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Okay everyone! We are now done with The Great Pretender (Final reactions tomorrow) and will begin watching the Fate series. We wanted to poll the watch order to make sure we are doing this correctly! Let us know which to watch first!



Should be Zero, UBW then Heaven Feels movies last is how you would do it

Omar Sahli

Guys wtf the right order is ubw> zero lol


Don't watch stay night, its horribly done


Zero you don’t need to watch Stay night . UBW is a better version of it


I love UBW but I think most agree that zero should be the first, fuck that original shit


Easy vote! easy win


Don’t watch stay/night


Only watch UBW and zero

Jalen Holmes

You can watch blade works first Thats what did anyway because it gives you a run down in episode 0 of how thing work .But the poll already says zero so lol gotta watch zero first then blade works. Stay night isn't really necessary. I also haven't even seen zero yet


Honestly instead of Stay Night, y’all should watch Heavens Feel after UBW

John Y

Damn I wish I knew, Imma be following your lead on this one


Dont watch stay night by studio deen please


Zero is a prequel UBW comes after chronologically Stay/Night is kinda meh imo and very similar to UBW


UBW is a remake of stay/night


I regret not watching Fate/Zero before UBW, so dont make the same mistakes as me. Also i hope y’all are planning to watch the heavens feel movie after all this.

Cedric Worthy



Not a hard decision , Zero first


Replace Stay/Night with heaven’s feel


UBW does a better job setting up the premise of the grail war imo and is a better starting point than zero


zero then ubw


if we going chronological order zero is first


Change the stay/night with the movies


In story order is zero then the others (ubw/fate stay night are just different routes of the same story.) But in order they came out would be fate stay night, zero, ubw


who tf voting for stay/night?


UBW is the rin route, while Stay Night is more Saber route. Heavens feel would be Sakura route


okay cool so we will skip Stay Night lol


Y'all don't need to watch the original fate stay night it's like the original FMA to FMAB I'm pretty sure I could be wrong tho

Deshawn Smith

Zero, UBW, Heaven's Feel. In that order i think it's the best way to enjoy the series


I don't see Fate Last Encore in here! LMAO


Usually you start with Episode 4 A New Hope and proceed through to episode 5 and 6. Then you go and watch the prequels which consist of Episode 1 through 3. If you're a masochists and want to torture yourself you can then watch the final 3 movies of series. And that's how normal people watch star wars. Wait.... This was about FaTe series, yeah never I've seen it

Jeff Jackson

I won't argue against the people in the comments but at the very least watch stay/night after UBW. That way at least some character arcs are finished and not unsatisfyingly left open ended. To clarify for you guys because I don't know if anyone has done this for you yet, Unlimited Blade Works and Stay/night take place during the same time only they are essentially different versions. Each one completes certain character arcs and for those two it really doesn't matter that much which order you watch them in as long as you watch them both. People say don't watch stay/night because the anime adaptation was pretty lackluster when it was released in 2006 and has not aged well. But seriously, get a Fate fan to actually explain the whole stay/night and UBW scenario in detail so you guys are not confused and thus can make the decision about which to watch on your own.


Replace stay night with heaven’s feel movie trilogy


Yeah definitely zero then UBW


Chronologically, Zero. Release order, UBW. Don't watch Stay/Night

Adrian Jansen

Wtf why people are recommending Zero first, those shows were writing in a way that Zero will answer some questions left in the main Fate series, otherwise a lot of impact information that was supposed to leave a great impact in the viewer will be spoiled


Zero -> UBW -> Heaven's Feel. Forget about stay/night


Yea studio deen fucked it. Ufotable picked up the rest. All you need to know is that it's based off of a visual novel & there's basically 3 heroines to really focus on(routes) and the story changes based on which girl he's going for(that's putting it simply) Fate/Stat is if he focused more on blonde hair girl(avoiding spoilers) but the studio was terrible so skip it


Just a heads-up that the first episode will be an hour long

Oui Oui

Watch them in the order they came out


It’s literally Zero-> Unlimited BladeWorks-> Heavens Feel-> Apocrypha dont listen to them lord and i hope yall do dub

Mikal Adkins

Definitely Zero first. You'll get more context when you watch UBW afterwards.


Honestly either watch order is good tbh, but I would replace Stay night for the Heaven's Feel Movies. Which works since the final movie comes out at the end of March for DVD/Blu-Ray.


Watch Zero then UBW don't watch Stay/Night bc is trash with a major T

Troy Parker

Is zero then ubw


It is different. Fate/stay night (Saber route), UBW (Rin route) and Heaven's Fell (Sakura route) have the same starting point but diverge pretty quickly. Fate/Zero is a prequel. Reason for skipping stay night is not that the route was bad, it was great, but the adaptation by Studio Deen was pretty bad. Ufotable did the others which are pretty good adaptations.


Just watch them in the order they came out then things aren't complicated.

Steve Deonarine

I would replace stay night with heveans feel movies

Runner Up

Personally I think it should be UBW first, that's what the author intended, and the extra "context" people talk about is stuff that was intended not to be in UBW for a reason. I don't think it matters much either way, but it's just that if you watch UBW first, you'll have a better understanding for Zero, and if you watch Zero first, you'll have a better understanding for UBW. That being said, I think everyone will agree to avoid Stay/Night 2006


Do yourself a favor and skip Stay Night


For reactions Zero would probably be best since its first chronologically, but just know it isn't necessarily the correct order of the story.

big siah

Tbh u don't want to watch the old one it was a bad adaptation trust the real fans. Some might tell u to watch and confuse tf out of you but it's not tht serious if you don't watch it

big siah

Instead of fate stay night rout just add the heaven's feel movie to replace

big siah

Zero then ubw tht the chronological watch order and honestly the best order


Forget about the original 2006 fate stay night, it's not worth to watch unless you are a big fate fan. That show is like the combination of the three routes from the game mixing together. Also it would make sense to watch zero first because it happened before ubw(and it came out first), but actually it's better to watch ubw first. Oh yeah make sure to watch the Heavens feel movies after ubw, the setting is the same but the story is way different.


I believe he'll watch the others 1st the finish off with the movies


I highly recommend UBW, but if you're going to watch it chronologically Zero is "technically" first


Ohh makes sense now, I always watched it in reverse


I personally beleive Zero would transition better into UBW than the other way around tbh. Especially if they are planning to watch the heavens feel movies as well


This is kinda weirdly complicated, but ill try to explain. The shows other than zero like the 2006 Deen anime , unlimited blade works, and heaven's feel (the movie trilogy) are basically alternate reality versions of the same events (think of it like routes in a visual novel). In order to get the most out of the franchise it's important to start watching one of these three (Zero is a prequel and has many spoilers to the main three routes mentioned earlier). Personally, I'd suggest watching Unlimited Blade Works first as its probably the easiest to get into and the best looking one (aside from the movies) Like I said the three main routes all cover alternate versions of the same events, so if you know the story of one you kinda get the gist if the other routes. On that note, the 2006 Deen anime is pretty terrible and rushed. There's not too much that you learn from that particular anime that you wouldn't really see done in the other routes, you're probably better off skipping it entirely. Lastly, Heaven's feel is the last route which is a movie trilogy. The final movie is actually coming out this month. These movies are really good and it's pretty important to see them. I'd suggest watching them after Zero but Zero can potentially spoil some parts of these movies. Feel free to watch them after ubw or zero. Final reccomendation order is: Ubw > Zero > HF > other spinoffs (there's a billion of them)

big siah

Fate last encore isn't the main story line and it was a trash adaptation

Leaky Peach

Lmao it's not even close


Yo their finally watching Fate Let’s Go!!!


IMO, I'm not throwing shade towards anyone but Zero is really the only one you should watch, the others are pretty sub par aside from the animation

luis delgado

Guys they should watch it in the Order that was realesed stay night, the zero then UBW also stay night is the original story after zero UBW is the alternate

Joshua W Capute

DO NOT LET ALL THESE PPL CONVINCE YOU TO WATCH ZERO FIRST, JUST WATCH IN RELEASE ORDER This article explains it best: https://www.madman.com.au/news/the-best-order-to-watch-the-fate-series/


Don't need to diss people for liking Fate Stay Night, most people who have watched it probably haven't read the source material and like the show for what it is.


Fate zero (prequel)->Fate stay night (Saber route)->Fate Unlimited Blade Works(Rin route)->Fate Heaven's Feel (Sakura route)

big siah

Bruh stop this is the type of shit tht turn ppl away you guy are doing to much the things y'all crying the chronological order spoils isn't major at all and won't affect the watch experience at all


I think if I was getting a mate to watch them now I'd say Zero > Night > Unlimited > Heaven's Feel, deffs gotta end with Heaven's feel and start with Zero, and think watching Night earlier is better because the quality isn't at the same level as Unlimited


I pray that you guys will see this message : The TRUE ADEQUATE order would be to start with Fate Stay Night , but the fate Stay night anime is very difficult to watch because it aged bad, makes a lots of shortcuts and is ok at best. If you do intend to watch it still, then start by it, if not , starting with fate/zero isn't that bad and is the next best thing


Zero> unlimited bladeworks> heaven’s. I recommend skipping Stay night, just an alternative reality of Unlimited Blade works, and didn’t age that well . Also watch it on netflix or from s source that doesn’t censor it as much as chruchyroll.


Also just in case, please watch fate/zero on Netflix instead of crunchyroll because crunchyroll cuts out and censors a lot of scenes

Jake Thompson

You could say that UBW and HF are alternate reality versions of Stay Night. Tbh it's fine, but Ufotable raised the bar so much that it just pales in comparison.

Cleven Anthony

I personally preferred UBW over all the others lol zero made me feel bored n it was hard to get invested but everyone’s different lol


Fate Zero is my favorite but I'm worried the first episode will turn them off. Roshi! If you see this just be warned that the first episode is 40 minutes of exposition and set up!


you cant do heavens feel route before UBW considering the characters and reasons for them that are revealed in UBW, i think fate route also did but that shouldnt be watched at all

Stew V

It seems a lot of people voted zero, is it good tho? I watched ubw and stay/night but haven't watch zero yet


If you really want to see it fully it goes Zero, Fate Stay Night, UBW, Heaven's Feel. In this order, but usually as Fate Stay Night is older anime and from different studio people don't like to watch that anymore, although it was the first anime of Fate series made.

Carlos Gonzalez

this is gonna be one hell of a ride, hope yall really enjoy it



Jaime Ruiz

You guys should watch a show called Peaky Blinders. It’s so good. Not an anime


Don’t know the order but clicked on zero cause it’s winning xD

Matthew B

You can watch UBW or zero first, it doesn't matter. They both spoil each other, but you would only realize you were spoiled if you had already seen everything in both shows.

Alexander Szabo

I can see that. But I recently re watched Zero, and I didn’t even notice the length of the episode lol. It’s so good.


I've never seen the series, I usually go with release order though.

Kristen Keating

Realistically it should be stay night - ubw- heavens feel - zero but that would be hard


As a huge Fate fan, skip stay night, start with ZERO then Unlimited Blade Works then the movies if you like the series enough


Zero is amazing, it's what got me into the Fate series at all and is the prequel to stay/night and ubw.


Just wanted to say that you can skip stay/night, the anime didn’t age well & it mixes a lot of unlimited blade works & heavens feel, you can just watch zero then unlimited blade works


Watch Zero then Unlimited blade works, skip stay night


IMAGINE starting not at fate/zero, UBW is amazing, heavens feel is literally the fucking FEELS, but zero needs to happen first

Cole M

Big fan, but the best is definitely, Zero, Unlimited Blade Works, then the movies.

Cole M

Stay/night is old and will get you confused, but that's just my opinion


Fate Zero spoils 99% of FSN HF completely so whoever recommends to start with it is giving out terribly bad advice


Skip Stay Night and just pray Ufotable does it over eventually

Tim Kane

99% of HF? Really? At most it gives away some details on character relationships and implies certain things that are relevant to HF's conflict. But that's hardly "spoiling". Hell any of the FSN routes completely give away how FZ is gonna end so that's far worse in my opinion


Please Watch Fate/Apocrypha after these 3. The anime is straight hands, the fights are some of the best in the series.


Watch Zero then Ubw then after considering watching the heavens feel movie after if you like the series obviously


Fate zero and then Fate stay night unlimited blade works.


Remove stay night. It’s fate zero then unlimited blade works and then the 2 movies

Sebastian Stróż

LET THE CIVIL WAR START. But no seriously it doesnt matter where you start unless you are really picky when it comes to minor details. I voted for Zero since it;s the most straight forward way to watch it. Zero, then skip old stay night, watch UBW (series by ufotable NOT the movie) then 3 HF movies (also by ufotable). If you like it then there is a whole new world of things to watch in fate universe but dont bother with it for now.

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

Zero first, so you understand how much everything else sucks by comparison.


Theres an order you have to watch them in that’s recommended

Jalen Holmes

I watched blade works first as my 1st fate series I wasn't confused because the episode 0 was a run down on how things work and what not lol


Unlimited Blade Works is sorta just a reboot of Stay/Night so you can skip the OG one


zero - ubw - heaven's feel movies - whatever is best. just skip studio deen's stay night

Ryan Edmond

i watched ubw as my first fate and it wasn’t confusing

Jonathan Jackson

I really don't recommend watching stay night, it adapts different content then UBW and heavens feel, but the quality of the actual show is not good at all even for a mid 2000's anime. I don't believe its wholly needed to understand the throughline plot either. However, if you do want want to watch it, you should definitely do it before or after UBW. People Zero spoils some stuff, but it's very ignorable and small in my opinion.

Austin Yun

Boy that is one of the most complicated questions

Sierra's pichu

Skip stay night all together honestly..


Honestly.....I have no idea which one to start either lol. Gigguk's "Trying to understand the Fate Series" video sums up my thoughts on entering the franchise.


I watched fate/stay night first since it was the only one out at the time, Though as people are saying it was a poor adaptation and trashy animation. I did pick zero, but if you did set yourself into watching all 3 I would say f/sn just because it made it a little easier to follow the rest of the series. But if not its not necessary since it seems ppl understood the story without watching it.


Nobody is going to read this I'm sure, and it seems everyone has already voted for Zero....But I really think you shouldn't start from Zero Zero is written after the Fate/Stay Night game and had lots of Easter egg and hints calling back to the original Series that I think is lost if you watch Zero first. Just go check out Imon and Abby React to Zero first.... So much of the charm of Zero is lost to them because they started Zero first imo... Anyways just a thought, I'm sure you'll enjoy it either way~


I think you can watch either Zero or UBW first. Fate/Zero was originally written after stay/night and UBW but there is no hard line that says you need to do one before the other, especially in the case of the anime. Hard recommendation to skip the stay/night anime.

mitch anderson

Watch zero, fuck stay night, watch UBW


I watched Zero then UBW and skipped Stay Night. But that’s just me


Don't worry about stay night, go unlimited blade works after zero


watch zero first, then ubw and lastly Heaven's Feel

Adrian Jansen

Those who recommended Zero first are the ones who prefer watching Monogatari in chronological order jeje


Please do Dub for zero and sub for stay night


There’s no need to watch stay night, it’s pretty bad. Just watch zero and then ubw

Blazing_Phoenix 6

Me personally, I think watching UBW (the show not the movie) first is better, then zero and just skip the of stay night. And both subs are premium in my opinion so yeah


Upon the recommendations of many people, I started with Zero. I'm still on it.... had to put it on hold for a bit because this season is stacked af. XD Also plan to skip Stay Night, again as most of my circle of ppl suggested. Obviously that's just me and my peeps, but I was pretty much in the same boat as you, so just throwing it out there to give you an idea what you're working with and compare with the the consensus of this comment section/post/poll. :)

La Plus

Start with UBW, finish with Zero: like many people mentioned, Zero has a lot of references to the main title, so you'll be missing some interesting details otherwise ( and get some minor, but still spoilers)

Apinity ExMachina

Man starting fate is so hard cause Deen’s adaptation messed up the watch order. Preferably you should be watching Stay Night(Fate route), UBW, Heaven’s feel, Zero. But deen’s adaptatiin makes it a chore to watch


unlimited budget works is great to start with tbh


I feel like Zero and then UWB is the best watch order, but you can watch it any order really. I just feel like if you watch UWB first, then you already know how things end in Zero. And as other have said, skip Stay Night. Its..its not good.


I always thought zero was a sequel that continued from stay night? Am I wrong? It seemed like it when I watched.


fate/zero is not only the best place to start at it is also the best instalment in the entire franchise

Lupa is Dadi

Whichever is chronically first


Fate zero spoils some stuff for ubw I suggest you guys start with ubw


I suggest UBW first. Zero spoils some things for UBW. Plus, its way more fun trying to guess who characters are

Viela Guay

To this day I cannot fathom why people want so badly to watch a prequel before the main story. That's just straight up not how prequels are made or meant to be consumed.

None None

The original digital story that the anime adapts had three "routes" that would unlock in order. The first route was Fate/Stay Night, which was a very straightforward telling of the story that mainly existed to establish how the story was "supposed" to go. The second was UBW, where a character who got injured early in F/SN and had to sit the story out didn't get injured, which has a huge butterfly effect and causes everything to play out differently. The third and final was Heaven's Feel (which is adapted as a series of three movies) where the story just went completely off the fucking rails and ends up finally answering all of the lingering questions from the first two. Sadly that first route's anime adaption is notorious for being awful, but luckily it wasn't a very good route to begin with so it can be pretty safely skipped. Absolutely do watch the Heaven's Feel movies when you finish UBW, though.


Skip Stay Night but definitely watch Fate Grand Order: Babylonia at some point. THAT ANIMATION IS FIRE Also I would recommend Apocrypha because it has some really good action sequences, especially the last few episodes are amazing.

Joel Braaten

The FSN adaptation isn't good. My watch order is Zero>Unlimited Blade Works> Heavens Feel movies. After that, there is a lot of spin-offs.

Joel Braaten

If this were the visual novel, I would recommend FSN first and Zero last, but I just think the anime works better watching Zero first.

Noah Mauricio

As someone who got into the series through the Vn’s I’d ignore the dean version as it cribs elements from all 3 fate/stay night routes and mashes them together into a weird amalgamation that works for some people but not for others. Imo just stick to ufotables stuff and replace the dean one with heavens feel. The only difference between starting at UBW and Zero is what kind of tone you’re looking for. Zero is much darker while UBW has more slice of life elements.


I think UBW is the first one in the watch order (at least thats what google says) lmao its pretty much the same show just a different focus on a character.


Are you braindead? Did you watch them? What????? They are so unbelievably different it's inconceivable how you could have this take


Fate/Zero -> Unlimited Blade works. You can pretty much just skip fate/stay night.


that’s literally how your suppose to watch shows why tf would u watch a sequel before a prequel

Hakurei Oni

Man these comments are gonna be a battlefield lol. But as the poll suggests go Zero first, UBW (the anime at least) is directed to be a direct sequel to Zero. Also, I feel like your expectations for Zero should be kept in check. Zero is a PEHNOMENAL anime, but it is incredibly slow paced and more about the characters than the action so expect a lot of dialogue heavy scenes and episodes where not much happens plot-wise. When stuff does happen though, it pops off


Y’all see the vote, Zero wins hands down, there’s no point in debating on witch they should do first

Cleven Anthony

I think we should curtail what people want cause while both zero and ubw spoil each other in some way or another. I think if they watch ubw first then watch zero there won’t be as lost. There’s just gonna be a lot of things they don’t understand cause they didn’t ubw first which is essitentially in my opinion the proper fate stay night story 😭


i havent watched this yet so it will be nice to watch it with you guys

Devil’s Advocate

Watch them in whatever order you want. It matters little. Actually...don’t watch FSN at all and just watch UBW works instead.


Personal recommendations: Must watch: Zero -> Unlimited blade works -> Heavens feel Recommended: Stay night (animation of Stay night is not so good, but you will need this to get the whole picture of the story) Side stories: The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II -> Apocrypha (you can watch these if you want some more world building stuff) Not recommended: Grand Order, Extra (difficult to understand unless you play the games)


Zero>UBW>Heaven's Feel movies (skip FSN cause it's trash) The animation is great in all of Ufotables Fate anime adaptations but Zero's is the oldest, it also aired first; with that in mind Zero should always be watched first. It feels like I've been waiting for you guys to react to this for an age lol I'm really really looking forward to this and I can't wait.


Fate stay zero is the only good fate series!


So curtail what the majority wants because you want something different... makes sense. Believe it or not, Fate/zero is not rocket science, and it's not difficult to understand or follow. I don't know why people keep trying to make this kind of argument..

Ryan Beverly

I'm so happy everyone chose zero. This squad knows what's up


Lol I only like a couple fates as it got too overly repetitive imo

Justin Neason

Bruh what kinda weird timeline were ya'll tryna give them with UBW? Nahh jk, I didn't know about Zero when I watched it, it's still watchable that way since it's obvious it's a prequel, but I still think it's better in order :)

Michael Corleone

The irony of your comment is that Fate/Zero was released before UBW which is also how you should watch Monogatari (release order) with one exception; watching Kizu after Bake.


just watch fate zero and the heavens feel movies.


Oh sh*t they actually included the *crispy* fate night version in the polls


IMP Fate/stay night 2006 gets a lot more hate than it deserves. It mostly adapts the fate route, the first storyline of the original novel, while adding some elements from the later two routes. The animation is definitely dated but the story is still pretty decent. I'm not sure how you guys will like it though. If you guys do choose to watch Fate/zero first, then I advise managing your expectations for fate/stay night afterward. I've seen a lot of people, including myself, watch fate/zero first and were disappointed with fate/stay night afterwards for not being like fate/zero. Fate/zero and Fate/stay night are linked but are different stories with different structures, ideas, and themes. Fate/zero tells everything in one story while Fate/stay night tells everything in three stories, you won't get everything in just one route. Also note that Fate/zero is a prequel and a tragedy, the audience is supposed to know how the story ends before watching it. I'm not saying you shouldn't start with fate/zero if you want to, just to adjust your expectations.


As a vn reader, the additions that deen makes aren't really major. It's not a perfect adaptation of the fate route but it does convey its core narrative and characters well


Zero > UBW > Heaven's Feel(Movies) and the rest is meh, fate stay night is an old meh adaption tbh

Pastel Blues

Omg you guys are gonna react to one of my favorite franchises! Really turned my day around to see this.

shanna molina

They also made a spin-off Fate Apocrypha which is had good animation and fight scenes

Allison Veluz

Watch Fate/Zero first then Unlimited Blade Works . Don’t watch Stay Night

luis delgado

Again stay night IS THE ORIGINAL TIME LINE, UBW is the alternate the y shoudn't skip it

Storm Blade

don't skip stay night. you will be hella confused if you do


I watched Zero as it aired and had no problem following along despite it being my first entry into the series. I think it's as good a jumping-on point as any. No matter which one you pick to start with there will be a crowd of people telling you that you should start with another one. Deen's Stay/night is probably the best jumping-on point in terms of an introduction to the main premise but as a whole, I just didn't find it as entertaining or engaging

toptier sagat

Please, no dubs. I will donate an organ of your choice

Jose silva

Honestly Stay night should be the first you watch if you’re going to watch it all. Considering how good the other 2 look it’s going to be hard to go back and watch the Original.


Just don't do stay night at all please

Anthony Natividad

If your confused where to start just watch Zero>UBW. Can’t speak for Stay Night but I know it follows a different route than the ufotable adaption and it’s not gonna hurt you to skip it. For new people to the series I’d just watch it chronologically


Yo if they make it to the HF movies!!!! Will be so hyped


stay night is actually the first intended root of the video game series I think. They should only watch it if they enjoy everything else and even then the art is really old.


ya heavens feel is so amazing, and it feels like going from zero to heavens feel is the true sequel (even though fate route is actual timeline) considering how dark it is and it involves the characters better....UBW is still masterpiece though and i still ship rin/shirou the most since interactions are better but sakura needs love in her life to


tbh it's always better to just start with zero, you get to know about backstory of the grail, the characters that lead up to UBW/HF/FATE, people keep saying to not do zero first but it doesn't make sense because this isn't a mystery anime you just get confused on who is this guy...who is that guy....is he suppose to be important in the story? thats what they will get confused by if watch ubw first and not zero


His video on it is pretty funny and it does a great job showcasing what happens when someone new to the Fate ANIME asks "where do I start". It's a shame it doesn't showcase the simple truth: Keep the Ufotable anime adaptations separate from the VN, each have their own independent viewing orders.


lol or they could just pull it from Nyaa.si (torrent) considering Roshi had to use it recently. The fan subs (edits) are better anyway, I watched the series on Netflix the last time I saw it and was disappointed by the translations.


Or Roshi can just use Nyaa.si (torrent) since he's already had to use it recently. The fan subs (edits) are better anyway and I personally wasn't impressed by the translations on Netflix which I assume are similar to what's on the hard copies.

Cody Braim

LETS GOOOO can't wait for you guys to get to UBW

Peacefinder Simply

why did people vote Zero? hmm i betting a lot of people are going to be annoyed because they will be confused. Zero assumes you know things and poorly explains things or just doesn't at all. I've seen this happen about 6 or 7 times. People vote zero and reactor gets confused and doesn't end up liking the series much.


Because it's objectively the best one and watching the others is honestly just a waste of time. As for their confusion, I am 100% there are people in the comment section will clear up any questions they have so that won't be an issue.

Hi How are ya

Bruh honestly if y’all watch zero and UBW don’t even bother with stay night it’s pretty 💩


Don't forget about Heaven's Feel when you guys are finished with UBW.




After Unlimited Blade Works watch the trilogy of movies Heaven's Feel. The original Fate Stay Night is quite boring even though it's the first route.

Khadija Abdullahi

If you want to watch correctly, it would be fate/stay night, unlimited blade works, the heaven’s feel trilogy, and then fate/zer


stay night was a miserable watch for me