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And the Winner is.. | Legend of Korra Ep 6

This is "And the Winner is.. | Legend of Korra Ep 6" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



7:15 Lupa nip slip 2020

Eugine Hasselhoffner

I think the point is that Aang (initially) was an Avatar who tried to run away from his responsibilities, and needed to learn to take an active role in world affairs. Korra is an Avatar that is too eager to get involved, and needs to learn patience and humility. I like that the writers tried to explore different angles of this aspect of being the Avatar.

I VisiBomb I

This is the first time im watching this show, but I think I have a clue as to why Amon waits with dealing with Korra. If he takes away her bending now, the next avatar still gets to bend when the next generation arrives, so in order to completely erase bending, he'll have to kill her during her avatar state.


I've never seen anyone say that the Legend of Korra is sparse on martial arts. That's crazy. It's full of it and it's amazing! It's just the story can be lacking sometimes

Kamau Catching

This a huge turning point for the show. Establishing the friendship of Korra and Lin and Korra becoming more of a beast than ever. It really becomes a different season after this.

Gevin Tipsword

i needd moreeee but i will be patient. I love the reactions i feel the next episodes are going to be lit. thanks for being awesome as always!


im holding out til you finish the first season to watch and I can't wait to binge!!!


Man, I love the announcer so much. LOL


damn.... gotta wait til next week :''''''

Justin Neason

Honestly, the martial arts aspect of the fights wasn't an issue for me! Early on though, the fights lacked in another aspect. I recently watched a video essay-type thing on what makes a good fight (Study for comic making), and I can't explain it all as well, but ATLA fights ALWAYS told a story within the fights. There was more than technique, in each fight you could feel the very essence of each character's personality down to the subtle animations of facial expressions. In Korra the fights are LIT but early in the show it felt like the actual fighting would overshadow the story being told instead of adding to it, and thus many of the dope fights that I'm now seeing again with ya'll are dope but not as memorable as the ones ya'll will see later in this show! I kinda forget they're dope until I see them again, ya know? Am I making sense?


amon and not awoman lmao


why is my dude lupa's nip just out there


Korra fell when she was shooting up with water on the roof because she was too far away from her source of water. Dont forget bending has a range. Water and earth benders can't just look at some rock or ocean miles away and control it. They have to be relatively close to it and she got too far away. Can't wait for the next korra drop. Shit gets LIT


You know Sheera hears some of Roshi's corny jokes and just thinks to her self, "I married this man...".


Nah I've actually heard that complaint before, it's just bullshit from people who wanna hate on this show so much they gonna make shit up

adem yaylali

literally no one has ever said that the legend of korra was sparse on martial arts. Its just the story that many people didn't like as much as ATLA. its still a good story but just not as good as ATLA


Amon and the equalists are based off of communists. The benders represent wealthy capitalists. The hatred for benders is similar to the hatred of rich people like somehow they oppress people.


Ppl hate on Korra bc they’re comparing it to ATLA. If you take it for what it is Korra is a SOLID show. Yea there are some parallels but if you watch it for what it’s worth you’ll definitely enjoy it more


You know if this was on HBO Tenzin and lin would be smashing in steamy affair.


its lacking in story department and show direction. not action lol

Keno31404 .

Yeah I definitely love the fight scenes and overall tone for the story. I'm glad y'all are really into it!


I love this show. Like 90% of the fights are epic


Damn you guys are going to like the next 3 episodes. Especially 8 and 9 .


The people who hate on Korra are crazy. It feels like a great sequel to the first series.


I small minority hate Korra. Most think it doesn't live up to its potential. Some of that is because of the studio. Some of that is also because of the writers.

Blue Minotaur1212

“Any nigga with three ponytails is not trustworthy.” Korra with her three ponytails be going off

kaeleb white

Geez that Amon pun was terrible 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


The main problem with battles is that the 4 bending powers have no distinct styles anymore. In the original series each typ of bending had it's own unique combat style based on 4 separate martial arts but now it's just kicking and punching with earth, water, air, and fire. It's like everyone is a firebender now. Also they really just got rid of the whole concept of different benders being stronger than others. Like the Avatar can no longer bend way MORE of an element than anyone else. Everyone just has the same level of strength for some reason. In ATLA Aang or Azula's power would have been on par with 7-10 other benders. Their attack could'nt be cancelled out in a head on clash.

Blue Minotaur1212

The show reflects the avatar. Korra focuses more on the physical side so there are more fight scenes while Aang was more of a better balance between spiritual and physical. Considering I’ve never fully watched LOK I hope it dives into Korra’s spiritual side more


But this is false though. Tenzin and other old school benders use old stances. The new generation's bending is based on street fighting. Using stances leave you open in certain instances vs straight attacks. That's why everyone is using a boxing type of style. It's not the strongest but most efficient. And without spoilers, there are people that are obviously better benders than others. The only reason Aang could fight 7-10 benders was because no one knew how to fight an air bender and this didnt stop him from getting clapped from time to time. Azula was good in a 1v1 but vs multiple benders she had to flee.


That's a bad argument. Even as a stand alone show LoK has problems. Because of that, it gets compared to ATLA which is the better show. It's like how people compare movies in a trilogy. The people who say you shouldn't compare the two really annoys me because LoK constantly calls back to the original series. I still enjoy LoK a lot including the ending which triggered a bunch of people.


y'all be PUMPIN out the content thank you

Joshua Burns

I mean the fights are dope, it’s this love triangle bullshit I don’t like that kinda brings the show down for me


I’ve heard that take from ATLA fans before too. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Which is nuts! Smh.. Glad you guys are enjoying the show! Legend of Korra haters are big MAD in the comments, because you guys aren’t shitting on the show like they thought lmao.. Matter of fact, why are they even watching the reaction if Korra is a bad show?


I love that Lupa is really into the pro bending matches lol.


Someone criticizing a show doesn't mean they don't like it. LoK has issues and its OK to point them out. I have no problem pointing out the issues with Korra but I still love it and I love watching people that love the show as much as I do.

Sunshine Hall

The Lupa nipple was real in this video. Keep up the good work Lupa's shirt. We see you. ;)

Noah Burke

Whoever complained about a lack of martial arts in Korra needs to reevaluate that statement.

Hoodlum JoeBro

Absolutely forgot how beautiful the ost in Korra was. As well as the stunning season 1 animation.

Hoodlum JoeBro

The story is definitely there, it’s just the execution. Had there been a bit more focus, it would’ve been solid. But I still enjoyed the show for what it was.


Legend of Korra gets a lot of criticism but considering all the production issues that the creators had to deal with, I'd say the show turned out all right. The creators actually had a rough time even getting Nickelodeon to approve the show in the first place due to the main character being a girl; Nick executives' reasoning being that boys wouldn't want to watch a show with a girl as the main character. They eventually got it approved, but only as a mini-series at first. The writers were under the impression they were only doing 1 season and that was that. But once Nick saw the ratings/popularity, they asked them to do a 2nd season. The creators once again thought they were only brought back for one season but Nick pulls them back in and asks for seasons 3 and 4. As you can imagine, this made planning/writing the show a huge pain in the ass, along with production/securing animation studios. I have no doubt the writters could've done much more with the series and made it flow together much more smoothly if they had been given the time/resources/trust that they needed. It's still a great series nonetheless, hopefully you guys enjoy it overall as well!


Lmao when roshi dropped that dad joke, I for sure thought lupa was gonna say GEEEEETOOOOOOUUUT!!! 👉🏿

Cody Braim

Lupa with the shade towards Korea haters at 22:16


"He looks at the mirror when he masturbates" That must be canon I swear


I always regret that I lack the self-restraint to watch just one video when I see you drop three in one day.


I love that the shows are so different from each other. The Avatars are night and day from each other so it makes sense that their times and their shows be different.

Stuart Hanmore

Hey Roshi, I was looking at your schedule and I know it said 4x hunter x hunter today, but I was wondering if you were still planning to do 125 and 126 together. The earlier post already said it, but they really should be seen together. If not that's cool, Ive been loving your reactions and I just cant wait to make it to the end with you

Faiz Khan

the shit people were concerned about was the original forms and stances for martial arts are gone so it feels like no distinct style at the same time, l feel like its good cause it's just the natural progression of things its more street fighting and less rules also the bending is not as strong either; imo it's a very realistic step forward its exactly how old martial artists complain about MMA just like with Tenzin


Whenever bolin was chattering his teeth like that, I’m literally dead their faces


"No martial arts" is the most bullshit thing ever said about Korra. Literally search 'Korra martial arts reference' and see footage of both sifu and other martial artists used to animate the fights.


It's because in Korra there isn't a single martial art/fighting style that correlates to a single bending style. So now "tHeReS n0 mArTiAl aRt's".


If y’all hate Korra why pay to see them watch the show y’all know y’all like korra y’all just can’t get over the last air bender I loved avatar with all my heart and I was never bias to one show and korra really is a good show y’all just hating on it for no reason


I feel like it's been 3 years since you've uploaded Korra content.

Fadilla Achmad

Lupasan's been reading the comments it seems, please be very careful


Bruh I'm over here checking patreon like a crackhead looking for their next dose wtf


Today's the day! FINALLY!!


Think about it the upload schedule makes sense, only 12 episodes of korra in the first season so if they uploaded every few days it'd be over in like a month and that's no fun so pls be patient


Roshi was just waiting for the perfect time for that A-mon joke lmao

Oui Oui

lol the confidence of these guys


i don't feel like you have to turn around to say what your thinking, you miss stuff that way!

Chris Hawking

8:09 Well this is kinda new for me I'm used to guys making pervy jokes lol 😂🤣 but dame this cool I wish more women say more dirty jokes more often 👍


Why didn't Korra jetpack w/ Firebending, tho??


is a man........not a woman......


i mean... you guys have been honeydicked so far. The show falls apart hard from here. So yeah. People are right to criticize and hate this show and I'm sure you'll see by the end its just mediocre

Muffin Music

so many hate comments. i wouldn't say it fell apart. i really didn't even get super engaged till they introduced the villains in season 3. coolest villains in the avatar universe for me personally. regardless, people always gonna hate on Korra but i dont think it deserves all the negative comments.


So much Korra hate jeez LOL S1/3 are bangers, 2/4 are decent-good. ALL of atla was a banger so it's not as great overall but its still a fun show to watch.

Ala’a Atari

I love that Korra is originally a waterbender, but her personality is the total opposite - which is why her go-to element has always been fire. She got that Zuko/Azula temper lmao


There was water below Korra when she was falling and she already knows how to use firebending to propel herself through the air, why couldn't she save herself?


Weak explanation, but in the heat of battle, tunnel vision is a real thing. It's also possible that from that height, she could have had a harder time gauging when she needs to have the water catch her.

Lamaree Jackson

With how they connected this to ATLA, I’m surprised people get so butthurt about people saying Korra is to blame for things. This show loves to turn moments from ATLA on their head. Like our loving everyone, just wants to have fun, boy Aang becoming a neglectful father only worried about his duties—and Katara who always checked him on his bs just being a quiet wife and letting him do that shit. The issues in ATLA may have waiting to get started Or already building but Aang disappearing put a lot of those issues into hyper drive. Fire nation took over, enslaved earthbenders, ruined southern water tribe, etc. but a lot of Korra’s problems just get worse the more she tries to shoehorn herself in because that’s what she thinks the avatar is supposed to do. Amon didn’t really start his plan until she arrived in Republic City where she wasn’t supposed to be—not even revealing that he could take away bending until he knew she was in the city. At so many points, people are telling Korra “maybe you should remain neutral, don’t get involved, try to see both sides of it” and she’s like “NO! I’M THE AVATAR! NO ONE IS WISER THAN ME!” The villains weren’t really doing OD or any major planning. They just had Korra figured out from the jump and knew how to play her. Because they knew she wanted be involved. Whereas Aang was just like: alright Kyoshi imma put out these fires and dip—imma free this one ship of slaves and dip—imma just evacuate this village you tried to flood and dip with you frozen to tree—imma lie to y’all so I can end this feud and dip—okay the lava burned half your village, but I cooled it off so imma dip—see what happened was I got shocked by Azula then we dipped—we reawakened the spirit of a river and shut down a factory, then we dipped—I’m gone help Zuko build this city on your land then imma die. They wrote Korra try to handle every single problem in its entirety herself, which didn’t happen quickly (for people in the show or viewers) and caused a lot of resentment. Motivating people to do shit like help Kuvira take over. Aang caused problems, Korra caused problems, just different ways.