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Humans v Humans!


Windley Honorat

The story is not even following the manga anymore they're going original with their own story they apparently skipped 50 chapters probably more.


People are saying this is not what happened in the manga they skipped something just letting y’all know I haven’t seen or read it I don’t really read manga but ya not trying to spoil if it is my bad

Tamus Heath

It's a bit of a Deus ex machina, them getting out of the situation, but I look forward to where they go next


good episode but manga readers are dead upset with this. mad y’all won’t get to see the best arc/more characters cuz they skipped a lot


Anime going their own way, manga had them meet new character here that introduced a lot of world building and development to our young children.


I swear only manga readers can feel my pain because The Promised Neverland literally skipped the best arc they had in the manga and they just changed everything in this episode I hope everything works out

Windley Honorat

I read the manga they skipped hell of a lot of information about the plot characters that was supposed to be there & events that were meant to happen they do got only 11 episodes this season.


This episode confused me so bad, I had to find the manga cause I was like......"what. What about....Huh...but?". I think I get why they're doing this but.....how are they gonna loop back and do the thing?

yasmina C

i hope they introduce one missing dude that I really liked in the manga, if not -- we'll see where they take this, I guess!


in the manga the black ops they sent after them were no joke, in the manga 4 characters died trying to stop those 6 black ops

Benny T

Keep up the great work yall. But your episode number on the actual video is wrong. FYI haha. Have a good weekend.


Isabella was fine with Ray dying in the first season, she just wanted his brain. I don’t think the demon said anything about him


I dunno if my memories from the manga are janky, but doesn’t the wall originally say , “Poachers “ in the big letters.


Not sure how to feel about the new story yet..sure the manga was underwhelming but at least it was a completed story they could've just made improvements along the way instead of rushing to making up new material

Ikenna Iwudike

I heard the author chose to add anime original scenes and switch things around. I don't read the manga so I don't how hard the story got hit, especially for the readers.


Bruh Roshi saying "Things take time, time takes things" kinda fucked with me a little. Like I had to look it up thinking it was some old, wise idiom, but nah this man just dropped that random gem out of nowhere

Jay rellim

this show does such a good job building suspense lol i was on edge the entire time they were trying to catch the damn fish bc i thought something terrible was gonna happen lmao but it was literally just a random scene


Not a big fan with whatever's going on tbh, but I'm willing to give it a chance just because I've enjoyed it.


Honestly I’m glad to see them changing things up because the manga got really terrible as it went on. Actually has me excited to see something fresh.

Kyle Smith

Wow I didn’t know it was that different. I guess I’ll definitely have to check out the manga version.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The only reason I could think to deviate from the manga was to keep the cat and mouse chase relevant to the story. At this point the importance was on learning about the outside world and Minerva. I wonder what direction they could be going here introducing all this now?

David Emerson

Im not liking the direction this show is taking... compared to the manga


am sad :(( the manga will forever be in my heart at least


They're simplifying and streamlining the story and characters, which I think is in the best interest of the anime. This way they can keep it focused and unencumbered by the expectations of manga readers.

Jake Young

How to Tank an anime in one episode, skip over 50 chapters for no reason


The kids were told to 1.) stay away from the forest to avoid demons, and 2.) shoot them in the eye in the center of their face and run. The pursuers stood by the forest and fired into the air, attracting a demon. Not really deus ex machina if it's all set up beforehand.




Sorry all the Manga readers seem a little butthurt lol, I get it that sucks it does. But as some one who has only watched the anime I am still loving the show.


They already announced on Twitter that they were going Anime original, probably due to the poor reception of the manga ending, but I can understand the frustration if you as a manga reader expect the story to go in a different direction

Devin B

You never know cause Isabella never had the option to save any children in season 1 but if she had the option to save Ray I could see her taking it

KS Neelesh

They literally wrote off a whole arc and pretty much the best character in the series wtf🤣🤣

Martin Sætran

Kinda torn about this. I my opinion best arc gone but it’s kinda nice not knowing what’s gonna happen!!


Man I'm really sad they aren't doing goldy pond but at least manga readers can now watch the anime without knowing what's gonna happen

Egg Plant

well we don't actually know if they scrapped the arc or not. they could just be changing the way we get to said arc. Regardless, I'm excited to see what happens next now.


now nobody can spoil anything lol


That's a really dumb sentiment. I'm watching the anime BECAUSE I know what happens in the manga. If I wanted something else I wouldn't have been waiting for this show every week I'd just watch a different anime


I hope that they are changing the plot to address the 2 concerns I had about the manga. Too many characters to keep track of and not enough time to spent on said characters or important plot points


Maybe I'm just used to stories with many characters but I never had a problem with there being too many. I only had a problem with the last few chapters being rushed.


Yeah, I'm gonna drop this show. The studio removing and skipping some of, if not, the best characters is really cringe.


its horrible... the manga made so much sense. Dropping it as well.

JunpeiFES .

Im clapping some cheeks, video says ep3 when it is actually ep4 😈 And for satan sake, stop hating 🙄 just watch it and then throw your opinion when it is over. Our reactors are okay with it, if you have a problem, keep it to yourself, because if you start throwing hints of what is missing and the show comes in full circle, then you will just look like a total ass. You dont have concept of how the anime is going to turn. Good for the director for doing it their own way. You make your animation if you dont like it 😒


You spitting some facts, However every anime that turned away from the source to “do their own thing” has always turned garbage. The director shouldn’t change the story unless he either understands the manga to its entirety or is given the green light by the author, any other reasoning is just misrepresenting the mangaka’s work. But you’re right we dont know where it’s headed yet so we’ll see.

KS Neelesh

Guys thr anime is going a completely different route they have literally skipped over 50 something chapters of a bee arc,character development, storytelling, world building and new characters that they were supposed to meet in the bunker. SO IF U WANNNA KNOW HOW THE ORIGINAL STORY GOES READ THE MANGA.


People keep comparing this to real life domestic animals but its not really comparable. Animals cant converse with us


I wanted to think that what the demon whispered to Isabella was something about ray,but he’s literally one of the smartest kids there ,so I don’t think he would let him go.I was thinking more along the lines of making her a new grandma

Immoral Mortal

people like comparing shows that aren't real to real life, some shows should just be enjoyed

JunpeiFES .

Not a single soul has said that they wanna know, so stop bringing it up 🙄

JunpeiFES .

Demons know she can make good “meat” but if they were about throw her ass then probably is ray. Or who knows lol

Stephen Delong

*Everyone eating food* *Lupa in the corner with a bowl of grass* "Y'all stupid"

luis delgado

sigh so the anime is now the PG13 version of the manga

Jaime Ruiz

Hey wtf? What happened to the adult they were suppose to meet and become friends with???? wtf!! They cut out the best character! What the fuck?!?!?!


I just finished the manga first time, I am personally really excited to see what the anime comes up with. Either it's gonna be an expanded version of the manga in a different order, or it'll take a whole new direction. I don't see how what we've seen so far discounts the contents of the manga, just the order is off. Both ways I'm super excited to watch, and see these reactions!!

James Ancester

That dude's prolly long dead and just left them the instructions. Doubt he built the shelter and all by himself so he could have some help, maybe even an organisation we could see in the series later.


Did the author forget about the book about mythology? Unless in the offchance that they didn't include the fish in the book...