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Like the title says, Gurren Lagann starts tomorrow! Lupa and Sheera haven't seen it but I saw it in like 2010/2011 or some shit and I cant remember pretty much anything except the dub was pretty fire. That being said, we were going to watch in dub but before we do that.....any objections? This poll determines sub or dub so sound off!



I mean do what u want I rather sub anyways


I watched it in dub and have no complaints


Just make sure the sub is on


Dub was great and I'm excited to see your reactions. Gurren Lagann is top 5 for me

Devin B

Dub is actually fire for this show

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

I like sub better but I have no problems with dub, choose whatever you guys enjoy more


Here come the sub warriors

Isaiah Cox


Zheikon _

This is replacing young justice?


DAAAAAANG I haven't seen that in 10 years


The Dub was pretty good imo but either way I’m watching lol

Dezmond Broadway

One of the few dubs I absolutely love.


i would choose sub tbh its better but do you ig

Dontsop Keran

This might be the greatest reaction of all time.

Branden Jenkins

For GL I prefer dub but, I’m good either way😤


I prefer sub but with dub i can background watch a lil more

Kendall Gresham

Dub cause I need a break from reading subtitles lol

Jeremi Monroig

Both are fire but man Sub for me

Alejandro Pupo

PLEASE watch the movies when you finish the show! They expand on certain fights and add some SICK ASS animation!


What happened to kaguya sama?

Cameron Hall

I prefer the sub, honestly its one of the good dubbed animes

Isaiah Cox

Legit one of the few anime where I’ll say the dub is just as good if not better than the sub


One of the best dubs ever.

Fernando Perez

Both are fire imo. Either is fine!


Dub is pretty badass, and I am so fucking excited to have Lupa and Sheera become Spiral Warriors

The Pebble

The dub was 10x better than the sub, and this is literally the only show I will say that for ('Roshi you lost cool points" is what I edited out fml clap me)


The manliest man in all of anime deserves to be heard in Dub Glory. - A subbed fan


If you do subs you might as well watch the movies since it's basically the show


The show is soooo hype!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I haven't seen this show at all, excited to watch it along with yall lesss gooo


welp sub isn't going to win... tears


Dub. There’s not a lot of shows in English on the channels

Sean Carrasco

Gurren Lagann and Code Geass have both equally great Sub and Dubs, flip a coin and decide. Either way, the show saved my life and I’m glad you guys are watching it.


We need the dub for "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!"

Spearbearer Josh

I voted dub but include subtitles PLEASERINO




Dub is fire love Gurren Lagann

Quinn Balsam

This makes me so hyped, I have the core drill tattooed on my inner forearm. Gurren Lagann is a massive part of my mindset and my life. It makes me beyond happy to see you guys are starting it.


this is the only line i can remember from the show and why I recommended dub to Lupa and Sheera lmao

Lictor Magnus

Outside of DBZ where the dub is all my brain will accept, gurren lagann was the first dub I felt was on par with the original.

Chris D. Jones

It doesn’t matter gurren lagann transcends language

Deshawn Smith

I only watched the sub but, I can experience the dub too. No problems here !


uhhh....gonna skip on this one. >_>


When is Cobra Kai coming

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!" Dub all the way I'm sorry, the energy is so on point.



Anthony C’s

Both are equally fire I remember seeing the sub back when it was first airing, then I believe in 2015 I watched the dub on Toonami which really pushed my love for dub on some shows !

The NaijaOtaku





Who The Hell Do You Think We Are


Damn another reaction ruined for me. Happened with great pretender too. Any dub I can’t stand, not just for anime but for all mediums in any language. I always will listen to the original VA’s, I’ve never been hindered by not being able to read fast enough or not being able to pay attention to the words on the screen and the actual show or movie at the same time but it’s too much for some people. Respect whatever you choose but it does determine whether I’ll watch or not.


Another dubbed show another skip


One of the few anime dubs which are amazing!


Yoooooo let’s goooooooo


I'd say if u already watch it in dub, try sub for a new experience


I think we all know the right answer is Dub


Do the dub, it’s good and y’all will be in your feels either way!

Pedro Barrera

If you guys choose dub at least put subtitles for some of us plz n.n

Fan Daze

The dub is lit tho


I’ve never seen the show so I don’t have an opinion either way. But did I miss something, when did y’all decide to do this show or vote on it? And when that Kuroko coming. Stop playing Roshi before we have you and Lupa twerk in public 🤣


The dub is great, cant wait to see this series!


No no, you need to keep the sound ON, that’s the whole point dumb dumb.


the dialogue in dub is straight bars I will die on top of this mountain

Diante Richard



I wonder what kind of spoilers I can post for this show...

Dark Shogun

I've never seen this anime. Heard good things though. It would help me to pay attention to the anime and you reactions if I could understand both without having to read so....Dubbed FTW.

DeAndre Woodruff

Objection; his name is SEA MOAN baby

Unk 16

I recommend u guys watch the movie after u finish them series

Jay CacBh



Objection only because Kamina's VA is one of my favorites in the industry


Yo Roshi when is 86 dropping? Best show of this year




I don't mind either way really. Though I need to start the anime again.



Evan Jenkins

Both are amazing. I'm just glad you're watching this killer anime.

Jake White

Hell yeah give us that kid sasuke voice for Simon


I'm fine with whatever. I'll watch whatever y'all 3 stooges got in store


i object gurren lagaan lol

None None

There was an old-ass poll WAAAAAAAAAAY back in October with Code Geass, Slime, Young Justice, Fate, Kaguya, and TTGL. Code Geass and Slime won by a landslide, but the other four were fairly close. I guess they just decided to finally get around to knocking off the last one.

Desert Penguin

I find dub more accessible as I can glance away for a moment or two. If it's sub and I'm interested I'll watch the actual show and then tune in for your reactions so I don't have to read and listen over your talking :)

Alex Extevez

I saw it in sub and never seen any of it in dub not even clips of it. But everyone here seems to love the dub so I’m down to experience it in dub for the first time with y’all


If y’all do gurren Lagann y’all gotta do kill la kill too

jesse almonte

I argue that if a show has a good dub, you should try to check out the dub. I honestley was hoping you'd watch the A Silent Voice dub


Love both, but the having the VA’s for Sasuke and Gohan sell the dub for me!! The movies are also amazing so hopefully y’all decide to check them out too!


Bruh why? Yeah the dub is good as far as dubs go but come on

soul keeper

the dub easily the va's put in that work ong


This gon be my 3rd time watching so yall reacting to dub would let me multitask and kinda just watching here and there without eyes having to focus on reading


you guys gotta be kidding me with this poll... we won't hear simon say aniki is english


also the who the hell do you think i am speech that simon gives during a certain episode hits so much harder in the sub mannn, i'll stay subbed for this though cause gurren lagann is in my top 10


dub is fine, but could you still leave subtitles too? Personally, I always prefer sub since the voice actors are so good with showing emotion in their voice.


All you people voting Dub, smh.


Dub for sure


FINALLY THE UNIVERSE HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS !!! Watch it subbed please, for the culture

JunpeiFES .

We who love subs, be a hero and spoil it for everyone who voted dub 😂


Sub is better, but honestly Gurren has a pretty good dub. Either way I'm more hyped you're watching. Between this and monogatari we eating good


Bro I ain’t gonna lie I love sub I want to see dub though at the same time but bro sub is also lit as hell man I mean like ANIKI


TBH I've watched both and both are GOOD. One of the best dubs

Deku Kana

Dub was phenomenal

Pan Cakes

Im not a fan of dub, BUT gurren lagann was one of the few shows that really surprised me with how great the dub was. I fully recommend it


I am a sub purist simply for the fact that its the language the show is made for but the dub on this one is also great

Jake Young

The sub is better. But the dub is one of the best dubs.... Subs over dubs but both are great

Davon Thomas

Let's go DUB! they can enjoy it just as much and be easier to catch all the jokes and all the manliness that is the main characters


This is my first post ever since becoming a Patreon year ago so you definitely got to do this show its my one of my favorite.


The Dub's worth a watch, but I don't think it's on the same level as the sub.


Its gonna be a good series


You're right,it's on a higher level lol. Both are good either way but this is one of those shows that is more fire dubbed


LMFAO you do that. Hard pass for me, bruh.


One of the classics. nice!

Malachi ☎️

BRO im mad excited, dub is legendary and your gonna cry I promise you!


I've never had any desire to hear this show dubbed, but I will begrudgingly watch it if dub wins, because TTGL is that good. Maybe I'll even have a change of heart...


Unless you mean Gurren Lagann DUBSTEP. That's a dub I can get into. :P


ngl im just sleepy and reading takes more energy. damn cant believe its been 10 + years since i saw gurren lagan

Jamal Taylor

By far one of my favorite dubs ever made


It's great that they're watching the dub but if you need to speak the same language as someone else to feel what they're feeling you just kind of dense.


Please, subs dude


The dub of TTGL is up there with Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop imo. Definitely better than I expected.


Dude both subs and dubs are well casted for Gurren Lagann. The soundtrack is the real banger for the show.


I'm pretty sure Great Pretender is like Space Dandy, and the English dub is actually the original/first version of the VA work done. I could be wrong about that though.


Technically the original art form is the animation. The dialogue whether it be English or Japanese is actually dubbed in after. This dub is also really good, some would even say better than the Japanese version.


Excited for the dub. Cant wait to miss half of the episodes plot because roshi and sheera talk over the show debating about semantics. And sheera giving an entire theory,hypothesis,synopsis of the show mid episode. TY.


Dub is great for this show. Gotta hear that sasukes voice actor Lol!


Animation isn't "made for" any language lol. Regardless of the language, the voice acting is one of the last things added. It's not like watching live-action where the entire story is written around a certain language.


I'd say you go for the sub so we can read the anime subs and hear you without missing stuff

Vincent S Deluca

YESSSSSS LET THE HYPE COMMENCE, When you said said the guy from SAO reminded you of something I knew this was coming lol. I Don't care which this show has fire Sub and Dub, its all up to preference at the end of the day the experience is 1:1 the same


Sub is great but the dub is also amazing, so I will go either way


The dub for this anime goes hard. This is one of the ones where you can definitely listen to it and enjoy.

Marcus Brandon

I’m so hyped for them to see the glory of this anime




I'm not going to vote because IMO, either is fine. Dub for it is actually good, though I watched the sub first and enjoyed it. Do what feels right!


literally my #1 anime, was so suprised and hyped


I don't mind the dub but the sub lives in my heart


Oh wow we're going back to the classics. I'm excited.

Jdogzero Silverblade

one of the few anime that the dub outclasses the sub and im happy nearly 1600 agree. but thats 1600 in 3 hours so its going past that


I don't care much for this series. Halfway through it lost my interest and the main female is a slut


Y’all should do assassination classroom instead of you haven’t watched it already


Dub is great, the ENG voice cast did an amazing job.


dub is great!


one of the GREATEST dubs along with full metal alchemist brotherhood

Jaime Adam

Sub>dub anyday tf

Cameron Hall

But if you do Kill La Kill the sub is far superior

toptier sagat

there are a lot of filthy dub heretics here unfortunately lmao it is what it is.


Simons speech at the end of episode 25 hits way harder in Dub

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

I think they watched KLK already but I might be wrong. The dub is just as good as the sub though, the japanese version doesn't blow it out of the water at all.


Gurren Lagan next??!! I CANNOT FUCKIN WAIT

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

PEOPLE OF THE COMMENTS: It is time to overcome your wretched Weebery. If only once. If only through sheer force of will. If only though fear of falling prey to your lesser nature. Whatever the case, do not recommend subs this day. Fight The Power


subtitle elitist foaming at the mouth rn

Jay rellim

subtitles will be provided for dub so im fine :D i always just worry when they talk over the show and i cant hear anything lol


I cant picture gurren lagann "summoning" in dub You know? The whole speech while "Fight the power" opera plays in the bbackground. This is the hypest shit in all anime moment, how you gotta do that in sub

Hazel Chu

Dub is not bad, but it didn't add much to the experience, still prefer the sub though. It's not that dialogue heavy of a show so idk why ppl prefer sub on this one.


Why you wouldnt support the japanese voice actors. That get paid less.

Jdogzero Silverblade

thats the biggest load of bs ever. its very dialogue heavy. its just most of it is attack naming. and the attacks that are named are more western style so the dub fits better. as well as the voice actors being actually amazing instead of the normal dub. sub doesnt feel like it fits at all in the show. so i have to call bs on your comment

Jdogzero Silverblade

dont think you understand how business works. just because the company gets paid more doesnt mean the voice actors do. they most likely have a set income tied to the show they voice acted for. just because the company gets more money doesnt mean their paycheck changes. so its irrelevant as to weather the dub or sub shows gets paid. also its a langue option. even if they payed for the dub version the company still makes the same amount.

Jdogzero Silverblade

to me in sub it sounds like the stupidest shit. so bs on that. also its more of a western style theme than a japanese one so it fits much better.

Jdogzero Silverblade

compared to most other reaction channels they are tamed. i just think your audio is different and picks up their voices more than the video. so thats on your end cuz that has never been a problem with me

Jdogzero Silverblade

if you havent watched it then skipping it because its dub is an idiotic choice. it has some of the best animation to exist and the dub voice actors are really REALLY good. so your missing out. i do agree that most anime is better sub but gurren lagann isnt one of them.


I've seen both more than once each, if you really would rather see anime dubbed to not have to read or something like that then go ahead with the dub, but if you want the best voice acting then for sure the sub wins out, as they generally do due to their extremely competitive voice acting market in Japan

toptier sagat

Nothing to do with being a weeb, dummy. Why is your dumb ass watching anime in the first place?

Weltall Gaia

I'd rather the sub, but the dub is really solid.

Hassan Baig

Your Channel now feels like an Influencer type and in a VERY GOOD WAY. Introducing classics anime/movies that many may have not seen them by themselves, but its a whole new, fun and awesome experience with u guys so Thankyou.

Dry Lyo

If you do dub please have the subs on for us deaf people


Wait, do you have double subs then? So that you know what Sheera, Roshi, and Lupa are saying too? Or are you lip reading?

yasmina C

I hope this means Dororo is still coming soon~ I don't know if you said it was a group reaction or just roshi/sheera reaction but I am clutching my pearls as I wait for it~~~ some of the best writing, and reminds me of the emotion in Golden Kamuy so much

Cloud Kitsune

I've watched both and prefer the sub, mainly due to Kamina's Japanese voice actor reaching crazier highs then the English voice actor. The other guy just seems so flat in comparison, but maybe that's just me.

Matthew Knell

I’ve never heard anyone bad mouth the English dub of kamina. That’s the great Sayiman your shitting on!

Kemaj Owens

One day they do Kuroko no basket one day

James White

Goats take ws no matter what