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The random yeti! lol



Well wow that's so cool. I could definitely see aka playing with words like that lol. Fun fact there is a monogatari reference here as well. In season 2 I believe

Roger Powell

The end of the dance refers to a manga chapter that was cut from the anime, A roach invades the council room and in the end only Chika can deal with it.


yo just wondering what’s the schedule for slime?


Dang was about to go to bed guess I'm staying up


Now I got something to watch while I enjoy my dinner 🔥


plz tell me they reacted to the god sent chika dance


Wednesday I assume. Isn't that they date it actually is released


Until October (when both daughters are in daycare) Slime may shift between Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We will be watching tomorrow!


cant WAIT until yall meet ishigami!!


YOU DID US PROUD. You reacted to the Legendary Chika Dance ED. :D


Showed this dance to my child sister and she learned the whole thing, was so annoying because I would hearing ‘Shuki shuki’ every hour lol


Literally joined the patreon cause you guys are on this series! Super great, hope you don't drop it! The series progresses, yall will love it!


Yo that cat thing actually happened to my moms car when I was in highschool. We didn’t know it was there and she started the car and it just got crunched. That was a sad day


💀Roshi spots a wild yeti. "They'll never believe you"😂😂


At 15:45 I can almost hear lupa running up on you for that one

John Spartan

I was also caught off guard by the random Yeti lol, it's the little things that makes the show shine.


Yes very. The mechanic told us cats crawl in there from under the car in the winter since it stays warm. I just wish it would’ve made some noise or something before we cranked up the car


Alot of people do the dance in the end on tiktok


me too! i would sign if you start one

Alejandro Pupo

Chika dance was actually not rotoscoped, just used a lot of reference for the animation lol


Yeah I see cats all the time hiding in cars. mainly in the hubcaps.

Ara Araragi

The third story just reminded me that the Mayoi Snail arc is coming up next in Bakemonogatari


Rich girl comes out the gate* Roshi: "I'm rich" 😂😂😂


Chika best girl


Can confirm. -found the cosplay dance video-

None None

The animatic makes it VERY clear which technique they used. They had a real dancer do the dance, then did a quick gesture overlay of each frame (note how they mark the joints whenever she turns around), then drew Chika using the gesture drawings. In the rough cut of the animation, you can see that they sometimes just leave the gesture sketches untouched if the frame isn't that important. That is a type of rotoscoping.


Let me pull from the deep manga lore and tell you that Kaguya hates cats and there's no way she would handle one and put it in the car. She's a schemer but this time I think she just took advantage of the situation she found herself in. The wink just meant "follow my lead, make up an excuse to let me go alone."




its was ALOT of people that did the Chika dance on youtube. was viral for a good while


roshi doing the chika dance when

Evan Jenkins

The Chika dance is still a threat.

Scott Riley Adrueno

I never noticed that Yeti before HAHAHA that's a great visual gag


4:40 Struggling with Success

Peony 三色団子

秀知院(Shuchi-in) 秀知(shuchi) means excellent intelligence, but in other Chinese characters it can be written as 羞恥(shuchi). It means embarrassment and shy. Maybe the author is playing word games.

Peony 三色団子

I thought after seeing "monogatari", but the information on Japanese wordplay may not matter to you. I still wanted to comment. I have very mixed feelings. I wish I could comment well in English.


The fact they used dog in a different language as a name for a dog is just so hilarious to me


Just gonna leave this here :D. https://youtu.be/XuxXY1m5lK0

Matrim Hall

My sex education involved learning about it from a friend when I was 8. My mom asked me if I knew what sex was in middle school and that was the end of it lol


When that kid was waving in the street i was waiting on a Truck to hit them