments fit for a clown. Find a circus tent to house your pathetic views. Bottom-tier piece of garbage.


they did spoil one character i wont say who


Sub for AC is abysmal, please watch dub.


Koro sensei’s sub voice is terrible i have no idea how anyone can stand to listen to him speak

en -V

you already spoil it by saying they did spoil a character


You can say that with the majority of anime lol theres a few exceptions like FMAB but for the most part that will always be the case


The big difference is that japanese VAs work directly with the director of the show so the director dictates how the acting goes, thus a better result.

Ace The FireDragon

I wouldn’t change the show to dub just because 1 character sounds great in dub when the rest are trash.

Ace The FireDragon

Literally everyone asking for dub in the comments are getting hard ratioed by sub supporters. I love democracy. (When we are winning of course.)

C Cuenca

This anime gives me extreme emotional ptsd the way i bawled my eyes out in the end😭, guess im going for the ride yet again

C Cuenca

As far as the sub vs dub I’d stick with the sub bc they’re some funny episodes where the jokes hits more in the sub


Damn this chat toxic af, at this point I would say watch whatever you feel is best


Y’all crying over sub vs dub are being so childish, why does the language even matter it’s the same plot lol


stick to sub, the dub of ass class ain't worth

Sebastian Stróż

I do think it matters but I agree that some people on both sides act like spoiled kids. At the end of the day the crew have to enjoy it or its all pointless.


Honestly I love AC but I've only watched it in dub, so was kinda confused on why the voices sound weird. 1st time watching this anime in sub and I'm ready lol.


but i wont say who it is so they will never know

Darren Banks

Not the FCAT... Florida niggas...

Darren Banks

I'm gonna call you.... Always Low Prices

Tev Overhaul

Time out the voice actor … for the teacher is he the same guy from Vivy the cube robot??


The dub is amazing, but it doesn't matter if you watch it in dub or sub its just a really good anime.


Don't worry guys everyone was confused about nagisa's gender first time we saw him

The Truth

No it doesn’t because there are sub titles in dub that are from the sub so that logic is flawed

The Truth

You say it bad but now a single one of you guys can explain how, just crying like a baby

The Truth

So sub to take the show as a joke like how they sound, dub is more serious

Nikolai Cannady

2015-2016 feels like yesterday to me and people are calling this a classic makes me feel old cause Yu Yu Hakusho and Tenshi Muyo is classic to me. Excited to finally complete this goated gem of a show with you guys!

The Master Here come the drums (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:49:24 Ah nagisa the original trap!
2021-11-14 19:49:24 Ah nagisa the original trap!
2021-11-14 19:49:24 Ah nagisa the original trap!
2021-11-14 19:49:24 Ah nagisa the original trap!
2021-10-05 22:39:39 Ah nagisa the original trap!

Ah nagisa the original trap!


the Dub version is not that bad, so stop crying for sub

Evan Jenkins

This show kinda came out of nowhere, but it has some serious heart.


Please watch this dub ot one of the few where dub is sooooooo gooood


So glad that you guys are reacting to this!

The Master Here come the drums (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:28:53 You think so?
2023-11-27 06:28:53 You think so?
2023-11-27 06:28:53 You think so?
2023-11-27 06:28:53 You think so?
2021-10-07 15:57:50 You think so?

You think so?


Agreed, this is one of those rare situations where the dub is very good. Similarly with Steins Gate, actually the dub is far more entertaining. Keep up the good work.

The Truth

This comment section shows how toxic sub watchers can be, people from other countries enjoy when someone speaks their language because it’s easier on their heart and mind. When things get difficult people can become toxic

Creepy Killer

I personally am not complaining but to answer your question dubs are localized when they get translated so the original emotion that came with the original voice actors has the be emulated. On top of the fact that Dub changes lines, context, as well as sometimes changing the entire episode to "localize" it. Most simply prefer the original content unchanged hence the reason some people read manga because the anime will cut out certain things to fill the time slot. (Not arguing either or just wanted to answer your question.)

Jdogzero Silverblade

change your name. it doesnt fit. no the biggest reason sub watchers like it better is due to how it sounds. some say its better soley because its the original language which i think is dumb. sub sounds better because they have better actors. thats a fact not an opinion. they also have way more voice actors than we do so they can fill more roles and have better picks. your looking way too much into it. but no we arent really toxic. we just have watched anime for longer and can tell the difference between bad voice acting and good voice acting easily. some shows are better dub but the amount of shows that are better dub are so tiny is sad. dub voice actors for anime have 0 passion for it and never practice and train their voice to be better. sub voice actors do and thats another reason they are better. never be happy you get into the field. always try and be better at it. the 4 series i like dub way more than sub are gurren lagann assassination classroom aesthetica of a rouge hero and kenchi myu war on genpinar. the last name im not sure i spelled it right. but the majority of anime is far better subbed. like dub all you want but its a fact that sub is better on most cases. due to the effort they put in and talent they have.

Jdogzero Silverblade

true. the only thing that the sub annoys me with is that they keep saying they are killers instead of assassins. no one kills anyone until the end of season 2. they are assassins though. an assassin can be one even if they havent killed anyone. a killer cant be a killer if they havent killed anyone.

Jdogzero Silverblade

yea thats not what he said at all. you clearly havent actually watched the show since your talking about it like it needs to be serious all the time. they literally go to the beech a resort have trips have fun with games and such. learn to actually enjoy the show. its not real.

Jdogzero Silverblade

they communicate with the people watching their stuff and get their input on it so we can also enjoy it. they can only think about themselves but they dont which i think is fantastic seeing as we are paying them

Jdogzero Silverblade

wow way to have a 1 sided view on things. how about we ignore your opinion and you can screw off. let people give their opinions on things. at the end of the day its not your choice its theirs.

Jdogzero Silverblade

john asking to give people the right to choose what language they want and technically payed for while your trying to be a 1 sided selfish jerk. your stupid.

Jdogzero Silverblade

no never ask for a live action movie. live action anime always sucks bad. the last airbender death note etc. the last airbender speaks for itself. death note they took the mc and completely reversed his character. going from a super smart genius thats respected and fawned over to a bullied cowards that cant do anything himself. they change the entire story and ruin it because they try to force it into a 2 or 3 hours movie when its way longer than that.

Jdogzero Silverblade

preference is really the only reason. i like dub because nagisa says they are assassins not killers. you can be an assassin if you havent killed anyone but not a killer if you havent. pretty basic. and they kill no one until the end of season 2 and its kuro-sensei.

Creepy Killer

1 These comments are funny af and 2 I don't care either or as a fan of all of you I pay 10$ a month not to watch subbed or dubbed anime but to watch you guys reaction to those animes so with that all i have left to say is enjoy the show in whatever way your comfortable enjoying it. (Actual Fan)

RavinFox .

Oh hey! I hear a familiar voice that was in the Vivy anime coming from the teacher! Actually... I might have heard this voice a lot more than I think. 🤔 Definitely with fast explanations... Possibly with flirting attempts. I'm connecting the dots in reverse here, but they did a great job with taking care of their voice all these years.


Nagisa is a boy? Wtf he literally has pigtails, sounds like a girl, has the name of a girl, and looks like a girl. Some anime creators are on some weird shit

The Truth

Clearly does if I made you write all of that which is full of opinion, I also stopped reading the moment I read “has better actors”. Don’t care about opinions


No I’m literally not, I just gave you one of most typical characteristics of a girl, even Roshi himself had the same exact thoughts

The coochie bandit

Dude you really are thinking too deep. I won’t spoil, but there is a reason he looks like that

So I told those S.E.E.S jabronies, you stopping the dark hour doesn't work for me brother. How bout you take ol' GIgas' finish! (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:49:19 The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.
2021-11-14 19:49:19 The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.
2021-11-14 19:49:19 The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.
2021-11-14 19:49:19 The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.
2021-10-11 07:00:18 The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.

The fuckin' FCAT, man that's a florida ass joke.

Austin Friley

Koro sensei is one by of my favorite anime characters ever

The Truth

Millions agreed on the opinion that Jews are bad and should be killed. Millions agreed that there should be slaves. Millions agree on killing others. People agreeing doesn’t make right.


Oh hell yeah! This has been on my "need to finish" list of anime for a long ass time so it's dope that I'll get to watch it with y'all.

Rex Perez

I'm happy you guys are reacting to this just wish it was the dub since their voices really set the characters apart.

Alvin Smith

interesting cause i always thought he looked like a boy, just feminine

Eugen Iorgulescu

The original voices are far better, with extreme nuances of the voice acting from seasoned veterans.

Daniel Seyi

This masterpiece... I cry everytime

Erik Salazar

i think the English dub for this episode is a bit better. like koro-sensei's voice acting just shows off how pissed he is.


i hate how people like these in anime are just glossed over barely with just a slap on the wrist, and they are like best buddies 2 episodes later and they get their redemption arc a few more later lmao. no, we need actual punishments and just desserts.

Jonathan McKaye

I’m kinda disappointed you guys didn’t watch the dub. I think it’s far superior in my opinion.