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This episode dropped on Father's Day, so Happy Father's day, Paul!


troll ass nigga


Hope roshi get his yams violated one day

Devin B

Studio Bind is messed up because they had to have planned for this episode to be released on Father's day


Lyin ass liar


My headphones wasn't connected, so I actually believed the comment under the video.🤦🏾‍♂️

Gabriel Souza

Lol, deceived me again, why Roshi, why?



Oscar Barcelo

Mushoku notes Ok people there is a lot to unpack this episode so let’s get through some uncut content. But before I start, got to mention some things. First, it’s absolutely diabolical for them to delay the anime a week to release this on Father’s Day. And for those of you curious, there is a YouTube video out there a couple years ago where they voice over Paul’s POV. The video is called ( [WN13/LN12 spoilers] Mushoku Tensei - CD Drama | ENG subbed ). The spoiler tag on there is referring to this weeks episode since it was released around 2022. Second there was a quote from Rudy, seems like they remove it but he had said something along the lines of “ He was not my father, but I was his son.” 1. Paul’s desperation to get to zenith on the 1st attempt was not only due to his personal feelings as seeing himself as a failure of a father/husband figure but also due to his love for his own mother. Zenith personality reminded him of his own mother which he loved dearly. His mother was often ill but would get out of her way to comfort Paul who was often bullied by his father and brother. She had passed away and his family would blame Paul for her passing. This portion is important because when Paul ask Rudy to “ save zenith, even if it kills you.” He was also talking to himself, due to his lack of ability to save his own mother. 2. The hydra is an extremely rare type, only to believe to be in legends. Usually hydra encounters would consist of a silver, gold, or blue type. What made the is hydra extremely dangerous was its hard/sharp scales and the ability to cancel out spells. 3. Rudy asking Roxy for healing scrolls is due to his fear of not being able to chant healing spells due to his previous encounter with Orested crushing his lungs. Also as stated in the past, Rudy weakest magic is healing. 4. Battle aura, this one is a big one, we have to remember that Rudy does not have battle aura like his father or group. The battle Aura allows fighters to do amazing feats such as, increased speed, strength, and awareness. This is due to Rudy coming from another world. Which is some reasons why he is not able to dodge some of the attacks. He really lacks in CQB. 5. Little side note about the hydras fire breath attack. Rudy was just about one of the few people to be able to solo face tank that attack due to his large mana pool. It was said it anyone else in that group would have been incinerated instantly, or that it would take about 10+ mages to perform the same feet. Also they mentions the hydro does the breath attack after getting down to 3 heads. It takes a large amount of mana to produce it. 6. When Paul was saving Rudy with his final kick, there is a small detail there you wouldn’t have notice unless you understand the battle aura. But due to Paul being a skilled swordsman, when he kicked Rudy. His body stayed in place, which lead him to be struck by the hydra. Usually when performing kicks the body needs to be stationary to force the enemy away from you, which is usually a benefit, but was his downfall in this fight. 7. Rudy loses his arm, was due to the hydras sharp scale which it had on its eye lids, which closed and chopped off his arm. Rudy wanted to go retrieve it later but believe it was charred behind recovery. 8. Paul’s final smile was due to his seeing Rudy was alive, this made him think that as his final act, he was able to redeem himself as a good father. That’s all I got right now from recent memory, but I think I can say this is the end to turning point 3 🙃 also wanted to mention this but I have a theory that not matter what choice Rudy made, someone was going to die. Whether he came to save zenith or not, it was either going to be Paul or Roxy. And from what I heard Roxy was the best outcome. Feel free to add anything if I missed it.


think you funny huh roshi


Can’t really explain what happened to zenith without spoiling it, but she’s technically is and isn’t in a vegetive state all I’m gonna say is

Chidi Nworie

Don’t play with me like that again


Happy fathers day Paul


not catching me like you did with the aot finale no sir

Jamie See

Happy belated father's day. 💔😢


quadruple the pain and give it to rudeus still


Saw the notification, starting cussing and almost said some shit in the comments. Don't scare us like that again Roshi 🤣🤣

Darren Banks

lol happy belated fathers day you trolls


No audio no video mi bumboblaat mek mi eva play dis an mi nuh see ntn an see wahpm 😂

PJ Rivera

Bruh now I know why they delayed the episode lol imagine releasing this on fathers day


Bro thinks he’s funny. Thinks shit is sweet. Not today RoshiO


Nah the way I almost started throwing hands, like on this episode of all ones 😭😭😭


Despite me spoiling myself a while back I wasn’t expecting it to be that wild, releasing it on that day aswell is crazy work🤣 great ep


i usually would say im not reading all that but i did and it was actually interesting, good shit

Dezmond Broadway

I was about to turn off my computer...

White Lotus

Rudy might be my most hated MC

Byron Wright

Man God: Stay your ass home, enjoy life with your wife, get one of the beast-women for a concubine, avoid that damn labyrinth. Rudeus: Or what? Man God: Well...


Nah roshi, that comment is evil. Happy belated fathers day btw. 😭

Zion Williams

The way my smile dropped for a second when i saw the caption. Was about to start squeezing my phone

DJ Muldrow

How did zenith get seen in the dungeon if the path to the hydra was covered up? Someone purposely played them bruh 😅

DJ Muldrow

Also R.I.P Paul 🖤


Please keep in mind that this was delayed specifically so it could drop on Father’s Day. Hope yall had a Happy Father’s Day

Liam Gilbert

Paul's sword in his left hand is magic; it gets sharper/stronger against harder targets. It can easily cut through steel, but struggles to cut through butter.

Jose silva

Rip Paul he was a good father

Oscar Barcelo

Thanks, for a special episode I out a little bit more effort, plus I hope the group reads this so maybe they have some info going into next episode as well. I’m a anime only by the way just have a lot of stuff pop up on my feed XD

King of New York

I KNEW IT. Called it back from the season 2 trailer but to broadcast it on Father’s Day is insane 💀. Few things that I caught were that Paul died in the same way that Rudy died in his past life. I also think that he smiled at the end because the whole show he felt really inferior to his son, but to him he probably thought it was the first time he was able to be a good father and save Rudy. That’s sad man. Now Rudy is cosplaying Guts and his mom is clapped 😭.


These evil sons of bitches released this episode on Father’s Day

White Lotus

Gets his dad smoked, masturbates to his niece before he came to this world, and smashes his cousin


Wait you so right... i forgot who said that in their party but i think there could be some fuckery at play. Cuz Roxy only knew the general location via Kishirika right?


Oh shit, this the one right here!

Hasnain Khan



To be fair, the smile is anime only iirc. I dont remember it being mentioned in the LN and it wasn't talked about in the narrative. But the last like of the narrative is "It would be sadder if rudy died". Paul died with a fuck ton of regrets, he wanted to see his kids and check on zenith. But he saw rudy win and stand up alive and he knew the hydra was defeated, he finished his part and got rudy out alive. And with how high paul puts rudy on a pedestal you know he would of believed he would do what ever he could for zenith and probably better than paul himself could with that type of thing. Pauls death was sad, but it was also the ultimate show of his character. Man told his son to die for the mission, not because he actually ever wanted it to happen, but because he wouldn't allow that to happen. RIP, to a man who finally became a really fucking good dad.

Kevin Madrigal

Just to answer Lupa's question on why Rudy froze, yeah, he did saw something, a little bit too much actually, his demon eye was showing him way too much stuff that he couldn't make sense of anything that was happening. Him using his demon eye to see the future literally backfired on him with an overload of information. They descibre this in the LN but I don't know why they didn't show it on the anime, it would've made more sense for him to freeze out of nowhere.

bhavya mehta

when man-god said he would regret it, he didn't mean pauls death but something because rudeus doesn't regret his death. He will regret something later though which ties up to turning point 4


Naaaaaw, he was horrible, but he still didn’t deserve to die. After he lost everything he changed a lot

Jamaal Ellison

I know I'm speaking Ill of the dead but paul was an overly emotional dick who treats his I only son like a punching bag.

bhavya mehta

So there is this CD Drama of Vol 12 that has Paul's Pov after he died: "Ahhh... So that's it... it was me, huh? Before the last head fell down unto Rudy, I kicked him. And then, instead, the Hydra fell on me. My lower half was crushed by the Hydra in one shot, and I lost it. A wound like this... can't be fixed with healing magic. Rudeus: "...W-Why?" "My vision is going dark... I can't breathe... I can't talk either... Am I dying? At least... I wanted to confirm... whether Zenith is alive or not... Not only that... Norn and Aisha... I wanted to see them again... Are they going to school...?... Have they grown up...? Lilia... What kind of face will she make? Even if I only gave her problems... will she cry? God damn it... I'm filled with regrets... I don't want to die...! Still... there are... so many things... I wanted to do..." Rudeus: "Father..." "But... Oh well... Smiles It's better than Rudy dying... (To Rudeus) Take care... my son-"


On the way back Rudy only had one light left symbolizing Paul’s departure 😭


Them dropping this on father day is crazy bro lost his dad and a hand id be sick 😭


Slimeniggas gotta be smoking crack to even think their anime is anywhere near Mushoku's level.


Rudy got to excited and over confident with the fight.

Jarren Jenkins

I took it as he saw the Hydra stumps actually attacking, which they hadn't been since they started that plan. Which makes sense for him to stop and then get overwhelmed seeing them all attack at once like they did.


Idk, me personally i'm not trusting this god 100% of the time. His advice before hand left him with nothing to lose, since it was small stuff. But in this case it was basically a lose lose situation.


Fun thing about the 2 swords shtick from the start, that is legit how rudy saw it lmfao. Roshi wasn't streatchen it at all. For some additional info, paul legit has 2 swords like some geralt of rivera shit, for a reason. First one like geralt is standard, second one is important cuz it was the reason he could cut the hydra but Lise couldn't pierce it even with that cracked sword we saw them get her. The 2nd one is a magic sword that cuts iron like butter but butter like iron. Hard and soft is inversed on it. Meaning that the normally stupidly hard hydra with scales as hard and as sharp as an axe blade(described in the books for it's eye lid), were like butter for pauls sword. And also why rudy was so fucking confused by the innuendo, he was like no shit lmfao.

Aniki Pft

Rudy was never too over confident. Obviously overwhelmed. Rudy is in the front against a strong creature as a caster, he's out of his element here.


Absolutely foul that they released that on Father's Day lol. I love the little smile he left Rudy with that was a nice detail. He was not only happy to see his son alive but it was probably the first time he felt like he ever did something for his son because Rudy was always self sufficient which led to his insecurity as a dad. Tough that his death happened right when they managed to form a bond

Jay Norris

I hate spoilers and I won’t spoil it. I’m just gonna say. None of your theories are even close. About why the man guy did what he did. I hope that’s not a spoiler.

Liam Gilbert

Regarding Rudy freezing up: The hydra recognized Rudy as a threat and started thrashing around wildly, which really messed with Rudy's demon eye, overwhelming him. Also keep in mind that in real time, him "freezing up" lasted about 1-2 seconds.

Kevin Madrigal

Pretty much. In the LN it is descibred that he couldn't see what the Hydra was doing at that moment because it was way too big and in started to lash out the 8 necks, even the ones that didn't have a head anymore, like spiked whips. That's when Paul went and saved him, taking the hit instead.

Drake Chuckle

Tbh if he didn't go would the rest of been alright either way? Like without him and without roxy the rest might've gone back in and died either way.

zILovePelmeni _

some additional LN info: 1.why was rudy not able to dodge the hydras last attack? ->he saw it through his demon eye that the hydra was moving but he couldnt recognize the movement/he didnt know what it meant, the hydra was too large too see 2. why was paul in the same place midair after he kicked rudeus out of the way? -> pauls kick was so strong it was like kicking against a wall thats why he stopped midair and was killed -rudys arm was cut of because the hydra blinked after he smashed its eye; the hydras body is sharp in all places Pauis last thoughts. "Am I dying?" "I want to confirm if Zenith was alive or not, at least." "Not only that, but Norn and Aisha..." "I wanted to see them again." "Are they going to school?" "Have they grown up?" "Lillia - what kind of reaction will she have to this? Even if it's a pain..." "Will she cry?" "Dammit, I'm filled with regrets." "I don't want to die..." "Still... there are.. still... so many things I wanted to do." Rudy: "Father!" "But..... Oh well..." "It's better than seeing Rudy die." "Chin up, my son. Stay positive..." He smiles one final time Pauls final thoughts are from the CD Drama but written by the LN Author


If he doesn't go.... Roxy dies, Zenith never gets found, sure Paul lives but you gotta think he loses it. They way I see it there was no right choice... great episode and reaction and happy father's day to Roshi, Paul and all the dads who read this.


There’s definitely some fuckery going on. Was it geese who knew she was in the dungeon? But the fact that zenith was crystallized behind the hydra and the hydra was hidden behind a hidden staircase means no one’s been there right?

Joshua Burns

Sheera if you’ve been talking all your life and then go deaf you don’t just forget how to speak🤣🤣

cyrus gudino

The trade off was Rudy loses his dad and his hand, but in exchange he gets to save Roxy and his mom (kind of). It’s what Paul would’ve wanted so overall I personally think the journey was indeed worth it.

Jarren Jenkins

Bruh if you lost your hearing today you wouldn't suddenly lose your ability to talk lmao. It ain't that deep but shit made me laugh. Zenith looks like she's regressed to like a baby. You can see the lights are on but nobody is home.

Metweet .c

Yeah sheera? Not all deaf people talk like that 💀 like rushing said she's a vegetable. Her brain probably wasn't getting enough oxygen in that crystal


We don’t know why would have happened if he didn’t go. Also I wouldn’t trust the Man God bc he clearly has his own agenda. Nigga to sus

Dezmond Broadway

Think of it like those people who celebrate being in first place before the finishing line and get passed by second place. He felt relief that the hydra only had one head left.

fall ocean

lol you troll, totally deserved tho, some people.

Jayden Holder

Damn not on Father's day!


The reason Rudy freezed was because while using his future sight eye the hydra was moving in a weird way he couldn't understand. Then it started slinging it's necks around like a whip, you can see Roxy and the others trying to dodge/defend themselves from the necks. Ultimately he relied on his eye to much and wasn't focusing on the headless part of the hydra cause . . . Why would he, they're headless.


Adding to this, the hydra was getting frantic as it faced death and began swinging its necks around wildly. Rudy doesn't have the physical abilities/reflexes to keep up with such a high level fight like Paul and Elinalise can. Roxy froze as well, and Talhand had to tank a hit for her, so there's a reason mages stay in the back (Obvs they couldn't do that in this case).


That's depressing af lol. But I figured his final thought was joy that his son was ok, and I think in that way even as brutal as it was he died a good death. He always thought he was a lousy father but he loved his family and did everything he could for them, even at the cost of his life. Happy Father's Day Paul, you were a good dad.


exactly and since his eye only works on whats in front of him. he didnt see the only one that had a head. it was just really bad timing for him to look away.

Metweet .c

Zenith is probably like patients that have been in comas or gone under surgery. She's not been cognitive for way to long so she might be an example of people that can't express emotions and have lost their core facilties.


Yup, Roxy would have died...


Exactly, he payed attenton to the wrong thing at the wrong time both times and unfortunately that happened.


I think Rudy realized that the hydra was going to focus him as an last attempt to survive and he froze maybe

I VisiBomb I

Might be wrong, but it would make sense rudy would focus on his dad and not the hydra head coming his way. imagine with his foresight, he sees his dad jumpkicking him, like, what?? I'd be confused too!


Rudy got distracted by the Hydra using its severed necks to try and slap him. So he was looking at that. At the end the Hydra decided to completely target him instead of the others, because it realized he was the biggest threat to it surviving the battle. At least that’s the sense that I got.

Ley Nay

Second cousin not even related by blood, niece is in the WN and therefore not canon, and the hydra started acting completely different and he wasn’t fast enough to react to the stumps attacking them in the LN. Try again bud

The GoDKing 27

Mangod just should have said “well Rudy, you’ll regret it if you go but you’ll regret it if you stay”


Sylphy announcing she was pregnant came out on Mother’s Day apparently. And this came out on Father’s Day.

DJ Muldrow

Yeah it’s been in my head since Rudy went down there, who tf saw zenith and spread these rumors???


The detail under Rudeus' eyes as he realizes what the fuck just happened at the end is heartbreaking.


Didn't the man god said he would've regretted both choices? He wouldn't have been fine to find out Roxy died. He literally worships her. That would've affected him mentally as well. Also, if they never found Zenith, Paul would've been in a depressive state like he met him in when he first came there. Either way he losses. Paul died with a smile on his face because he saved his entire family, that's a win.

Andrew Patterson

This episode was so epic but everything after the battle had my heart in so much pain


Something some other people noticed, Rudy named his muscles remember, well he also named his arms. And his left one was named Heracles. Fittingly, Heracles dies from being poisoned with Hydra venom mixed with Centaur blood.


Not sure, but I think it’s likely she stepped on a teleported trap and was instantly shoved into that crystal.


Fun fact, or not...the episode where they announce silphy being pregs. Was on mother's day, and this one on father's day. Coincidence? Things can't go worse after this, surely

Semaj Brown

I saw someone bring up something that may factor with his mom. There was a case of a little girl who has rabies. It had advanced pretty far basically to the point where it’s normally too late. The doctors put her in a coma and was shot to save her. But when she was woken from it she had to completely learn how to talk and walk again. Maybe it’s similar for his mom who has been in that crystal thing for however long. She may have lost the ability to talk.

Oscar Barcelo

It came down to a couple of things for why Rudy froze/panic 1. No battle aura, he’s basically a glass cannon 2. The hydra after losing all but one head started to use its headless necks as whips 3. Due to this, Rudy’s eye overloaded and was unable to prepare for the incoming attack.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

I think it’s more of the limits of what you can’t put in the scene when you adapt it. I personally prefer the way they did it as people would think what the hell he saw mid fight that made him froze like that. It’s more keeping the sense of mystery while not ruining the pacing of an already fast-paced battle. It also puts the scene in a retrospect that he froze up only for a second and because of that one second that he froze, everything went to the gutter, literally. Putting a monologue here in an anime format won’t make sense and will kill the pacing of the scene while the novel has more ways to describe the entire scene while not ruining the pacing. It’s just the difference in medium and both scenes are played out perfectly for the medium they have.


Another thing to add, idk if it has been brought up. But the hydra(like all dragons in this show for the most part) is stupidly intelligent. Think human level pretty much. You saw that with how it identified why it couldn't regrow it's heads and tried to solve that all in the time it took them to cut off like 3. When it realized it wasn't going to be able to regrow the heads it started using the nubs as weapons. Which it hadn't done at all previously, that's what caught rudy off guard. Paul thought they would all be ready for it with how experienced they are, but he forgot 2 things. Rudy is a mage, and never really needed to or learned too much about fighting in that range(he did do str training and sword play but thats really it most of his battles were done from a distance). And rudy doesn't actually have access to battle aura to move as quickly as fighters like paul even with how much he physically trains(it's like magic that affects only physical aspects of your body think like Ki, rudy is incapable of using it). Add in the hydra's size making his eye uselss in most cases, the trick it pulled waiting to use the stumps till the end actually REALLY almost killed rudy, he wasn't sleeping that was all the hydra.


Yeah. That’s for people who are born deaf. I’ve met both types of deaf people. The ones born deaf obviously could never hear words in the first place, so they don’t know how to talk and just make noises.

Oscar Barcelo

Don’t know if the groups reads the comments but if lupa is seeing this, here’s your answer to the question about Rudy freezing It came down to a couple of things for why Rudy froze/panic 1. No battle aura, he’s basically a glass cannon 2. The hydra after losing all but one head started to use its headless necks as whips 3. Due to this, Rudy’s eye overloaded and was unable to prepare for the incoming attack.


Rudeus didn’t space out or anything. In fact, he was seeing what was happening before his own eyes but he couldn’t understand it. Throughout the entire fight, the hydra had only attacked using necks that had heads on them. When there was only one head left, the hydra did something completely different by slinging all 8 of its headless necks around the area. Rudeus shifted his focus to the headless necks for a moment but he failed to realize that he was the BIGGEST threat to the Hydra. With its remaining head, it attacked rudeus outside of his field of vision, completely countering his eye of foresight which forced Paul to kick him away

Oscar Barcelo

The smile was in the LN, other information could have been added in the anime that wasn’t in the LN


I think Rudy got caught "frozen" twice was because of his inexperience in dungeon raiding and adventuring in general compared to the rest of the group, causing him to not expect the hydra to make desperate attacks like swinging its severed heads. Also, I think it probably has something to do with Rudy not having battle aura to enhance his physical capabilities (since he is not from this world), but idk the specifics since im anime only


One of the most annoying things about this is, we never find out what Paul was going to say, because Rudy kept stopping him. So he may have had more important things to say than just “get two wives”. But in an attempt to avoid Death Flags Rudy told him to tell him after they rescue Zenith, unknowingly setting up an even bigger death flag.

FreshxEli Tv

I NEVER READ THE MANGA SO with Season 2 Context 1 . ) If he stayed Roxy Dies & His Mom Is Never Found & he lose his relationship with his family since he didn’t help them 2.) the choice he made his mom is found Roxy lives his dad dies THIS CHOICE IS THE ONE MAN GOD DID NOT WANT 3.) Man god prevented Rudy from meeting Roxy earlier on in the Season when he was struggling to get hard so he sent Rudy to school to encounter Syl 4) THIS PROVES MAN GOD WANTED ROXY DEAD … So before anyone gets mad at Rudy Man God probably wants to beat tf out of Rudy 💀😭😂 MAN GOD WORDS ARE TRUE & Because they are true he can shape manipulate and control Cannon events essentially he is not a FRIEND


What’s crazy is based on the time the light novel originally came out these flags weren’t well known obvious flags for the genre.

Aniki Pft

When it comes to situations like these, I never like playing the blame game(the nigga lost his father and basically his mother). Not to mention I'm sure Rudy himself is going to ultimately blame himself anyway. I think him "freezing" might have to do with 2 things. Him not noticing something out of his foresight, and him being out of his element. As a mage he could've been out of element there and made a mistake.

FreshxEli Tv

If you rewatch this season up until now you’ll see Man God wanted Roxy dead everytime he prevented their encounter he would of met Roxy before they even got to Paul :(((


Good old timing, delaying the show one week so turning point 3 comes out on mothers day and this ep came out on father day is some grade A plotting.


He had to go - Otherwise Roxy dies & mom is never found - Paul flags were everywhere


SHEERA YEAHHHH? DEAF? She could speak before, that doesn't change if she goes deaf

Doughboy 1027

Man God literally said that he would regret it either way. It wasn't like it was implied or anything. He explicitly said so...

Saucy Jonathan

Mission accomplished but at what cost ?


The scales of the hydra are like cheese graters. A simple touch and you’re bleeding. Elinalize left hand holds her shield that’s why she bled from her shoulder 2x. Rudy can see 2 sec into the future but it’s meaningless if his reaction time is slow. Hydra is essentially a snake, imagine how fast it is by whipping its necks like a whip plus add the weight and the scales= OP.

Kevon, The Lord of Slimes

So to comment why Rudy freezed up. The Hydra had begun focusing him specifically with his headless necks. And he saw in his future sight an attack the physically could not dodge in time and everyone else had been distracted by the other headless necks. So when he freezes he was trying to figure out a way to survive. I do hope they go into greater detail next episode about that though. So I won't say much more than that

Cameron Robinson

If I remember right Rudy asked would he regret not going and the Man God dodged the question.

Devin B

As OP as Rudy is, he's not a veteran when it comes to the world at large. His inexperience caused him to not focus on his surroundings because he was too aware of what was happening to everyone else. Still I wouldn't fault him for Paul's death because they wouldn't have got that far without Rudy's help.


She was teleported into the crystal during the incident, similar to Sylphie being teleported into the sky and Aisha under a lake.


Hello darkness, my old friend😭


Rudy was cooked either way he stays home his mom never gets found and Roxy dies or loses his dad in the process trying to save zenith but she ends up a vegetable.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

It actually does eventually. That’s why many people who are deaf use sign and voice because they can’t hear if the words sound correct anymore


Bro what show are you watching that led you that conclusion????


Rudy would have been fine


“therefore not canon” author wrote it no? bro beats it to uncensored loli hes definitely a pedo


" I hate spoilers" Proceeds to spoil


Roxy would've died and they would never find Zenith. It's a lose lose situation.


This is why Rudy is one of my favorite isekai MC cause he's a realistic take on how an actual reincarnated person would be in combat. He still makes mistakes despite how strong he is and can't do everything by himself. The fact that he still needed to work together with the entire party is dope cause I feel like in most isekai the protagonist would clutch the entire fight himself while everyone just looks in awe and glazes the main character. Really wished more isekai would give us more realistic main characters and not bombard us with so many overpowered wishfulfillment protagonists that can do no wrong.


And this episode came out on Father's Day lol

Darren Banks

lol it's not necessarily that Rudy froze... It's that on the last head, the hydra started attacking with the burnt heads chaotically. it was a new attack that Rudy couldn't foresee because he wasn't looking in those directions.


I think what happened was subtly explained through Rudy's foresight demon eye earlier. You can see the heads flailing about, and his dad moving around them, but then they cut off his view point and go back to third person. It happened a few times and I think it was a way for us to see, what he is seeing, and makes sense him finally freezing. We don't see it which, which I think is one L to this episode I wished they went back to his perspective, because he was looking around panicking because from his POV the Hydra is going crazy. What he is seeing is different from us, and I believe that's why we caught those glimpses of his foresight, so we're reminded, hey he's vision is really wacky compared to ours. Unfortunately it's what caused him to suddenly panick, and then losing his dad. Pretty sure they cut out Paul saying at the end "thank goodness" before he finally died, but I'm glad they still got the point across with the smile. This part of the Novel series was so fucking sad, and unfortunately it's just the icing on the cake 😔.

Daniel Borrego

rudy chokes. thats why he froze. he does that in many fights.

Killah_ Raze

W dad and son last relationship squabble even if Paul wanted Rudy emotional at the end of the day it was Rudy's mom so he obliviously wanted a reaction out of Rudy


So is there no chace to fix it?


this ep came out on fathers day BTW

Parlay miles

Hydra feed is nasty work lol


Roxy still worth the mission tbh he likes her more than his parents


Paul might've not been the best father figure but he was closer to Rudy than Zenith was. RIP man destroyed that hydra and went out saving his son and wife.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Also you gotta remember as a part of Rudy not going to help, his dad would never respect him or speak to him again. Also possibly his lil sister (blonde one) would’ve tried to leave and got clapped but if she didn’t she definitely wouldn’t fw Rudy ever also, so it’s really just how severe the consequences would’ve been. He’s technically dead to Paul/family either way, mom is cooked either way. Yeah he’d have his arm if he stayed but that = dead roxy


I love the animation for this episode however they lowkey fumbled the part where paul saved Rudy. What happened was most of the dead hydra heads attacked rudy at the same time and his foresight got overwhelmed, the anime makes it looks like he simply wasn’t paying attention


Roxy also would have died if Rudy didn't go


Rudy pretty much froze when the magic eye showed him the full mass of the headless stumps and remaining head converging on his position, like when he got attacked by Orsted that panic of the outcome caused the delay in his action which against the hydra would've been game over. Happy belated Father's Day Paul.


I think Rudy froze because he saw all the necks start flailing around and attacking the other party members. That plus his foresight probably made for a seizure inducing type of vision.

Kevs rey

Sheera's face when Lupa was trying to make his joke lmaoooo


almost every show makes the vegetive state the end game i think shes cooked😭

Sun (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 00:16:54 His sister would've died too btw if he didn't go.
2024-06-19 00:16:46 His sister would've potentially died too btw if he didn't go cause she was going to sneak out that day Rudy was sitting on the porch.

His sister would've potentially died too btw if he didn't go cause she was going to sneak out that day Rudy was sitting on the porch.

Mr. K

Happy Father's Day Weekend Rudeus, hope it was a good one


Also, Rudy froze at that moment cause he was receiving too much information from his demon eye. The amount of flailing heads swinging around in a frenzy was probably messing with his vision.

Jake Coulter

Yeah if Rudy wouldn’t have met up with Paul, he wouldn’t have died and Zenith would technically still be alive crystallized. But at the same time Roxy would be dead if he didn’t go. Regrets on both ends I guess.


author confirmed that if rudy didnt go roxy and paul both die and zenith isnt found for decades/centuries


damn he pretty much lost both parents in a way, and he gonna have to take care of her if they cant fix her mind


my one complaint about the anime is that it hasn't really mentioned touki/battle aura at all, especially the point where badigadi mentions that rudy can't form it

Ricky Pereira

She got Casca’d 😭

Jake Coulter

Plus he seemed just excited because they were about to beat it lol and the guy was going through an inner monologue as it was happening.

Jake Coulter

We got to fully gauge Paul’s power though. I didn’t think he’d be that strong but I guess that’s a Greyrat for ya.


Roshi forgets the part when Rudy almost broke down when they told him Roxy was stuck in the dungeon

Kévin Chamberlin

didn't the man god say he'd regret either way ?


Before Zenith talked: Please don't have a memory loss. After she talked: Please *just* have a memory loss Bro, I thought the worst she could say was "Who are you?". This is so F up.


Season 3 is probably going to be about what Zenith was up to after she was teleported. From the few details I learned of, it's going to get MADDENING.

Weltall Gaia

Yo man god, why you want roxy dead instead?


Agree'd. That is my main complaint with the adaptation. Cut's obviously have to be made, but not explaining battle aura really does fuck with 2 things for a lot of anime onlys. Mainly, they don't know about where rudy is lacking in fights and ways he would be vulnerable, if you didn't understand battle aura rudy seems borderline omnipotent when you think about how good he is with a sword and how physically fit he is. It also under values the physical fighters and people talented with battle aura. Like Eris or ghislane, and why they were able to pull off such feats(esp while Eris being so young and not physically built).


Can anybody explain to me why rudy froze twice if it was explained in the novel? i don't care if it's a spoiler too.


I think if he didn’t go it wouldn’t have affected him as much


Damn Rudy just got served a Triple L


He doesn’t want Rudy to have a child with Roxy …


Lupa your barber did right with your line up my guy 👌🏾


So it looked like the first time there was just debris falling he didn't see and after Paul pushed him idk what he was looking at lol


I don’t get why nighas is mad at Rudy for his dad being a father and saving his kid it doesn’t matter what the situation Paul would’ve done that either way


Rudy always chokes.. even as far as the first time we saw gishlaine pop off- it was because rudy choked when fighting the kidnappers. Those adventurers died in the demon continent because he choked as soon as they were in real danger. When he was fighting the bandit in the wolf peoples forest , he choked and had to get saved by that dog spirit animal thing. As soon as he thinks hes got a situation handled he ALWAYS lets his guard down and has to get saved, or gets someone killed.


Any body blaming Rudy for this is a fucking Idiot


They literally gave his mom the Casca (Berserk) treatment...


Bro its so funny watching people who dont know the overarching plot (because they havent revealed it yet) try and analyze what the best course of action shouldve been XD these fools have no idea this story is about to have a JoJos level turn up.

Delinda Arts

Aye sometimes everybody can't go


Casca treatment is wild...


I hope not. i personally dont care about past events, especially on a side character.

Henderson C

Rudy can only see the future of what he's looking at. He didn't see the debris falling because it wasn't in his vision. The second the hydra was flailing. Something he didn't expect because the heads were chopped off. Now he has 8 different heads flailing twice in his vision which screwed him up.

Markel Thomas

Alright sheera was heavy tripping on the whole deaf thing 😂😂. Like ma’am…she’s been speaking her whole life she’s not gonna suddenly start making baby noises from going death all of a sudden.

Lucky Licks

Not a novel reader but my guess is she lost her memories, and when I say say memories I mean ALL of it, including the ability to talk

Clinton Vance

My dad passed away back in 2018 so I’m always in my feelings on Fathers Day…I watched this episode on Fathers Day. In some ways, Paul reminds me of my dad, as does his relationship with Rudy—my dad and I didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things but I never felt unloved by him, and he did all he could to protect my siblings and I and make sure we were safe, provided for.


It’s a little frustrating when they don’t give Rudy a break for getting confused for a split second by the chaos around him


He wasn't expecting the hydra to use its necks with the cut off heads as weapons

Ruben Anaya

My dad passed away a few months ago so this episode hit me really hard.


That is not how it works. Web Novels are meant to be a rough draft. They can be changed at any time and sometimes go as far as to change the entire direction of the story (Slime and Shield Hero both did this). The author wrote it as Rudy's niece to show how much of a scumbag he was but decided he did not need to go that far and rewrote it. The Light Novel is the official, completed product with all the changes and additions added in. So no, Rudy beating it to his niece is not canon.

Devin B

I know what you mean. In most isekais they try to paint the MC as the chosen one who has the potential to be the strongest and can save everyone in the end despite not understanding the world much. In Rudy's case he had a head start because of his knowledge of his home world and was able to build up his power but when it comes to the knowledge of the world he's in he's still learning how to navigate through it but because he's so strong he's able to be in situations despite his inexperience. Unfortunately that will lead to mistakes being made.


It wasn't Rudy's fault for anyone blaming him. The hydra started using the disabled heads as a bloody whip and he was concerned about that. The Hydra saw this and was like "Say less" and attacked him, he was in a literal lose-lose situation. I feel horrible for him.

Gordon Lou

why did rudeus freeze? This is what I tihnk: all the heads that have been chopped off were out of the battle thusfar and a non threat but then suddenly it started thrasing its chopped off heads at elinalise, talhand and roxy so this unexpected action of using its chopped off heads to attack probably surprised rudeus, causing him to freeze.


Even with having an idea of what was gonna happen this ep, watching this had me with a lump in my throat the whole time.

FreshxEli Tv

Not this time his demon eye hoed him this time he got overload with information the 8 hydra heads all had different possibilities going on & he didn’t see the main one his FATHER 😔😔 but it’s not Rudy fault his demon eye actually seized him

Big Daddy Dre

I think he froze because he still has PTSD from the dragon nigga

Arima kana

Can’t think of a perverted comment to leave this episode 😞 Happy father day is all I can say

Vincent S Deluca

There were multiple times in the fight where Rudy couldn’t dodge and needed Elinalise or someone to defend/support him, and vise versa for the others. Unlike Elinalise tho Paul doesn’t have a shield to rely on.

Vincent S Deluca

I mean there were multiple Times where he was unable to dodge an attack and needed outside help, we literally watched it happen to everyone numerous times, including Rudy


Lol its a drop in the sea of comments but I for one understand that it was a high emotion moment and some difficult to portray while keeping pace content (the hydra flailing it's severed necks) was very limited, so yall's commentary is fine. I get being defensive for the series, god knows it needs it sometimes, but commenters are being a bit much in response to this. Don't watch a reaction channel and get mad when they, ya know, REACT. And HOWEVER they react is fine because otherwise you don't want a reaction you want a performance. Hell if you're here then that almost guarantees you've watched several of their videos so you SHOULD know they usually have a clearer follow up response literally by the next video.

Vincent S Deluca

That’s not what this was. There were multiple times where he and all the other members needed to be bailed out by each other during this fight. Elinalise was able to save him earlier with her shield but Paul doesn’t have that tool, he had to use his body. Dem the breaks


I think Rudy would have went if Roxy was the one in trouble I mean he threw up just cause he thought she didn't remember him. I think Lupa is right and man god on some fuck shit. Also the choke at the end was a little weird from Rudy but like, what if Paul just cut off the last head instead of kick Rudy out the way. Either way we all knew Paul had to die for Rudy's story at least we saw him pop off at the end like a goat.

Vincent S Deluca

He can only predict what he’s looking at, and just cause he predicts it doesn’t mean he can avoid it. There were many situation where Rudy needed to be saved, not just this one. Same with every other member, that’s just part of these dungeon fights. Unfortunately unlike Elinalise Paul doesn’t have a shield to block with so he used his body

Vincent S Deluca

I mean Paul may very well still have died, that fight required every member. Without Rudy the breath attack wipes em anyway

Vincent S Deluca

Paul may very well have still died, or just spent his life in a depressed craze trying to get to the last floor

Dragon Dance

The producers gotta be arrested for releasing this ep on Father's Day bro ToT

Jeremy Bachmann

Nasty to call his Mom 'corrupt footage' but sure works LOL

Elijah helewa

If you want to know what would have happened if rudeus had chosen not to go to begaritt (not a spoiler really since it's just a possible timeline) this comment will tell you. First off rudeus would follow the man god's advice and marry either linia or pursena and have a kid with one of them. A big group of dungeon delvers would happen to join Paul and his party and manage to find Roxy. Roxy would fall in love and marry one of the people who found her. Paul and his party would manage to get all the way to the final boss room but instead of taking roughly a month it would take roughly two years. Paul and his party would successfully save Zenith without any casualties. Zenith would still be in an amnesia like state. TL;DR Mission would have been successful without any deaths and Roxy would've been crushing on the random who saved her rather than Rudeus.


Brotha can't even spoil properly no reading comprehension


These anime studios are so cruel they know what they’re doing having this fall on Father’s Day Just like 3 yrs ago on the train reading this and having my tears leaking today was the same I don’t know why this death hit me so hard then & now ig I really did enjoy Paul Have to hand it to Rudy tho, and Paul really is a cut above the rest 50% to be exact… : /


Rudy didn't really lose focus per say it's just that he couldn't understand what was happening the anime doesn't show it well but when the hydra realised it was going to die it went full spaz and started flailing all its long necks around so fast rudy's eye of foresight couldn't keep up nor could he understand what was going on due to all the necks flying around he was locked in but couldn't do anything (imagine being the second closest person to the hydra seeing 8 long necks flailing at insane speeds around you in future vision you just can't react to that)


It's cool how they'd introduce a limitation to the power. You would think in combat it's almost unstoppable, but they show you that Rudy could still lose

Wilson Segovia

Ever since I've watched the episode and replayed that part back, I just feel my stomach drop every time and just feel a bunch of sadness piles over me. This anime truly knows how to hit you

Andres Holguin

also those three circles at the end were probably all traps. if rudy wasn't there they could have all died stepping on a trapped circle


aint no way they casca'd her

Oh Alone

I think the position is Paul - Head Cutter Rudeus - Head Burner Elinaliz - Protect Rudeus - 2nd Damage Roxy - Healer - 2nd Head Burner Talhan - Protect Roxy Geez - Distraction So, I think the one who is out of position at the end is Elinaliz. She needs to stay next to Rudeus.


Blaming Rudy for this is such an L take


Yeah unfortunately most people I've seen misunderstand the whole scene since they did that part pretty poorly people will glaze the episode regardless since they popped off with animation


Its not so much that Rudy lost focus or froze. Even during the better parts of the battle, he still needed Elinalise and Paul to parry for him. I think he just couldnt keep up with the heads all flailing wildly


If you remember from a few ep back, rudy explicitly asks the man god if he'll regret it either way, and he says yeah. So whether rudy went or not, shit would have been bad. All a matter of what bad he preferred


I think the reason why he froze was due to the demon eye going crazy with the hydra random movements. remember when he fought orsted. He froze cause he saw himself getting his ribs crush but didn't happen yet. I think its the samething with the hydra random movements. He was trying to track them but it blurring his vision Who knows.


This is Paul's death from his perspective, having his last thoughts. Paul's last thoughts. --- "Am I dying?" "I want to confirm if Zenith was alive or not, at least." "Not only that, but Norn and Aisha..." "I wanted to see them again." "Are they going to school?" "Have they grown up?" "Lillia — what kind of reaction will she have to this? Even if it's a pain..." "Will she cry?" "Dammit, I'm filled with regrets." "I don't want to die..." "Still... there are.. still... so many things I wanted to do." Rudy: "Father!" "But..... Oh well..." "It’s better than seeing Rudy die." "Chin up, my son. Stay positive..." He smiles one final time.

Gustavo Rincon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 05:45:14 There are many things you learn down the road that would have happened if he didnt go, the less spoilers one is that Roxy would have died (remember he is the one that last second saved her)
2024-06-19 05:45:14 There are many things you learn down the road that would have happened if he didnt go, the less spoilers one is that Roxy would have died (remember he is the one that last second saved her)
2024-06-19 05:45:14 There are many things you learn down the road that would have happened if he didnt go, the less spoilers one is that Roxy would have died (remember he is the one that last second saved her)
2024-06-19 05:22:35 There are many things you learn down the road that would have happened if he didnt go, the less spoilers one is that Roxy would have died (remember he is the one that last second saved her)

There are many things you learn down the road that would have happened if he didnt go, the less spoilers one is that Roxy would have died (remember he is the one that last second saved her)

Gustavo Rincon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 05:45:14 About why he froze, He saw the movement with his magic eye but he couldn’t understand that is was the hydra whipping with the headless necks and that caught off guard and froze. Given is his 1st S tier dungeon battle (also his 1st dungeon) he actually did pretty fucking amazing but he still lacks the experience everyone else had in such “blink and die” tier battles situations.
2024-06-19 05:45:14 About why he froze, He saw the movement with his magic eye but he couldn’t understand that is was the hydra whipping with the headless necks and that caught off guard and froze. Given is his 1st S tier dungeon battle (also his 1st dungeon) he actually did pretty fucking amazing but he still lacks the experience everyone else had in such “blink and die” tier battles situations.
2024-06-19 05:45:14 About why he froze, He saw the movement with his magic eye but he couldn’t understand that is was the hydra whipping with the headless necks and that caught off guard and froze. Given is his 1st S tier dungeon battle (also his 1st dungeon) he actually did pretty fucking amazing but he still lacks the experience everyone else had in such “blink and die” tier battles situations.
2024-06-19 05:24:19 About why he froze, He saw the movement with his magic eye but he couldn’t understand that is was the hydra whipping with the headless necks and that caught off guard and froze. Given is his 1st S tier dungeon battle (also his 1st dungeon) he actually did pretty fucking amazing but he still lacks the experience everyone else had in such “blink and die” tier battles situations.

About why he froze, He saw the movement with his magic eye but he couldn’t understand that is was the hydra whipping with the headless necks and that caught off guard and froze. Given is his 1st S tier dungeon battle (also his 1st dungeon) he actually did pretty fucking amazing but he still lacks the experience everyone else had in such “blink and die” tier battles situations.


Tldr, he got distracted Going from the LN, he was seeing something about the hydra in his eye of foresight that didn't make sense to him given the size of the creature and his close proximity to it(couldn't see the full picture of what it was about to do), he was trying to make sense of it when Paul saved him the first time. In the anime it's when he sees the heads smacking Roxy and Talhand that he realizes the Hydra's using the other heads as spiked clubs given the scale's absurdly destructive qualities. At the same time he took his eyes off the main head and didn't even see the thing attacking him. It was a whole split second moment.

Steven H.

so the other thing he’d regret was losing roxy? Bro would have erith and sylphie AND 2 parents!


Nah when we needed him to clutch up he froze. If they at least explained why you might be able to say it wasn't a L but as of right now it is.


How can you say people misunderstand the scene when it didn't have the necessary information to understand it in the first place


Why would he get a break during the last push? If you fuck up at a pivotal moment like that you better have a good reason and from what they showed he'd got cocky and wound up out of position. You don't get a break after fucking up twice and getting someone killed.


I’m not even finna argue wit u if u don’t understand something so simple I can’t make u


Paul should have never been forced to throw his life away. Rudy was out of position twice.


Idk why they didn’t show the reason he froze in the anime, makes it basically a must-read. The hydra was swinging it’s necks around chaotically, which screwed with his foresight, making it hard and confusing to see what was happening. They do a good job of showing what foresight looks like, so imagine how difficult it can get to be seeing double when things get hectic. He’s inexperienced in making quick decisions and fighting opponents up close thus his dad died for it :/

Ethan Carson

spoilers ahead he would have married the two beast girls, roxy would be saved by a passing explorer and paul would have lived but either way zenith would be a vegetable.


It still was his fault though, he’s inexperienced in quick decision making and fighting up close. What the hydra did was unexpected, but if he’s unable to adapt and freezes then he or someone else will die for it.


The anime made it worse by not showing why Rudy froze but it’s still his fault in the end. He froze in a high stakes situation and Paul paid the price


As a light novel reader it’s certainly Rudy’s fault, even Rudy knows it and blames himself later. He’s inexperienced in quick decisions, close combat, and relies too heavily on foresight. No matter the reason, he froze and Paul had to bail him out.


You’re getting a lot of answers here but the novel explains it like this: the hydra suddenly started flailing all of its necks which screwed with his foresight. He was seeing double of all the necks swinging around in close proximity and so he couldn’t make out what was happening. He relies too heavily on foresight, which had already cost him before while sparring Ruijerd and when Orsted exploited it.


They probably wouldn’t have made it to the hydra at all tbh without the guide book Rudy brought and also him finding the secret passage.

Shahbaj Mohammad

I think logically it wouldn't matter if he cut the head off. Its about the timing. If a projectile is at a certain distance from u and at a certain speed, then u can expect someone to deflect it from the side or get in front of u and block it like when Paul and Elinalise did for Rudy at start. But if u notice after the slowmo kick from Paul the head hit him instantly. So I would assume that even if he cut the neck, the boulder sized head would still have enough momentum and force to move at Rudy and crush him. If u cut the end of a bullet it won't necessarily deflect it, the remaining tip of the bullet will still hit the target depending on how close it is. And seeing how experienced Paul is and how well he did here... Along with the LN bit where the writer mentioned Pauls last thoughts, I would say he didn't have any intention to sacrifice himself unless he had no other choice.

Shahbaj Mohammad

Nah it was because his demon eyes were acting up like when it did from his fight with orstead. Its like u can predict but ur too confused and not fast enough to dodge it. It was mentioned in the LN or manga but the skipped here for some reason and confused ppl.

Romoan Bell (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 09:12:55 React to Samurai Champloo
2024-06-19 08:19:59

Shahbaj Mohammad

Ya Paul would have. But doesn't change the fact that he had to die after blocking hits on Rudy multiple times. Rudy isn't bad and its not what he intended but his dad did die because of him.


Wow so the only thing he did was speed up the process but lost Paul in the end


Roxy is very important in the series. Like the most important person.


blaming rudy for his fathers death is probably the most fucked up thing to take away from this episode.


His future sight eye was showing all sorts of discord, he wasn’t able to fathom what was going on? They showed this when he was going up against Orsted, he had no idea how to react to it. You’re acting like nobody would be confused in that moment


Dude you could see Rudy’s confusion and redirection of attention when the Hydra suddenly decides to use his chopped off heads as weapons, and at the same time the main head shifted its focus onto him


My guy, try looking into what they have already watched and maybe you'll find they've already watched it


It does somewhat show it but very poorly to the point where most of the anime reactions or even just normal viewers are confused at rudeus randomly losing focus studio bind has a big problem with not adding context or enough visualization of certain scenes for people to understand them on I'd usually recommend reading the Light novels but most people don't like to read without images


It wasn't though (although Rudy absolutely blames himself) anime does a shit job showing what actually happens go up in the comments or just go read volume 12 because while the animation was amazing the ending of the fight was kinda butchered


It's from the volume 12 CD Drama you can listen to it on youtube rudeus's voice actually sounds like its suppose to aswell although some of the other VA's don't really fit


Definitely the studio's fault they do this shit so often its kinda hard to watch other peoples reaction to the anime actually knowing what happens or what they've randomly cut which could be considered important and even changing scenes that they are adapting


The anime does a bad job of actually telling you why Rudy froze up


@centipedekid your comment makes no sense it was a proven fact that Rudy froze up due to his demon eye, LN being the source material proves this lol your just yapping


And they guts my man Rudy to he has one arm


I'm so confused on why they didn't just do that bit justice like the rest of the episode was pretty well adapted so why couldn't they have done an overview shot of the hydra suddenly doing what it did and showing the demon eye fucking up i'm so lost

Url Robbo

welp thats what a dad is supposed to do, if he protected him and died and his son lived then the dad did his job.


I mean it really isn’t his fault, when the hydra started whipping around he was bombarded with multiple different future visions that all converged onto him. He was legitimately going to die unless Paul did what he did which is exactly what the Man God was warning about. That’s why it was a lose lose. Rudy doesn’t go, Roxy dies. Rudy goes, Paul dies.

King Rama

*My comment might be WN/LN Spoilers so don't read below if you care* That has to be a change that the LN made from the WN, because I specifically recall that Roxy survives in all loops. Another random party saves her, and she falls in love with the guy who saves her, no matter who it is.


@Ethan Carson How would Roxy be saved by a passing explorer if Rudeus showed up seconds before her death? Feels like bs from (I assume) the writer.

Aniki Pft

@CentipedeKid You absolutely have no idea what you're even talking about.

Aniki Pft

@ShaquanVirse Realistically speaking, after being deaf for quite some time you can forget how to articulate; even use words after not being able to hear yourself/others speak. But I don't think that's the case with Zenith.


LN Spoiler and somewhat sequel spoilers related, dont think about it unless you want to get fully messy


How yall blaming rudy? lmfao. Thats a wild take


Roxy being a better choice is true considering the future


Roxy would be dead if Rudy didn’t show up right


Damn how the sisters gonna react 😭


Yea I really don't know why the anime didn't depict this properly. Another thing to add, Talhand and Elinalise are the tanks. Rudy is a mage, who isn't meant to be fighting up close like that. Right before it happened we saw Talhand blocking for Roxy, but Elinalise was nowhere near Rudy. He doesn't have the speed or reflexes to evade an attack like that, especially when his demon eye is bugging out and he can't follow the Hydras movements properly.


Not really, they didn’t explain why he froze up twice. For non manga readers it looks like he sold the entire fight in the end


Pretty good observations! You can also add that Elinaliz fell out of position when she had to go provide secondary damage when she froze the hydra head. That said, I can't really blame her either


Budget and time constraint's my guy. Neither is infinite and MT is an extremely dense package, it was always going to be impossible to show everything. While there are certainly choices made I don't agree with earlier this season, this episode did SO well and as I said the thrashing part would have been hard to properly show off without messing with the pace of the episode. Which even when reading this section I was bewildered how fast this fight went. This is the only group to respond this way I've seen so far (again all reactions are fair) so I'd say overall they allocated resources well. Never going to get 100% of people to 100% understand.

Sirron bembry

noway she said his father dying is his fault

Justin Spencer

Video games 101 if the boss doesn’t engage and you realize what it is now and can leave, why not just leave get knowledge of or. Obtain weapons that can kill your foe then return. No reason to rush it although Paul rushing makes sense 🤦🏾

Marc Williams

Sheera was trying to get cancelled with that last one. xD

Ley Nay

I legit just told you it’s not canon, the LN is canon not the WN, try again

Ley Nay

You don’t have anything else to say because you know I shut that boy up. Try again bud


Lol that conversation at the end about Rudy not caring as much about Roxy. Y'all forgetting this man created a whole religion based on Roxy and literally built a shrine for her panties that he prays to. Also used her panties as a comfort object when he was depressed and suicidal. Not to mention his reaction when he found out she was missing. Bro reveres Roxy more than anyone. Lupa is correct, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Justin Spencer

Roxy would have also died guys

Woah (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 22:02:06 The author confirmed in a Q&A that both Paul and Roxy would have died, and that Zenith wouldn't have been found for decades, possibly centuries. There is a very specific reason Hitogami lies to Rudy about how everything would have turned out fine if he didn't go, but it's a major spoiler.
2024-06-19 21:50:56 The author confirmed in a Q&A that both Paul and Roxy would have died, and that Zenith wouldn't have been found for decades, possibly centuries.

The author confirmed in a Q&A that both Paul and Roxy would have died, and that Zenith wouldn't have been found for decades, possibly centuries.


Correct. Inertia remains a thing, and contact with the thing's scales is devastating, as seen with the mere glancing blows Elinalise suffered (not even factoring in the fact she can use battle aura which Rudy cannot). Positioning also comes into play, no matter how fast these characters are they can't do everything from everywhere. There are some autocompletes you need to do as an audience member: if he could have, he would have. He didn't thus he couldn't. It feels dumb to say it like that but... the level of an answer generally matches the level of a question.

Andrew Reid Jr

If Rudy didn't go he would have never found his mom and Roxy would have died

Seany Park

Zenith got that Casca treatment


Roxy never married anyone other than Rudy in any of the timelines.

Elijah helewa

The man god was the one who said all of that was what would have happened had rudy not gone to begaritt.

Elijah helewa

@jourdan Only partially true, Roxy and Sylphie never married anyone in any of the timelines that Rudy didn't exist. Like the Dragon God said in his 1st battle with Rudy. "Paul should only have 2 daughters" In countless timelines, The baby Paul and Zenith would have had (Rudy) couldn't withstand the Laplace factor and became stillborn. In those timelines Roxy and Sylphie would have never married. In all the timelines with a Rudy in it and he chose not to go to begaritt, she gets married to that dungeon delver.


I'm doing my best to inform the masses about this but there's too many why couldn't they have just shown a top down view of what was happening + his demon eye showing the visions


Because the anime made it look like he just decided to stop? Other comments are explaining it but that doesn't matter when the anime isn't doing a good job showing it. But it could be something that will just be explained in the next ep & they'll understand.


non manga readers? I'm sure you mean Light novel readers


I highly doubt it but if they cut all of his inner monologue (like they did this episode) and his feelings and just show a compilation of him spending time in his room it's gonna be so bad


*spoiler* it's bullshit from a certain god that people have randomly taken as truth despite knowing the god's character people have no reading comprehension


Geese was there to basically dip if things went wrong as he would have to inform their other party members basically a messenger since he can't fight


Maybe if they didn't blow their budget on loli genderbend anime and got a core animation team instead of hiring a bunch of freelance twitter animators that also might of helped Qkawa can't be doing all this carrying mans back gonna break


So him regretting it either way was bs, or one of the other replies here?


It really was not shown well at the end of the fight but the reason Rudy froze was because it started to attack with its stumps of the other heads. Essentially doing something completely new at the very end of the fight and it was hard to follow with his demon eye


No one said he was a good father Paul himself literally admits this multiple times in the show and yet when push came to shove he risk his life to save his son and died with a smile on his face say what you want but most “bad fathers” wouldn’t do what he did


Incidentally Rudy being a stillborn is also why Paul still has 2 daughters even without Rudy interfering on Lilia getting the yeet, since having a firstborn stillborn would mean Zenith would be too traumatized to have any will to yeet her out during winter, and thus pretty much causing the infant to pepsi because of winter conditions while traveling


@Tabbs I mean no shit. Geese LITERALLY STATES when he first meets Rudy, that he's good at EVERYTHING EXCEPT COMBAT. Like S-tier utility companion basically RPG terms wise. And when he says he's not good at combat, he means to some extent higher tier mfs, since he can clap the lower 2 or so tiers via trickery shit (although maybe only the lowest tier vs North God Style tho, since North God Style is the gimmick no-build school, so they would know most of the trickery shit he'd try to pull out w/ his meager-ish abilities)


He would have likely lost Paul either way since they wouldn't have known how to counter the hydra. And w/o Rudy they would have been fried by the breath attack anyway

Elijah Smith

Ultimately he saved two lives for one.. tragic but I think this was the better fate to have to deal with


hydra was also probably targeting his ass specifically, if its smart enough to tear its burnt stubs off it's smart enough to go after the one shooting the fire.


I’m pretty sure the reason he froze up will be explained in the next episode


Best of ep of the series! I appreciate you guys have great sound setup, the audio is always on point and crisp.

Adrian Jansen

Skipping Rudy’s monologue about his parents (first and second life) would be a pretty bad decision, that has a huge impact in understanding the whole regret thing

Adrian Jansen

hopefully but i would not get my hopes up because so far they have followed the LN phasing, for example we didn't see how Rudy blows up the labyrinth walls Paul just mentioned it just like in the LN.

Adrian Jansen

**SPOILERS** You are definitely right, i have read both WN and LN and it is stated that Roxy has a strong destiny, even if Rudy would have decided to not go to Begaritt Roxy's destiny was to survive.


What so this bitch got amnesia now?


I just realized this episode came out on Fathers Day and I find that funny