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Gilgamesh about to re-enter the war???



ubw is alot of ideals clashing. so keep that in mind. no doubt the fight scenes are hella cool but most of the fights are more focused on the ideals on both ends rather than who wins in a sword fight.


Bro why did she guess literally everything in this episode right before it happened


And shera was right he would go in classless as just Gilgamesh but he is still not properly in the war because he is not directly contracted to shinji


Yeah I love how they really focus on that in the second part of this show it’s pretty dope


Bro I’m so hype for next Monday 🔥🔥🔥 Y’all will be very satisfied


I just want a triple release ToT


the fucking windows sound😂or was i hearing things


Have they ever watched shelter the animation


Exactly. Probably the number one reason why Shirou is one of my favorite main characters is his ideals clashing with everything in this show. Gives him layers, which a lot of earlier anime MCs lacked and it made them self-righteous to a fault.


Shirou and Issei. That should be Lupa and Roshi's next skit!

Austin Yun

Fun fact: kinoko nasu, the writer for the fate series, has explicitly said that if in the 4th grail war, Tohsaka had let Gilgamesh fight everyone in the beginning like he wanted to, he would have won the 1v6.


Yooo Roshi had me fucking dying with the "yammed up"


Op it

Jacota Lucian

Just a reminder,Gilgamesh was melted into the grail and since the grail was so corrupted it decided to spit Gilgamesh back out but as a reincarnated form,hes not a servant anymore,hes a full on Human. Another thing,the grail was never designed to spawn in evil heroic spirits,since all heroic spirits should be ... well "heroic",its gonna be hinted at more in the future but never thoroughly explained,but the main reason some of the servants like caster in fate zero even exist is because of that corruption,and its not because said individuals are evil,they are heroic spirits,but a lot of history heros have dark pasts or alternatives to their story and its left up to the grail to interpret said heroic spirit from personality to strenght


why less stray dogs these days?i have been waiting for it


permanent 5:30? lol. The anime is basically all set in the middle of the noght lol. as probably 5:30 is the time they leave school cause club activities are cnacelled for the time being so it would only make sense for them to come home when the sun is starting to set


Next episode bout to be fire


i think sheera is right gilgamesh wouldnt have a class cause he was reborn as a normal human i think


This feels like a contradiction within the anime's lore. The Fate series consistently tells us that to be an effective and powerful mage one has to set aside all morals and become cold blooded. Mages that break this mold to be more heroic are always depicted as weak and tragic characters. While the strong heroic mages multiclass into other roles and use their magic to self-buff or enchant weapons. This would preclude all Casters from becoming heroic spirits by default. So why would there be a class called Caster unless the class was born after the grail was corrupted?


No way was my nigga gonna use Ea... he ONLY uses it vs WORTHY OPPONENTS, no more, no less


Imagine that someone spent hours drawing to animate Shinji's ass shot 😂


Gil has a body hes not a servant anymore

Faiz Khan

you know in the vn you can pipe saber lmao

Nathaniel Catindig

the 20 of yall who liked the comment above me are down HORRENDOUS


Can i get a fuck shinji? If you know you know and he's all I can think about when I rewatch this because of the shit he does in heavens feel and this.

chou sion

he is actually doing kind of the same thing here but they don't just show or mention it