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That Volleyball shit sent me lmao



sick ain't cute.. hehe

jesse almonte

Chika really is peak comedy

cyrus gudino

Let’s be honest, shirogane would kill everyone in haikyuu cuz he’s just too good


Me waiting for Roshi to start reacting to Wano🦦


Loving the reactions, also highly recommend Grand Blue, Asobi Asobase, Space Dandy, and the Disastrous Life of Saiki K for comedy anime.


I'll say it again, Chika best girl


anyone else notice how the subtitles they read out loud dont match the ones on the screen?


the umbrella sharing being romantic is actually a thing in japan (from what I can tell of all the anime Ive watched) :p

Jose silva

Grand blue fam its so funny

Artem Kondratev

I mean... umbrella thing is basically part of most love comedy anime shows. Either you get them under umbrella or you get umbrella sign on the desk\blackboard.


"Sick aint cute" we'll see about that 👀


"do we have an imaginary enemy......the irs" LMFAOOO


"I raised that boy you know." Really cracked me up.


That bit where he breathes in as his face zooms in is so fucking funny for some reason.

Daniel Turner

The birth of momma chika


Hey guys, I wonder, have you ever thought that different cultures might have different customs or beliefs on romance? Just a thought. Just saying, it is possible, that sharing an umbrella might not mean much to YOU, but it's more of a thing in Japan. Because you know, DIFFERENT CULTURES. Just wanted to bring that thought to your attention, that not everyone and every culture has to have the same customs and beliefs.


Also there's the point of different cultures, can't call anything a "stretch" when it's from a completely different culture than yours. It's literally not for them to say that it's "not romantic," that's not even a fact, it's an opinion. XD

Charlie baker

Space dandy for sure but with the crews universal subbed policy for almost everything i dunno if theyd get the full dandy experience


They have no comprehension of the concept of different cultures. They think every culture should be the same. XD


Pretty sure y'all missed a post-credits scene. :P


I mean, sex in the rain is nice.


The concept of romance doesn't exist anymore in the West its just about throwing your ass up in the dudes crotch and spitting out kids you cant afford. Cant blame them for their reaction to something that don't exist here anymore.

Ara Araragi

Yeah, sometimes they end up watching a different version of a show than the one that gets edited into the video, so the translations don't match up.


Honestly it ain’t that deep they were just being realistic it’s uncomfortable walking with another person under an umbrella 😭


Reign you sound like an incel not gonna lie. Also "the West" consists of like what, 50+ countries? Just a silly comment all around

Jay rellim

i mean... it's a romantic thing in the US as well just not nearly the same extent lmao they're just talking about why *they* think differently and why *they* dont find that kinda stuff cute and why *they* think something is a stretch (from their POV). they're not tryna make some blanket statement, diminish other cultures, or convince ppl otherwise lmaooo


hold up, so REACTORS are supposed to react to stuff in a specific way to include every culture under the sun so you dont feel offended by THEIR perspective? man what


The Yips is an actual thing where athletes will not be able to do a thing they KNOW how to do no matter how hard they try. It has actually happened to a few professional players and ruined their careers.


Honestly, just sounds cold, messy, and uncomfortable

The Pebble

Right Ohais? It'd take effort to get turned on in those conditions >.>

Jin Shim

They were just being realistic, I know when I shared an umbrella since my shoulders are pretty wide one side was gettin wet af lmao

The Pebble

They've been to Japan Osenbei, you can't absorb every little thing from every little culture, hell, American culture is so fucking convoluted I don't even really get it, so chill bruh

Scott Riley Adrueno

They were just being realistic. I'm a sucker for romantic scenarios from movies, anime, and other media that does depict walking in the rain too but I fully acknowledge how icky and bothersome that is in real life. We all enjoy a good piece of fiction, but you really gotta learn how to differentiate that from real life.


Rain is good as long it's not crazy wind rain coming sideways


You're really getting upset because they commented THEIR OPINIONS about umbrella sharing? You act like they just disrespected an entire nation's culture because they find sharing umbrellas uncomfortable, that hilarious.

Crow Hernandez

Take back what you said about rain, remember the movie the notebook.


How did I not notice that they kept walking under the umbrella together, even after the rain stopped and everyone else was putting theres away, I'm blind af, lol, that was cute as hell

Pink Sama

The Deathnote-esque likeness of the show really shines here

Beef Gristle Mill

That would be amazing, I just recently got caught up on the anime and Wano is a fantastic arc. I'd love to see his reaction to the introduction of bound man and snake man.


As someone who walked to work for almost 13 years, and owns a rather large umbrella for that purpose... aint no way two people are fitting under one that will fit in a backpack.


"I raised that boy" fricking killed me

Astor Lefflinker

The umbrella romance thing is a thing here in Asia. Used to love doing that thing with my girlfriend back in high school when we were in flirting stages. But yes, even though we Asians are smaller in general, our shoulders and bags get wet, but hey, it's teenage romance, you do some unnecessary and stupid shit for that there romance.

Jaime Ruiz

I hope the next season of Haikyu goes fucking hard on the animation. Just godly from episode 1.

William Yang

Tryna call me a liar? I ain't callin you a truther!


reminds me of Bokuto forgetting how to do a cross in Land vs. Air

Drake Rage

Was it just me or did Roshi's voice in the ending discussion feel like ASMR? That felt really soothing, lol. I liked it.