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time to move into a new arc! MHA bout to be on demon time lol


Darren Banks

Y'all would drop the heat right when I'm trying to leave for the club😭 oh well. Guess I'm sitting here for a min 😂


Peak Mha content from here on out folks 👏🏾🔥


Just watched Deji get fucked up. I’m glad Roshi and the gang can console me with 10/10 entertainment


So hype for this next arc. Been waiting for years to see it animated.

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

sadly MVA won´t be till episode 14, they moved forward the christmas episode to next week, I guess to sync MVA with the new op


Funny you made that joke about Deku exploding after the Eri scene due to...recent manga developments. lol

Omar Bautista

4:32 For the first time in 100 episodes I did not know Bakugos quirk was explosions

Oui Oui

Sheera you do know Endeavor wasn’t the one who gave him that scar right?


If you were in a situation where AFO would give you an ability, but you’d owe him a favor, would you take it?

matthew perry

not directly but endeavor's treatment of his family is what led to todoroki's mom breaking down and todoroki's injury because of that breakdown. It doesn't absolve her but he's also not free of blame.


This is not episode 100 lol

Davon Thomas

Time for MHA to claim it's spot amongst the top animes. The tone shift gets so crazy moving forward.

mitch anderson

I can't be the only person that immediately thought of the green guardian of the globe from Invincible when they showed that green girl for the provisional stuff

Blazing_Phoenix 6

bruh love how my hero really starts to shine


I really wished they'd shown even a silhouette of Shirakumo when Mic spoke about him.


Hopefully mva is good, but doesn’t take up the rest of the season

Tev Overhaul

It is really good it’s definitely a top 3 arc in mha but there’s another arc after mva that the anime will air

Jalen Holmes

Mha finna go crazy now


We moving on to the big arc of the season! Can't wait for people to see it all go down. Happy 100th episode to MHA!!!!


I think the christmas part makes sense to go into the next episode instead of having it after villain academia cause it doesn't mess with keeping the tone shift consistent and flowing. Mainly everything from here on out is more serious and more dark compared to everything up until now. Not having a wholesome moment right after MVA might be a good move on their part.


I only hope they do the tone shift right in the anime.


Homie in purple was rocking the heelys 🏎

FreshxEli Tv

Am I the only one that notice or Did y’all notice the Villians had the same mask and outfit as Six

Antonio Williams

Dude really had La Croix as a quirk


Sparkling Water must have gone out of style, otherwise he’d be employed in an instant.

The Pebble

You read the manga? If yes then you're an idiot. If you are an anime only though, then trust me, she belongs in every opening from here on out till the end of the show.

Brian Sexton

you do know that it's an adaptation of the manga right? or like, did you expect her to be running around in the a vs b battles or something?


Why are you so pressed? She's still in the show


@ Roshi I think you were talking about why the artist didn't make the invisible chick's power turn on and off? I am pretty sure the artist said in an interview it was because they realized they had too many unique character designs that drawing them over and over for the manga would really suck lmao they changed Bakugo's costume for the same reason; it's just less of a pain to draw


Mina is prolly making Mineta watch some hardcore porn, yea? It's kinda like you overload a person's brain so they don't want X anymore


As a fellow Manga reader who caught up yes, this shit is about to be on demon time

Alrick Campbell

Am i the only one who noticed what Roshi did with the bomb joke?