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Man got a flashback to get clapped up



It ain't Dominos Anime but if you want to see epic games y'all should check out Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor

Devin B

This kinda reminded when they gave that dude with the tracksuit and glasses a flashback in One Punch man just for him to get beat on by Garou the second it ended.

Tyler Moon

Man delivery services are really convoluted in alternate world ww1


They watched it though. It in the reaction


Why are people saying they missed the end credit? They literally watched it in this episode.

Jdogzero Silverblade

tanya is savage. she just took the gun from the guy who just got it from his daughter who gave it to him for protection. owch.

Devin B

They literally watched it though, did you not watch the whole reaction? They saw the mom and daughter hear the news about the guy and his side get destroyed by Tanya's group.

Devin B

They saw the mom and daughter hear the news about dude and his group get destroyed by Tanya's group.


I thought there was a different end credit for this one. Rip. I deleted the comment.


Just to let y’all know it a whole movie for Tanya after u finished the series



David Emerson

Someone get my man Lupasan some Chapstick


next ep one of my favs

Devin B

Lol I understand though cause there are times when they forget to watch the end credits for some shows but they've been doing well with this show so far.

t'shiar (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:37:13 Edit: forgot to include, the basis for the winter offensive supported by an amphibious assault behind the enemy lines is the Incheon landings during the Korean War. The taking out of the costal defenses (other than it's routine thing) has some links to the German Invasion of Norway during WW2 where they underestimated a coastal defense fortification and ended up losing a brand new heavy cruiser called the Blücher For a deeper historical dive, the submachine gun that Tanya stole from Mary's dad is a SIG MKMS (a plain blowback SMG). SIG also made the rifles the Empire's (German) mages are using (the Mondragon semi-auto rifle) The MKMS also had a more interesting brother in the SIG MKMO which was a lever-delayed blowback SMG (here's info on an SMG similar to it which was designed by a Hungarian who also worked for SIG pre-WW2: the Kiraly 43M: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWQFtRId85U) Here's another plain blowback SMG from roughly the same time period if you'd like to know more about SMGs from that era & on plain-blowbacks, the MP-28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBEvmFoSzM)
2021-04-21 06:19:30 Edit: forgot to include, the basis for the winter offensive supported by an amphibious assault behind the enemy lines is the Incheon landings during the Korean War. The taking out of the costal defenses (other than it's routine thing) has some links to the German Invasion of Norway during WW2 where they underestimated a coastal defense fortification and ended up losing a brand new heavy cruiser called the Blücher For a deeper historical dive, the submachine gun that Tanya stole from Mary's dad is a SIG MKMS (a plain blowback SMG). SIG also made the rifles the Empire's (German) mages are using (the Mondragon semi-auto rifle) The MKMS also had a more interesting brother in the SIG MKMO which was a lever-delayed blowback SMG (here's info on an SMG similar to it which was designed by a Hungarian who also worked for SIG pre-WW2: the Kiraly 43M: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWQFtRId85U) Here's another plain blowback SMG from roughly the same time period if you'd like to know more about SMGs from that era & on plain-blowbacks, the MP-28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBEvmFoSzM)

Edit: forgot to include, the basis for the winter offensive supported by an amphibious assault behind the enemy lines is the Incheon landings during the Korean War. The taking out of the costal defenses (other than it's routine thing) has some links to the German Invasion of Norway during WW2 where they underestimated a coastal defense fortification and ended up losing a brand new heavy cruiser called the Blücher For a deeper historical dive, the submachine gun that Tanya stole from Mary's dad is a SIG MKMS (a plain blowback SMG). SIG also made the rifles the Empire's (German) mages are using (the Mondragon semi-auto rifle) The MKMS also had a more interesting brother in the SIG MKMO which was a lever-delayed blowback SMG (here's info on an SMG similar to it which was designed by a Hungarian who also worked for SIG pre-WW2: the Kiraly 43M: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWQFtRId85U) Here's another plain blowback SMG from roughly the same time period if you'd like to know more about SMGs from that era & on plain-blowbacks, the MP-28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBEvmFoSzM)


might be carry over from missing ep. 6's after credit combined with the way the after credit was done for the ep.7 reaction

Lloyd Salisbury

You guy DEFINITELY have to watch the Movie then. There is some epic shit there you all will want to see.

Lloyd Salisbury

I will shut up now so i don't do any spoilers. hehehe

Cameron Robert Gouldburn

I highly recommend looking up a man by the name of Laventiry Beria from the Soviet Union. If yall watch the movie, it will make things A LOT easier to understand.

Malcolm Washingon

They mentioned how the guy got all that backstory just to get clapped and all I can think of is the one episode of fire force where literally everybody who had their backstory shown got killed 2 seconds later😭🤣🤣

Devin B

Bro even the dude with the gun that was with Juggernaut got done dirty after his flashback and he was a dope character too.


That happens to 95% of anime characters, get backstory in dangerous situation and you are one dead character. All about making people to have some feels more to the death scene.


I remember their reaction it was funny as hell He was so epic just to get 1 shotted XD Juggernaut went crazy after


Actually Akagi, the mahjong anime by the same guy who made Kaiji, would be closer. Though Kaiji is better, and more fun (and crazy tense). Chihayafuru would also be similar, though it’s cards. Crazy how anime can make almost anything epic.

Pan Cakes

You guys need to watch the movie after you finish the series