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when "one last job" goes wrong


Ntongmo Noubissie

Tried to do some Vin Diesel shit...smh

n momo

never say "one last job" even if it's the last

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Although I'm not against it, I don't believe Edamura was originally a part of the long con his father came up with. It looked like Laurent was just about to leave Japan and ran into him by coincidence when he tried to swindle him. Laurent realized who he was and so decided to throw him into the ring too.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

When laurent said please 😭 ugh that got me. His voice when he said it

Devin B

Nah I don't think so either. I'm pretty sure his dad didn't want him to be part of that life but Laurent probably thought that since Edamura was already doing no good he could use him.


imma be honest at 6:22 I was mad at the way they drew her too. . .but then i was like. . .well at least she black. . .


21:20 Sheera, sometimes you hit the nail so hard it should be illegal. I'm glad you all caught on to the fact that Edamura was literally the perfect "son" implant. The Wizard had all the time in prison to think this out.

rickie woodson

an animorphs reference in 2021? im dead! lol