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Plot Twists go crazy!


Destiney Marie

Can we just take a moment to appreciate all Roshi, Lupa, and Sheera's hard work! You guys really make my day when you upload thankyou!

Marissa Johnson

best boy has finally arrived!!!!


I love yall. Cant wait to see yall next year at dreamcon

Zion Noland

I don’t think Mikey was behind it the whole time pulling strings, it was after he killed Kazutora that he became the head of Valhalla.


Nah kisaki set it up specifically to make Mikey the head of Valhalla. Mikey isn’t in charge right now. Kisaki created Valhalla and is saving the seat specifically for Mikey and in order to get Mikey in that seat he has to remove all of his emotional attachments to Toman


Gotta say, Valhalla beat toman in the drip department


Mind fucked us all

Smash Bran'Discootch

That was intense. I'm pretty sure it's still Kisaki that is setting this all up. They talked in one episode about how Kisaki idolizes Mikey. So I think this is Kisaki's way of being like, "Ay look what I put together for you bro! A whole ass Valhalla!" But at the same time he's also trying to shape mikey into his idolized version of who he thinks Mikey needs to be. It's all super twisted.


I def am starting to think kisaki has the same powers as takemitchy


Y’all misunderstood Mikey is not the leader of Valhalla during the timeline of the past, he basically becomes leader of it after the bloody Halloween fight

Terrence Carter

Mickey is Keyser Söze 😂😂😂


"I didn't have to go to juvie because Kazutora defended me." ...And you're proud of that??

Devin B

Lol I love how Roshi had multiple wtf moments as Draken was talking to Takemitchy. I felt that same way listening to all these twists and turns.

Devin B

Yeah they said after the battle where Valhalla beat Toman the two gangs joined together with Valhalla being basically the parent gang and Kisaki had set it up to make Mikey the leader. Everything before that though Mikey wasn't involved in anything, just Kisaki pulling the strings.


Man this honestly makes mikey's character much more tragic than i thought. He is easily persuaded by kisaki, and loses his cool and kills kazutora, while it seems to me he didnt realize what he had done, Its super crazy bro, takemichi has too much on his plate right now lol


But why would Kisaki want to create another gang when Mikey already had his own??? I'm anime only, so I'm totally confused right now, and literally forcing myself to not read the manga until this season is over, because DAMN, is this plot thickening. Also, Mikey could simply find Kazutora in the street and kill him, if that's what he was after. Maybe he wanted to beat him but not kill him? I feel like his face looked kind of shocked when he realized he'd killed Kazutora... Too many questions!


i'm convinced kisaki can travel to the past too like takemitchy


THIS. I've heard a few people saying this and it would totally make sense that either he can travel through time, or he finds out about Takemitchy's powers at some point and he keeps messing with him regardless of how hard Takemitchy keeps trying to change things.

Joshua Burns

Yo Roshi getting absolutely folded 😂😂💀💀💀💀💀


chifuyu best boy <3


Chifuyu is such a good ass friend!! I cant wait for all this to play out


My boy Roshi getting destroyed 😂


very nice reaction guys

kurumi Tokisaki

Atp they should just tell future draken he has powers so he can tell them what to change


So is kisaki the leader? Then how does he become the leader if kisaki is in toman or would the answer to this question be a spoiler?


Just to clear it up, at this point, Osanai is scared shitless of Kisaki. He made a very clear point of saying regardless of how you go after him, Kisaki always has some underling ready to come fuck you and your family/friends up


I'm definitely getting vibes that that guy in the room with Draken is working for Kisaki or something. I have the worst feeling that the most changes Takemichi makes to the past, the more Kisaki in the present and past is catching onto and beginning to pick up Takemichi's trail. Also again my theory that Kisaki is like a Negamitchi. He copied Takemichi's whole style and definitely is gonna begin to catch onto him, maybe try to overwrite or erase him completely.


Chifyu lessss gooo


they werent saying that mikey is the leader of valhalla with intent to kill kazutora prior to the battle, theyre saying that valhalla was created for mikey to lead, he becomes the leader of toman and valhalla when they combine and after he kills kazutora on bloody halloween. that creates the bad version of toman in the future that mikey currently runs

Justin Neason

Bro... Is it just me, or is Kisaki Tetta basically a realistic Doflamingo


oh my god. This show got me STRESSED. situations are fucked up, time travel is so complicated, and that dude kisaki just scary.


Had to go back to see what would cause this vibe but bruh the character is so unimportant the animation studio didn't even animate him moving xD

jesse almonte

Finally getting some chifuyu


This shit is stressing me out!! Every episode they have me screaming KISAKI!! That dude has issues, someone needs to kill him. That plot twist at the end messed with me, but Draken said it was a group put together FOR Mikey?

Ranginald Vagel

If Osanai went to Mikey Tetta woulda got his ass


I started watching on Saturday and now I’m caught up to the manga 😂😂… the amount of plot twists is insane. Love this show


This was some Dollars level shit


That's a lot of plot