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Sibling showdown


Sozin's Comet Pt 3 | ATLA Book 3 Ep 20

This is "Sozin's Comet Pt 3 | ATLA Book 3 Ep 20" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



That’s one of my favorite moments, too. Literally no one ever talks about Sokka’s development. It’s not as drastic as Zuko’s but it’s still amazing. And there’s so many moments where he is so aware of Toph and is constantly looking out for her. Like in the Painted Lady episode, when they are on the boat going into the village and Dock swings the pole over their heads, Sokka quickly puts his hand on Toph’s head to make her duck. Love him.

Jarren Jenkins

Azula and Zuko's fight is so well done. Man the emotions of what that fight means to both siblings is nuts to think about.


It’s such a sad fight too knowing that it’s two sibilings, your family basically, fighting to the death

SpongeBob DeezHands

Roshi at the end though, bruv let me tell you if you're tripping on this cliffhanger now imagine that when it was just airing on tv!😂


rewatching this series and i realized that ozai was shocked at the fact that aang could redirect lightning because the only other person who he ever saw do that was zuko. also loving the fact that zuko used techniques from the other elements in his fight with azula.

CJ Dennis

Interesting, I never noticed that. What instances did Zuko use other element techniques 🤔?


For real! I STILLLLL remember watching it! I was at my buddies house during the summer and we were playing Naruto (the Ps2 fighting games) and we were walking by the kitchen when we saw it on TV, it was JUST starting and we were freaking out because we thought we had 1 more week before it came out. We ALMOST missed the live release lol.

Champion Bescos

Best fight for me. The animation, the music, the emotion.




When this came out it was a tv special so they showed it all at once, no way could they have made us wait for the next part lol

Belt Cedd

Yo I thought Roshi was about to enter the avatar state when the episode ended. 🤣


The music is just amazing!


Zuko vs Azula has got to be the best fight in the entire series! The choreography, the colors, her descent into madness, everything!

Jordan Tidwell

The agni kai has been cemented in my brain since the first moment i saw it


This episode was fire

Morgan Prophet

zuko and azula is one of my top fights ever


Say your piece and lets go lol


You can tell Mark Hamil is putting the full Joker energy into Ozai's lines


Top tier episode, crazy drama, along with the crazy action.

Varun Narayanswamy

Honestly, Katara is the biggest problem on the full moon, and Aang is also a given. But if i'm honest, in general, I think Toph is the biggest problem

Matthew M

The voice of the cherry pit servant is the same voice actress of Azula, so really Azula was talking to herself!

Alex cleveland

We cant lie, one of the best fights Ive ever seen in American/Anime ever. Azula vs Zuko and Aang vs Ozai. Tbh tho I feel like Azula could've won if she didn't mentality lose it. She lost her mind and wasnt focus like she is usually. Beautifully written man... these fights and this arc.


I always hated the fact that Katara stupid ass had to come out in literally direct positioning for getting hit with an attack. The biggest problem I had with this fight. I know they had to have Katara actually do something for the finale but in my opinion Zuko had every right to beat her this one time after he literally lost to Azula every other time in his life. Katara could of had some other type of important role. One of the few things that made me unable to go above an 8/10 with this series.


Katara just standing there before Azula is about to shoot lighting will always annoy me I really wanted to see Zuko redirect lightning again


Bro Nickelodeon outdid themselves with this man, the build up to the finale was amazing and the end didn’t disappoint. Easily one of my top 3 shows man. From the fights, to the music, to the story line and the actual facts that they incorporated from Asian culture 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


I feel like the writers had to do that or else Katara would've played no role in the finale battle. Zuko put her ass on the sidelines lol


I can understand that point of view. It was very convenient for Katara to just run into frame behind Zuko right when Azula was about to let out lightning.

kurumi Tokisaki

Top fight for me: Zuko vs azula


The music for the end fights was so epic how it transitioned between the crazy slightly hair raising music of Aang and Ozai’s fight, to the epic sadness theme of Zuko and Azulas Agni Kai. Zuckermans choice to use the slow, drawn out strings and super slow drum beat for their fight was brilliant and added so much emotional weight.


I feel like they could've done that better, like instead of her just running up like a plot device have her further back on the sidelines and Azula JUST SO HAPPENED to notice her watching.


He’s so good at sounding evil. One of the only dubs I like is the one for the movie Laputa, and a big part was the casting of Hamill as the villain, though he doesn’t really reach his peak until the end.

Bona Fide

man soooo goood


Well when you watch it you notice that Katara ran out because she thought Azula was about to be taken down because she runs out the moment Zuko knocked her down. Don't get me wrong homegirl should of moved but she thought it was time to take her down fully and lock her up then and there.

Lalisa Truong

To be fair to her, no one expected Azula to do what she did until what actually happened

Lalisa Truong

Azula would've noticed Katara anyways. Katara running up like that imo was for us to notice. In the end, the point is that Azula cheated because Zuko was beating her ass lol

Sheraya san

the fight w Azula was incredible. the way they muffled to effects under the music along w the visual of blue and red... stunning. absolutely stunning. Azulas downfall always seemed a bit abrupt to me. not as bad as daenerys from GOT but still, some things were missing for her downfall to really hit hard for me. she’s one of my fave antagonists ever and i was a bit disappointed with her end in general, i loved the fight though

Stanley Labissiere

One detail I appreciate is how Sokka keeps holding Toph to make sure she's ok. Let's her handle things when she can, and helps her out when she's disoriented


Exactly! Every detail in this show is handled so well!

Jaime Ruiz

I wonder how different the show would've been if it was meant for adults.


As a kid i thought Azula losing her mind was so random, but as an adult I could make more sense of it. She prob had trust issues since she was a kid with her father willing to betray family to get the throne, and her mom leaving them. She spiraled when her closest friends betrayed her. If her family and friends could do it, random peons would definitely be plotting.


LOL at roshi's surprised reaction at the end as if this man was going to have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode lmaooo

Madison Hagan

Ozai is a fucking BEAST. Did you notice that it took the entirety of his crew on those airships to produce the same size flame Ozai produced by himself? He's just a fire bender and held his own against Aang like a pro. Literally the only reason Aang won was because his chakras were ACCIDENTALLY realigned and he needed the Avatar state to beat Ozai. He literally almost died.

Joel Braaten

Ozai is a freaking monster!

Jay rellim

agreed ozai is a beast but also recognize aang wasn't fighting to kill ozai. i think redirecting that lightning elsewhere and his scared/pacifist attitude really took a toll on him in the fight. i think if they both were fighting to kill or both were just doing a "friendly duel" (ofc this would never happen in the show) it wouldve been a more fair fight even without the avatar state.

Oui Oui

Y'all need to chill calling them idiots and stupid


They call each other stupid and idiots all the time, they don't mean it in a malicious way.

Oui Oui

I’m talking about the characters. That should’ve been obvious

Oui Oui

Not an idiot. But you can shut up because your comment is unnecessary. Dumbass.


I think people are really quick to give aang shit for having his hesitation. Im with the fact that he's gotta end it and put his own needs aside for the world, but he's still a kid. Not only that but a kid that was raised to be a monk, learned his bending in that tradition up until the past year never had to fight anybody seriously. On top of that he's the last living person of his tribe, the last representative of their beliefs, traditions and ideals. He takes that super seriously and i could see him having to be shook out of that or completely unable to overcome the hesitation. He's still a person and it fits everything we've learned about him.

Oui Oui

Lol seems like the little bitch who commented talking shit has deleted his comment. Funny how you said you’ll ignore my comment but commented anyways. Maybe instead of calling me a retard you should look in the mirror. Also no one is offended but I see you were, you small brain fuck.

Oui Oui

Well S Petersn was the ignorant fool to comment and delete his comment

Oui Oui

Lol nah. I don’t. How about you stop complaining and grow up. And I’m not your mate


Bruh... whys your bum so sore? You’ve taken the time to Reeelaxxxx, champ lmfao


Lol late but GAOA you a whiny little bitch bruh. You worried about somebody calling a cartoon character an idiot. I'm Dead bruh

Oui Oui

Lol not a whiny little bitch like you and your bitch ass family. Not worried at all. And I hope you do die you pathetic trash ass cunt. Get the fuck outta here.


It aaain't like that thoughhh. It's two months old at this point but Nikseen was right. People are actually out here gettin on your case because you're being aggressive over something that wasn't ever meant to be insulting. It's okay

Oui Oui

Lol read my comment after his. Not being aggressive with a bunch a fucking idiots. These guys are just retarded. See you assumed the completely wrong thing. Just like Nikseen. When you go back and read everything then we’ll talk. My original comment was about the characters. Not the reactors. But y’all are some little bitch ass dick riders who can’t even think right, much less use common sense.

Oui Oui

All my comments after I explained to Nikseen was for the dumb fucks who got butthurt for no reason.

Chris Royer

My dude. You're upset that they call fictional characters stupid, not even in an overly serious or insulting way. But you're out here calling people idiots, and retarded, and all this other shit. It honestly sounds like you're just projecting, hardcore. Some kind of inferiority complex. And I'm not insulting you, just stating what I see. You might want to do some introspection, my guy. That can't be healthy for you.

Oui Oui

Lol I’m really not upset. Just made a statement that y’all got butthurt over. And maybe I wouldn’t call them that if they weren’t. Just stating what I see. And I definitely don’t have an inferiority complex. Just starting to get annoyed at dumb dick riding butthurt fan girls getting mad over questions and statements. But y’all can’t seem to use common sense. And you’re actually insulting me. Just because you say it isn’t an insult doesn’t mean it’s not. And it’s funny how you’re not saying shit about them. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Y’all commenting on old ass comments trying to start shit that was finished.

Chris Royer

See. The statement about you not being upset? It's kind of undercut when you immediately start throwing around derogatory, school-tier insults afterwards. I'm really trying my best not to insult you, but you're getting angry anyway. All while claiming that everyone else is mad. That's exactly what projecting is. So... yeah, basically what I'm saying is it's pretty sad, and I hope you find a way to calm down and not get so personally upset over things like this.

Oui Oui

Lol definitely not angry or mad. Y’all just love assuming the wrong things. I wouldn’t be surprised if you defended them making sexual jokes about underage characters like the rest did on another post. Not projecting anything. You just got everything wrong even when I tried to explain it you couldn’t comprehend it. And how you tell that shit to everyone else instead of trying to join them in ganging up on me. I don’t get upset about anything y’all just assume I do which y’all are wrong. You never asked anything. You just assumed. Try asking next time and y’all wouldn’t look stupid


don't take it to harsh they joking, azula is pretty dumb here cause she's falling apart


This guy on the right is the fucking idiot. Is it bc he looked at him worried, or is it maybe bc of Aang's internal conflict that has been talked about for literally the last 3 episodes? Again, the guy in the red is the fucking IDIOT


i agree tho he should know aang had that internal conflict


Bruh chill out jesus. Im probably sure he knew that. He was mad like everyone else that he didnt end him at that moment.


My man Zuko had this in a bag but dumbfuck Katara wanna come out for no reason 🤦🏼‍♂️

Ala’a Atari

I didn't realize until now that when Toph got out of the airship, Sokka grabbed her by the arm because she almost yeeted herself off of it lmfaooo. I love the tiny details 😂 I've rewatched over 8 times and always catch something new. (also when he covered her with his body, Idk how I missed that bit though)


i think they wrote it that way because it shows zuko’s character development even further that he was willing to sacrifice himself for his friends/katara (who he’s tried to take down several times). also, azula and katara are foils who resemble each other but end up as opposites since one is brought up with hatred and the other with love, which goes with the theme of the show.

Susana Canales

Nah man lol dumb fuck Zuko wants to bait her with using her lightning when he could’ve had it in the bag. His own fault. Katara was supposed to be there to help if he needed it.

Susana Canales

Yeah exactly. What people forget is that there is a big difference between him and the other avatars. Between him and Yangchen when they’re supposed to be the most similar. And that’s a lifetime of avatar training. No one taught him to put aside his needs for the world. He disappeared before he could get that. Honestly I think that was meant to be. His internal conflict. His handling of Ozai. Finding the lion turtle. Everything. Ozai doesn’t deserve to become a martyr. He should be stripped of everything. A man obsessed with power losing everything that was given to him is beautiful and a just punishment. Very fitting.


Yes fr! I didn't realize he covered her, that's awesome


I love the tiny details in this show, Sokka keeping Toph safe and covering her from falling debris and from falling off the ship are great detils that make the show much more believable.


Please forgive azula shes had a terrible upbringing, and sadly she never had a role model in her life like zuko had. She had a terrible father and a mother who treater her like a monster, the poor girl is only 14-15 :/

Natasha Padparadscha

I always fucking forget how Aang is technically only 13-14 years old and this man is really trying to kill him.

Koosha Mokhbery

I know right! Crazy ass bastard lol. And I thought Aang was 12-13, cause I thought summer was only like 10 months away since the first ep


Nothing was missing. She was always unstable; she just needed the right push to completely lose it.

Dark Danny

he started out 12, if it's really been a year he should be 13

Jeremiah Wagner

He did have it in the bag. He easily could have redirected it if Katara wasn’t there.


The awareness Sokka has of Toph's blindness on the ship, and him running to cover her from debris with his body and stuff is so cool. idk why that scene makes me tear up. Sokka's turned into such an amazing character by the end of this show.

Koria Hayes

7:40 wait….are you saying the fire lord is focused more on the where and less on the going? 😃 *coughs* the goings on in his ships *cough cough* It ended just as both fights took a turn for the worst. Worst (best) cliffhanger ever 🤣🤣