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she shoulda just stayed put 🤷‍♂️


The Great Fault | Made in Abyss Ep 9

This is "The Great Fault | Made in Abyss Ep 9" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I know this comment is late as hell and thus irrelevant, but the riko hate is insane. Ya putting shonen protagonist expectations on a 12 yr old girl is legit only human. This show is not that.


Tbf she wants to be treated like an adult that can handle this. So it’s hard not to judge as such.


after watching a few of their other anime reactions I'm 100% sure sheeras favourite form of comedy is watching people suffer and being shown how weak and useless they are lol


Yo, man. When even your hallucinations are telling you to sit your ass down... maybe give it some thought.

Demarquise Wimley

Alright man I’m not the only one that thinks this but sheera eyebrows are on point 😂😂🧡

kurumi Tokisaki

Reg = Overworked and Underpaid.


She may be annoying and useless but at least she can cook. She has reasonable character development and screen time which is a lot more than I can say for the worst character in anime history called Sakura. In all honesty even watching this episode for the first time with you guys I was just as annoyed by her character and her shitty decisions but I could handle this a thousand more times than I would be able to handle Sakura in a single episode........ I think this made it pretty obvious just how much I hate Sakura lol

Alex cleveland

Tbh Sakura and Riko are both bad characters. Sakura tho can at least heal ppl and fight a tiny bit. Riko is just smart and yeh


Yea I know what your saying. Although I would argue that your comparing an average little human girl in a world of monsters to a girl that is a main character in a series with many super strong ninja skills and powers. When you compare both of them as children (cause Sakura got somewhat better in shippuden) you have Riko who is actually driven and intelligent about the main component of this series which is the abyss and the life it has. Sakura literally has one thing in the OG Naruto series and that is her obsession with Sasuke. She never actually did anything useful. She was somewhat intelligent but only when you compare her to the other two of the group. But her character did nothing useful majority of the time and she put all of her responsibilities on Naruto when something needed to be done. For this you can at least say Riko is fully prepared to take on responsibility even if she may not be able to take it but that is in a world where she is a girl and their are extremely dangerous monsters around her. In my opinion they are both definitely annoying but when you compare them somewhat fairly Sakura is the worst by far. Cause saying Sakura can heal wouldn’t really be fair because she learned that much later on in the series when she was no longer a child. It took her too long to actually be able to have something more to her character. All I am mainly saying is I can stand behind Riko and her character much more than I can with Sakura.

Alex cleveland

Yeh well we def have a lot more story in this show so we'll see if her character gets better. I mean this is only s1 too so I cant dislike her forever until I truly kno the outcome👍🏽


I don't know. Riko's character seems significantly better than Sakura. Not only is she more reasonable in her logic, but she also has her impact on the story. Not everyone has to be competent as long as it actually moves the story along. Sakura served no purpose in Naruto other than to be a love interest. Riko has many moments that actually affect characters a lot. Heck, even within this episode, she was willing to do a lot more than just be a girl.


Aqua's uselessness is at least funny. Sakura tries so hard to be useful but she just isnt and its sad and annoying af. Besides, in truth, Aqua holds enough power to take on the Demon Kings generals given they are undead but its just the random shit she pulls that fucks things up, which is hilarious. Sakura doesnt even have the power to stand up to half the villains in Naruto.

Blue Minotaur1212

She is stronger than most ninja, it’s just in the main cast she’s considerably weak

Justin Neason

Sakura wasn't what I call "tactically useless" xD. You can be a character who isn't powerful to balance out the story or just because not everyone is meant to be, and still be a decent character. In Sakura's case, she was a powerful shinobi with excellent chakra control who was also supposed to be smart, but accomplished nothing due to bad writing. Even once Kishimoto decided to make her actually cool at the beginning of Shippudden, he immediately hit the rewind button on his own charact and reduced her being being knocked out on a bridge and crying over Sasuke til the final. It's crazy how the Boruto series (written by a whole different person) is doing a great job with Sakura to the one who created the character, and Boruto isn't even really good. It seems to me that Riko is the kind of character she's meant to be at the moment, even if she does annoy me. In contrast, Sakura was given all kinds of potential but the writer refused to consistently develop her character for YEARS.

David Emerson

Marulk was a boy just so you guys know


what a stupid bitch

Faiz Khan

Saying their kids to cover up for the dumb decisions okay l get it that argument can't always be used to excuse but you also have to look at their personality Reg while being very useful for the expedition he's still very rash and nervous Riko is the opposite just being a regular kid with a very outgoing personality, she curious and loves to explore and learn things it's just her nature to do so, They're still developing and learning right in front of us so this stuff should be expected.

Ali Sodeq

You guys are 9 eps late with the being annoyed by her decisions imo. I mean the fact that they're even descending in the first place is insane and her reasoning is/was that her mom is waiting for her to come save her....

Ali Sodeq

I mean if you're counting cooking as someting that makes her less useless the Sakura is a thousand times more useful...


Reg: This sure don't look like the cave where I told you to sit your ass down.


Ehh, I can't hate on Sakura too much. It's sad that she was made to one of the weakest and most annoying in her own universe but I know that strength wise she would rock all our asses. So at least that I can respect.


GUEss what I would have did the same thing Cause I not a bitch


Imagine being a whole Seinen protagonist with an Aubade partner and NOT choosing to save your mother

Mozart Waddell

Roku is low-key starting to annoy me. Lupa had it with this girl lol


I dont understand why some people say riko's actions are understandable since she's a kid.. I mean she experienced many awful events before this due to her carelessness and "curiosity" yet she's still not vigilant in the abyss... not saying being curious is wrong, just be more cautious lol, you need to wait for reg to die to make your fckin eyes open like cmon... ozen best girl btw, idc how old she is, i'd marry her

Drake Rage

7:55 Roshi: In his subconscious, he knows what it is. That is very plausible, it makes a lot of sense and is scary as fuck. Imagine him deep down knowing that the sound is from something scary as fk, but just can't remember it since he forgot. Fucking gives me the chills, lol. Yo! Riko needs to get her shit together man. I am not even halfway through the episode, but jeez. Sure she has knowledge, but she is literally acting like those dumb "smart" characters in movies that have the knowledge, but don't respect "Nature" and end up dying first. She is like wow cool, and starts geeking out even when facing dangerous situations without thinking about the consequences. Bro.. this anime is so good that I can actually picture myself in there. I would have literally dug a hole and hid in there until Reg woke up. Like... does Riko not understand that Reg is the only reason she can survive any of this shit??? I swear, smart-dumb characters are worse than dumb characters. Like she KNOWS how dangerous it is, but continues to do dumb shit, LOL.

Zanath Kariashi

This is definitely my least liked episode. While I don't mind them expanding layer 3 a little, since the manga skims over it due to outside factors that affected story decisions, I wish they'd just showed off more of the layer without completely undermining just how much both had grown from their training. And especially the finale vs the split-jaw is much better in the manga, as they double team it together instead of Reg just saving the day. Also no Riko being extra stupid for no reason after Ozen literally just got done beating MOST of the stupid out her during their ~2.5 weeks of training. Layer 3 was supposed to be their triumph where they own everything and make super easy progress due to their team work and hardening of resolve. And make the train-wreck of the 4th layer that much more impactful.