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Eell that was both epic and trash at the same time. Pour one out for the homie



Not gonna lie, when I first saw him die, I QUIT! I dropped the anime for a year then came back

Red Ted

yeah, and this is when I dropped the show due to how mad I was that Kamina died. I finished it a year later, it is a good anime

Saucy Jonathan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 02:53:24 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag
2023-11-16 02:53:24 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag
2023-11-16 02:53:24 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag
2023-11-16 02:53:24 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag
2023-11-16 02:53:24 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag
2023-08-11 11:12:47 I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag

I’m surprised no one noticed the death flag


Oh damn. Yeah I’m out ✌🏽

jesse almonte

This fucked me up when I was younger

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Yes finally in time for the heartbreak. We say goodnight to the Chad.


It is time

Jules Eris

We've been blessed today


The first character I ever cried for when they died. Truly felt like my best friend died in this episode


Gurren Lagann is easily my favorite anime of all time and I felt nothing when Kamina died. lol The first 9 episodes are probably my least favorite of the show.


That moment when the show goes from wacky hijinks and chooses to kill off one of the main characters.


At the very least, Kamina avenged his own death. 😂


If you pay attention vitals are normally yellow but turned black when they die. In the combination sequence Kamina's vitals are blacked out meaning he was fighting while already dead.


I had to stop watching for a while when I was younger this came out of nowhere and broke me.

Emman Reed

once again it's a woman that ruins everything.

Papa Souls

Oh, oh no. RED FLAGS!!!

Jake White

Fun fact: it’s been confirmed by the creator that Kamina actually died the moment he was stabbed. He legit willed himself back into existence long enough to fight with Simon, when he got up and said, “can’t a guy get a little sleep around here?” Or somethin like that. RIP to one of the realest ones out there. Real men don’t die, even if they’re killed.

Weltall Gaia

You mentioned them spending a years worth of animation budget. This series actually had a major movie budget instead of a series budget, and there are certain episodes that actually take up a significant percentage of the budget. Upwards of 40% of the budget went into certain episodes specifically.


People are gonna disagree with you on this but I agree lol, I love Kamina but his death didn't hit me as bad as it seems to have with everyone else that watched it, the latter half is also my favorite part of the show


Everytime I hear Kamina scream when he gets stabbed it gives me chills


Everytime i rewatch this show i remember that it came out in 2007 and holy shit the animation was incredible for the time, i think still looks better than most of the shows that came out recently.


This show is still as gorgeous as I remember


Every time, bro...


"Ill kiss your other lips" In teh immortal words of Sheera: SIIIIIRRRR, THAT is a CHILD. lol

RavinFox .

I mean they said a woman lol This is a very specific situation where I can't help but laugh though.

Joel Braaten

This episode always fucks me up 😭


I cried first time ngl, was straight pain


You really thought kamina was the main character of this show... BUT IT WAS ME SIMON!

Emman Reed

I'm trolling pls don't take this seriously. Was a bad joke for the internet I guess


NGL i still tear up everytime i watch this episode/



Bully Finch

I was eight when this came out and it broke me didn't pick it back up until part 2 came out.


That moment when Lupa realized it was serious lmao


i prefer this show in japanese but....that was one solid GIGA DRILL BREAAAAAKER


The Emo Clap


Is this what some people were going on about in the earlier episodes as to why they hate her for getting someone killed? That's so crazy illogical. Now no one is supposed to fall in love with someone else they hurt someone else's feelings? Goddamn the world we live in.

Evan Jenkins

Every single time I watch this show I dread this episode, but I also know that things are only going to get more amazing.

Dous Dous

Not gonna lie, and I know it's petty but when I was first watching Gurren Lagann, I stopped watching after this episode or the next for almost 3 years because I couldn't get over Kaminas death and did not wanna follow with Simon AT ALL


That aint petty bruh, I introduced it to my older brother like 2 months ago and after that ep he hasnt watched a single one. The entire night after we watched it he was just mad depressed


"I'm upset. I didn't think he was gonna die" don't worry. We l got that stunned feeling.


this episode made me stop watching for years lmao

Taylor Moon

Yeah same here, who knows might’ve been because I’m watching in English and I hate English dub but it’s worth it for the reaction

Jaime Ruiz

I remember falling in love with the character of Kamina. I cried so hard and for so long when it happened.


This episode hit hard. Especially knowing what's going to happen and seeing the death flags from so early on. It's just crazy because i could tell ya'll caught those death flags in the beginning, it's just unexpected for such a main character this soon.


Yea that shit was mad unexpected but Kamina was never a mc he was a deuteragonist

Nani Campos

I saw this anime ages ago, but Kamina's deaths still hurts like the first time!!

Drake Rage

That is with good reason... *spoiler, personal preference* Kamina was really the best character in the show.