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Endorsi is who I stan, Bam is a beast,  couldn't feel bad for Hoh.........and did that guy on Rachel's squad VANISH!??


One Horned Ogre | Tower of God Ep 9

This is "One Horned Ogre | Tower of God Ep 9" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Koosha Mokhbery

I love Kevin as a girl's name lmfao, epic. Please check out CallMeKevin on Youtube, you will love and appreciate him, he is hilarious and ridiculous, you will love me and not regret it:)also I'm sad about Hoh too, for real


3 years later and this dude is the most annoying individual i've ever witnessed in a patreon comment section ^

Jamaal Ellison

At this point of me watching this series Bam is just a bland moron to me. 🙄 I really need to see him turn up or something. He basically just sits and reacts to other people doing shit.


Hoh was a fn he deserved worse


Endorsi best girl!!


I’m so confused if they’re posting alta today or tomorrow but either way I appreciate all of the uploads


Yeah the ToG anime skipped a lot of content

Alex cleveland

DAMN, Im a guy who said fuk cliffhangers and is waiting until the entire season finishes. Its like idk, I wanna beat my meat, but ima end up wasting hella time.


They make Hoh out to be a straight up villain in the anime but it's not the cut n dry in


to be fair to Hoh the anime cuts corners and leaves out a good amount of character interactions so its hard to really feel anything for the lesser characters.. but u right he was a lil bitch in the webtoon and he still one here lmao


You can always read the Webtoon if you are so curious. You can start on [Season 1] Ep. 52. (I would post the link but I don't know if I can here)


Is Ghost actually Rachel's Stand or something? WTF?


What's the little popup at 5:54?


Read the webtoon from the beginning to get a better sense of the content that was skipped. The Bam right now in season 3 with the fast pass is more mature than he is now.


Oh wait, that red man's Korean name is Akryung, Korean for "Evil Spirit"... exactly what Jotaro called Star Platinum in episode 1 of Jojo!


Hoh living up to his name til the very end


So i feel like i figured out the set up, but i dont want to say it cuz my foresight 20/20 so technically i would be spoiling


thats actually quite unfortunate, the way it was handled here made his character seem like a waste of time tbh


Yo roshi I know you're a big manga guy, if you decide to check out ToG after this season is over, definitely re-read from the start, they cut out a TON of character development. The anime is fire and does a lot of stuff well, but it's definitely worth reading it as well.


I completely agree but u gotta give the heads up about the art


I watch this on kissanime and majority of comments on this episode are getting fed up with how shit the anime is. The pacing is terrible and they leave so much out and don't have it planned out well. I am getting tired of this being the big anime right now even though it is pretty damn slow and boring. Plenty of others agree. It isn't bad and I still like watching it for what it is worth but it seems to be failing in adaption for most people.


The anime changed hoh personality cause in the WEBTOON he isn’t asshole to bam he actually tries to be bams friend. They cut out the context why hoh is jealous of bam and how he conflicted with doing the note says about how to make bam fail up until the tag( hide and seek test in the WEBTOON) test. The cuts a lot Corners to get hoh to point where he is in this episode The reason why this is important because it highlights what this Hoh situation is about ( pun not intended). That of the strong can not walk with the weak or the haves can’t be friends with the have nots. This is one of many themes for TOG. In the WEBTOON Hoh gets jealous to represent this theme. He started off as bam friend but grew hate him in the end because he couldn’t stand bam getting stronger while he didn’t improve. Now you may ask why doesn’t he train to get stronger and that be true if shinsoo was a different power system but to determine your strength to use shinsoo comes down to your birth so if you aren’t born lucky with gift to control shinsoo no matter how much you train and bust your butt, those with the gift will still be stronger than you. Now you may ask then “why didn’t he get mad his other classmates like lauroe”. That has do to bam’s nativity. In the outer tower it’s normal for someone to not know about shinsoo however it’s irregular for someone not to know about shinsoo and have still have the gift to be good at it. And that’s what Bam is a irregular person in the tower. Because of that hoh grows jealous to point he starts thinking “why did god bless people with great power but took nothing from them, while blessed me with so little power and took EVERYTHING from me.” This ends up true holding for not just him but almost every regular who climbs the tower and we see this through Serena backstory ( ranker kills all her friend because he can) Hoh backstory ( giants kill his entire village, takes their horns, and eat their dead bodies because they were born stronger) that’s sad thing about tower government it’s monarchy base off the strong dominate over the weak. This why some people climb the tower so they can be rankers (strong) and not weak. So when Hoh see bam being strong all he see is another person who is strong and will use that strength to lord over the weak. Sure us as the reader and watcher know bam wouldn’t do that but that’s the thing hoh isn’t us he character that grew up in the cycle of strong lording over the weak. Which then turn his jealousy into hate makes him do the things he did the WEBTOON and the anime. Which leads him to taking his own life because he rather die on that testing floor by his own hand then die being crushed by “ that” cycle. That’s why it’s impossible for someone like bam be friends with someone like Hoh because two things will happen. 1.) they will betray him, and try to hurt him out of hate Or 2.) they get a big think they are his equal and that makes them become the strong who dominates the weak. That what this situation represents the consequences this theme is challenged. That what will have to face if he wishes to prove this theme wrong


roshi and the gang like it and i do too just vibe w it my guy no need to bring that energy here


Nah the anime isn't fire. It is mainly boring. I still like it for what it is but it feels like it isn't going anywhere and we have had nothing but tests and what I want most out of this series already is world building and other than some random characters I haven't gotten shit and the season is almost over. Don't play out the anime more than it is when they leave stuff out and the pacing seems to be so random. The music is good. The animation is alright at best. The plot doesn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment other than "Bam chase rachel" and "Bam make friends". The voice acting is good. The characters seem so cut and dry right now. I just want more development to happen in the story and for Bam to finally fucking want some other shit besides chasing a hoe.


Nah I think I am gonna express my feelings about it "my guy". I am not vibing with it much at all. Maybe if they explained things better and had more going on than "Bam chase rachel" and "Bam make friends". I want the story to go somewhere already and it isn't. They apparently cut out a lot of this character that just died and the anime made it so cut and dry. How am I supposed to vibe with anything if I don't understand half the shit and they are not going anywhere other than making stupid conflict between the characters. They literally change "hoh" so much that it just makes his character look like dog shit and pointless. The guy stabs "rachel" aka michelle -_- and kills himself all because of him being jealous of Bam? and has a typical tragic anime backstory? This is called Tower of God and I come into this series expecting to get some world building and lots of character development. Once again the anime community hypes something up to great heights just for it to fall flat. I love plenty of things about the series but I just don't like how it is going.

Edgar Luna

I see this guy comment on every post and he just has these vibes 24/7


I read all the comments on here about how the anime does a bad job of explaining Hoh but uh, idk if i’m watching a different anime from y’all because it seems like they did a streamlined version of everything people are saying happened in the Manhwa. He was friendly at first when he thought they were equal, started getting dejected when he realized Bam was stronger than he assumed, and then went nuts by the end. All that was extremely clear.


ok logan campbell thanks for your input please go back to spamming konosuba on every post ty


Lmao 😂😂 I guess I am just not "vibing" with you right? I don't know your definition of spam but a comment every now and then isn't my definition of it. I think you should go say that to those comments always asking when ATLA is gonna be released if you gonna call me out on doing it. Also don't worry you won't take in my "energy" aka fair criticism if you simply ignore it in the first place. Just because I don't agree with something that you happen to agree on doesn't mean I bring your so called "negative energy" but I hope I change my mind on this series like I do with plenty of others. I don't wanna hate on an anime on purpose like I apparently "seem" to do.


LOL I said the same exact thing when I watched this episode. "There's a whole lotta fuck shit going on here and I love it"


So sorry you typed all this out for no one to read

Lupa is Dadi

Damn everyone writing paragraphs and shii 👀


Nah I read it, even if long, it's a good piece of the story that was cut out. So far the show is confusing because it skips over these pieces of information. So it's good to see a proper build up and reasoning for all the bullshit and not that he was a pure asshole out of nowhere.

Cleven Anthony

If you disagree with it that bad then dip and don’t watch it, I’m sure we as watchers and them as the people who work hard to put out there content don’t wanna hear you cry about how you don’t like the way it’s going. They like It and we like it take that negative ass energy elsewhere your just disrupting the vibe.

Cleven Anthony

Also hoh story might be explained fast but based on what happens in the og source material the anime version is just sped up but it happens more or less the same. Maybe your too dense for all them vibes to probably pay attention and comprehend the content 😂


This ep really rubbed me the wrong way. Too much fuck shit for my taste. I like the anime overall still, just this particular ep left a real bad taste. But you could say that Endorsi is a little... "horny." I'll stop.


Except in the anime Rachel has yet to show evidence she is. And fyi I've never read the webtoon, so idk jack shit about whatever char development or undevelopment that happens.


Ikr, they need to chill out. It's just an anime, big whoop.


Yeah they did, but honestly Im fine with it since Season 2 is when the show REALLY takes off.


Yeah people are acting like this is the end of the show since they cut out so much, Season two of the webtoon is when this show REALLY takes off, and if they cut stuff out in season 2 that's when I would actually get mad.


Rofl, except Sasuke did not raise Naruto from the ground up. So no, it's not like chasing after Sasuke like a sad puppy. Rachel literally raised Bam, he looks up to her almost like a mother basically. He had nothing before he met her, and she taught him most of what he knows. That's what the anime has shown in the flashbacks and shit.


Season 2 is when the real character development happens if that's what you want, Season 1 of Tower of God is, in my opinion, the worse season because its the shortest and it's just him crying over Rachel. The show will go uphill in season 2, a lot more action and story etc.


dang even from the testing floor bam was doing that copy shit


I've been reading for almost half a decade now and I can tell you when I read it I did not give a fuck about hoh and it wasn't anything amazing in the writing department


look someone who doesnt even support the official release should not talk bad about it i mean your watching it for free dude

Avonti 2

I still think rachel and the black march's avatar look very similar which could eventually explain the silent guy vanishing in some way. Also every episode the girl in the outro hair gets longer. Great video !


Anime is still good after the last episode i read a little ahead because i couldnt wait and this episode was good too the only thing missing was that Hoh went with rachel into a Noob Zone during the test so that the Ranker could not reach them but Bam could so the Ranker showed him how to freeze people and Bam did it first try. But even that is not important at all it just pictured the Ranker better because in the Anime it looks like he didnt wanted to save Rachel from Hoh immediately which was the case but in the end its not that Important so Roshi you guys havent been missing anything!


Damn logan you just hate on every anime except konosuba huh


9000 IQ: Rachel's teammate was a STAND all along!

Austin Yun

Meh, just remember where we were at by episode 9 of HxH. Trick Tower I think.


To me it doesn't really matter they left out the stuff on Hoh cause he still died.. he wasn't some amazing character either way. I hated his character even in the webtoon, but that's just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♂️

Austin Yun

BTW Endorsi best girl


@Corey Coco At least you aren’t too stupid to understand my criticism of it unlike the rest of these idiots who take it as me completely shitting on it. Season 2 is where I hope it picks up and what I hope to be able to see if it comes out. Also thanks for not saying stuff like “energy” and “vibing” and stupid shit like that. People who constantly talk about bullshit like energy and vibes are some annoying ass hippies. Their is such a thing as overuse of words.


facts ppl trying to make it seem like tower of god is flawless and all characters are perfect... giving people way too high expectations


Wow, I never noticed that Endorsi had a small horn on her forehead. I was thinking the 'one horned ogre' referred to Hoh


Me who cried like a baby for Hoh: 🤡

Kevin (I’m a girl btw)

I had no problems with Hoh’s character. I just wish they didn’t kill him off 😑