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This was an A++ episode! The depth they've created in this character is amazing!


Zuko Alone | ATLA Book 2 Ep 7

This is "Zuko Alone | ATLA Book 2 Ep 7" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Dwntime 空の

not that it matters now, but Zuko's mom is actually the one who killed him, to save Zuko. That's why she left in the end, which Ozai explains in book 3


I'm pretty sure Zuko's mom killed him, not his dad. Because, I think Ozai was willing to kill Zuko like Azula said and his mom wanted to prevent that.

WeavyBoo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-27 15:05:41 Yoooo I just realized Zuko's interest in fighting with knives totally contributes to his whole firebending dagger thing
2023-05-13 19:12:48 Yoooo I just realized Zuko's interest in fighting with knives when he was a kid totally contributes to his whole firebending dagger thing

Yoooo I just realized Zuko's interest in fighting with knives when he was a kid totally contributes to his whole firebending dagger thing


Man the mystery of Zukośmom is one of the best in fiction for me. You really just dont know what happened to her. She could be dead, but might aas well not be. Who knows? Until they expanded on it with that dumb ass comic. Ridiculous

CJ Dennis

They had to expand on it in the comics because they ended the series with that question 🤣 🤣.

Earphone Jack

Zuko was a mama’s boy. That’s why he’s a big old softie deep down. 🥺

Father Feugo

Zuko's character development is one that rivals vegetas imo


This is a top 10 episode


That guy with the hammers was earth bending

kurumi Tokisaki

Zuko has the darkest past with a lot of turmoil. That makes his character development even better later on. Also, Iroh losing his son in the war broke him badly, and its another reason that he doesn't want to lose Zuko.


This is still one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. You get more background on Zuko's family dynamics and see how the Fire nation has affected other nations.


don't think it was ever confirmed but the theory was that Azula was telling the truth and Ozai had to kill Zuko for his comment on Iroh. So his mom took it upon herself to kill Azulong to save Zuko and make her husband Ozai firelord. This of course meant she had to go into hiding or banishment. Otherwise there is no other real reason on why she would ever leave zuko or not take him with her

Mister D. Bushido

I always thought it was his mom that killed Azulon, in order to spare her son from being taken, but its still really unclear so I could be wrong


this isnt that important but its interesting: the animals in avatar are actually like combinations of 2 different animals. or they just have something extra than regular animals. So its not really inter species breeding but just how they are. in fact, a regular animal is actually more strange in their world.


Great episode! Notice the theme of duality throughout. Zuko’s lecture about the broadswords being two halves of a whole sword, the constant shots showing a particular side of his face in the sun or shadows, etc. In monarchies, Fathers attempting to execute/kill their son wasn’t uncommon a couple hundred years ago. It was rare, but heirs have also killed their father. Fights over the throne are no joke! The crazy thing is that all of the men in Zuko’s family, Iroh included, have at some point participated in the invasion and killing of Earth Kingdom soldiers/people. It is sad, but from that POV, I’m not surprised the villagers had rocks and pitchforks at the ready.

kurumi Tokisaki

I mean they have flying bison and humongous badger moles; a little turtle duck or two should not be that weird


I always thought that the mom sacrificed herself for zuko so that Ozai would spare him then afterwards he killed his dad (yes I’ve seen the whole series this is just what I thought at this point and if you want to know what happened with the mom either read the comics or I’ll post it in the comments of the Um 🌘 episode)


Nah it was confirmed but like kinda a spoiler my dude


Ok one thing i wanna get straight while watching this reaction is Azula is NOT the way she is because of the people raising her. Anyone watching should be able to clearly tell the people "raising" her don't have any effect on the person she is. She is a naturally born psychopath. Certain things clearly make it worse overtime but she had an issue to begin with. You will find out later on that she clearly is that type of person all on her own. It is all her own mentality. Not everyone is made into something because of others. Sometimes people have mental issues all on their own. I want to state this now because even when the show itself brings it up you might totally miss it and still try to blame it on the parents or others around her. She has no excuse for the way she acts. If anything Zuko has more of a reasoning to be psychopathic based on the trials and physical and mental hardships he has been through. Yet you see him as the one who actually cares and doesn't wish death upon others in early childhood....

Hoodlum JoeBro

Guys please don’t spoil things for the gang, I know we all know the stuff that happens but it’s best to just to leave it be. This episode hints at it but never delves on it except for the comics.


if they were gonna find out later why comment this

Eugene Conner

I JUST realized they're playing craps and he called for "spider snake eyes" lol.

Eugene Conner

I ALSO just realized that zuko has NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING ON THAT ROOF!!!


Notice that the kid said his brother Sun Tzu was off at war. Its a reference to the real life Sun Tzu who wrote "The Art of War" that many of history's most famous generals took inspiration from

Rogeran Stern

How can there parent's be crap? Amm like your parents come on now not liking these statements at all but we all given the right of opinions

Rogeran Stern

Doesn't use the sword to enchanting fire bending, he uses it to not firebend.


Azula's evilness isn't because of her father. She is just crazy.


For more information about the grandfather's death is in the actual comic books because you might be surprised of how died/who was behind it.

Madison Hagan

Azula went crazy but her evilness is definitely her father's influence. ^^


He was earthbending girl what are you smoking lmao!


I love your attention to detail. every episode you guys catch things I didn't catch til my 2nd or 3rd watch through. I'm so happy I bought the 10$ patreon to see more of these genuine, yet relative, thoughts and expressions I had almost a decade ago. Keep up the fantastic work guys. I'll try to catch up with all the new content I've now discovered from you magnificent trio.


This when Zuko became my favorite character

Tony Sylar

The hammer guy was DEFINITELY earthbending. lol


Gonzu is one of the nastiest side characters fr "A man's past is his business."


I love that Zuko has to work to be given something, like he just wont accept charity at all


So many details I didn't notice in this episode. The guy gave Zuko 2 bags of feed cause the other one was for him. And when Gonzu goes to the frontlines to get his son, he meant his body.

CJ Dennis

Even when I was younger, the family especially the kid turning on Zuko saying "he hates him" bothered me.


i JUST realized zukos dad didnt just kill his dad to take power, azula wasnt lying when she said he was ordered to kill zuko as punishment. just gave him justifiable means in his eyes, which honestly yeah, id do the same shit