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Ahh so now we see the true villains!



Waifu lootbox

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Fun fact in case you think Nia's voice is familiar her voice actor is actually Starfire from Teen Titans.

Diante Richard

Another fun fact Simon is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal the VA of Sasuke from Naruto and Ben from Ben 10


Another fun fact Simon and Rossiu also voice Suzaku and Lelouch respectively

Vincent S Deluca

Trigger is a studio founded by a bunch of former members from Gainax, so there are a lot of similarities and references, cause its basically the same people

Zion Noland

I was THINKING THATT! I knew her voice but I couldn’t put a name to it

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-30 16:24:22 Other fun fact, Kamina is voiced by Gohan from Dragon Ball Z
2023-12-30 16:24:22 Other fun fact, Kamina is voiced by Gohan from Dragon Ball Z
2021-09-30 19:24:29 Other fun fact, Kamina is voiced by Gohan from Dragon Ball Z

Other fun fact, Kamina is voiced by Gohan from Dragon Ball Z


Another fun fact Leron is voiced by Steve Blum aka Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bepop,Orochimaru from Naruto, and Mugen from Samurai Champloo


I love Nia a lot and the fact that her English VA is also Starfire is really exciting for me right now


We also gotta let them know to watch the new opening that starts at episode 17! Gotta see them react to that


Gurren Lagann is the kind of show where a solid half of your wild guesses are 100% correct lmao Stealth science (and Chinese mythology!) lesson- the Spiral King is Lordgenome (all one word), obviously referring to a genome = DNA segment (which is shaped like a double helix aka a spiral), and his four generals are named after the four base molecules that make up DNA's coding + an elemental spirit (+their mechs are each one of the legendary animals from Chinese mythology- using their Japanese names- each representing a cardinal direction and an element): Adenine (A) + Undine (water spirit) = Adiane (piloting Sayrune, based on Seiryu the Azure Dragon of the East/water) Cytosine (C) + Salamander (fire spirit) = Cytomander (piloting Shuzack, based on Suzaku the Vermilion Bird of the South/wind) Guanine (G) + Gnome (earth spirit) = Guame (piloting Gember, based on Genbu the Black Tortoise of the North/earth) Thymine (T) + Sylph (wind spirit) = Thymilph (piloting Byakou, based on Byakko the White Tiger of the West/fire) The DNA molecules pair up A-T and C-G (hence Adiane and Thymilph having a "connection"), which also pairs the North-South and East-West mechs together Thymilph and Cytomander swap elementals, presumably because "Thymander" and "Cytolph" just sound silly (and borderline unpronounceable in Japanese) ...so yeah, tons of references in these weirdly-named "high court of villains" lol

RavinFox .

And then after the shift into becoming Studio Trigger, they made BNA: Brand New Animal


Damn Sheera really only got sexual comments in the brain bank, gets really overbearing sometimes


Someone make a compilation of Sheera saying ew 😂I swear she says it at least once every video


Lol those are her signature jokes so it isn't surprising when it happens


daaaamn alright then i'm out here learning tonight


Redemption arc has arrived. these guys aint ready for whats coming.


Are you not aware of who i am! Perfect and adorable


@15:02 lmaoooo sheera

Viela Guay

Tbh one of my favorite things about this show is how damn deep they go with the spiral symbology, to the point where it ties together the entire narrative of the show.

Evan Jenkins

The Heart has arrived.

Stanley Labissiere

Yeah he voices Orochimaru, he really manipulated his voice to sound more snake-like, but if you listen you could tell


I wish it was sub I don’t even know why I hate dub so much


Yeah especially when this dub is probably one of my favorite of all time. Not in quality but it speaks to my heart


That starts up at some point in the second half, iirc