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"Godbrand was determined to not make it to Season 3" LMAO



this man alucard does nothing but talk shit for two straight episodes but trevor needs to grow up lmao.

RowdyCloudy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 05:10:15 Fr, I love Alucard's drop. But I'm with Trefor lol all the way 😆.
2024-01-02 16:46:29 Fr, I love Alucard's drip. But I'm with Trefor lol all the way 😆.

Fr, I love Alucard's drip. But I'm with Trefor lol all the way 😆.


Letss go!!

Bona Fide

Yesss needed these uploads!


2:22 Is that the Abyss Watcher Stance? Edit: Holy shit, it is.


Calling Carmilla dumb here is really crazy. You think she’d be this smart manipulating everyone then just make a ‘mistake’ telling godbrand? Think how much she knows you really think she thought godbrand was gonna keep his mouth shut. She knows too much for this to just be stupidity.


CarMilla only mistake was telling Godbarnd because you see how she didn’t go to Isaac she went to hector 😂. But she didn’t realize how dumb godbrand was.


Sherra opening “ I want your blooooooddddd “ sees blood. “ wooooaaaaahhh “

jesse almonte

Isaac aint one to be fucked with


This is my third time watching this show and I'm still loving it. Cant wait to see their opinions on future character development

Alex Omega

I don't like Carmilla.


"and where the hell is Godbrand?' ....heheheheh

Edwin Melendez

Sheera and the deep thoughts!

Eli Britten

Isaac has, by far, my favorite character plotline.


I think it's interesting how Dracula's vampire generals, Carmilla and Godbrand, are a perfect portrayal of the scheming, evil humans Dracula seeks to end, despite them believing themselves superior. Isaac is right in that sense, Dracula is a unique being that has surpassed the human flaws other of his species still possess.


I mean Hector's loyalty was shaky from the start the only thing she did was fan the flames more. It is still dumb of her to think that she would get anywhere trying to betray Dracula


Eh, I kinda disagree with the Dracula being "unique" in a surpassing human flaws kind of way. Even in this episode it reveals that he lied to Hector, in furtherance of his own scheme. Part of the overarching motif of the castlevania "Dracula" chapter I think is that everybody lies and schemes, it's just easier to see it in other groups than in yourself. To be honest like Lupa and Sheera have been saying, Dracula decided to take the actions of one set of humans and use them as justification for genocide, and that's some of the basest human reasoning for war and violence. Moreover, anytime he was questioned he didn't treat people with respect he threatened to murder them and again continued lying to further his scheme. He and Isaac are so wrapped up in the hurt they've experienced that they've both kinda become the same monsters they despise. In some ways worse, because the humans who harmed Dracula's wife (or stood by) did it out of ignorance, Dracula and Isaac are committing mass genocide while knowing exactly what they're doing and also understanding on some level that technically not everybody is actually guilty.


People are calling Carmela smart and Dracula Ascended past human emotion Or mindset. I disagree. I will give you that Carmela is smart when it comes to Maybe strategy And the logical sense most people think the word smart is associated with, but when it comes to emotions she's the Dullest knife in the drawer. She can't understand why Dracula is doing all this and asked Dracula why he didn't turn her. She is incapability of understanding the raw emotion of others or emotions itself and it is a weakness like most Tyrants in history. They always underestimate what humans or others can do when driven by emotions, good or bad. Dracula didn't turn her for one simple reason. She was already perfect as she was. Imagine having a diamond or a ruby that is so beautiful beyond compare then you decided to change it and cut it, cut it, cut it, and mold it into Your vision and you continue to cut and cut and cut. By the end of it you are left with sad excuse of a pebble, a shadow of its former glory. In Dracula's eyes she was perfect as is. A jewel perfect as she shined so brightly in the sun worming him like neverbefore. He was finally able to see the beauty of humanity. Imagine having a warm Breathtaking light given to you by a reflection of a diamond or a ruby. Only for it to be taken away by the greed and misunderstanding of others. His anger is justified but that's all it is, just anger. Anger is a Human emotion, Meaning Dracula has not surpassed, evolved, or transcended human thought and emotion. Out of everyone in the show Dracula is the most human person in it.


Isaac is the most interesting character in Dracula’s castle no 🧢


yeah, Godbrand is the worst person to tell a secret.😂😂😂


This was beautiful to read, but now I have the shits cuz of taco bell


Yo that pizza party comment is too got damn real


Yo I don't even get pizza just a pat on the back lol 😂😂


What an awesome show


lool roshi was having a revelation about the mirror saying it was similar to Dracula's when alucard said previously "some can move matter through them but this one is a simple viewing mirror" clapped


"Dad, I found it". I'm dead😂😂😂😂


So True!! Also Godbrand needs to read the room better. If a man is whipping himself then don't try to present a logical argument. If the same man is talking about purity don't talk about betrayal.


I totally agree. Dracula was and always is the smartest man in the room. He is just lost without his wife and I couldn’t imagine that pain.


I think she knows that it won’t be easy tho. My main point was just how sheera was calling her dumb for telling godbrand who we all knew would run his mouth but surely someone as problematic as him getting himself killed is exactly what she wanted.

Nikolai Cannady

Ya'll have got to look up basic rules and laws about vampire mythos like thresholds, moving across running water, silver, etc cause Dracula was basically asking Issac for permission to enter his home; an old world vampire rule


Godbrand's voice actor is indeed the same guy that did Until Dawn


Nice catch, that actually makes alot of sense. When Kentaro Miura died someone who worked on this show (I think the director) said they pulled inspiration from Berzerk and Dark souls for the dark fantasy setting they were trying to create


I think Dracula was being genuine with Isaac because let’s be real if he was all alone he wouldn’t be capable of a lot combat wise against his generals especially in a state of starvation, plus he told Isaac his true motive from the jump


Bro those vampire fucks are terrifying

Milian Seeve

Oh my god!..... brand... roshi that was too funny LMAO

Dougie Fresh

Carmillas character tires me out man, I'm so done with her mind shit. I'd write her off the show


Sheera, Roshi and Lupa: She's dumb. The Clapped in the Comments Committee : Is that your final answer?

Cydal Nill

Did Dracula deliberately give Trevor and Sypha that blanket? Or was he using it as bait to see if the Belmont Hold had visitors and who it was?

Jai Lewin

no guys issac has the same powers as hector just more experienced


Dracula didn't ask to enter Hector's home last episode. Godbrand jumped on to a ship moving on running water this episode. This show doesn't seem to follow the basic rules.

Nikolai Cannady

It doesn’t, but they throw them in there to allude to the fact that a lot of those rule don’t apply to these vampires in this world. Also it’s shows how much more respect Dracula has for Issac versus Hector.

Kameron Renae

Isaac is my favorite in this series

Justine Morris

I always sided with Dracula. Kill em all 😎

The Truth

What she wanted? Is that why she was looking for him? She told godbrand because he’s easy to manipulate, she clearly didn’t want him to die, cmon now


Yeh okay that was a stretch lmao. I haven’t watched season 2 since it came out like 3 years ago, but I still think they aren’t giving carmilla nearly enough credit for her being smart. Not that she’s some genius like Lelouch or Aizen or something but calling her a dumbass and stuff seems like it’s just coming from dislike for her as a person

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Exactly that's why he has long experience than anyone in their world he is literally the oldest mothafucka in that world lol


Did he give them the blanket? I don't think so. The mirror you are talking about is broken. Missing runes AND shattered so it couldn't have been useful. Kind of why Alucard looked at it, worried for a moment, then realized the activation runes and the mirror itself make it unusable. A Relic. I could be wrong. However the place he threw that cape thing to was a lush green forest and it looked like daylight vs night. Going to keep watching though. Interested.