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into the Belmont trove we go!



Got the valorant reference



Jalen Perry

Oh we earlyyyy!!


Lets gooooooooo


OH WE GOING EARLY EARLY? btw y’all checking out Talentless Nana? (Is it on ur list)

Malcolm Hughes

ASMR brought to you by YaboyRoshi, lol im kidding guys just glad to watch you react to this series.


Speaking of Belmonts, they actually get stronger with each generation, kind of like the Avatar.


Simon is Trevor's great-grandson


He bounced off them walls like a pinball lmao


Hope you noticed that the case Alucard was staring at, the one full of skulls, had a child's skull in it. However heroic the Belmonts were, 'child-killers' would be an accurate description to use.

Oscar kariuki

Ayo please don’t eat while reacting. It’s hella distracting


Dang you can't let them eat in peace... Just chill and enjoy


at least take shit out of the crinkle bag first lmao

Oscar kariuki

Didn’t even mean it to be pushy. They don’t have to do it, just a request… don’t get so pressed about it buddy

Jake Thompson

Except child vampires would most likely be killers, so is killing a killer immoral?


So here let me explain. You are at the movies and you hear someone's bag constantly make noise ... You wouldn't find it annoying? Hearing their mouth make food noise? I know this is to watch them but i wanna just watch them speak theorize and react. Not make food noises.

Jake Thompson

The "treasure hidden in a wall" is a direct game reference.


Lol I don't mind if it's in a bowl or something. The bag is just hella noisy.

Dexter Blessed

It's not like the Belmonts exclusively kill child Vampires. Not to mention, no matter how disturbed Alucard feels by the skulls its not like most vampires simply want to live in peace. Every vampire with the exception of Alucard and Dracula enjoys and wants to use humans as either livestock of playthings. So, no blame to the Belmonts


It’s such an interesting idea to make Trevor illiterate, there’s something sad about all this knowledge his family worked to store that he can’t access himself

Baren Nerab

haven't fed and still powerful


Leon who they name drop is from lament of innocence and is the earliest known belmont member so he's basically their founder. The mourning star was originally his.

Aaron Johnson

Don't really care about them eating, but the LOUD chewing omg dude. wanna rip my ears off


I agree, the bag and the chewing right in my ears is both distracting and just sounds a bit nasty.

Oscar kariuki

Yeah I don’t mind them eating or even the sound if the bag, it’s just the smacking that gets to me.

The Truth

Yes because allowing a child to kill humans is the right thing to do, “child killers” because if they’re a child they shouldn’t be treated the same ipeven if they murder hundreds


I wouldn't say "don't eat" cuz they probs do several of these in a row, and obviously you're gonna get peckish. But pretty pretty please move the mic to somewhere that isn't RIGHT next to the bag. Also, I may be a bit of an ass on this one but.. goddang Sheera, why you gotta smack like that lol.


The Morning Star is not exactly accurate to the games. The whip that is passed down through the generations of Belmonts is called Vampire Killer and it is the reason why the Belmonts are so powerful. Lament of Innocence explains the whip's origin and the origin of the Belmont feud with Dracula.

Charlie baker

Well trevor isn't illiterate, he states he isn't able to read or understand magic. This makes sense as by 12-14 he would definitely be able to read english but is certainly young enough his family might not have taught him the finer parts of their magic knowledge or alot of the ancient languages some of the books are written in.