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Crazy how a kid that was frozen for a hundred years has to show the new generation how to have a little fun!


Schoolboy Aang | ATLA Book 3 Ep 2

This is "Schoolboy Aang | ATLA Book 3 Ep 2" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



yes US overflows in propaganda but we are able to point it out and type on threads likes this. big difference compared to North Korea


I think the whole point ok is making is that the fire nation isn't like North Korea, it's like the US. They push themselves into other people's business by force and take what they want, convincing their own citizens that they're in the right the whole time. Definitely not worse than North Korea (well, to live in at least) but the US is far more imperialistic, like the fire nation.

Dougie Fresh

@Malahki Enos quit race baiting, loser. Besides imperialists are primarily white descendants, and he's critiquing it, which means he's NOT white. Meaning whatever you thought you were right about, you weren't. What a dork


you made so many americans mad with that comment


@yox you are right, it is far, far worse. The mass death for which the US is responsible is quite literally not even able to be compared to "North Korea." This point is genuinely not even debatable. I wold truly mever compare the two countries in any aspect, one is a bloodthirsty imperialist hound which controls the entirety of the West (and some of the East + Global South) while the other is a country struggling to survive under inhumane sanctions and blockades lmao. I would be a literal fool to compare the two countries.


@Malahki Enos I am not white.


@Gyasi what does "free" mean? You have the tentative freedom to tweet your opinion sure (even that is tenuous and we can bring up countless examples of people being censored both today and historically with Cointelpro) but this can only go so far when most of the country is immersed within poverty and can barely afford to go on day to day. True freedom is economic freedom, people cannot afford basic health care in this country. This country also DWARFS other countries when it comes to imprisoning its own population. And yet, this is fReEdOm. Okay. Just the system of mass incarceration ALONE is more barbaric than the entirety of North Korea. I am sorry to tell you but, this is not up for debate. Not to mention, even IF this country was wholly free domestically, through its constant waging of wars across the globe (i.e. in the MIddle East) it produces a constant state of subjugation and death. Its net effect is anything BUT "free." But yeah, I get to write this patreon comment at least.


@Jason lol. it's fine to be American but it is unacceptable to lack self awareness. Understand your own conditions intimately and do not project unto others. That is a principle I find important. I appreciate your comment haha.


@Dougie Fresh well said. we are critiquing imperialism. this is basically anathema to whiteness.


"Just the system of mass incarceration ALONE is more barbaric than the entirety of North Korea." Mass incarceration in the US is a legitimate problem. Saying it's more barbaric than North Korea betrays your ignorance. For all its flaws, the United States still operates under rule by law. North Korea deliberately tortures and starves people. Family members are collectively punished for "crimes" committed by their kin. There is no semblance of due process. "I wold truly mever compare the two countries in any aspect, one is a bloodthirsty imperialist hound which controls the entirety of the West (and some of the East + Global South) while the other is a country struggling to survive under inhumane sanctions and blockades lmao. I would be a literal fool to compare the two countries." Your last sentence is accurate. It's foolish to compare the two countries. The rest of what you are spouting is nonsense.

A Hopeful Observer

Idiots look into the ocean and think there is only one shark in it. US has done and still does horrible things, but so has North Korea and other countries setting up their spheres of influence. Russia being a contemporary example.

Michael H

Man, you are so clearly an American teenager, it’s cringey to even read what you’re writing. Like, I seriously got second hand embarrassment from your comments. You’ll say I’m wrong, but I would bet my life that you’ve never once traveled outside of the country. Now return to whatever echo chamber you crawled from.


Lol the tautology is crazy. “You’ll say I’m wrong but-“ yeah man you’re wrong. I’m Iranian. Part of that scary “axis of evil” that NK is a part of. Ooga booga!


20:25 “the Kodak black” 😭😭😂


Mentioning North Korea, but not the country that literally taught kids that Columbus "discovered" America, disguised widespread colonization and genocide as "Manifest Destiny", and even now have schools that refuse to teach about Japanese Internment Camps or the African slave trade is a bit wild lol


Lmao this is literally footloose in the ATLA world


This Episode is unique because there's no fighting just dancing.

Dante Desmondez

Lmao this whole season is gold I love this epsidoe

Dante Desmondez

Episode* I can even spell right


these reactions cant come fast enough


Those kids all just instantly started goin', "I'm Spartacus!"


Lol I've watched so many reactors and no one has realised that the headband is actually a waist band that all the other students wear it as besides Aang until the dance party happens


Cant wait for 4,5, and 6.


My boi went off during that freestyle😂

Chai Tea

Zuko’s character development throughout this show is so complex, so frustrating, and so beautiful. Keep in mind he is still a teenager. Tryna figure out who he is and who he truly wants to become. That’s something he must figure out alone by making mistakes and learning from them like the rest of us :)


I love Book 3 so much. Hope ya'll enjoy it cause it's really fun.


This is one of my favorite Aang-centric episodes


I think they didn’t catch what Aang said, About his Fire Bender friend from 100 years ago. But his FireBender friend name is “Kuzon” that’s where Aang got his Fake Name from lol

Belt Cedd

Katara was ready after that dance. If this wasn't a kid's show.


Fun Fact: On Ji (the girl with the jealous boyfriend) was voices by Tinashe


Zuko is irredeemable at this point. This is still his changing faze. Think of it like a drug addict. Zuko is an addict who was into drugs (his honor) and he finally got out of that cycle of addiction but at the most crucial point the drugs somehow showed up to tempt his fragile mind that is still trying to heal (Azula tempting him with regaining his honor) so he ends up relapsing and taking the drugs hence starting that cycle of addiction all over again BUT he isn't as deep into it as he previously was when he was truly addicted so he is still fighting against the temptation and battling within himself to stop and not fall into the same addiction faze he started out with (The beginning of the series where his only goal was to regain his honor). He may have relapsed but because he had gotten out of that cycle and that same one minded mentality he isn't as attached to that same addiction that he once was. He will struggle until he finally and hopefully comes to the conclusion of dropping the drugs and going back to changing his ways of addiction and finally quitting it altogether (aka leaving this "regaining honor" bullshit and becoming the person Iroh wants him to be).... I know this is probably just a stupid metaphor but it is what I think of when it comes to this type of redemption type story telling such as the one Zuko has.


I think it'd be a bad idea for Aang to try to learn firebending at that school. Remember he said he's from a Fire Nation colony in the Earth Kingdom, they probably think he's either an earthbender or a non-bender. If he tries to firebend he'd be outing himself as the avatar since only avatars can bend multiple different elements.

Jono Lauwers

I need all these reactions uploaded quicker! They're so good!


I LOVE the journey and development each character experiences over the course of the series

Belt Cedd

Imma keep it 💯 I've seen this episode tons of times and this is my first time realizing that. 🤣


I love this episode. Aang is the best.

Varun Narayanswamy

"That should be a meme" - oh it is don't worry


How the episodes broke down, I think they’re going to upload 3 episodes next time which is (3,4,5) and then 2 episodes like today (6,7) Then the next 2 more episodes ( 8,9) and then Two part episode (10,11) lol


Stolen buddy. Already told them that. Pay attention. That doesn't mean irredeemable it means he's fucked up. Purely evil people are irredeemable like Azula and Ozai.

John FD Lobrano

Bruh, don't go dissing on my man Wang Fire. HERO OF THE FIRE NATION!

Jack Mihoff

actually aang didnt make up the name kuzan. it was the his friends name from the fire nation 100 years ago

Chad Valencia

Only 2 more eps til Ep 4, my favorite ep of the series


Ahhhh we're almost here! Final season. Please whatever you do, release the final 4 episodes all together. Or at least the final 3. They must be watched together. Also fun fact: Aang mentioned Kuzon in Book 1. It was his friend from the fire nation.


Someone from a Fire Nation colony would be Fire Nation. That just means people from the Fire Nation stole land from the Earth Kingdom to settle for themselves. They would never let their enemies go to their schools and learn their secrets.


Yeah, I don't think there's a single character that I don't like (I mean, I hate Azula, but I love to hate her).

Lady Jie

Are you guys going to react to Legend of Korra?


They all know Zuko is redeemable, they’re just mad he made those bad choices. :,(

Keep it Simple

Please react to legend of Korra next pleaseee!! theres 4 seasons of that also


Omg, this episode gets me every time! Lmao, I was laughing so hard I started tearing up! Wang Fire is the best!

Jaime Ruiz

No, Legend of Korra is trash. Ignore it.

John FD Lobrano

Season 2 is definitely trash despite how important its ending is. Season 1's just okay. But 3 and 4 I'd argue are genuinely good.


the character animations this episode goes crazy almost looked rotoscoped but its not


lol jokes on you if you think only North Korea changes their history books to suit their narrative. Everyone does it, even US.


Aang's headband is the school uniform's belt. Everyone just took off their belts to cover for Aang.

Rachel Kim

Look, people can ship whoever they want but you can't deny that the entire show was basically leading to Kataang.

Oui Oui

Man y'all really be missing a lot of things. Kuzon is Aang's friend from 100 years ago.


chile its like the 1st time they miss on it. And you too probably didnt notice first time watching be humble ugh.


How is it Zuko fault when Iroh was commuting treason against the fire nation he put hisself in that cell he could have had his tea shop but instead he chose to defend the avatar lmao. So yes Zuko was spitting facts


Aang that one 7th grader that does the most but is popular lol and is popular with the 8th grade girls like Katara or would she technically be in 9th and him 7th idk the age difference still seems weird to me and they trying to force the relationship. She seem like Zuko age but they forcing a relationship with aang who is like 12

Megan M

Toph is 12, Aang is 12 (I think 13 by the end of the series), Katara is 14, Sokka is 15, and Zuko is 16.


I would like to kindly point out that the US is extremely guilty of changing history textbooks lol

Joel Amoa

Fun fact, Angee was voice acted by Tinashe

Chaz Finch

I didn't realize until like my 5th watching of this episode that the headband that Aang wore is just the belt from the school uniform. That's where all of the kids got the headbands in the cave. At first, I was just mad that they all had headbands out of nowhere.


The whole school thing reminds me of the united states so much dude... like the pledge of allegiance and changing the history books to make it seem like the wars that were fought or invading lands were just. It's just such a interesting and impactful concept/storyline to put into a kids show. It can give kids a new way of thinking about their education.


See, I've been to a bunch of schools, but I don't remember ever being taught wars or invading land were just. It was just a thing that happened, and was more about perspective than them being just. It often makes me wonder, as many schools as I went to as a kid, is everyone else really being taught how "just" the wars are or was I the weird one for recognizing that every side in any conflict has their own perception and reasons for why THEY think it's just? But the reality is, in most cases all sides are in the wrong. No one is fully in the right.


NONE of you picked up where 'Kuzan' came from????


It's so cute SHeera said "like North Korea" when referencing propoganda as if she does not live in the imperial core herself 😂😂😂


In The Blue Spirit when Aang is talking to Zuko, he mentions a fire nation friend he use to know named Kuzan

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Agreed, L take. The US isn't perfect and human rights abuses of it's citizens are storied and substantial, but for most part your every day American citizen can live freely - the constitution is based around this idea. So to compare it North Korea is laughable.


I think you misunderstood. He did not say that the US was worse than N. Korea but that the US is overflowing with propaganda