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The most wholesome episode yet!......until that ending lmao


Caleb Washington

Thor at the end was moving like he forgot to take the chicken out the freezer lol


Thor was full Chad in this episode. Love all the looney tunes references too


Worst episode by far 5/10 I really wanted a lot more from Thor


Wasn't feeling this episode at all. I definitely don't need all the episodes to be serious, but the humor just doesn't work for me.


I think Ultron was originally supposed to download his mind into the Vision body. But instead, Tony downloaded Jarvis into the body creating the Vision we know. This one is probably just Ultron if he had succeeded in getting the body.

Davon Thomas

Most people don't like this episode because Captain Marvel was showcasing strength that rivaled Thor and clearly wasn't taking damage like he was. Hurt them seeing her be so dominant

Beef Gristle Mill

It's not the dominant thing for me, she can be as dominant as she wants. it's that marvel tries so hard to make Carol Danvers a cool character when she's not. But if you like her that's cool 👌

Jamil Hicks

The chick was she-hulk roshi and lupa

Dexter Blessed

I'm not gonna lie, this episode made me like Captain Marvel. She's a lot more charming and personable than in her movie.

Jeremiah Wagner

Reading the description then seeing Thor walk away from the car I thought she was finna blow up. But what we got was much worse. I enjoyed this episode. It was hilarious

The Truth

Tell me you’re a stiff without telling me you’re a stiff

Devin B

Yeah how she was in her movie wasn't terrible but it wasn't anything great either but how she was in this episode was actually pretty good character/personality wise.


Captain Marvel is getting pretty boring. I’m really hating how she casually looks down on everyone. I really hope we don’t see a one sided take down if she is summoned by the Beeper in the next two episodes.


If you recall, that body was supposed to be Ultrons. Also, he probably made armor to look like himself because Vision’s body isn’t really intimidated. I really hope that Ultron doesn’t mess this up though. Also, wait! The infinity Gauntlet was on Asguard! They showed it early in the episode. With all the Infinity stones! Are they saying Ultron robbed Asgard while the party was taking place, and Heimdall did nothing to stop it?


Remember, Ultron originally wanted Vision's body for himself


cap marvel is probably the only popular female character marvel has not done well and its mainly because they tried too hard to make her a symbol for "women power", a lot of people will accept blackwidow beating thor instead of captain marvel and that's simply because she's not a well written character...and i don't get what direction marvel is trying to go with thor cuz it seems like after ragnarok and infinity war he fully became the clown of the franchise,they basically just toy around with his character


i really wish Thor was as strong as his comic book self, war of the realms thor was somethin else man


Does everyone of these have to end with: "BUT THEY WEREN'T *THE* MCU UNIVERSE, SO THEY'RE FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED!"?


Yeah that's the intention of What If. The comic universe 616 and the MCU 199999 along with our own the 1218 are the only "main" universes.


What character was rishi talking about, with the background images


That Ultron is basically Ultron if he got the end up in vision's body. Cause in Age of Ultron the avengers stole the body and Thor awoke Vision, but since he's not an avenger, he never got to do that. Ultron prob ended up in Visions body and with the Avengers missing a pivotal member of their group he beat them, somehow ended up with the stones and prob went back in time to do some fuck shit.

Dark Shogun

If this Ultron is from a different universe, which I'm guessing he is, the Infinity Stones shouldn't work since they ONLY work in the universe they are from. That's why in the Loki show there were a bunch of Infinity Stones in a desk drawer that did nothing. BTW, That guy that messed up the Statue of Liberty was Surtur. He is part of the Ragnarök event.


Remember Vision is Ultron v2.0


Roshi and Lupa face at the end had me dying lmao the literal shock


I don't think marvel is trying to make Cpt Marvel likeable, her key flaw is arrogance and that isn't something people sympathize with. On the other hand, she's the veteran hero (I know Thor is a thousand years old but his character acts like he's still growing up for his own movies.) I think the Cpt Marvel movie should have cut more comedic bits and embraced the serious character-movie, but regardless, she's exactly what she is in this episode, the responsible adult. PS: To anyone honestly criticizing her or her movie, I'm sorry that you don't get taken seriously sometimes, but it can genuinely be hard to tell the difference between you and concern-trolling from the people who decided how they felt without ever watching the movie.

Daniel Gonzalez

The main things for me I wanted to see Mar vell first the original maybe even pass the the torch to Carol and also I was annoyed that Marvel pitched it as we needed to see it before endgame when no we really didn't other than that the movie pretty basic not the worst but also not the best its just somewhere kinda in the middle


After the numbers 4 and 5 this was a nice change. And seeing Loki being like this was really co- oh, Ultron with a vibranium body...fuck.


I'm willing to forgive a lot of the writing mainly cause they filmed Infinity War and Endgame back to back meaning the first time she recorded anything was for Endgame. Then they went off to film her movie which would release pre Endgame, which fucks with how much you can do with a character. It's still on Marvel for introducing a character honestly for no tangible reason However, I think the main problem is that she is established and her only trait is she's big number. Scarlet Witch gets the pop-off in endgame vs Thanos, because she had multiple movies to earn that moment. Captain Marvel sole reason to be big number is to blow up Thanos' ship, so really no discernable reason. And I think that's the problem is that her status feels unearned, and maybe The Marvels will help and make her feel more involved and fleshed out


elba's marvel contract is upppppp he aint comin back


He's too busy getting that Sega money. 😂


So we watchin Visions after this or what? <.<


Talentless Nana next please! They have super powers O_o


Remember y'all, Vision's body was originally suppose to be Ultron's body, but JARVIS highjacked the process becoming the Vision we know. So this Ultron is from a universe where JARVIS didn't interfere.


Infinity Stones Ultravision

Brandon Gibbs

This became another one of my favorite episodes cause unlike the most so far this one was pretty fun and hilarious. Showing the typical immaturity of a son throwing a party, falling in love with a girl and getting busted and punished by his mama! lol Most of it was good until that ending of ULTRON VISION or whatever that is!