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Love how they skipped over the Great Divide, was that intentional? lmao SN: FINAL Avatar drop will be Sunday, the final four episodes. Then the Korra drops begin!


Ember Island Players | ATLA Book 3 Ep 17

This is "Ember Island Players | ATLA Book 3 Ep 17" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Toph situation kept saying she'd get mad but she actually enjoyed how her character was portrayed

joshua barnett

I love how they got Tara strong to play azula when she's the other most popular voice actress, aside from grey delisle/griffin.


I love Aang, but the whininess and over-emotional reaction was in fact reinforcing the little brother vibes lol


a lot of guys get that insecure when it comes to relationships specially middle/highschool kids going thru puberty

James Noël

Aang as a woman is a hilarious joke cause a lot of young boy characters in animation are played by women. So having Aang played by a woman is genius.

Lupa is Dadi

That thumbnail tho 👀

Lady Jie

I’m excited for Sunday. Great graduation gift 😊.


Best recap episode in existence


We are almost at one of the best finales imo shit about to get even more lit


Yooo I’m so hype y’all are doing Legend of Korra!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Nothing can live up to ATLA (in my opinion) but Korra has it’s own merits


Meh Korra is underwhelming. Like most sequels. Can never deliver on the hype




Oh hell yeah



Devin Jersey

Let's go! thank you for the videos once again


Quick Q I'm new to patreon I was up to season 1 ep 18 how do I binge from there


YES thanks for telling us how the finale will go down really appreciate it!!!

Lupa is Dadi

Oh wow just read the post, and tbh once you learn what happened to the gang its actually quite sad how time treated them (it was sad to see them all grown up) but it had to happen eventually


I know this is a fan favorite, but I usually skip this episode.


I do believe the whole skipping the great divide recap was intentional as there have been members of the community at the time who really didn't like the episode. Basically, 4th wall things


Please tell me you'll be dropping all four episodes of the finale on the same day


"Look! I think it's your Honor!"


Cant wait for the finale, it is the best of atla, lowkey even more excited for Korra, so much more content to see!!!


I’m so hyped can’t wait to see y’all react to the finale

Hoodlum JoeBro

I’m genuinely curious at how you guys take the finale. Although it’s beloved, I know there are still some people who didn’t find the conclusion to Aang’s story satisfying (which is nuts lol). Can’t wait for Korra though, that show is going to be super divisive lol


Toph’s actor built like he punches innocent roach lizards in his spare time


"Do you really think friendships can last more than one life time?"


Korra is almost as bad as boruto is to naruto. It could never live up to the OG last airbender. But you guys can go for it all you want. Korra is not a good MC tho so.....

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

If you ask me regardless of deus ex machina or how it wasn't a very well set up plot device Aang earned that solution after it was all said and done. Where everyone saw only one way he found another for him.


Can't believe it's the finale already!

Jahsan Grigger

I feel like if you don't compare Korra to Aang or TLOK to ATLA it's fine on its own they are meant to be different due to the avatar countering the regrets of their past life

jesse almonte

I mean, I think Korra is booty butt cheeks, but Ill still watch the uploads

Joshua Curry

Fun fact: The buff-man-Toph was based on an original design for Toph that was scrapped. Its also the earthbender in the opening


Aang being played by a woman is a reference to boy characters being played by women (although aang was voiced by a real boy). Also in the olden days Peter Pan was played by a woman when they had a play about that chracter.

The Pebble

Korra fans already making excuses because even they know its trash compared to Last Airbender lmao

Christopher Collier

Does anyone know the release schedule of Konosuba?


Maaaan I hope y’all go into Korra with an open mind.. don’t let the negative comments ruin the show for you guys. 💯


For those of you who weren't so fond of Korra, you may want to watch this video; https://youtu.be/sOqAksO6XUw . DON'T watch it if you haven't seen all of LoK. I was very angry after the last book, I can admit..and this helped a bit lol


Korra was a great show. Some people just like being negative.


5 Fun Facts you may have missed: 1. The writer of the play 'Pu-On-Tim' is a play on the words 'Poo-on-Tim' and references Tim Hendrick, one of the ATLA writers and a writer of this episode. 2. Actor Toph is based on Toph's original design. 3. Actor Zuko's voice actor, Derek Basco, is the brother of Zuko's voice actor Dante Basco. 4. "THE SCARS NOT ON THE WRONG SIDE!" references brief moments when Zuko's scar appeared on the wrong side due to production mistakes. 5. The title of the play 'Boy In The Iceberg' is the name of episode 1


Love this recap. I’m glad Aang put his feelings out there. I understand Katara being confused though they are in the middle of a war.


Korra has some some really good isolated moments.

Kavi Dhan

Hey Sheera, Roshi, and Lupa! I'm a new subscriber, I started watching your Avatar reactions on YouTube after I finished rewatching the series on Netflix and loved watching them so much I had to become a patron to keep going and I'm so glad I caught up before the finale. These past few episodes are some of my favorites, and I'm so hyped for y'all to watch the finale. Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work on these videos, watching your reactions to one of my favorite shows has consistently been the highlight of my days, and I always catch myself smiling really big every time I finish a video. I'll be sticking around for Korra, too! Also, P.S. Lupa has one of the most incredible laughs I've ever heard. :)

Jose Iglesias

Roshi idk how far ahead you record the reactions but if possible, you should react to the Uncut versions of the fights for even more epicness. But if you’ve already recorded then you should still react to it off camera. Can’t wait for the finale 😁

Sting Eucliffe

One huge piece of advice when you get into Legend of Korra. Do not think it's the same show as Avatar The Last Airbender. If you do you will hate it. It is its own show and has it's own unique messages and ideas.

Eugene Conner

Plot twist, the ember island players are directed by M. Knight Shayamalan.

Micah Zimmer

Some people also have a different opinion. I look forward to their uploads for this, since they react to the entire uncut episodes, and this will now be the fourth time I've tried to watch through LoK. Farthest I've ever gotten is halfway through season 4 on my second attempt. Hopefully this time will be different, since it's just more fun to watch it with someone else. Maybe they'll like what I liked about LoK, maybe they'll dislike what I disliked, or maybe it'll be something else entirely. Regardless, it should prove to be entertaining.


Korra is hella dope. Fuck the haters.


this is 100% false and its agreed its a failure of a show.

Bhuwanake Manukulasuriya

Can't wait for you guys to watch Korra! Also, may I recommend The Dragon Prince too? It's done by the same writer of Avatar the Last Airbender

Alex cleveland

I never watched Korra but everyone lets not cap... I heard Korra isn't nowhere as good as ATLA. So lets not hype up the series too much lol. Tho ATLA is the number one best American anime/Cartoon ever, so Korra not being near ATLA isn't surprising. However, knowing this Korra isn't trash either.


Korra isn't god awful but it is nowhere near good enough to be a continuation to ATLA. I am planning on at least trying to keep up with their reactions to it but holy shit I got fed up multiple times with the series when I watched it long long ago when it came out. Korra is given a whole lot from the get go. I didn't like her character and I didn't watch every single episode of the series but when people say korra is just as good or even better than ATLA I just play it off as those people being mentally ill cause that is what it takes to ever think something like that. Korra also completely ruins the image of what I imagine the ATLA characters to be after they finally settle down at the end of this series. Not at all what I picture these great characters to end up being later on in life. In all honesty this is the biggest reason I do not like the Korra series. I liked it better when it was left up to my imagination as to how these characters spent the rest of their life.

Delinda Arts

Y’all are gonna love Korra. The music is improved upon and the choreography only gets better with each fight.

Delinda Arts

Lmao bruh that play was 10x better than a million dollar feature film in my opinion 😂

lisa son



The Finale already, that felt like it just flew by.



Jake Disarufino

Korra is ok season one is fine and season three is one of my favorites for most of it mostly just the villains. Just from a show writing perspective it lacks a lot of the time the best things about it is the increased budget and technology allows for great fights and the expansion of the power system it just sucks to think that they could’ve done a continuation of this story instead of a new subpar story. It speaks a lot to a shows quality when excusing a certain air bender who won’t be named my favorite parts of the shows are flash backs to the adult characters of ATLA just my personal opinion still can’t wait to watch with y’all


I love this episode so much. Usually recaps are boring but this was so funny episode

Griffin Quinn

Korra may not be the same tier as AtLA but it's still a great show in comparison to most. I personally love it, but I'm a sucker for anything that can expand a universe I'm invested in and this one has been at the top of my list for years. I love that they played with more serious & dark tones in Korra that they couldn't really do with AtLA. Def read the comics, they bridge the gap between the shows time wise.

Sheraya san

i can’t believe it’s the finale, i’ve enjoyed rewatching the series with y’all so much. now you see what people talking about? it is one of the best series of all time imo. i’m excited for y’all to watch korra. it is vastly different and some of the episodes are cringey but knowing y’all, y’all can appreciate some of the more silly and lighthearted episodes. but it is good overall and not having the expectation it’s going to be like ATLA is a good start


I thought the earthbender in the beginning was Sud, Roku's eathbending teacher


If possible, could u guys do the finale all at once because it's 4 parts and flows more smoothly in 1 take?


Korra mad underrated. Definitely not ATLA level agreed, and book 1 is hot


I've been rewatching some Korra scenes and I know people say it's not as good as Last Airbender (maybe from a writing standpoint IMO) but so many of the fight scenes are A+ especially in the later seasons, and it's beautifully drawn/animated, I keep finding myself pausing certain scenes just to take in how amazing it looks. I'm sure you'll love it.


Writing wise and character wise it's not as strong. Alot of the blame falls in the studio but the loss of the lead writer for Avatar also hurt the quality.

Lynn Walker

lol people out really made about Korra. There really is only a few episodes were Korra is considered “weak” and that’s mostly due to Nick being horrible to the writers. And honestly, I find those episodes pretty entertaining still. The rest of the show is absolutely amazing. As someone mentioned above, there hasn’t been a reactor that’s didn’t like Korra.


100% agree. I'm really glad they didn't let the few angry people out there dissuade them. Korra's high points are just as amazing as Avatar. I just think the show had more low points (the first half of season 2).


I feel like I need to do my best Jan Gabriel impression - “Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!” Cant get here soon enough!


They completely misread the reason why Katara said she was confused.

damein brown

I think everybody wanted Korra's journey to be similar to Anag. But I love how Korra started cocky, and by the end of season four, she was humble as the avatar. Also, Korra expanded on the world of Avatar and had more real-world political consequences


Gotta admit it's one of my favourite pass times watching avatar fans get at people who enjoyed Korra aha. Both shows are good gang 😉


Only thing i really didnt like was the extreme advancements they made. I liked that its a bit more of a magical than a technological world

Austin Yun

Lmao this was so dope

Corey Greene

I watched Korra I actually liked it


Yo the finale is hype!!! And Korea is good af no hate here


Agree,man quality entertainment indeed. I have and love my blu-ray collection of both shows.


People hate on Korra but its overall a good show. Season 3 is easily on par with avatar


>Season 3 is easily on par with avatar no it isn't, the characters are awful


Korra is good apart from the retcon and obvious change of difficulty in many aspects of bending i found...ridiculous, one of the three writers is gone, and hes the one who kept the world grounded, with RULES


there never was a retcon... stop trying to make it something it's not

damein brown

Korra was a great show. The first half of season two was not as good. It had a lot of pressure to follow after the avatar the last air -ender.

damein brown

Their was never any rules on bending

damein brown

Avatar the Last Airbender never established about how bending started ( expected how: dragons, badger moles, and sky bison, how the humans so the moon and begin pulling the tide) and its limitations. Also, the creator never explains the spirit world parallel to the physical world.


yea this is why people who whine about Wan retconing thing sare dumb af. There was nothing to retcon cuz there was never an explanation in the first palce. If Katara watched a dragon dance could she suddenly fire bend? No. Because the energy required for it isnt in her lineage. Wan's story of the lion turtles explains where the potential for these powers comes from.

Brandon Domer

The anticipation waiting for the finale is too much! Keep refreshing patreon lol can't wait

Nick D

Y’all over here arguing about Korra I’m just waiting on the finale to drop.


can't wait to see how lupa-san cringes at the worst hit to the spine of the series


Everyone is all arguing about korrra. Either way they are going to react to it I’m just here waiting for the finale

Devin Jersey

actually hyped for korra never seen it so it should be good i could care less what ppl gotta say about it. It looks fire with all the animation and what not


i dont care what anyone says about lok, it's a good show

Stanley Labissiere

So no comments about this episode? Masterclass in recap episodes.


Toph also punched Katara during the short story episode and Sokka during the scamming episode


Nobody noticed the reason Toph's actor is a big buff dude is cause the play is based on interviews/eyewitness accounts of Team Avatar's adventures/encounters and pretty much all the people who faced Toph got their asses handed to them by a 12-year-old blind girl, LOL who's gonna admit they lost to a little girl? "So tell me about this Toph person, can you describe them to me?" "Uhhh, he was HUGEEE, super big muscles, towering, could earthbend and defeat 20+ people at a time, she's definitely not a tiny helpless blind girl!"

Chris Hawking

Not gonna lie this episode is kinda cringy

Chris Hawking

If I was Katara or Aang or even Zuko after he became fire Lord . I totally found the writer's & creators of the play & definitely get pay back big time ! When the play is over

Chris Hawking

In my honest opinion this episode is even more cringy than the great divide & Avatar day in fact it's thee most cringy-ist episode in comparisons to the other's


ember island has a special way of smoothing even the most jagged of edges and revealing one's true self.


You can tell this episode had to be so much fun for the creators. They are just making fun of themselves and the jokes are clearly meant to breach the fourth wall. Putting Zuko's scar on the wrong side is because there was a noted mistake earlier in the series where they accidentally did that. "Did Jet just die?" is because Nick wouldn't let them explicitly say it. And yes skipping the great divide of course was intentional lol. Straight up the creators breaking the fourth wall and being like "yeah... that episode was trash just skip it." Zutara reference in the play was because fans shipped them. Making fun of Zuko's hair wildin' out more and more each episode and making fun of his honor on repeat lol. People can bitch about this episode being filler but it was the perfect recap before the finale and basically an open letter to the fans from the creators of the show. I thought it was absolutely brilliant!


It's so hard for me to watch this episode.


Can’t wait for the finale!!


Funny thing is Toph was originally supposed to be a big muscular guy, but when Bryan Konietzko was pitched the idea of making him a 12 year old blind girl that appeared helpless at first glance, he fell in love with the idea. The name was always going to be Toph though.


That falls apart when you consider some people she faced ended up helping her in the Invasion. I don't think they were that petty. I've heard that toph was supposed to be a beefy guy until it was changed. Hence why she was played as a buff guy in the play.

Stephan Ali

Damn Sheera mad wrong and she cant even acknowledge it. Too much pride