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We're finally here baby. Moment of the match.

Nicole Guerrero

hinata receiving the ball made me feel like a proud mother, especially since he is showing great growth (‘:


the moment we have all been waiting for

Devin B

For random people looking at Hinata receiving they might not see it as a big deal cause receiving is considered to be a basic technique but the people that do know him understands how much that receive was worth to Hinata as a volleyball player. He's slowly becoming a more complete player.


It’s nice to see reactors actually appreciate how good inarizaki is as a team but also as characters individually. Also the reason why the quick was different and had everyone shocked was bc osamu set it atsumu so basically imagine if hinata setting to kageyama and them pulling a quick like that.



Stanley Labissiere

My personal favorite moment of the series! The animation was GODLY


My favourite set in the whole show, ultimate fake out


I wonder if they are going finish the season next week because there is only 3 more episodes.


Receive, set, and spike is the usual thing but what they did there was a set, set, then, spike it’s totally legal since you only have 3 touches.

George Kiourtis

Lupa, I got you with that Fat Bastard reference! "it's a vicious cycle!"


Next week boutta be SUPER HYPE

Hollow Jake

only 3 touches allowed on your side of the net, tsumu setted it to osamu, then he setted it to aran, a total of 3 touches fyi


Lupa not receiving the respect he deserves with that Austin Powers joke!!!


I'm just checking in to say that I caught the food joke Lupa made, and it made me laugh. It's a reference to Austin Powers. I got you homie.

Mr. Toastman

"Pitons" are those things you use for support when climbing. The metaphor is that Hinata's receive is one of the many pitons they can use to climb the mountain to victory.


8:19 the "Sky Love Hurricane" move the miya was talking about is a reference to Captain Tsubasa. Really funny if anyone wants to look it up on youtube.


Man, you know those moments, right? Where you do something so good, it turns into a 5 Gum commercial? All the time!

Vincent S Deluca

yeah and there might be a lot of them along the way but this one for Hinata was the one he decided to go after and finally managed to get a hold of, so now he can keep climbing

Ranginald Vagel

That food analogy was hype never expected that rally to end in an L


Yachi over there having a heart attack watching this close game. lol


It's not that bad lol. Osamu is actually at least decent to good at setting but I get what you meant.

Lively Nili

Hinata worked hard man, he the GOAT!!!


pitons are the lil things climbers reach for to get better footing or even rest. the play that led to hinata’s receive was super fast, so from outsiders pov even if they don’t know how momentous that was for hinata and karasuno, they still understood what kind of advantage it served for them. for one it slowed the momentum of the game and it allowed for better footing for the team. which is why hinata was compared to a piton.


so we gettin 3 next week huhhuhhhh P.S yall rock

Devil’s Advocate

No matter how many times I watch that receive, I get goosebumps. It’s lowkey freaky because I don’t know...whyyyyyy?


YASSSS!!! I'm not gonna lie, I got all emotional when our tangerine boy received that ball! This is one of my favorite moments in season 4, and it will keep getting better and better...

Donovan Breest

Cuz its a build up of something from the entire series without realizing it. Since the FIRST episode we have watch Hinata want to play, he wants to stand on the court, he wants to enjoy the game and it is this moment that grounds him into the game on such a deeper level then him being able to jump because you always need to receive in Volleyball so doing that fundamental aspect means more. And thats not even taking the start of season 4 so yea theres that too


inarizakis libero is super goood he doesnt get enough credit


This episode was one of the most emotional episodes in the series for me, knowing what Hinata had gone through to be where he is at now, the pride I felt in that moment was unreal.


Hinata's receive and him yelling for Kageyama affected me more than I would like to admit, Haikyuu is so enjoyable!

Earphone Jack

Lupa was about to get up and walk away at the end. 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t blame him lol


Any chance we get the last 3 episodes next week?


I think they should do the last 3 episodes together.


Love this reaction guys!


i love how roshi went to sheera and said "but its gonna be okay we got this" and reassuring her


hungry boys!