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these cuts are starting to make it hard to follow lol



It’s good to know I wasn’t the only one confused. Even though it was a great episode. Things felt like they were missing.


For your convenience I've added TLDR's that oversimplify my point under every major thing that I write about. Also if you're wondering how I write so much: I'm a writer, so this much is nothing to me and I write down my thoughts about the episode while I'm watching. Only takes me like 5-7 mins of writing tbh PLEASE GIVE THE MANGA A CHANCE IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHOW Its that time again, and I have a few things to say just generally. First of all to the anime onlies: I would like if you stopped saying the pacing isn't that bad. You haven't read the manga so you have no idea how the pacing was changed for the anime or what was cut out. It's like saying one flavor of drink is better than the other when you've only tried one (which a lot of people do anyway but it's not a good thing to do). Anyway since people had the wrong idea on my last comment apparently I'll do this going forward: DISCLAIMER: Everything I list out is not me slandering the show but actually an unbiased report on what was cut out and changed from the manga (the comments about said cut content are my feelings tho). I think the anime is objectively worse than the manga by a lot, so you'll see that prejudice in my comments. This is still all just my opinion as someone who likes the story though, you don't have to feel the same way. Let me start by saying that in my opinion this episode is just one big showcase of how big of a fuck up this entire season was. After cutting out so much content, it's just hard to believe that anything happening now makes any sort of sense. D shouldn't care enough about the rangers to screw with his whole ideology since they cut out so much of him actually interacting with them, and the scenes focusing on the cadets and their feelings seem nonsensical now because most of them have pretty much been side characters this entire arc and they're not important enough to the viewer to warrant this except shion and maybe shippou. TLDR: anime cut out too much so now nothing happening is entirely believable Now on to the changes the anime made. First of all I was entirely correct last comment, when I said they might cut out an entire chapter of content between this and next episode. I'll keep it brief since there's a lot that happened. First of all, shippou was supposed to help fight blue keeper because he's stupid and easily swayed, (there was some pretty good dialogue in there too but the anime studio doesn't care about that stuff) and there was an explanation that blue keepers divine artifact can use the abilities of his lieutenants because of the cartridges. While this is shown with aizome's ability, and later with another that we've seen (the guy from 4th episode but it just looks like water here so you cant actually tell its even his ability), it's important to note that just a simple confirmation would go a long way when they're already cutting so much out of the anime. Also there was a little bit of lore about the building they were in being the first base of the rangers that was cut out too, not of much import but still a nice bit of worldbuilding. Also the other ranger candidates had about a chapters worth of content cut out with them throughout the second half of the episode, and I genuinely think the only reason they adapted the scenes that weren't cut out at all was because it was necessary for the later fight. I mean the anime didn't care at all about them the entire season so why start now? TLDR: More stuff cut out that matters to the story so its way harder to follow The cgi is another thing that makes me just feel like this studio is one of the worst possible decisions for who would be adapting this story. They have been doing the bare minimum amount of movement and quality in terms of art the entire season, and still needed to resort to cgi for a scene with one dude on screen. They can't afford to make more than 12 episodes so they have to condense everything to the point the story is half-decent at best. This is like if the people who did seven deadly sins season 3 had started adapting the series from the beginning (just a comparison ranger reject is better). Now one thing I can give the studio credit for is that the episode titles mirror super sentai episode titles, meaning they do actually care somewhat about this series and the theme (or they don't and this is just simple marketing, also totally possible but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here) and other circumstances forced this terrible adaptation. Although I will say for everything I'm bashing them on with how they're doing this adaptation, I'm glad they made it an anime at all. The manga will get way more popular because of this, and that makes me happy. Although not in the U.S, because a large majority of people just refuse to read any manga when they have the free time even when its free online? Even series they like? I could write a whole essay on how stupid I think that is but I'll just leave it. Also apparently a second season is happening (unreliable)? If it is I sincerely hope they only adapt the next arc because that way they won't have to cut anything out since it's pretty short. Won't expect the animation to be any better though. TLDR: bad adaptation lmao but also I'm glad it happened at all so the manga can get more popular


I said this when I watched this episode but I’m thinking about dropping this show tbh the plot is straying away from what was set in the first ep and Fighter D has shown no signs of him getting stronger. XX should be the MC instead


I've kind of just gotten bored of this show lol

Hasnain Khan



Interesting you say that since I've added TLDRs under every major point if you don’t feel like reading. It's not even school paper length just say you're illiterate lmao


I mean the boss literally said last time that he was going to recover and xx should handle the cleanup. That’s why he was in that room. It’s not like he’s been there for weeks, it was in the duration of the exam period. I mean D was able to pick up reds divine weapon, the ranger force is unorganised as mentioned in early episodes

Wiggly Gecko

I rly dont get the "no signs of him getting stronger" point. Why does he have to get stronger? Its not about him becoming strong and fight with pure power. He is getting stronger just not in pure combat. He can stay this weak and still figure out a way to win. Dont get me wrong if you dont enjoy the show there its totally ok to drop it. Just dont get the "MC has to get more powerful" thing when there are many different ways to fight.


sucks how they adapted this tbh i really highly rec the manga for anyone interested in the series


That’s fair when you put it that way but idk i was just hoping in the future he carries his own weight a little more and personally i feel none of the rangers is going to die

Joshy Woshy

I feel like one of the Dragon Keepers are already aware of the boss monster in the building and lets it roam free for its own agenda through a type of contract. Kinda like when the fighters made a deal with the Keepers after the war.


That’s what ppl are saying and they are cutting things out


He’s a good MC but the anime is hard to follow along I’ve noticed compared to the manga. Shame cuz the first couple of episodes were great.


You can read my comment on this episode if you want to know what was cut out, I’ve got it all listed there

Nick Vaughn

Just as I said in the previous episode that I was enjoying this so far and didn’t feel the impact of cut content…now I feel it with this episode cause I don’t believe D would do what he did with the minimal interactions we saw with him and the others. I really want to know why important character development moments are being cut out. And again I still enjoyed the episode but I agree with Roshi on the pacing issues. I’m still intrigued as a viewer to keep watching while also acknowledging the flaws. I also thought this was the best animation we’ve gotten from the show so far even the bits of CG. I just hope we slow down just to get that clarity on certain things


Yikes, I guess this is going in the basket with Undead Unluck and Promised Neverland season 2 for good manga with trash anime adaptations. Crazy how shitty directors can ruin a show


Ok wait a minute undead unluck wasn’t bad at all what are you talking about


yup u need a good team but kaiju 8 is the only one i've enjoyed so far this season. go go ranger is good bc of their reactions lmao


Tbh I felt like the cuts where off all the way from that one episode when Red hair dude first came to Fighter D about infiltrating the ranger force but was hoping that it was a one-off with the weird editing


Recapping entire scenes every episode wasn’t bad? It’s a good story but the way they directed the anime was terrible when it came to the recaps. One episode even had like 10 minutes of replaying an entire fight from a few episodes ago

Ranginald Vagel

I honestly consider this sliiightly different from Undead Unluck in that if you read the manga it was also sometimes genuinely jumping around weirdly


Damn so the manga does that too? They could’ve at least tried to fix it in the anime


Ok well yes that one episode was an exception most episodes only had like 1 min of recap but all in all it was still animated well and the music and voice acting was great. If the recaps were the only thing the studio didn’t do great at I’d say it’s a good adaptation


When he took damage by the blue second in command he went into hiding in that room to recover and evolve and I understand the pacing issue I’m a manga reader. This episode did 5 chapters and cut a few this and modify others like for example when D met petrola he was having inner monologue of Why he abandoned them while they were force to do the Sunday shows he didn’t have any thoughts about his teammates.


Idk man, wasting around 5 minutes per episode on recaps just because you want to end the season in a certain place doesn’t really scream good adaptation. Sure everything else was good beside that but having good directing in an episode is basic stuff. They could’ve easily given us filler to use up episode time instead of copying and pasting the same scenes over and over


Responding to Roshi’s question here: he came down into the base because XX called him, he wasn’t just there with her. He said he came for her when he showed up

Pan Cakes

oh buddy, kaiju 8 is gonna drop in story quality real soon, hopefully the anime can fix the issues the manga had.


Unfortunately the pacing and cut content from the Manga is leaving a lot of questions for the viewer (Not sure if they'll go back and explain anything later). For one of those readers who was recommending this show, it was disappointing to see them skip over a lot of the plot. To repeat some other comments, if you're interested please go read the manga. If the next show I'm looking forward to this year Dandadan gets this treatmet, I'll riot. But I think Science Saru got it handled, that one will absolutely be amazing react content and an insane watch. I hope lmao.

Funny Name

As a manga reader, yeah they’ve cut so much content it’s ruined the show. The manga is amazing but the shows cut so much and it’s been rushing with the pacing. I’m really upset.

Funny Name

Us manga readers are suffering. I knew it was gonna get bad when they cut the entire fight from ep 4/5. They’ve rushed the first major arc aswell. I’m disappointed to say the least.


I mean I'm glad Lupa said it was a good episode at the end, because as long as they're enjoying it even with the confusion then I don't feel bad for recommending it. But I have already moved on to hoping they watch Dandadan later this year and that it lives up to the level I was trying to hype up this one. But I get you, as someone who keeps up with this series every time a new one drops, its rough


Yea I hate the MC storyline.


Boss monster wasn't always there, he went down there to rescue XX and then hid and turned into a tree to recover after his fight with Blue junior first class. They really should've spent at least a couple frames to show that lol


The direction of this anime is cooked shit sad cause the manga is actually so fire


Peltrola came into the building after XX called them with a distress signal and he went down there to recover. It was shown before XX turned into Ranmoru.

Jake Coulter

Yeah this episode killed the show for me which sucks because the first few episodes were great. 5 minutes spent on a meaningless dream instead of a coherent storyboarding.

Panuwat Rattanapontee

I am anime only and yeah the transition between scenes in this ep is too confusing. Like they want us to hype for the MC but am too confused to even get hype. The director of this ep need to slow the f down.


Are the weird cuts and transitions because of yellow ranger and her remote ability


I guess you gotta have Violently Untreatable ADHD to understand what's happening in this show because I deadass was not confused at all and knew what was happening the whole time? Like to the point where I'm lost where everyone is lost at? I just kind of filled the blanks in in my head as for how he got there.


Please don't make no assumptions on my character I just didnt notice the abrupt cuts and could follow what was happening? Idk what you're on about?


Also I wear glasses so I mean idk if that helps my case

Doc Anime!

THANK YOU R-Jay!!!! This shit is not that hard to follow if you pay attention....plus all this " Read The Manga" talk is annoying. If I can follow w/o reading then that should be fine. I'll give Rosh them a pass bc they watch so much shit week to week.

Doc Anime!

Bro every week the same ppl complaining lol....Stop watching if it's gonna annoy you every damn episode. NO, I don't wanna ready the Manga, Yes im having a good time with the anime and i'm following along just fine.


I was so lost this EP lol


Bro I was starting to feel fucking crazy for being able to follow it. Like the shits not Pulp Fiction or something like that

Invader Rin

The big thing that you're confused about was explained before. Boss monster was wounded a while back from the fight with the blue jr ranger. He told XX that he'll be finding a place to heal. What you saw now was him healing and gaining strength. Now why he evolved is another matter, because that shit was the same as the manga. They broke through the door and there he was in this form, no explanation. How he got down to the base, he wasn't at first. XX called for help, he heard it and came down there to check things out. Which then he discovered the place and started to crash it. The Rangers don't know he came down there yet, but the Juniors have sent a distress call out, but they're not sure if it'll reach them as the boss monster has rekt the place up. Which again was said in a previous episode. My only complaint with this series so far has been them speeding through D's relationship with the recruits. Everything else has been pretty much where I expected this season is going to end. I'm not shocked or disappointed like some people are.

원 지

ninja kamui 2 ?

Douglas Kelley

If you are going to cry about what others are saying, here some similar advice, don’t read the comments.

Romoan Bell

React to Samurai Champloo

Doc Anime!

Or you can go you can go mind ya business... Imma say wtf I want. Funny how you talking about me crying when ppl leaving paragraphs about what's now right about the anime lol. You must be one of the salty fans too


It's confusing because they cut so much content from the manga. It's like they're speed running the manga when they made the anime. It's bizarre and unfathomable.


Didn't think it could get any worse but hey studio yostars proving me wrong 2 of my favourite series getting shitty adaptations


How'd they let this mouse live rent free in their basement and let it evolve into a NY sized rat???🤣


Complaining about people complaining isn’t gonna do much but add to the pile


Only one I can think of is arknights. I thought the in-game story was aight. But idk how the anime did considering it has a 2nd or 3rd season/chapter if im not wrong?


Yeah I kind of been filling in things as I go. The show has some pacing problems, but I still think it’s good


Oh no ... the show is kinda losing me now. Honestly I'm more interested in seeing the Dragon Keepers doing fuck shit than Fighter D and these other losers. Like .. seriously Fighter D? Stick to your plan on destroying the rangers, not suddenly get feelings for them. BE THE BAD GUY. That's why we were rooting for you jeez.


I said this a few times already but this show is ALL OVER THE PLACE BRUH WTF. Not only the direction even the world building and the logic within the established world it's all so "random" idk this just feels weird??


The problem is 90% of the things happening and decisions being made dont make any sense, the characters are so random and the whole setting and basically everything thats just happening ever since fighter d invaded the ranger facility has not been established properly. I think everyone can follow what is happening but it is happening in such a weird and just straight up unappealing way. It just feels whacky and terribly paced, the anime went from a perfectly fine and clean show to this mess and it's straight up ruining the immersion

Delinda Arts

THis show is losing me as much as Ninja Kamui did lmao


What does he mean by cuts? Like movie transitions or chapters skipped from manga


I agree, the cuts are very odd in this ep.