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What a cliffhanger bruh!


The Impostor | Tower of God Ep 6

This is "The Impostor | Tower of God Ep 6" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Alex cleveland

Man when they get to more in this season, then S2 starts up. U may wanna leave a spot open for ur top 5 anime in the future. BTW ToG eps get better and better each week it seems like🤯


Y'all talked about lost in translation check out this clip from dragon Ball z https://youtu.be/GDYJO-1IhN8


its really good i wouldnt say it would be a top 5 anime(just counting shonen maybe but not all of anime), theres lots of things that are very repetitive which is quite annoying because predictability, hopefully studio telecom stay more true to the manwha next season because theyre skipping and changing things without SUI's consent as he has no say, hope they dont ruin the anime :/


You need a contract to use Shinsu in whatever floor you are on. Bam used Shinsu without a contract. Lauroe had a contract - which the WEBTOON discusses in more detail — it doesn’t really matter — just know he had one. The floor Administrator (the crazy ancient being thing) is the thing you form the contract with. Bam didn’t need a contract to use Shinsu. The Administrator basically implied that - specifically in Bam’s case - the contract wasn’t granting him power but holding him back, a shackle. As they discusssed in the last episode - irregulars don’t need a contract to use Shinsu, see e.g., Urek Mazino. This all falls under the theme that everyone from the tower follows a set of rules that don’t apply to people not from the tower - Irregulars.


yall have barely scratched the surface on this crazy story lol

Sebastian Stróż

Anaak is actually older than Endorsi but age doesnt mean much in the tower.


Remember in the beginning when Endorsi was in front of a shoe shelf trying out her shoes? The symbolism is real. Also there were only 200 ppl left, they kept killing until said #. Even though they were in the bag it still counted them as ‘alive’.


When the floor administer (the giant snake thing) said that this contract would be a shackle for him it was referring to him being an irregular. Irregulars dont need a contract to use shinsu because they arent bound by the rules of the tower, so they are extremely powerful. When bam undergoes the contract its a shackle because it weakens the control Bam already has over the shinsu hence being a “shackle.” Ps. Everyone undergoes the contract and they see the same monster/administrator-that last line the adminstrator give was specific for Bam only


I'm not gonna lie, I was mad confused when I saw the dreads.


How about nah I am good.


Tower of God is all about the story line. Everything else is alright but that is the main component it has. I am glad you guys know that Rachel is indeed a bitch. Also I am not black so how the fuck do you tie those things back on your head? Do you not wash your hair normally? Cause I feel like it would be hard to wash your hair and not mess it up somehow.... Like how oily do those strands get? You obviously can't undo them so do they not start to smell or feel weird after a while?? You looked just fine without the dreads. I feel like they would be more of a burden than they are worth but I am not you so I can't complain....


I think Rachel has her own shit that she's going through. I'm not gonna be too quick to judge like so many ppl reacting with just narrow-minded thinking. There are two sides to every coin (if webtoon readers want to flaunt their spoilery knowledge here, fucking don't, please). I'm gonna guess she's a bit complex. I remember how Isabella in Promised Neverland seemed, but then she became my favorite character. Name me a fucking person who has a perfect-ass personality. You can't. Ima wait and see what happens later in the season before jumping to overly quick accusations about Rachel "being a bitch." Besides, they mentioned it was against the rules for acquaintances to be participating in the same lobby (or w/e you wanna call it).


How does Irregulars not needing contracts make sense? e.g. FOD


I'm confused how it doesn't make sense. I'm not really speaking to things not already shown in the show but they actually spent like an entire minute of the last episode pointing this issue out - "HEY HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF SOMEONE USING SHINSU WITHOUT A CONTRACT" - YES, THAT IRREGULAR GUY, MAZINO. They were hitting you over with a 2x4 on that one. One of the main reason Irregulars always shake up the tower is they don't play by the rules.


Sheera is QUICK. DAMN. I really appreciate how complex Tower of God is a lot more with this squad breaking it down. What ToG positions would Sheera, Roshi, and Lupa be, lol. Sheera's definitely the Lightbearer, crunching the heavy analysis. Roshi plays a stablizing role, so I would say Fisherman. Lupa is all out on the shenanigans and is a bit like Rak, so maybe Spearman. This is a well-balanced team, yo.


There's different tests for the 5 different positions.

Derek Warren

That guy wasn’t trying to flex saying that Bam is weak. He was actually talking about himself. He realize how strong Bam is and wants to become friends with him so that Bam can help him down the road. Also if you look at all those chocolate bars that Rachael ate, that was to show that she actually became depressed hence that women eats a lot of chocolate when depressed. That’s why she barely left her room and it was dark the whole time


I love tog's characters and their relationship with each other... And big applause again to Sheera, definitely a lightbearer lol


Roshi out here with a FIRE ass lace front 😂


Ahhh they're doing pretty great with the pacing of season 1. Also Bam, Rak, and Khun are wholesome.

Alex cleveland

@Simon Brock yeh u right about the studio but if u see some of the future seasons from Webtoon u understand where im coming from.


@SeriousCoffeeCup irregulars are known as “irregulars” because they dont follow a single law in the tower. They arent bound to any rules or laws of any sort. So the law and rule that says u need to form a contract doesnt apply to them

Barre Bonds

It’s like everytime I watch an episode of ToG I feel like it can’t get better...and then it does 🤯

TheOne TheOnly198

OH!? Lupo with that fresh ass cut again!

TheOne TheOnly198

Just me or do all of the real ones absolutely hate yu han sung?

TheOne TheOnly198

"When your sucking in your gut" My man LMAO

Austin Yun

I don't remember if anak ctually pointed endorsi out as having horns in the webtoon. I thought the horns were part of like her hairline for over a year


I didnt cut it lol I took the twist out but Im gonna put them back in on Friday.

kurumi Tokisaki

I was thinking the same. Alot of people step on friends or family to reach their goals whether intentionally or not.

kurumi Tokisaki

Most likely he got extensions. Its just adding hair to your already existing hair. Also, washing your hair everyday is bad for your natural oils and causes breakage. You are right though, washing and upkeep would be more work, but hair is one of many human expressions/characteristics. He should be able to wash and take them out anytime he wants, but i understand your reasoning. Black males have a lot of criticism from the world when going against the norm with hairstyles, ie:Lupa, Roshi and especially dread"locks". I like the color and length though. No complaints here either.


I really don't get why people are so quick to hate her. She hasn't done anything to hurt anybody, and she obviously took care of Bam for how every long it was prior to going to the tower. I always try to with hold judgement on characters until I'm given a reason to dislike them.


I think Rachel is a princess of Jhad because remember when Anaak the real one got killed for being in love with the chief. So maybe it’s the same for Rachel if she went with bam she might get killed by the other princesses so maybe that’s y she said We can’t be together to Khun 🤔🤔

Jamil Hicks

Man my nigga roshi went inside the Hyberbolic and came with fresh dreads

Austin Yun

FYI Anak means "child" in Tagalog and some other southeast Asian languages. Endorsi's name is weird enough that in the early days people were trying to figure out if it was that or Androssi. Turns out (via Slave in Utero, the author of the webtoon, releasing little stat cards for the characters) that it's Andorthy. Which is an actual English name, but extraordinarily rare. On the other hand, his proficiency in English is... questionable at best, so take his "official" romanizations with a grain of salt, lol.


All I can hear is overhaul when the blonde guy talks

Storm Blade

LMAO "you muda fuckas!!"

Jake Rosendahl

I can only imagine the translation is difficult when you're going from Korean to Japanese for the script, then translating to English Subs... I think it would have been interesting to do this in Korean, but to be fair the ADR talent pool for this is bigger in Japan compared to any country.