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Loving the pro bending aspect so far!


A Leaf in the Wind | Legend of Korra Ep 2

This is "A Leaf in the Wind | Legend of Korra Ep 2" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Euphoria Cutie

I don’t understand why everyone expects a perfect character from the beginning of the show. Makes no sense. Obviously Korra has her flaws she’s not perfect but she changes as the show progresses.

Devon Joseph

Tenzin literally takes her in and trains her out of obligation and all she does calls him a shitty teacher despite training and parenting three Airbenders. Mind you bending takes years to learn, more years if it's an element that is opposed to your starting element. Doesn't listen to him, how you live in someone's house on their dime and you literally break the rules in the first day that you stay there. She is a Mary Sue, she has all the abilities and power. But when something doesn't go her way she never self-reflects and takes it out on everyone else. She doesn't even learn a lesson here. Doesn't apologize to Tenzin, nor does she even take the time fix the ancient airbending training tool that she broke for not taking her training seriously and throwing a tantrum. She doesn't face any consequences for this AT ALL. Its business as usual and gain the ability anyways. Aang when stuck against a wall HAD to change. Because that's the point of obstacles they force the character to change their perspective and try new things. We see what happened when Aang tried to dick around with Firebending, he burned Katara got beat up by Sokka, and had a mental block stopping him from Firebending for TWO SEASONS. Which ultimately played a role in learning it because he understood how dangerous it was. When he had to learn Earthbending, he was FORCED to think like an Earthbender. Consequence or Change. Korra literally doesn't change from being a bad student, destroying property, breaking rules, or insulting Tenzin. But she learns the technique, earns Tenzin respect, and gets to continue fucking around with Mako and Bolin despite her solely coming to RC to train Airbending. This is not even the only time in this season or this show that this happens. No body is saying she needs to be perfect, but not being perfect is such a low fucking bar for liking a character. She just needs to not be fucking asshole to people trying to teach her how not to be a fucking asshole.

Spring time

You're like super contradicting yourself. its almost embarrassing how many hurdles you morons go to continue with this hate boner for korra.

Devon Joseph

Way to sum up any discourse around this show in a nutshell. Literally ad honeium attacks and fucking delusion keeping people from engaging with the argument. Have a fucking good one you twerp.


She isn't any more of a mary sue than aang is but whatever, Aang was a master airbender at age 12 while Korra is a great water, fire, and earth bender at 17. Obviously Korra fucked up and had a temper tantrum but Tenzin is also at fault and he realises this. He was trying to train Korra in a way that was never gonna work, thats as much his fault of being a poor teacher as it is her fault being a poor student. Its much easier to train someone your specific way when you are able to do it while their personality is still forming, like with his kids, as opposed to korra who is already a growing person. Also both TLOK and ATLA show that it does not take an Avatar multiple years to get good at an element that they are opposed to personality wise. Aang figured firebending out on his second try and while it was his worst element he still got better than the average firebender in like a week or two lol. You say she doesn't apologise but here is a literal quote from the episode I guess you didn't watch "I'm really sorry about everything I did. I was really frustrated with myself and I took it out on you." How is this not an apology and how is this not self reflection lmao.

Devon Joseph

OK, since I have time today. I'm only going to address one argument at a time because I do not believe you have the capacity to defend Korra let alone this show. Aang is not a Mary Sue [Gary Stu] for the exact reasons I put above. Every ability that Aang has gained has been EARNED. Every element, his spiritual connection, and the Avatar State. At no point has something come easy to him. Whether physically, mentally, or even politically. The Elements - Before Aang could learn Water he literally loses his entire race, and the entire world is thrown into chaos for 100 years. Already we start his Avatar journey in the negatives. He then has to fight for an entire season before getting a proper master [excluding Katara] and then has to deal with the classism and sexism of the NWT, after which he has to deal with the Siege of the North. Before he can learn Earth bending, he has to leave his Earthbending Master and friend in prison while his city is taken over by Firebenders. He is attacked in a Swamp and only then does he learn who his next master will be. This is before he even has to deal with the fact that Earth [Not fire, like wdf are talking about] is the element that is diametrically opposed to him. Lastly, Fire. Sure he is able to Firebend easily, but that's par for the course for Avatars when they start learning the elements. The problem was his lack of discipline and control which led to immediate consequences. I'm not going to explain it again but the journey to even learn Firebending was the most difficult in terms of actual preparation it is ridiculous you think it was that easy. In comparison, Korra is able to bend three out of the four elements, including the one that should be the hardest but somehow is the one she excels the most at, Fire, by age 3. How she is trained doesn't even matter, since before Aang even learns he is the Avatar, she is MILES passed him in terms of her journey... as a toddler. I would give her Airbending, if not for the fact that she literally doesn't take Airbending training seriously. She spends more time Probending, balancing unnecessary relationship subplots, and hunting Amon [which is literally a part of his plan btw]. She didn't even learn the "Leaf Dance" in a different way than how Tenzin instructed her, it's not like what she did in the Probending match was different than the teaching tool. She just needed to concentrate. The difference was that she cared more about Probending than not wasting Tenzin's time and energy. Saying Tenzin was a bad teacher because she could concentrate is the most ass-backward argument I've ever heard. And don't get me started with her being gifted the Avatar state, and Aang's ability to give and take away bending, making her a fully realized Avatar before season 2. She doesn't even get to feel the effects of literally being stripped of her abilities before she is gifted them back on top of more power she doesn't have the training to use. So I'm sorry, who is the Mary Sue [Gary Stu] again?


You're still excluding the fact that Aang became an Airbending master at the age of 13. He was the youngest ever at the time. If Aang had been trained at a young age, like that of Korra, he most likely would've learned all the elements around the same age as Korra, if not quicker. His training was suppose to start at the age of 16, but that didn't happen. He is more in tune with his spiritual side than Korra, plain and simple. The kids a monk. Korra is the exact opposite of him and has the opposite set of problems than Aang. Both had their strengths and weaknesses, and both grow throughout the seasons of their respective shows. Everything that makes her a "Mary Sue" is due to all the implementations people that came before her in helping identifying the new Avatar as quickly as possible, and training them.

Euphoria Cutie

Lmao how is Aang not a Mary sue? He literally abandoned controlling the avatar state for katara and was told he wouldn’t be able to unlock it ever; then, at the final fight, a perfect shaped rock is made that unlocks his whole avatar state. Lmao. That’s literally a Mary sue moment but whatever.

Devon Joseph

@Jorary saying Aang is a Gary Stu he was good at Airbending is like Toph being a Mary Sue because she's good at Earthbending. If you're not gonna read my comment than please do not bother replying to me. It does not matter what narrative reason why Korra is the way she is, its the meta that is important. The writers decided to hand Korra literally everything she needed to progress as an Avatar before she was old enough to be potty trained. Please stop ignoring that fact. @Euphoria You are literally not intelligent enough to have this conversation if you can't even summarize that very important plot line properly.

The Pharaoh

daily reminder you were this upset over a drawing. whole ass clown

Devon Joseph

Daily reminder that Korra fans have rocks for brains. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Devin B

Korra's personality is more like an earth bender mixed with a fire bender even though she was born a waterbender. She stands her ground and is quick to lose her temper. Like Sheera said before she's like Zuko and Toph mixed.

KS Neelesh


Cody Braim

The dude who does the voice of Amon is Steve Blum the voice of Spike from Cowboy Bebop

KS Neelesh

OK Cool Cool


I see they tried to make bolin the comic relief of the show


Please don't disrespect Aang not wanting to fire bend out of fear of hurting people by comparing it to Korra not wanting to air bend because she sucks at it.

Keno31404 . (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:47:32 I'm glad y'all made the comparison between Korra & Aang feeling like they didn't need an element. While for different reasons, both times it was due to their personality. Also LMFAO @ y'alls reaction to her earthbending
2020-06-09 17:40:29 I'm glad y'all made the comparison between Korra & Aang feeling like they didn't need an element. While for different reasons, both times it was due to their personality. Also LMFAO @ y'alls reaction to her earthbending

I'm glad y'all made the comparison between Korra & Aang feeling like they didn't need an element. While for different reasons, both times it was due to their personality. Also LMFAO @ y'alls reaction to her earthbending

Lalisa Truong

I wouldn't say she sucks at it, she just has a hard time with air just as Aang had a difficult time with earth and fire. Both for different reasons.


The character in Korra named Mako is named after Makoto Iwamatsu who voiced Uncle Iroh in ATLA seasons 1 and 2.

Hoodlum JoeBro

Lmao yeah the relationship factor in Korra is trash lol Don’t pay too much attention to it. It comes and goes 😂

RavinFox .

Bruh... Baby Sakura better be on her best behavior when she's grows up. Did you hear how loud Sheera slapped explaining that water surface impact? Also, glad you guys are having fun with this show and appreciate the triple upload!


almost like most teenage relationships, in this show directed towards teenagers. HMMM.

Hoodlum JoeBro

It’s still poorly handled lol I was a damn 16 year old at the time watching Korra and the relationships still bugged me. Teenage or not.


I would rather say: Pay attention for little hints here and there, which will eventually pay off spectacularly ; )


It's so crazy to think how every Avatar is the opposite of their predecessor. The character of the new person born tries to make up for any regret/mistake they had in their past life.

Lyric Laude

I feel like pro bending matches are something sokka and toph secretly put together. They were in love with it in atla.

Hoodlum JoeBro

I mean I guess, but it’s still super subtle. They won’t click until later in season 3 lol


Also sub-zero in mortal kombat. Steve blum does ALOT of voice acting


I don't know about that, it's pretty clear that Aang had a hard time Earth-bending [NOT Fire-bending] because Earth is Air's natural opposite, that makes sense. If anything, Korra should have a hard time with Fire, like Roku with Water; from a Writing standpoint, this was a covert retcon. It had very little to do with personality, if that were the case, Aang would've had a tough go with Fire-bending due to His connotative associations. Earth would have been relatively easy for Aang because of it's defensive capabilities [Aang being a defensive Bender by nature]. I don't understand how folks aren't picking up on this, however, it's okay if the Writers want it this way, I just wish they'd been honest about it from the beginning.


Every Avatar is NOT the opposite of their Predecessor [unless there's information I haven't read], however, they do inherit their decisions, be it positive or negative.


That's a funny notion to think about, interesting..


Now everytime Naga is mentioned my mind goes back to that joke 🤣🤣


I don't know, I've known a lot of teenagers, and even Cousins of that age who never acted the way these Characters do. Any time I read or hear about the "they're just teenagers argument", I get a headache, I just think it's a cop-out. Though, it's all good, lol.


Maybe not their complete opposite, but I still like the theory that the next life tries to make up for a regret in their past life. For example, Aang regretted running away when he was supposed to step up to being the Avatar, whereas Korra basically charged headfirst into being the Avatar. Im not an expert in reincarnation, but isn't that the point of it, to keep coming back in different lives to keep getting better.


Aang had issues with earth because it directly went against everything he learned as an airbender. Korra couldn't link with her spiritual side and faced everything head on, so she had trouble with air. It makes perfect sense. There was no retcon.


I'm not sure how stating this proves your point. The Spiritual Side of being an Avatar [or non-Avatar folks] & learning Air-bending are mutually exclusive. You can be an Avatar born on the Earth-cycle, have great connection with your Spiritual Self and still have major trouble with Air-bending. Also, I did say Air is the natural opposite of Earth. Nevertheless, it feels like a very light, covert retcon because it DIDN'T coincide with the established Universe. : ] but it's all good.


Oh no, I agree with that part, lol - just not about the "born opposite" part. That's why I said they inherit their decisions. : ] Having said that, the Theory about Korra going in headfirst is interesting, though we don't have enough information about the other Avatars to really say for sure; any one of them also could've been that way.

kurumi Tokisaki

The new tpye bending fighting is more quick and with more combination attacks.

Corey Leach

and she better get ready for Sheera's anime prediction spoilers if Sakura gets into anime.


The Tenzin-Korra dynamic is so interesting, especially when you remember Korra is the reincarnation of his pops, Tenzin is teaching Korra basically what she taught him in a past life

Griffin Quinn

I think its ok for Korra to want to see a match enough to piss off Tenzin about it. She's 17 and has been in a South Pole compound her whole life if she was discovered as a small child. I love her and Tenzin's relationship tho it's good for both of them.

Kavi Dhan

I really do love Tenzin, he's one of my favorite characters hands down

Michael Saylor

Just to let you guys know there is definitely a PS4 game of legend of Korra and u can play in the tournament in the game

Mr. Toastman

It was not an established rule that you have difficulty with your opposing element, that was rationalization by Katara. I'm not sure why ATLA fans have this fixation with retcons, but not everything is a retcon. Toph also said his problem is that he thinks like an airbender, so it definitely has to do with his natural disposition, just as Korra's difficulties have to do with hers.

Madison Hagan

Cut Korra some slack. She's just a curious teenager that has literally been sheltered inside one compound since she was a toddler. She's got every right to want freedom.

Mustardy Boi

It’s not just Katara though, even Roku stated that he had the hardest time with Water because it was his natural opposite element. It’s show don’t tell, it’s a subtle little problem that has only ever and can only effect the Avatar.

Griffin Quinn

Yeah and she's the only Avatar we know of who didn't travel the world to learn the elements.


Nah with Aang he didn't straight up deny that he didn't need it without actually doing it. He didn't want to bother with it and use it again after he hurt Katara. It is completely different and Korra was just being a bitch about it.

Keno31404 .

Tenzin is clearly old school and doesn't consider that his style of teaching wasn't for her. Everyone has their own way of learning, so a teacher needs to be able to adapt to their student, not the other way around.


Going back to avatar korik (the last water avatar) he only lived like 30-40 years and didnt do much for the world. Not taking it seriously. Kiyoshi lived for like 200 years and was extremely strict. Then roku was more forgiving but allowed the war to happen. we all know aang and then how him and korra are different


I really wanted to like Mako (responsible older brother type, a jerkass with a heart and his boxer style was interesting) but I also can't stand love triangles and that became the sum of his character.

Megan M

I love Bolin so much.


Legit he is the only character I couldn’t bring myself to like in this entire series!


Yea in Season 1 nd 2 he is kinda annoying nd is basically a shitty replacement for my boy Sokka but later on in this series he really grew on me nd was actually funny at times!

Just Hatsu

the fact that there is an actual "videogame for this" makes me wanna complete it again T-T (12:42)


12;34 why is his headband blue if he is an earthbender ???


lol! korra is 16


I may not finish rewatching this...I fin it once just to see what happens and hope it gets better, but even just the first episode, is so irritating and annoying. It's like LoK took the avatar world and turned it into everything I find irrating or dont really care for. Seriously, I can't believe I detest LoK this much after how amazing ATLA was. Anyone notice how Toph turned Republic city into the very things she ran away from home to escape? Walls and rules. Walls? Builds a whole 1920s city complete with skyscapers. Rules? Becomes police chief.


Meelo is momo's comic relief. Pretty sure Bolin is Sokka's. And I agree with Tenzin. I don't like sports really, and pro-bending is irratating, mainly the radio announcer narrating the fight. I'm just gonna try to shut up now. I've said my piece, I find 90% of this show irratating, does me no good to keep complaining about it here... With Lupa tho, I wish they would make a show for the time skip between ATLA and LoK

Evan Andrews

I was going to rewatch ths but this episode turned me off. They don't even explain the rules for the pro bending (like in the last game they won by only winning the last match of the three?). They remove the traditional bending styles that match the attitude of the bending type (fluid movements for water, rough breath for fire, etc). They already retconned type disadvantages by saying that the element the avatar has the most difficulty learning is the one opposite their personality (the idea isn't necessarily against the original, but we know that the attitudes for air and earth are opposite and the attitudes for fire and water are opposite, so we might presume that she also wouldn't be good at fire, seeing as she has neither a hatred to fuel it nor the spiritual understanding of fire as life). Im sorta okay with the tech advancement but the issue is that Fire nation tech only advanced in vehicles and weaponry, not in household products, and typically the inventions incorporated bending into them (like the tanks and hot air balloons. The new tech seems vastly separated from fire nation tech and doesn't incorporate bending whatsoever. Lol

Devon Joseph

Ah, this is the point. It definitely did not take long. Sheesh, One episode for me to dislike Korra... *sigh* welp on with the circus.

Devon Joseph

Korra is what happens when you put the ferocity of a fire bender in the body of a water bender with the mindset of an earth bender. The took away the progressive narrative of learning all four elements because we've been there and done that with Aang (albeit it the process had to be sped up for the sake of situation but I digress) They skipped most of the elements to focus on Air which was cool but most of the journey and lessons Aang learn was by learning the different elements. This is why he couldn't learn firebending off the bat. Not without the flexibility of water and the stability of earth. Without the freedom of Air Korra is just a stubborn powerhouse of a person who thinks she can do it all and once she hits a wall she cant rip through with force she gets mad and makes matters worse for herself.

CJ Dennis

When this episode first premiered, I didn't like how she snapped at Tenzin, but they made her grow on me, until her regression in the first half of season 2.

CJ Dennis

I love how Hasuke disappears and we never see him again. When this show first premiered I thought he could have been Amon lol.