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literal clown show lol



14:50 Sugimoto just SICK with jealousy! I'm dying!

mitch anderson

Ha it's funny cause it's true


This episode had it all. A+

Viela Guay

I know it's been said like every episode at this point, but the ease at which the series transitions between pure comedy, serious character drama, and great action is really top tier


Orochimaru out here dropping bodies


This & Prison School have to be the funniest shows I’ve seen


a lot of people missed this but i paused when i watched this episode for the first time and the local papers misprinted his name as the “immoral” sugimoto instead of “immortal” 😭😂


I just... I just really enjoy this dumbass show😂😂


I'm not gonna lie. I got to the point where Koito did his accidentally epic performance and I actually said out loud, "Sugimoto's really gonna gut himself just to one-up this man..." Somehow, I still think it's more believable than what ended up happening. Plus, how you gonna be the master of a circus and then randomly hire another circus to do your circus?

Zion Noland

This is one of my favorite episodes of season 3 😭 Tanigaki is my favorite character 😭

Muse of Salzburg

Holy shit, Tanigaki getting encouragement from the girls always has me in stitches XD