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chaotic episode



Ima start recommending the Fable it’s heat

danial javady

Hey where is the Digimon episode 3534 yall said yall was gonna react to?

Zay C.

Blue lieutenant got pushed into the elevator by afro boi and im assuming she dragged her sorry ass under the bridge

J Man

Battle Fever D is a reference to the Sentai Series Battle Fever J


i never saw that end scene dang

Hasnain Khan



is moving dropping today 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


nah parasyte hopefully


i lovveeeee this story it has honestly flipped my brain at times


I wonder what roshi thinks of all of us complaining about the adaptation. He never mentions it, for good reason of course, so I have no idea what someone who hasn't read the manga thinks about constantly hearing how bad the anime is. Anyway on to what's wrong with the episode in my opinion (even tho it’s objectively worse). Six and a half chapters covered in one episode and half of the content cut out. Seems about right for this anime honestly. What I found really funny is that the flashback of Aizome is supposed to be sentimental but they refuse to make more than six entire OSTs for the anime so they use the same carnival music they use for comedy, standard dialogue, and sometimes even tension scenes. Speaking of flashbacks did you know that 3 different flashbacks among D's classmates have been cut out by this point? Honestly with how much of a joke this adaptation is this anime should be considered comedy lmao. Also looks like they're moving things around again? I won't say what happens that they seem to have cut out but if it doesn't happen next episode they deadass cut out an entire fight scene.

Dann Robb

Honestly as an anime only, it's super annoying cuz the anime is awesome. The animation is good, the story is great, hell even the pacing is not as bad as y'all manga readers make it out to be.


First, ain't nobody reading all of that. Second, the only people I've seen complain about the anime are the manga readers. The anime onlys are having a great time. If you hate it so much, go do something else and let people enjoy things.


yes its a hidden gem this season. funniest anime this season

Osiris Cage

Y'all are the definition of the saying "misery loves company." I'm sorry you manga readers are hating the anime, BUT y'all gotta stop trying to get us to be miserable with y'all.


It’s interesting how you assume I’m trying to make you not like the anime. I said nothing about that in this post or my previous posts (if I said something that could be taken that way then oops). Although I would prefer people read the manga, since it’s just this but better, it’s my opinion only. I’m not forcing it on you or anything. Or you could be talking about in general in which case mb for thinking you were specifically talking abt me

Alejandro Rodriguez

blue ranger and his Lt. is rlly just Kenny and yachiru


Also for anime onlies try to understand you saying there’s nothing wrong with this show is fine because you haven’t experienced the story any other way. The manga readers have, and seeing such an objective downgrade in quality is kind of shitty for someone who likes the story.


I recommend reading the manga then, a lot of stuff that makes you care about anything happening has been cut out from the anime unfortunately.


people got awfully triggered by this comment. I haven't read the manga but even I would be upset if a book I read and loved, had most of it cut out. Imagine waiting for a long time for an adaptation and imagining all your most beloved scenes playing out on screen only to see half of them cut. That would disappoint anyone.


I started Kaiju #8 and Go Go Loser Ranger at the same time. And I really have to say that while one soared, nearing the heights of the great JJK, the other plummeted to the depths of Ninja Kamui. It's truly sad. I hoped for better.


I recommend the manga. If you think the story is interesting the manga actually does a good job at telling a story. Also while I respect your opinion, I think it’s kind of crazy to compare current kaiju no 8 to pre cg jjk. Not in terms of manga but anime.

Pan Cakes

Kaiju #8 has the greatest fall off in history if you even read the manga, do not compare that anime to JJK. just cause you get your fix of non stop battle shounen does not make the story good.


The last sentence applies very heavily to current jjk too tbf lmao. Also, I don’t find it that bad. It’s not the best but it’s not bad by any means either


if you think the kaiju 8 manga fell off imo youre actually retarded, it never changed its been the same, and honestly who cares in terms of reactions theyre going to love what happens late especially if it gets good animation

Doc Anime!

Yeaaahhhhh F the Manga!!!!! Lol the Anime is doing fine without me seeing a few dialogue scenes that weren't added. Folks just complaining too much


Imma be honest. I like the premise of this anime I really do .. but wow I kinda lost interest in the MC.


Lmaooo idgaf about that blue mf 😂 go find peltora and get put on a t shirt. Its monster gang this way 💯

Nick Vaughn

The dynamic between Blue and his partner kinda reminds me of Zaraki and Yachiru from Bleach. In terms of whole discourse with the anime vs the manga differences…I understand where manga readers are coming from if there are key details being cut. For instance, I know from the manga that the guy who D fights in the forest with the scythe and goo powers was changed in terms of us not getting the explanation behind his abilities. That frustration I get because I too felt like it was odd to cut out those details. I’m not familiar with anything else that was cut. All I can say is that as just an anime watcher, I’m enjoying the show right now. I like the concept and I like the characters. I also like the moral dilemma this show brings like what Sheera brought up too because yea the Rangers are corrupt but the monsters are still wanting to dominate humanity so I want to see how things further develop in that regard


I'm pretty sure blues partner was outside in the rain because the real Koguma from last episode helped her get away up the elevator. Weird that they skipped that tho


the boss sounds like the Japanese voice actor for Jiriaya from Naruto.


Sheera’s comment about XX’s form made me think of something. Could the Fighters have all been Human? 🤔


As an anime only I can tell they are rushing through the story and skipping a bunch of stuff. The episodes have no flow stuff is just happening. I've had to go back to see if I skipped an episode the way they jump into random scenes. Slowly loosing interest in this.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

As an anime only I understand where ya'll are coming from a little bit. 3 of my fave manga (possibly 4 but I haven't watched the LA for YYH yet) I was disappointed in the adaptations (Alice In Borderland, Undead Unluck, and GetBackers.) While I did like the adaptations for all 3, the manga for them are just so much better. Even putting the small understanding I have of ya'll aside tho I personally don't mind the complaints because it just makes me want to read the manga.

King of New York

I'm anime only rn and I'm loving it. May be my favourite this season. The cut from Aizome in the elevator last episode to her laying outside was the only thing that was really odd along with the episode opening with XXs form being revealed right away (Feels like something got cut) but it's not really affecting my enjoyment too much. The animation was crazy this episode too. I'm gonna read the manga after the season ends though.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

Obviously you're entitled to how you feel because we all like different things but putting this on the same level of fall off as Ninja Kamui is wild to me. And as a JJK manga reader: no comment.


I go out of my way to make sure that most of my first viewings of something are thru y’all, y’all goats fr🙏🏽💜


Blue Ranger is literally Bakugo. lmaoo

Delinda Arts

man i dont really care about any of these characters besides the Rangers and the yellow ranger's junior lmao when the blue ranger popped out i finally paid attention lol