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Somebody help me timestamp the episodes! PLEASE lmao



O shit Part 2 too!

Beef Gristle Mill

I was thinking about rewatching Jojo anyway so this is perfect


Episode 1 0:00 - 26:49 Episode 2 26:50 - 50:55 Episode 3 53:24 - 1:15:34 Episode 4 1:23:28 - 1:46:40 Episode 5 1:48:20 - 2:12:20 Episode 6 2:15:45 - 2:38:40 Episode 7 2:43:00 - 3:06:45

jesse almonte

I'm our at dinner, but episodes are like 23 minutes each, give lupalike 3-5 minutes to talk about it, and the new episodes should be every 26 minutes


How much has Lupa seen of JoJo so far?


Get well soon Lupa-san!


I believe the next episode he's gonna watch is part 4 episode 4 or 5

Lupa is Dadi

The beginning of the end Oh shit 3hrs!! I know what I'm doing tonight




Oh shiiiiiit, sign me up.


24:04 is what y'all should check out first.


I don’t know where these subs came from, but they’re atrocious LOL cars and acdc had me dead


That's what their names are supposed to be. Kars and Esidisi are both due to censorship.


No, that’s their actual name, Cars and AC/DC are their namesakes, what their name is based off, every wiki has Kars/Esidisi as their name

None None

The databook that "Kars" and "Esidisi" came from didn't come out until a year after the anime aired, so nobody knew those were the official names (and it's very likely the databook spelt them that way BECAUSE the official subs did). Even then, the official subs sometimes opt to ignore official spellings. Like Holy Jostar is almost always romanized to "Holly" in official media, even though it's obviously meant to be "Holy". (she uses the Japanese word for "holy" as her Japanese alias) Don't think too hard about it.


You guys should definitely do Your Name and weathering with you


I wonder if you guys would enjoy 86


Episode Timestamps - 00:01:40 Episode 10 (First Episode) 00:26:48 Episode 11 00:53:22 Episode 12 01:24:14 Episode 13 01:48:17 Episode 14 02:15:44 Episode 15 02:42:58 Episode 16 (Last Episode)

Nikolai Cannady

lmao people was really defending Stroheim whole Nazi ass cause Lupa didn't like him



RavinFox .

Dude, told him to die already when he was literally explaining stuff about the next set of villains that they were already struggling to kill lol I don't care who you are, that's valuable Intel. Also, they were studying how to defeat them originally.

Nikolai Cannady

Idk dude was mad rapey, they took over a whole Mexican town and were using the local natives for experimentation and sexually exploiting the women, they’re literally on some world domination type beat I can’t get behind that even if he had a small change of heart in the end. Lol one of the most controversial Jojo allies for sure.

RavinFox .

Either way, I embrace all names as long as they sound alike. Very good loopholes.


The author of JJBA HIMSELF defended Stroheim as most Japaneses have a deep respect for Nazis' love for their own nation and people. Even that young soldier Mark was a Nazi too (he was in the Wehrmacht) and Araki treated him just like a normal human being who loves his family and country, something you would never see in American entertainment. Only an American liberal would hate a character solely for his political background; especially if he's a nationalist, because most liberals are taught to hate their own country (and their own people when they're white). Lupa remained more or less objective about it tho. He disliked the character for his lack of ethics and for his personality, he never brought the "Final Solution" in the equation while many others would have.


Why would bringing the final solution into it invalidate his point? Lmao and "Only an American liberal would hate a character solely for his political background" if hes a nazi its pretty fucking obvious lol.


This might be the single dumbest comment I've seen on Patreon. The Japanese allied with the Germans, of course they are not going to portray them the same way that Western nations would. Also, hating an individual because of their political background is pretty normal if that political party advocates (or commits) genocide. Your white victim rant makes it sound like you agree with Stroheim on a few levels.

Lupa is Dadi

Did this nigga really say most japanese have respect for Nazis..... So y'all delusional delusional

Nikolai Cannady

I’m so happy I didn’t have to Respond to this insanity cause dude ass is trippin he really thought he was saying something profound y’all real for them responses


"The Japanese allied with the Germans, of course they are not going to portray them the same way that Western nations would" By your logic, doesn't it mean that Japanese people indirectly support genocide if the goal of German socialism was really JUST the genocide itself and not the economy? Why don't you talk about the fact that Germany was a giant ghetto prior to Hitler and that he produced an economic miracle and a cultural rebirth in his own country? I don't agree with Stroheim because he was a murdering asshole, but not all Nazis were in favor of genocides and colonization. In fact there were a lot of contradictions in their movement, like the fact there were many Blacks, Arabs, homosexuals and even some Jewish SS like Emile Maurice in their ranks. Because they were just human beings, so they all had different opinions. Also I find it funny to be called a "white victim" since I'm probably blacker and more African than you :/ (I'm black but I just don't live in America, which is slowly becoming a communist country anyway) I'm only saying that the way the West keeps portraying the Nazis is biased and says more about the privileged people hating on them than it says about the Nazis themselves, since there have been worse mass genocides in History, like the genocides in Congo, which resulted in way more than 6 million deaths, but it doesn't matter since those victims were only black, right? Now You're gonna say I start a "black victim rant" too? xD


Black Africans are currently being maimed and sold as slaves for 150K$ in Lybia as you're reading this, and the slaves owners are not white, but let's keep hating the Nazis for something that happened a decade ago. Your Americans' intelligentsia is only protecting its own economic interests, because everything in Life is about money and power. Now you got the same privileged intellectuals that prey on your inferiority complex and teach your kids Critical Race Theory so that you can keep on fighting against other Americans, doing more mass protests that'll bring more civilian destruction, "defund" the police so that in the end all the economic and military power goes in the hands of your Bankers. Take a close look at what's happening in Cuba and Mainland China because that's what's about to come to your country soon. You American bros are the ones being delusional.


I would like to excuse myself to Lupa. I'm sorry if my initial comment came out as rude as it wasn't my intention, but I get that it was weirdly phrased. When I talked about "American liberals", I was talking about modern (mostly white) liberals, who happen to often talk in the name of minorities but are often just self-hating degenerates (when they're white) when they're not busy infantilizing and pandering to communities for their own profit and political interests (of course it's just my opinion, but just look at the way Chelsea Handler talked down to 50 Cent, how Joe Biden betrayed BLM activists after getting elected, or even how the "trained Marxist" Patrisse Cullors bought herself 2 expensive villas in a predominantly white bourgie neighborhood after convincing bros from the hood to risk their own lives to go at war against the police. But I guess it's not really surprising since individualism, materialism and moral relativism are the basic roots of liberalism). I said that Lupa was on the contrary pretty objective in his opinions, in fact I think Lupa is pretty dope. Lupa, if you're reading this and if I offended you in some way or another, I'm sorry. I know it isn't the place to talk about politics or religion, but I just couldn't stop myself. My excuses to the chat too, even if I mostly disagree with you guys' opinions.


Yes he was a terrible character. He was depicted doing dehumanizing things prior to this episode, so the way Araki presented him in his last scenes shows that it was more a glorification of the patriotism he represented in the eyes of the author than an actual glorification of his personality's likeability as an individual character.