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sooooo is Assassin SEVERAL summons?



i think its just one summon


They aren’t separate, the summon has multiple personalities so it has multiple bodies.


It's 1 summon but being vague they are a certain group with different personalities and their experiences are not shared between them(touched on in FGO). They do have a leader tho as well as 1 above the leader which would be the 1st of them(not shown in the anime)...tried not to say their name so the explanation sounds a little weird

AjohnJexy 123

Gilgamesh is a demigod and was part of the great civilizations in what is known as Mesopotamia. He is part of one of the oldest written epics that we know of and his story is 4,000 years old if not more.

Jonathan Jackson

Assassin based on is/their original history had dissociative identity disorder, so in this show/grail war he manifests as 100 different people

None None

The Riding skill being linked to sex is 100% canon, although it only comes up in one of the spin-offs. You can qualify for Rider just by being really, really good at sex.


Isnt he from the oldest epic known to this day? Also iskandar is just foreign name for alexander the great


His summon is hashashin, as in the entire hashashin organization


Assassin is basically represented by a single person. If i am recalling it correctly, it's the leader of hassassin. The multiple beings are representation of covers during his lifetime as an assassin. You require different persona/cover needed to assassinate your target. So those multiple persona manifest a different assassin. You know you sometimes have to become a female or male. Big or small person. That's why there are multiple assassin with some difference between them.


It is kinda cheap, though, when you think about it. I mean, Assassin might not be too powerful, but still, the logic they end up rolling out for it is the equivalent of trying to claim the Marine Corps. is a single soldier.


Gosh how I love the Fate franchise. I hope after watching the fate zero and unlimited blade works you guys pick up fate/grand order.


I started this show when you put the first reaction out, and because I have no willpower, I finished it yesterday, oops. Looking forward to y'all seeing the rest!

big siah

No but tht particular assassin summon was like an group or tribe so it's like a buy one get a bunch free in this case

big siah

No he pulls him from his infinite treasure stash gates of babylon


Reminded me of Shaman King


Everyone’s got cool facts about the summons but mine is about the rifle with wood that the mage killer had. It’s called a Walther WA-2000 and considered one of the most accurate and easy to shoot sniper rifles. Only 170something were made because the cost to build one outweighed the need for it, and now they go for over $40,000 each if you want one lol

Tyler Hawke

Rider is Iskandar, but he gave hints about his true name. It's not really a spoiler since they don't call him what he's based off of, but he's Alexander the Great. Saber is King Arthur, but in the fate verse she's referred to as Arturia/Artoria

AjohnJexy 123

He might be the from the oldest written epic, but there are oral traditions that are older passed down through animistic religions and indigenous tribes around the world.


Iskandar is basically the name of Alexander the Great in Middle East language (not sure which one)


Well Assassin wasn't really powerful in the games. Assassin class was not meant to fight directly against servant. But to fight against master directly.

Sam Lafave

was that "yes, godess" bit about the next mushoku tensei episode? @ lupasan

None None

In one of the spin-offs, Queen Maeve/Medb of Connacht, an Irish warrior queen who once got mad and started a war because the king of an enemy nation refused to fuck her (three days after the last war between these two nations ended), gets the riding skill and is summoned as Rider because of how well she "rides men". Her noble phantasm is literally fucking her opponent over and over until they die of exhaustion. The expanded universe is pretty damn weird sometimes.

Hakurei Oni

Fun fact, even though you joked about the Riding skill, that is canon to the lore lol. Servants with high riding can "ride" better and there are servants who have good riding skills purely because they were skilled in bed lol.


When they summon Heroic Spirits, it can be random, unless you have an artifact linked to that spirit you're wanting. Arturia was called, because Excalibur's sheath was included in the summoning.

big siah

Plus for the real ones tht know fate orginal game had a bunch of H scenes lol


Iskandar is Arabic for Alexander, but its also Greek for Aléxandros, which became Alexander in common english, as he's from Macedonia which was a part of Greece at the time. Iskandar means "defender of the people"

big siah

Quick fun fact about fate and what made tht riding skill moment so funny to me is tht fate was originally a vn with h3ntai scenes but it's impossible to tell it was. Also saber blade is hidden with magical air because it's excalibur king arthur tale is one of the most famous so it'd be game over if the enemy learned her identify from the golden blade and make counters

Damion Middleton

3 Episodes in, and I’m already invested in this series lol

Benny T

Lu Bu!!!!!!!!!


The summons aren't random. They use an artifact related to who they want to summon. So for saber they used the guard of her sword, waver used the cloth of iskandar, etc. I don't remember if it's always a guaranteed get though.


She covers it with air magic I think


If you don't have a specific artifact related to the spirit you want to summon the Grail will match you with a spirit that's similar to your personality.

Devin B

Yeah basically Saber covers her sword with wind magic just so that she can make it invisible cause in a fight the opponent can't tell how long her sword is and it doesn't reveal her identity.

Viela Guay

Kiritsugu's entire kit really is him just flexing his taste in exotic firearms


Saber has to hide excalibur, its a sword that gives away who she is. Knowing the servant you are fighting reveals weaknesses

jesse almonte

A good assassin wouldn't be famous right? So the grail compensates by giving a bulk of faceless assasins to kinda make up for the lack of power a legend might have

Josh S.

There's a lot of famous assassins in the fate universe, hassan of the hundred faces isn't the grail compensating... It's just that assassin's ability


I will be just watching these to see Lupa have that :o confused face and getting clapped, because he doesn't follow the subs :D


Doesn't that only work for female Servants tho (discounting gay ppl I suppose)?

Devil’s Advocate

I guess it’s how you look at it. Should a good assassin be anonymous or be successful in their assassination of a high value target? Brutus killing Julius Caesar or John Wilkes Booth killing Abraham Lincoln are both well known assassinations. You know their name, but they also got the job done.


I mean it makes sense, considering his entire Legend is deeply tied to the first ever organization he created & led (hence the term Assassin, from Hashshashin), so it goes without saying he comes w/ his underlings, as they are a vital part of his Legend


Iskandar is specifically how he's known on the Asian continent (I think he started using that name once he conquered Persia?)

Deshawn Smith

You're saying Assassin "comes with his underlings" in a literal way ? If so, that's not true. They are all Assassin and his multiple personalities. Not his members of the group he once led.


Rider is Iskandar which as far as I remember is Alexander the Great, Iskandar was the Eastern variant of his name in Persia, Arabia etc.


It's never TRULY random, it can just seem that way. The point of the artifact is a heroic spirit associated with it basically resonates with it. Without an artifact, a heroic spirit resonates with you instead, so you get one that has a personality that closely matches you. That's why, you know, Caster. And if you have an artifact that is linked to MULTIPLE heroic spirits (a really obvious case being Saber of Red in Apocrypha, that artifact has a fuckton of heroic spirits associated with it), you get a combination of the two, which of the associated heroic spirits that most closely matches your personality.


Because they already know she has it? Its not a surprise..lol


They said what the scabbard was in ep 1


Bush as a Servant would be interesting. Low stats, but probably an epic Noble Phantasm. His Noble Phantasm might be "Bombs over Baghdad", where he summons the US Military to launch waves of armed forces and missiles.


It might not be revealed that Iskandar is Alexander the Great. He did talk about Macedonia/Greece but that was it.

None None

"Hassan" is technically the name of a group of 19 assassins who operated under the same name, technically making them some of the only truly anonymous assassins in history (and being anonymous is a major way to qualify for the assassin class). Each of them had their own gimmicky way of killing their target, like one that specialized in poisons or another that used explosives. This particular one is "Hassan of 100 Faces", whose gimmick is that he had multiple personality disorder, so he could change personalities on a whim based on what his current job required (for example, you can see one of his personalities is a woman, in case he ever had to go undercover in a brothel for an assassination or something, he could act perfectly to sell it). When he's summoned as a servant, that just gets interpreted literally and he gets 100 bodies. The book goes into detail about him, but the anime has to kind of skim over him because it has too much exposition as it is. There's a DVD bonus short where they interview him that helps give viewers some of the information the anime had to leave out for pacing, like how he works as a servant.


I think it is..He mentions Zeus,chart is pulled oxes, mentions Macedonia and Persia..and his eastern name was Iskandar..and is obsesses with conquering lands..Definetly the Great


As an assassin, he took on many identities. His noble phantasm is that each one of those identities becomes a body with a collective mind


How is that a spoiler? Would you have seriously been shocked that King Arthur would use excalibur? That's like being shocked that superman has heat vision, it's part of the character

Joseph Salcido

I dont know if anyone metion it or not. So forgive it was already said. But to summon a servant in the grail war, you need a artifact of the legend you wanna summon. And I believe there's specific things to do or say to get the class of servant you want. So its not random of what servant and class you get.


the show wont really explain the heroes to you unless you know their historical background. Gilgamesh is the original hero story and the first king of man making him king of heroes and king of kings.. He also has a vault that contains every treasure of man ever made including every other heroes weapon. Hes one of if not the strongest characters in the entire franchise being half god as well. I think tokiomi intended to summon his older form as a caster but ended up with his younger archer form instead thats alot more conceited and an asshole hence his little speech about being disappointed he ended up summoning an archer. He intended to summon gilgamesh from the start i just dont think he wanted the uncontrollable younger version. None of this will get explained to you so it's not really spoilers they assume you already know this shit going in.


Plus archers are the worst when it comes to control. Usually, archers have the 'independent action' skill, which is the case here. It's a skill that allows them to act without using their master's mana, which means Tokiomi lost a lot of leverage masters usually have on their servants

Oui Oui

You do realize slime doesn’t come out on mondays right?


I mean it wouldn’t really be game over shes still strong af

Max Murillo

The pistol he reloads is a Contender. It's a weirdly specific hunting pistol that can be rebarrelled to different calibers. It's super niche, and basically just Kiritsugu flexing that he can use a pistol that needs reloading after every shot. It's also absurdly accurate, especially for a pistol.


I know you're probably joking but in fate verse there's barely any heroic spirits born after the late 1800's because apparently, technology and modern firearms diminish considerably the merits of your actions. You know who from UBW is obviously and exception , but that's because he doesn't use any modern weaponery and because of his special circumstances

Miguel NoName

Out of the top of my head I cannot not even think of 5 famous swords, and if someone asks me for the most famous sword Excalibur comes to mind first. Meaning that if I saw someone wielding a sword covered in magic to conceal its identity I would 100% assume it was Excalibur... I think a better solution would be to paint Excalibur red...😅


True, but don't forget Tesla, Shiki, Fujino and a few others. If you get famous/renowned enough, you can maybe become a servant. Like the many versions of certain people. (assassin Kiri)


Assassin is still one summon. It's just that Assassin can split into multiple versions of oneself. Almost like split into different personalities


Gilgamesh be playing pay to win...


This is my first time seeing this to but Saber does not have Excalibur yet right? That sword she is holding is just like a temporary aura blade I am probably wrong.

Peacefinder Simply

your asking for spoilers, just search it up, you've already seen it so don't spoil them. it could be it couldn't be.


No I was just sharing a theory I don't want to know the answer now I will wait to see if I am wrong or right


Wtf why did you guys seem to not react at all to the explanation that servants are given knowledge upon materialization? Or that Saber could fkn pilot the plane? Lmao and then you focused on making it sexual lmaoooo😭


Bc this anime talks 20 minutes straight they not tryna pay attention to dudes talking we want some action


All summons have their original weapon regardless of the summon materials used.


Funny thing is, it’s actually possible to summon George Bush as a Servant lmao