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Cyborg is here!



LOL, I'm here almost 2 years after these episodes were posted and Lupa calling out the ppl that were flaming him about not knowing Granny goodness was bad, while abt 2-3 posts earlier I mentioned the same thing XD Well done guys, we got him XD


Jesus Roshi get some sleep 😂

Joshua Burns

My nigga it’s 1:30 am what?🤣

Trent Ward

bro sheera laugh reminds me of my grandmother for some reason

Deku Kana

Nah bro I hope you sleep well after this


When Roshi said Harper Rowe sounded familiar the only thing I can think of is Delsin Row from Infamous Second Son which ironically enough makes sense since in the previous 2 games Cole had electric powers and Harper is LiveWire lol


i cant blame cyborg even a little for this hell goku is more present in his kids lives than cyborgs dad is i'd be full of rage too

Ranginald Vagel

You don't gotta read the comics Lup just spend a week on the wiki :P


Take the first word of each episode

Solivigant Kaiba

1:50 I mean, Lupa, we look to you to.know this though.😆😆

Revstarallstar .

His dad wasnt mad in the movie? He died to save Cyborg and left video recording for his son telling him how much he loved him. Hes the reason he even turned into cyborg. The black family dynamic and redemption for Cyborg was the best part of Zack Snyder’s Justice League

André Clarke

harper row is bluebird in the comics working in the bat family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harper_Row#In_other_media


“yea you’d luv that” lmaoo


Don't wanna spoil too much for Doom Patrol in case y'all haven't watched it, but Cyborg's introduction and iteration in general in that show is hands down the best version I've seen.


only reason u got clapped lupa was because you made us think you was some super hero guru. my fault

Daniel Gonzalez

Only reason i figured youd know granny goodness is cuz i figured yall watched the Superman animated series in the 90s

J. J.

Oh shit Lupa spot on


Harper Row is Bluebird in the comics. Another of Batman's


Shout out to Lupa for finally taking his DC Ls. Everybody can leave him alone now lol


Lupa, you were the chosen one 😂😂😂 nobody likes Harper in the comics so you good

Devin B

I actually find it hard to believe no one else opened that door wide enough to mess up the cable other than Cyborg, it's literally blocking it from opening fully.


Lupa had me dead when he said Violet gave Cyborg a DDOS attack lmao

Jay rellim

hahaha is lupa kinda sensitive?? that ending to the intro was so funny and i feel like he does know like 75% of all these characters and backstories

Malik Allen

Lol is roshi mind in the gutter 24/7? 😂 I have not once noticed or cared about ANY characters being thick after 3 times watching the whole series lmaooo


I agree. Every character in that show is amazingly written.


I have a feeling that Lupa is an expert on a bunch of obscure DC stuff, but somehow doesn't know most of the most well known things since most of the well known DC things are in the live action and animated shows and movies and I've gotten the impression that he doesn't really watch those.


I agree I think it was very smart for Victor to leave and walk away from his dad since it’s basically his fault he got blown up he probably would’ve wanted to kill him again fr

Tim Drake

Harper trash in the comics anyway lmfao

Quinton Campbell

thought Sheera was on the Normies' couch with that deep breakdown at the end there. love it


Lol Thats why above all im scared of debating DC or Marvel. Scariest fanbase with decades of lore they want you to know off the top.

Storm Blade

is there a way for you guys to turn the voices down a lil

Isaiah Rodgers

13:25 👀👀👀👀👀👀.......no buddy


Did someone say...............................CROSSOVER!!!

Corey Pearson

Now we know Lupa reads the comments lmao I lowkey thought he didn't. I personally don't expect him to know everyone, just the big names but we got to cut him some slack when he doesn't.


What's that cable made out of, paper? 😂


But Lupa san I though you were a god lol


and she was in justice league and justice league unlimited. maybe he just forgot


Complaining about how easy it was to pull that cable out... How about complaining that pulling a cable out caused the entire lab to explode


Lupa smooth told Roshi, "You going to jail by yourself!"

Nikolai Cannady

Can we please get subs for regular cartoons as well for hearing impaired hard to hear a lot of the times easier to listen to you guys while reading subs


THEN how out watch the show first then watch their reactions to it lol

Nikolai Cannady

That’s actually what I’ve been doing since it’s on HBO Max

Nikolai Cannady

Just sucks to have to watch show twice cause it takes an hour to marathon something if you watch episodes then reactions if I let some of these pile up it’s just nice considering most of the anime are subbed and they’ve been subbing live shows as well

rickie woodson

harper row aka bluebird bka a member of the bat family. you can read her adventures in current joker title

Weekly Flo

same, ive watched most of these series twice myself, then the reactions than with my partner. i always watch shows like 4-6 times lol


"he's kinda thicc" "What th- shut the fuck up!" I'm literrally crying laughing haha

CJ Dennis

13:00 Why do we always have to have these contrived fight scenes between characters in these shows or movie? 🤷‍♂️