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Aight yall, im gonna need an explanation.....we thought they said 200 years would have passed before the logged them out? Last episode they were almost fully logged out but then this episode it seems like they were stuck there for a month? shouldn't they be completely clapped?? Maybe we missed something but would love some clarity



200 years in game time, remember they can turn the time dilation up and down, Kirito been in there 3 years but was actually less than 3 days and the hacker guy turned it up to full so they lived 200 years in a month


They went into a coma like state for about 1 month after logging out as their fluclights were "overused" from the 200 years in the underworld.

Kaladin Stormblessed

They were logged out at the end of last episode after the 20 minutes but were in a coma for a month afterwards. The whole thing about the soul not being able to live that long was all hypothetical to them and they believed they wouldn’t be able to let that long but weren’t completely certain. We know that residents of the Underworld like Administrator, Cardinal, and Berculi all lived more than 300 years

Lupa is Dadi

ah yes a common misconception most people have about this series and the characters is that not only am I wasting your time reading this I also don't know what I'm saying

Devin B

The 200 years time passed was when the time acceleration was set at like 1200x normal time but they said it was stuck like that for 10 minutes until they could turn the rate down. They were kept in there cause they were comatose and they're erasing their memories of their 200 years there so that they could wake up like nothing happened cause retaining that much time and memories in their regular bodies could mess them up.


As far as I can recall, both administrator, and the long living knights have been reset in some ways because of too much memory and all that jazz. Can't remember it all right now though.


Yh you guys are right, I think y'all missed it but they said 200 years would pass when the fla rate was up, they needed 10 minutes to turn that shit off. They'd be fried if they kept the memories or if the rate didn't go down.


Yall need to move the chroma key to another layer lmao. It's been chroma keying the video player this whole time XD

Yolo Samurai

Just to clarify if there is still confusion, but at the beginning of the episode they were not in the underworld any longer, but were in a coma from the information overload to their brains.


I think the reason they didn't turn to milk was because they figured that they would die after like 80 years in underworld and then have like 120 years of sensory deprivation since they would be dead in underworld and have no body to control for that long. Then they were saved from that ritual hat let the knights live longer but the people from Rath didn't know about that and they were the only ones worried about them getting clapped. At least that's what it seemed like since they mentioned earlier not experiencing anything for that long would clap them, but that could be wrong.

Deshawn Smith

I wish anime would make it more clear that Rath can not really completely delete memories but, It was mentioned by Cardinal way back in the library scene, Rath mostly "seal" or "try to forget" the memories, but they are still there and will not be truly deleted. There will still be Deja vu and moments when they will trigger some past memory and remember stuff. moreover, their feeling will always stay. Like how Kirito felt he knew and is close to Eugeo since the moment he saw him near the tree in the beginning even tho he didn't remember... Since memory is not just in 1 place in your soul. Like i said, Rath is mostly able to kind of "seal" them or better say, make you forget them. I guess it's like deleting a file in computer, the file is not actually deleted, but it's address in the index is deleted, so Operating System can't find or read it anymore and think it's deleted and the space is freed up. Cardinal also explained, that these memories we make, basically contaminate all of our soul and experience, Like fighting alongside someone, will make that person part of your fighting experience, if you want to truly delete all of that person, you need to delete your fighting ability as well. Or even Eating or Breathing, every little thing you do, all are part of your being and the things around you when you did them are parts of it as well. So if Rath want to make a fluctlight completely "Clean" then they will have to delete all of those experience out of the soul, and what they will be left is not a fluctlight anymore... it's an empty husk of a soul that can't even think or breath. since even a person's basic instinct like how to think or breath will be contaminated with memories. Similar to how Kirito was reacting to Asuna while he was vegetable, as Higa explained he only had his instinct reaction left. but reacting to Asuna or wanting to protect his friend, had became part of Kirito's instinct. This is also why, Rath could not just deleted Higa's clone memory and end up with a clean fluctlight, they had to scan newly born babies instead. So Rath just made Kirito and Asuna forget their 200 years even tho their memories are still there but can't be remembered. their brain is no longer overwhelmed by too much memory and its possible for the new memories over the 200 years can overwrite the old memories slowly. Their SAO memories or even earlier. Sorry for the info dump, just wanted everyone to understand


No it didnt take them 1 month for 200 years. Thats way too slow. They probably logged them out within minutes after time acceleration, but by then, 200 years already passed. After that, they were out cold and everyone was just waiting for them to wake up (if ever.)


Well so many replied to your clapped understanding. They said they were going to log them out as fast as possible, but even withing minutes of them going to do that they would have been 200 years in game time. They are in coma because of the overload to their brains...

Vincent S Deluca

First of all that 200 years was in the Underworld since it got stuk at like 5000x normal time, Even if in the real world they logged them out in 10 mins that would have 200 years to the people in the underworld, which is what happened, then they were hospitalized from the mental strain of that. and also Kirito is still the real Kirito, they just removed the 200 years of memories from after they got stuck after the War, But instead of just deleting those memories Higa copied them and essentially created a copy of Kirito who has experienced 200+ years of life.


In real world time they were only logged in for 10 minutes. In underworld time they were logged in for 200 years (because of the time acceleration) After they were logged out, a month passed in the real world in which they were in a coma until they woke up towards the first half of the episode. As for the 200 years that their soul endured (which the people at rath surmised would kill them before they would be able to log out) remember that Quinella and other integrity knights were able to live for hundreds of years inside underworld with the help of sacred arts. An example was given this episode with Alice's sister putting herself in deep freeze state to wait however long until Alice goes back to the underworld. Hope that helps.


Man, y'all really had a huge brain fart lmfao.

Carmelo Cintron Rosa

Glad to know that at least some people here understood what happened.

Henry Le (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-31 20:13:46 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."
2021-12-30 04:32:39 Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."

Kirito when he told them to delete his and Asuna's memories: "Please oh god, so much crap happened in 200 years. first we fucked, but then we fucked so much we made twenty whole baseball teams, then the wrinkles started showing and I accidently made a joke to the wifey calling her ugly and she spent 50 years not talking to me, please erase what happened."

Patcharapol Arunwatthanangkul (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 19:42:24 Lemme try explain - 5,000,000x >>> 1 min is roughly equal to 10y - Kirito and Asuna were log out at 20mins (200y in UW) after thing accelerated but they never woke up after they got out of STL. So people thought their brain and fluctlight was fried. - The rath guy try to rescue their brain by put them in STL again, this time just for idle mode, no more underworld (hope for their brain to reboot) - It took them a month to woke up - Higa copied the 200yo Kirito (aka Star King Kirito) but 200yo Star Queen Asuna was deleted. - Both current Kirito and Asuna are them that only remember about 1 month after the war. - Star King Kirito (~220yo) is not the same as Video game Jesus Kirito(~20yo). Just like 5yo YaboyRoshi is not the same person as 25yo YaboyRoshi (Because 25yo u have more knowledge and experience, has Sheera, and got clapped by the internet way more than the 5yo YaboyRoshi) - Star King Kirito become another digital human, an Underworld Jesus, without fresh and blood, while this Kirito continue as human Video game Jesus.
2022-02-03 11:04:57 Lemme try explain - 5,000,000x >>> 1 min is roughly equal to 10y - Kirito and Asuna were log out at 20mins (200y in UW) after thing accelerated but they never woke up after they got out of STL. So people thought their brain and fluctlight was fried. - The rath guy try to rescue their brain by put them in STL again, this time just for idle mode, no more underworld (hope for their brain to reboot) - It took them a month to woke up - Higa copied the 200yo Kirito (aka Star King Kirito) but 200yo Star Queen Asuna was deleted. - Both current Kirito and Asuna are them that only remember about 1 month after the war. - Star King Kirito (~220yo) is not the same as Video game Jesus Kirito(~20yo). Just like 5yo YaboyRoshi is not the same person as 25yo YaboyRoshi (Because 25yo u have more knowledge and experience, has Sheera, and got clapped by the internet way more than the 5yo YaboyRoshi) - Star King Kirito become another digital human, an Underworld Jesus, without fresh and blood, while this Kirito continue as human Video game Jesus.

Lemme try explain - 5,000,000x >>> 1 min is roughly equal to 10y - Kirito and Asuna were log out at 20mins (200y in UW) after thing accelerated but they never woke up after they got out of STL. So people thought their brain and fluctlight was fried. - The rath guy try to rescue their brain by put them in STL again, this time just for idle mode, no more underworld (hope for their brain to reboot) - It took them a month to woke up - Higa copied the 200yo Kirito (aka Star King Kirito) but 200yo Star Queen Asuna was deleted. - Both current Kirito and Asuna are them that only remember about 1 month after the war. - Star King Kirito (~220yo) is not the same as Video game Jesus Kirito(~20yo). Just like 5yo YaboyRoshi is not the same person as 25yo YaboyRoshi (Because 25yo u have more knowledge and experience, has Sheera, and got clapped by the internet way more than the 5yo YaboyRoshi) - Star King Kirito become another digital human, an Underworld Jesus, without fresh and blood, while this Kirito continue as human Video game Jesus.

L Jeans

omg thanks, finished watching on my own today and was SUPER confused by the ending and by this ep