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Holy WandaVision lmao



Sleep well


Nah Roshi,Doom Patrol is still currently ongoing. Clap 👏🏿😂

CJ Dennis

Teen Titans Go kind of made fun of Young Justice in their third season, so we've come full circle I gusse lol.


Audio doubling or just me?


Brion should be about the same age of Violet seeing as how him and his brother are twins and his brother couldn't take the throne when their parts die due to not being 18.

J. J.

Fun Fact: Foreager is voiced by Kid Flash's voice actor so the entire cast is actually in this season.


After todays episode im quite certain the female doctor lady with black lightning is Azula


Hey the dude that plays cyborg on teen Titans voices damn near every black dude on this show other than cyborg 😂😂 I hope y’all caught on to that. Ever wonder why black lighting and aqua lad sound the same?

Jay rellim

can someone spoil me or let me know if i missed this: if halo is indeed some sort of father box or mother box and human fusion... when and where did the tech fuse with her? i'd imagine it was when she died but i dont remember any scene hinting that [edit: lol i wrote this before i started the episode smfh]

Jay rellim

ahhh ok i just went back and it seems in ep 2 they showed a dissected mother box and superboy even said it was 'murdered' so im guessing the spirit of that motherbox sort of took over halo's body body somehow and created this motherbox-human fusion with no memories bc they're a new sort of entity


Grey DeLisle, she’s a voice acting legend, her list of roles is insane lol

Luka Tha Don 77

Doom Patrol Season 3 will come out in late September, only on HBO MAX because it’s too much foul language for the networks. Doom Patrol is a really good show, I’ve seen that many others enjoy it as well.

Tommy G

Naw Doom Patrol is still going it on season 3, season 4 want come out in September

Lord Winters

Father Boxes are evil, they're from Apokolps Mother Boxes are from New Genesis.


Granny Goodness is a bit above Beast Boy's league.


thank god. When Roshi said it was cancelled my heart broke


In the comics Mento and Elasti-Girl were Beast Boy’s adopted parents. Beast Boy and Mento (not a coward). were the only survivors of the original Doom Patrol’s final mission. They both had a hard time dealing with the death of Rita and the rest of the Doom Patrol, it affected their relationship. Robotman would be found alive in the 80’s New Teen Titans comics.


Do we know if they've ever seen the DC animated movies?


you need to watch Doom Patrol

Matthew Osteen

this is where I feel like YJ season 3 kinda fell off. the potential was there but I feel like the plots from now on are a little underwhelming

Michael Allen

I think Brion is 17 turning 18 because at the start baron bedlam was going to be taking the role of being in charge for a year until one of the two were of age to rule


"I hate monkeys."


Young Justice Orgy


Heyyy just wanted to say that I love your reactions and I look forward to watch them every week. Thank you for all your work and don't mind the less nicer comments :) Have a nice day


I forgot they introduced "The Red" in this episode.


it's time to get...serious

Corey Pearson

Doom patrol isn't canceled. Season 3 comes out in the fall. Beast boy was apart of doom patrol in Teen Titans as well. I always thought this episode was so creative. We see exactly what happens to beast boy and his life. Why he isn't with Megan and how he ended up in someone else's care.

Cameron 鳥

Bro am I tripping or is that Terra with beastboy


The fuck did i just watch?


Pssst. It was finally announced today the long awaited release date of Young Justice Season 4: October 21st 2021


Nah Roshi. Doom Patrol just got renewed for a third season. Season 1 came out a few months before YJ S3 dropped.

The Truth

Yeah because she would be with Beast boy while the team is looking for her🤓

Time Revenant

Hey Roshi I’m not sure if you guys caught it but Beast Boy’s girlfriend (the blonde) is Queen Perdita the same queen that Wally saved in S1 from Count Vertigo, with the heart transplant.


they know they figured it out in episode 2 of S3

Zion Noland

I think one of the guys in the seat when BeastBoy was first in the goggles was Jason Todd. I saw the Robin logo

RavinFox .

The echo in the background made the whole BeastBoy thing pretty neat. l I didn't even realize it wasn't actually happening in-show until he woke up lol