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got a REALLY bad feeling about all of this



@Slippers I don't see how he was being anti tobacco?

Solivigant Kaiba

Yo, remember how back in Case 1 episode 2 Edamura said he'd has and would never do drugs but now he smokes like, all the time? Yeah, cigarettes are a narcotic therefore are a drug


This climax is gonna be 🔥


I’m glad they are giving edamura a better role than to be the joke and the one that gets clowned, Im all for it.

Jay R.

Roshi was right. They were speaking Japanese and no, they couldn’t understand eachother. Edamura and Laurent were giving them false translations to swindle them BOTH into paying 100 billion yen. So essentially Laurent and crew make 200 billion dollars off this case. Yea Edemura me Laurent were playing big brain games during that meeting 😂


When I first saw this episode, I was low-key rooting for Edamura to fuck their whole plan up. Laurent and them have been using and abusing this boy since they met and they never tell him anything. He looks like he's just done with their BS


They were speaking Japanese, not english. The boss was asking his number 2 if he understood any of the english Lin and laurent were just speaking.


He also drinks coffee, tea, and alcohol just like most adults, why aren't you giving him shit for that? He's also an international criminal, smoking ain't his biggest problem. This isn't a platform for you to be anti tobacco.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

I’m still waiting for the reupload of ep 6 of jujutsu kaisen 😭😭

Matthew Osteen

you guys are gonna love the next two episodes

Stephen Delong

Where golden kamuy at 😭😭

Stephen Delong

I'm thirsting for that Lupa solo react for Golden Kamuy too 🤣

Devin B

Honestly I'm hoping that whoever Edamura was calling helps him scam Laurent and them for the 200 billion yen cause they really put him through some mental stress thinking they actually got killed and how he "killed" his dad.


I’m glad I’m not the only one, it’s a great change and development for him. I hope he at least comes out on top in some way.

Viela Guay

Not only that but their plan that they didn't inform them of forced him into a position of selling children


I don't think he was trying to be "anti tobacco" lmao. I think he was just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy. It all falls under the narrative of Edamura's character getting more corrupted as the story goes on.


She's supposed to be speaking Japanese during that livestream deal. Idk why they had to get a voice actor of her to speak broken english, her original voice actor did so much better in acting, on top of the fact that the story intended for her to speak her native tongue.