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That Beast Boy reveal tho!


Zoei Brown

It only gets crazier from here... Y'all ain't ready

Philly The Kid

Lmao, it's bloodbending all over again with Roshi. I get it, M'gann got valuable info but the whole point of the Justice League (and The Team) is that they don't cross the same lines that the villians they fight do.


Its time!

mitch anderson

I'm honestly hyped for episode 6


can’t wait for episode 3 and 7😂

Alexander Szabo

*Maghan fries alien brain* Roshi: “who cares, whatever” Me: “Mmkay this will be interesting 👀”

Oui Oui

The aliens aren’t psychic


I assume when she's being a psychic translator, Megan can hear everything that's being said. Let's hope the Doc on his space tail know that, or we're gonna have some more Miss Martian mental scarring episodes to deal with in the near future.


Lol when Roshi & Sheera found out about Beast Boy origin

Davon Thomas

So hyped for episodes 3 and 7. This season is crazy


This is Earth 14 so beast boy origin differs from Earth 1

Mason Scott

For Connor he has been mind controlled And manipulated before so it makes sense for him to hate her basically cooking others brain to get info

Joshua Curry

So fun fact: Adam Strange's getup is a nod to his comic book counterpart. He was a Silver Age pulp hero traveling from Earth to Rann and other worlds for his adventures. Think Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon type

Quinton Campbell

Yall missed when Garth's eyes turned green in season 1 after the transfusion....I left it alone lol and he brought up that time the team visited him earlier in the episode 😂

Corey Pearson

Honestly, there is a lot of fun things tied in with the first season. I few of the other people yall seen in the last episode like bumble bee were in season one too. I can't recall if they really talk about the others though.

Zoei Brown

With DC Comics. The heroes have a rule of not killing/murdering anyone, even the villains. That is why Batman hasn't killed the Joker or Superman hasn't killed Lex Luthor. Ofc they are tempted all the time, but they have set boundaries for themselves and killing is a line they will not cross. That is why it is a big deal when a hero of the DC universe kills, it signifies that they will no longer have boundaries. They wouldn't sacrifice themselves but instead sacrifice others.

Zoei Brown

Also, that is how DC separates hereos from anti-heroes. Have the same mission but different motives on how they are going to make that mission a success.


I rewatched this show like 3 times and either never realized or forgot beast boy was that kid. Wow

Mr. Toastman

Bruh, Lupa got me. I thought that was legit how Beastboy's powers worked 😭😭😭

Ranginald Vagel

If everyone is mind-blasting everyone then there are no heroes and villains, just Psycho War.

DIO not Dio



Dunno if aleardy said but at the end of the episode where beastboy got the blood transfusion, his eyes were green


Lupa did Roshi SO dirty with the Beast Boy touch thing🤣


Yooo this is a rewatch of the show for me and I completely missed the Beast Boy blood transfusion thing

Devil’s Advocate

When you call yourself the JUSTICE League, it’s kinda hypocritical to nonchalantly scramble someone’s mind (essentially who they are/identity) into a vegetable blender.


lol. Nah. He just has to understand how their structure and what they look like. This is actually a happier origin for Beast Boy. His backstories in the comics are downright depressing.


U can't just say "someone" to justify ur stance bro. These are all horrible criminals and they deserve everything that's coming to them.

Antonio Bacon

The kroloteans are literally just surviving they're a scavenging species

stanley drury anderson jr

I’m so dead lmfao they was literally calling him Gar in that episode where he got the transfusion lmao


Not to make anyone upset, but remembering the fact that Queen Bee has some mind control capabilities... there's a possibility that she forced BBoy's mom into doing that over the waterfall...tough


Lol in one episode from the previous season... foh


What I just realized on this rewatch is that at the end when Ms. Martian was arguing with Superboy about turning that Krolotean brain into cream of wheat. She purposely spoke out loud cause Beast Boy was still connected when SuperBoy was about to call her out for what she did. She made sure to say it out loud to change the way the conversation would go. She changed subject real quick to keep Beast Boy from finding out.

The Truth

Lmao that doesn’t even prove he’s beast boy, he didn’t even seem like he was going to be a returning character, and saying the team visited still doesn’t prove it was him. They caught it at the best time that completely confirmed it

rickie woodson

gar isnt an animorph lol no touching needed. comic book: any animal, real or fiction or alien

CJ Dennis

I think in this version they made him only able to turn into things he's interacted with.


As soon as that kid woke up last season and I saw his eyes were green I knew something happened man