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Edamura fumbling the bag again!!



It’s echoing like crazy but still gonna watch it lol


Ay its echoin lmao

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The job was just to run away with Abby's fake princess money, rescuing the kids was never a part of the plan here. But you can obviously tell Laurent and crew were betting Edamura to run back for them anyway.


Echoing goes away after the opening cut 👌


Wait how is wanting to save kids fucking it up


Y’all’s hate is ridiculous at this point 😂

hector torres

edamura is naïve he has a broken moral compass that leads him astray and will probably be his ultimate downfall

kurumi Tokisaki

video is messed up at the start. the audio doubles

Devin B

To be fair they never planned to save the kids. They just wanted to "sell" Abby and then get her out of there but Edamura decided out of nowhere to try and save them without any plan of getting them out so now they're forced to have Abby stay there until they come up with something else.


Saddest part about this case is that this kind of shit goes on for real. And it's not as soft as they portrayed it in this show.


I think that is well established. The reason Laurent can manipulate him so easily is because he knows he's a goodie two shoes who always end up doing the right thing.


oh ya thats for sure, this is fucking disneyland of human traffick, IRL they chain them up and beat them into submission, so they cant have any thought of trying to escape when sold off

Reckless Company

when all fails take them to the island she owns that whole place its huge build them a house and teach them to scam