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Kirei is PLOT MAN


Rikka Hoshikawa

She’s the prime example of a follower, she doesn’t make any decisions for herself which is the ultimate reason Sakura and Kariya are in the positions they are in, I completely agree with you.

JonJon's Kooky Quest

Yeah, I think in one of the earlier episodes they thought that Kariya was her brother when he was talking about “being a family” and not that he was after the dad’s spot

Gabriel Souza

I feel bad for Kariya, but that Aoi b1tch sure deserved it, i even think she got off easy


Aw yea, fate is back!!


Just a heads up, looks like the tag "Fate" and "fate" count as different tags so this episode and ep 10 don't show up with the rest.


Not the vin diesel slander 🤣🤣

Scott Riley Adrueno

Man, that Kariya scene never gets easy to watch. Even after repeated viewings. No background music, no other noise, just his voice and the sounds of struggle. Excellent.

Oui Oui

His father gave him the rest of the command spells.


I feel so bad for Kariya. He had to go through all of that when all he wanted to do was save that kid.


Kariya is such a tragic character, caught in all this shit to save a girl abandoned (not really but yeah ) by her family and that same family resenting him for things he didn't even do, i would understand if he goes on a massacre after this. So kariya and aoi tokiomi's wife had a deep relationship he was like a godfather to her children ….. he (kariya) feels that she at least should have understood his side even though he didn't kill tokiomi, he literally took in bugs, confirmed his death with suffering and still he hasn't got anything in return not even a thank you, except resentment.


Kariyas life is trash bruh


this man lupa so lost sometimes💀💀 u gotta pay attention my friend


Lupa kariya isnt sick. Did you forget the whole reason he took in the bugs? To save sakura from having to continue with that process and so she could go back with rin and their mom, but like at this point his mental state was fucked. He was robbed of his revenge, someone he really loves and cares for told him he basically ain't shit even though he was doing it for her and her family and then tack on the bugs. He was bound to snap eventually.


Yo when Saber threw that Excalibur, even Rider's oxen were like "nani!?"

Jay rellim

i havent seen this anime but i feel like whenever ppl react to it the comments are always saying how confused the reactors are lmao is this a complex anime?? or are things poorly explained sometimes?


the anime is magnificently written and everything is (if not perfectly explained) said to the viwer at some point. It is not a simple anime and it has many things that are meant to be understood by the viwer without having to be explained, thats why they get confused. If regular people get confused sometimes, of course reactors would be, as its of reactors nature not to understand big part of things, considering how much they keep their eyes off the screen. This show is complex but if you pay very much attnetion you can completely understand it. I dont think they are THAT confused. Ive seen worse


I dont think the understood that karya loved aoi. The whole situation is that he always loved aoi and he wanted to be rin and Sakura's dad. Thats why he resents tokiomi for not being a better father to sakura. In kariya's mind, tokiomi has everything he ever wanted and did poor "use" of it all

Devin B

I wouldn't say that it's complex but if you miss a certain detail then you will get lost a bit. Plus with the fate series there are certain references in the show that doesn't get fully explained cause you would have to have a certain amount of info from the games to fully understand them.

None None

Even if you're not interested, go watch the first episode. Then you'll understand the sheer amount of information the show expects you to keep track of. They aren't even THAT confused, there's just so much shit going on at once that they inevitably lose track of one or two details per episode.

Darren Banks

Kariya was so in love with Aoi and wanted to play stepdaddy so bad he got violated by bugs for them. Got his body distorted for them. Got lit on fire by the other man for them.... All he had to do was not be a simp. She don't want you bro. Simps stay losing. Caught a body on the one person he wanted to save. Ouch.

Max Murillo

"This time it's for family" HAHAHAHAHAHA


I think he meant that scene where Kariya is fighting Tohsaka and the bugs in his body being a sick


Well said Kariya is just a tragic character who probably would have had a decent a life if he wasn't chosen by the grail as a master. Also, him taking the responsibility of coming back to the Matou's to save Sakura from absolutely terrible living conditions to nearly killing his love in Aoi is sad to see.


Been waiting for these! Finished the series on my own last week or so.


Lmao I hate when that shit happens. Coding be like, "Oh no, you used a lower case instead of an uppercase, so it's a different word." Smh.

kurumi Tokisaki

The motorcycle sconce remind me more of Torque with ice cube rather than Tron.


That Gilgamesh and Kirei combo is dirty

Faiz Khan

bro you know how long it actually takes to choke someone

Faiz Khan

You've never watched ufc lol I know it's not the same type of choking but it still takes time

Uriel Batuk

The tag of episode 21 is not the same as other episodes

Lupa is Dadi

Hey Roshi the tags on this episode is different from the rest of the series


I know Aoi was grieving, but it was stupid as Hell to blame Kariya especially about Sakura. Cause he didn't want to spend his life with the Matou and all that bug shit he's guilty because Tokiomi decided to give away his daughter to the Matou? That makes absolutely no sense. She didn't even bother listening to him when he said he didn't do it. Trash

Rick James

Kariya's only sin was simping over the trash that is Aoi. What happened to Sakura is just as much her fault as it is Tokiomi and Zouken, and Kariya really bore that cross for her only for her to turn on him like that. Thinking of what Sakura had to go through because of her, she got off easy