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Kwons fight scene felt like an anime 😭


What get me about Daniel is he wanna mention assault like he ain’t committed assault in this damn show😂like bro and if you count the kids he’s taught Karate and have used that same Karate to ASSAULT people. Buddy you’re cooked🤣


You know in Daniel's mind he thinks it's self defense right? Not assault.


People in these comments dragging Daniel as a joke. Lol is he over reacting? Yeah, but Miyagi meant the world to him and to suddenly learn this after holding him in high regard will shock anyone and cause this mental. This happens like ... all the fuckin time with people. This is a pretty normal 'why didn't you tell me this?' reaction and it's silly to give him shit about it. When you love someone this much, it will hurt this much. I do get the annoyance though mainly because Daniel's an annoying goody two shoes.