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The jig is up


halinton williams

Need clips of roshi and lupa sharing the same brain cell in they reactions


Shinomiya been fighting this whole time. The one hit was just the end of her gas

T̶C̶R̶ ̶ ̶R̶E̶-̶Z̶E̶R̶O̶

Y’all gotta remember it’s not the 3rd divisions fault they gotta arrest him it’s 2 stronger divisions that would do the same thing if they don’t

Drake Rage

They have said that Division 3 is the "Kaiju Annhilation" Unit, so I think they are the strongest. I do wonder what the other Divisions are specializing in, one of them is probably purely a Research&Development Division (They prolly going to be the most shady Division too, R&D always shady, lol.).

Stephen D

Mina: "I'm taking you into custody." Kafka:" Aight...bet."

Norman kay10

This episode was top tier

Markus Bryant

One thing I got out of this episode (manga readers correct me if I’m wrong lol). Everybody has a limit on their suit. Hoshina releases his limiters and he can go 92% for a certain amount of time before overheating. Kikoru can hold 55% for a time without overheating, and she’s been going for the entire fight killing Wyverns, so that last hit was the end of her time limit. So she burned out. Hoshina has a little more grit and experience, so he could fight through the burn out where she couldn’t. And Mina can go 96%, but she maintains it best when she takes time between her shots. That’s why the procedure for her is to ask Okinogi for permission to fire her weapon, so that she doesn’t burn out before the fight is over. She was close to burning out today because she told Okinogi that she would be skipping procedure due to the urgency of the situation.


Spoiler ass title lol


The squads reaction is annoying but makes sense, a fortitude of 9.8, first Kaiju to escape, and they’ve just been attacked by two humanoid Kaiju all around the time he arrived. I’m sure they want to trust him but it’s a risky situation, they’ve gotta consider whether he’s infiltrating, if he’s being impersonated by a Kaiju, if he can control it, etc.

Dectreise Uchiha

Bruh is sheera drunk or something 😭so loud

this a long ass username

Bro how hard is it to understand that when people live in a world where Kaiju are constantly killing them then you can bet your ass we won’t just trust a random 9.8 fortitude head ahh Kaiju. Besides there is a possibility from their perspective that it might even be beef between Kaiju, also they heard about a kaiju that can shit to a human so that adds even further to their mistrust.


I agree and disagree w u, the people closest to him should trust him because they’ve been close to him and realized how he is, the captain also realized that kafka never tried attacking him even tho he could’ve had many chances, and they cloud realize he hasn’t harmed anyone so far, and only comes by to kill other kaiju and disappear, don’t get me wrong in a world that kaiju’s are evil seeing one that goes around killing his own kind would make me think of the potential

Saucy Jonathan

I love this show I had to read the whole manga and it’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The show has been fun to me but this episode got me feeling like yeah this shit is actually pretty damn good lol


so i watched this on CR w/o seeing the title and it made the episode much better. i first thought Kafka was gonna save the VC but then homegurl showed up!!! pretty cool somebody other than Kafka came runnin in at the last minute! then per usual Kafka saves everyone at the last second!


The simultaneous spit blood from Lupa and Roshi lmao


damn kafka do something


not me thinking vice captain is mc here for a min


Idk why yall think they should automatically trust a humanoid kaiju when they've already seen they have ulterior motives that are detrimental to mankind. Sounds like an easy way to get manipulated and backstabbed just because the potential enemy "earned your trust" and infiltrated your ranks. Also note that theyre just arresting Kaiju No.8 since its their buddy. Not trying slaughter him while hes weak.


For those of you that need it, song name is Never Break Down and is only on TOHO's youtube channel for now

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Yeah they gotta arrest him now but I’m sure he’ll be fine by end of season. They gon work with him and hopefully not experiment too much but the worst part will be trying to mend those relationships. Maybe some other divisions won’t fw him but that’s to be expected

Rishad GB

"you can see in her eyes she doesnt wanna do it" seee this is why I watch yall


So the whole division barely survived a 9.0 and they think they can detain kafka, a 9.8??? absolutely laughable Also the way the captain took down that kaiju is the definition gettin ya back blown out sheesh