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Why did that just happen!?? | ATLA Book 2 Ep 8

This is "Why did that just happen!?? | ATLA Book 2 Ep 8" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


It's none Of your business

It’s been like 3 years and I just had to rewatch this set of reactions. They did Toph mad dirty this ep. How they all gonna blame Toph when she warned them and let them know ahead of time someone was approaching. Justice for Toph

Anthony Ponce

Imma be honest dont think that was a blind joke, i think it was about her tent since it was a closed up and they had no tent set up


They didn’t all blame top. Katara blamed her but Aang only said something because Toph called out Appa. Pretty justified.

Lupa is Dadi

3 years passed and you aint done shit lil bro. all talk smh IM STILL HERE LIL NIGGA

Bria A.

While I think this reply thread got much more heated than I feel is necessary, as someone who’s also disabled, nearly all of y’all sound ignorant as hell. Legal blindness exists, not everyone who’s blind has total and complete loss of vision, and text readers / assistive technology are very accessible these days you fucking goobers. 😐 Blind people are more than capable of accessing the internet and watching TV, even if it’s not in the way you’re used to. How do you watch a whole show about a blind person who adapts around her blindness and still miss the point so badly.


Kanker sisters LMFAOOOOO


Am I the only one whose video quality is topping out at 360p on this one? Sometimes this Vimeo shit fucks with me...


Eh, you're probably right. GODDAMN THIS WAITING! Ugh... that moment you live for one series on a reaction channel. -.-


Lol. I'm super glad you guys are enjoying this show. BTW, they really turned up the animation budgets for seasons 2 and 3, so "The Blind Bandit"-quality fights start becoming more commonplace. There's one in particular in the beginning of Book Three that I can watch just endless times. So... you know... get hype.


So uh how soon can we get the next 3 eps, asking for a friend. Not a ATLA reaction addict I swear.

Father Feugo

One of the best sequences of the show hands down


Blaming Katara is a very interesting viewpoint.


Katara annoyed the fuck outta me this episode, like the girl just got here, RELAX

stallin4 Stalin

Just saying with that simultaneous bending attack there was also Sokka coming in with the boomerang


Yes, and after the first time when they saw they were being chased, it makes sense that all hands should be on deck.


It's a fine viewpoint to have. Katara and Toph have very conflicting personalities.

kurumi Tokisaki

Ty lee even got katara shook. She is best girl. Aslo, the introduction of toph really drives everything forward in the show.


@SaviorOfNirn I'm not saying it's wrong, just interesting.


Anyone know the outro song?


Can you imagine if this show was made by hbo. This would be waaay better than game of thrones. The choreography and the mythology behind this show is so cool. The people who made this probably couldn't even show their full potential since this is Nickelodeon

Viela Guay

Also the reason Iroh got shot was because he was distracted noticing that Toph was part of the Avatar's group.


I love the music too. When that machine was chasing after them it seened so intimidating.

Abel James

This episode was named perfectly. You got iroh chasing zuko, chasing azula, chasing aang.

Kelsey Roberts

One thing that you probably aren't taking into account from Katara's perspective is that they are still feeding Toph. When they are out in the wilderness, she has no way to feed herself without them, so if she wants to eat, she should help the fuck out.


but she said early in the episode that she acquired her own food

Jamel Alexander

when u refresh the patreon page every 2 hours to make sure you don't miss a upload


just saying to anyone thats left a comment / viewers yet to leave one, proud of you so far. keep it up


I wonder if MHA took inspiration from Aang jumping from building to building like that for the training Midoria did when he was with Gran Torino when he jumped between buildings.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Azula pulled a tactical play out of all the fighters there Iroh was the greatest threat.

Lalisa Truong

Gotta hand it to Azula honestly. Despite being cornered, she's still looking for weaknesses and opportunities to strike.

Lynn Walker

Katara and Toph have reasonable point of views but Katara is ultimately right. When you’re apart of a group, you have to think about the collective. Toph might argue that she didn’t sign up to be apart of the group but she did. Training Aang means that she is joining a new family whether she likes it or not. Now did Katara take things too far? Absolutely. But so did Toph and she shouldn’t get away with it because she’s the new strong, shiny character. Both have very intense background that has shaped who they are and because of that, they are going to crash.

Lynn Walker

Also they are both extremely sleep deprived which heightens any feelings that they all have

Isaiah L

Iroh was a beast, she didn't want the smoke so she had to pull a sneaky one on him

Hoodlum JoeBro

Oh no, I don’t think they’ll be able to handle soldier boy 😭😭


I always thought Azula hit Iroh because he took his eyes off her (to see that Toph was with the Avatar.) But it's also because Iroh is the only one there who she can't beat with her firebending.


Toph adds an extra dynamic to the group but Azula is the one driving everything forward when you think about it at this point in the show.


Is there any chance you could do hxh more often that literally the only serious I have a patreon for and due to this quarantine my gf is started to cancel a lot of our subscriptions

Belt Cedd

I love how the show lowkey hears y'all whenever y'all make jokes like Appa falling asleep while flying. That shit was hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣

Kelsey Roberts

I mean, you got me there. But I still find it highly unlikely that Toph can make a fire or tell when meat is cooked. I am not saying that she is incapable, just that she grew up in a highly contained environment, and she wasn't doing any of her own cooking there. I am just saying that she will need them later, which she does. Toph is not invincible. She is good representation not a god.


I clearly said hxh is the only thing I'm subbed for so itd be nice to get a huge drop of those before my gf makes me cancel patreon

Norrin Radd

Book 2 is where this show became legendary, and you guys are seeing why.

Morgan Prophet

i need MORE. shit is just to good.


Oooof you are in quite the pickle huh. Guess you should have a better girlfriend. Clearly you will get a couple more drops before the month is over with since you get patreon by the month.

Black Gravity

Y’all went to far in the anime aspect lol this a nick show he not dead just really hurt if this was anime anime oh yea that would have been rip but we good don’t worry lol


Yea I just hope they know what it is actually a tribute to when they see it. I tried informing them about it a few episodes ago.

Black Gravity

My nigga shut up lol if y’all really bothered meet me in Hampton VA at 1000 Coliseum Dr, Hampton, VA 23666 you’ll find it easy let me kno when u pull up if not then shut the fuck up I don’t got to do shit

Black Gravity

Now For those I apparently spoiled for I do apologize but I’m not gonna delete it if you didn’t kno now you kno

Black Gravity

Wasn’t talking to Gary by the way mostly to R.K. But seems that comment was deleted oh well


people really saying you spoiled a 15 year old show? that's like saying gohan goes ss2


That's some dumb logic. A show can be 1 year old or 10 years old, doesn't matter if it's your first time watching. A spoiler is a spoiler.

Black Gravity

Tru I see what ya saying I just didn’t think it was a spoiler when I said it that’s why I said it

Oax Al

R.I.P: Uncle Iroh

Lupa is Dadi

Black Gravity you clown🤡 don't get triggered over some comments about AVATAR 🤣, yall really put your address down? Ain't nobody wanna see your fat ass 🤣🤡

Lupa is Dadi

Take a breather lol of they wanna hate let them but don't create unnecessary/fuel unnecessary situations 💬

Black Gravity

Lol that’s not my address just a location to meet up but it is what it is at the end of the day if you not gonna talk to me face to face don’t wanna hear it lol


Mate it's not about spoiling it for other patrons, it's about spoiling it for Roshi, Sheera and Lupa. THEY haven't seen the show before so keep the spoilers to yourself and be considerate.

Alex cleveland

Exactly don't be one of those ppl to give hints and shit like idk y thats so hard for ppl 🤦🏽‍♂️. Swear u tryna get cussed out by Lupsan bish



Lupa is Dadi

Shut yo 12 year old dumnbass up🤣 you ain't doing sh*t 😭 tryin to act tough on the Internet smh 🤡

Black Gravity

My nigga shut the fuck up lol not 12 lol if you wanna kno if I’m bout it pull up cuz if u gonna talk be about it


Leaves from the vine......


Be on the look out for the mini story episode for each character. They pay tribute to iroh's voice actor.

Frank Ocean

why you guys out here just spoiling shit in the comments?


It's not spoiling if I'm telling them to look out for a tribute to a voice actor's life? Apologies if I seemed like I was spoiling, wasn't my intention. Nor did I say anything about the episode itself. I'm all about letting folks experience content blind for the sake of the journey. No worries.


No reason to be rude dude. It wasn't a spoil. Y'all get up in arms about too much.

Sheraya san

blind wave cursed me with Zuko’s “LEAVE!!!” scream


I mean Netflix is making the live action now. It’s gonna take awhile and the original creators are producing it. I have high hopes right now. Also this show was in development for like 3 years before it started to air because Nickelodeon wanted a series like Lord of the Rings type of mythology. The production of this show is really and interesting thing to watch.


I mean... is it not already better than Game of Thrones😂 the way GoT ended I can definitely say this is better

Rogeran Stern

You realise that ozai father was shitty too right? I didn't azula was lie about the son for a son fire Nation leaders are pretty much evil fucks you can't help the physiology of being raised if zukos mom wasn't there he was would be pure shit as well and iroh messages remember maybe you can see it before burning it to the ground.

Rogeran Stern

And you can go fuck your self in stead of making a statement to fix up my sentences, nope you chose to slander.,you think your 5 to 10 bucks gives you the right to disrespect anyone?


when zuko yells leave!!I felt that.


She attacked Iroh because he was distracted looking at Toph and realizing who she was friends with.


Sokka really threw the Boomerang when they blasted at Azula lmao


Zuko is Defintely a wayyy better vegeta

Royal Lucario

i still see toph in the right for the whole she pulls her own weight thing plus dont wont to lose her such a good character for the group


The crux of Toph and Katara's problem is Katara is SUPER mothering and Toph has only ever had a super overbearing mother. She has a desperate need to be able to be independent, and Katara is not able to understand why someone wouldn't want people who care about them like that.

Kalah Dolman

It still gets me to this day how Katara is supposed to be the older and more mature by 2 whole years, and yet is the one picking the fights and starting problems. She literally brought up Toph’s issues out of nowhere. Like, why do you keep picking at a sore topic? She just can’t seem to help herself.

Kalah Dolman

Also, Katara is petty as fuck for teasing a blind girl for not being able to see the stars. Like, who does that shit? That is not okay, under any circumstances. Would you tease a crippled person for not being able to walk? That’s trash. She deserved to get hit a little bit harder with that rock. I’m pretty sure she was raised better than that. Jerk is an understatement.


The mere idea of Appa being hypoallergenic makes me so profoundly happy for some reason.

Hiroshi Carbajal Yimura

Pretty sure Katara forgot Toph blindness (happens constantly in the series) and only say that cause Toph is in her rock tent

Kalah Dolman

You shut the fuck up! I'll say what I want, and speaking as someone who actually is blind, that shit is not okay.

Kalah Dolman

I will not relax. I actually am blind, and that shit is not okay. Everything is not a laughing matter.

Kalah Dolman

I won't. Something needed to be said about that, so I said it. I actually am blind, so I can speak on the subject.

Kalah Dolman

I literally just rejoined a Patreon I haven't been a part of since five months ago just to defend a comment I made from trolls, that's how mad these dumbass replies have made me! Unless you can personally speak on the subject of being a blind individual or anyone with a disability, you should have nothing to say. Keep your snarky replies and weak defenses of something that is clearly wrong to yourselves. I actually am blind and was offended by what Katara said, and the fact that anybody can sit here and try to make excuses for that shit is astounding. I've expressed my opinion on the matter which I have every right to do, so leave me be. If you don't like it, kindly go and make your own original comment and stop replying to mine with weak bullshit. What she said was wrong. End of story.


this is a fucking childrens show that aired on nickelodeon. toph literally does self deprecating blind jokes on herself. calm the fuck down

Kalah Dolman

I don't care that you obviously must have deleted your previous comment, you did not just accuse me of lying about being blind. Feel free to look me up on Youtube asshole, my latest video was of me being awarded in a singing competition for people with disabilities. And how did I know she was hit with a rock? Well, besides this being a reaction where people talk about everything so I could have overheard that detail, there's this neat little thing in the advanced world we live in today called Audio Description that describes little details like that for all sorts of shows and movies. Check Netflix and you'll see that Avatar is one of the shows that has Audio Description. Educate yourself before you step to me again. I don't care if it's a kid show and I don't care that Toph can joke about it, that is her right. And it's my right to call Katara out for the despicable thing she said that will never be okay, and in fact was not a joke, she was dead serious about what she said. How despicable are you to be defending someone who said that, and actually arguing with someone who actually is blind? It's not for you to say whether or not it's okay to say something like that which could hurt someone's feelings, which is exactly what the girl was trying to do. It's just lucky that Toph is who she is and was tough enough to defend herself.

Kalah Dolman

And I'm pretty sure I said, very clearly, stop. Replying. To. My. Comment.

Kalah Dolman

And stop saying it's a children's show. If anything, that makes it even less okay. So it's a good lesson to teach children to be mean, like they need any help with that. So just stop. Please.

Kalah Dolman

So are you. You think I want to keep receiving emails saying you keep replying? There's one way to end this cycle. Stop. Replying.

Kalah Dolman

How very immature of you. Okay, you win, all right. Does that make you happy? I have better things to do with my time, and I'm sick of seeing your name pop up in my inbox.

Luqman Muhammad

Why are you trolling? I thought being blind meant you can't see. And yeah this is a cartoon. Not saying what she said is okay but not sure if she meant it as you're taking it maybe she is.

Kalah Dolman

Why are you trolling me? Being blind does mean I can't see. I can still hear perfectly well, so I don't know what that has to do with anything. In the world we live in today, there is technology that can allow me and others like me to do almost anything. And she most certainly did mean what she said, and I'm astounded that so many people are sticking up for this character at a weak judgment momment. I'm allowed to say what she did was wrong because it was, and it did offend me, cartoon or not. Don't you think I would like to know what stars look like? I'm not trying to completely disgrace Katara as a character, but what she said in that moment was mean, period. Why can't people understand that?


Katara forgot Toph blindness and only said that cause Toph is in her rock tent. People tend to forget toph is blind tons of time in this show.


"yeah can you just do exactly what I want? I don't care that you have 10,000 patrons besides me, clearly what I want matters more" like bruh chill they have other stuff that other people care about


that wasn’t even a blind joke, toph was in a tent she made completely closed off and separate from the rest of them lol i’m pretty sure that’s what they were getting it


How you supposed to use patreon and watch reaction videos if you're fucking blind lmao. Shut the fuck up.

Lily Rose

calm down, they're friends. it was a funny joke. toph even makes fun of her own blindness.

Alexander Inoa

Maybe I'm missing something but yeah how the fuck you gonna subscribe to a reaction Patreon when you're blind like tf??? LMAO


most dumbest conversation i have seen in a long time, everbody above me, touch grass and grow up

Tara L

Reviving this after 2 years but I'm with you Kalah Dolman, only because I like an underdog, and understand that you connect with Toph because you're blind yourself. But like they all said, maybe Katara's tiredness made her forget about the blindness, they were all very sleep-deprived.


First thing that would’ve hit her tbh.. Sokka got that S tier reaction speed 😂